Judgment DefaultCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 30, 2021on 6/25/2021 8:42 AM Reviewed By: D Harris Envelope: 6722443 EFS-OZO ArroaNev on PARTY WITHOUT AWORNEY: STATE BAR N04 m camruuany NAME=Christopher D. Mandarich SB 220693 FEM NAME Mandarich Law Group, LLP STREETADDREW P.0. Box 109032 WY! Chicago STATE: 1L Z'P 0095' 60610 TELEPHONE no.2 877285.491 8 FAXNO-r 818.888.] 260 E-MAIL ADDRESS: MTORNEY FOR'(nama): Midland Credit Management, Inc SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA. GOUN‘IY OF SANTA CLARA STREETADDRESS= I91 N FIRST STREET MAILING ADDRESS: cmmo zupoonE: SAN JOSE CA 951 13 BRANCH“Ma CASE NUMBER: PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: Midland Credit Management, Inc 2 1CV3 81 158 DEFENDANTIRESPONDENT: DUY PHAM JUDICIAL OFFICER: OTHER: DEPT; PROPOSED ORDER (COVER SHEET) NOTE: This cover sheet is to be used to decironicalty file and submit to the court a proposed order. The proposed order sen! electronically to the court must be in PDF format and must b‘e attached to this cover sheet. In addifion. a version of the proposed order in an editable word-processing format must be sent to the court at the same time as this cover sheet and the attached proposed order in PDF formatare filed. 1. Name of the party submitting the proposed order: Midland Credit Management, Inc 2- Title of the proposed order: Judgment Order 3. The proceeding to which the proposed order relates is: a. Description of proceeding: b. Date and time: a Place: 4. The proposed order was sewed on the othe'r‘parties in the case. Christopher D. Mandarich SB 220693 } O/OMM HYPE0R Pam NAME) (szATURE 0F PARTYon ArroaNEv) Fag“ of: mmmwmwuw PROPOSED ORDER (COVER sueen Mul-smumJuddai council ofcuibmia . , . rules 2252, 3.1312 EFs-ozo [Rat February 1. 2017] (Electronlc Fillng) mmmumv EFS-OZG CASE NAME: CASE NUMBER: Midland Credit Management, Inc V. DUY PHAM 21CV381 158 PROOF OF ELECTRONIC SERVICE PROPOSED ORDER. 1. I am at least 18 years old and not a party to this action. 3- My residence or business address is (special): b. My electronic service address is (special): 2_ I eiectronically served the Proposed Order (Cover Sheet) with a proposed order in PDF format attached, and a proposed order in an editable word-processing format as foilows: a. On (name ofperson served) (ffthe person sewed is an attorney, the party orparties represented should also be stated): b. To (electmnic service address ofperson served}: c. On (date): E] Electronic service of the Proposed Ombr (Cover Shae!) with me attached proposed order in PDF format and service of the proposed order in an editable word-processing format on additionai persons are described in an attachment I declare under penalty of perjury under the :aws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: ‘ JUN 2 3 202% RaqueELopez {TYPE OR Pmm‘NAME OF DECIARANT) (SIGNATURE 0F DECLARANT} 5mm m.mmmm pROPosen ORDER (COVER sneer) mom (Eiectronic Filing) For your protection and privacy, please press the Clear This Form buflon after you have printed the form. 10 11 12 13 l4 15 16 l7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PROOF OF SERVICE (C.C.P. §1013a; 2015.5) STATE 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA: I am employed in the County 0f Los Angeles, State 0f California. I am over the age 01 eighteen and not a party t0 the within action. My business address is 9200 Oakdale Avenue, Suit 601 , Chatsworth, CA 9131 1. On JUN 2 3 2021 , 2019, I served the foregoing document(s) described as: JUDGMENT ORDER 0n the interested parties in this action as follows: DUY PHAM 3150 VALMAINE CT SAN JOSE CA 95135-1 134 XX BY MAIL placing the envelope for collection and mailing following our ordinary 2i. business practices. I am readily familiar with this business practice for collecting and processing correspondence for mailing. On the same day that correspondence is placed for collection and mailing, it is deposited in the ordinary course 0f business with the United States Postal Service in a sealed envelope With postage fully prepaid. BY UPS Iplaced the above document(s) in sealed envelopes and placed them for deposit With UPS, prepaid for next day delivery. BY FACSIMILE Itransmitted the above document(s) by facsimile transmission t0 the parties and facsimile numbers set forth herein, BY PERSONAL SERVICE Iplaced the above document(s) in sealed envelopes andI delivered them by hand t0 the offices 0f the addressee(s). State: I declare under penalty 0f perjury under the laws 0f the State 0f California that the above is true and correct. Federal: I declare that I am employed in the office 0f a member 0f the bar 0f this court at Whose direction the service was made. Executed 0n JUN 2 3 2027 , 2020, at Chatsworth, California. JUDGMENT ORDER 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 JUDGMENT ORDER JUD-1 OG _“ Christopher D. Mandarich SB 220693 Mandarich Law Group, LLP P40. Box 109032 Chicago, IL 60610 TELEPHONE NO.:877.285.4918 FAX NO‘ (Optional):818.888.1260 E-MAEL ADDRESS (Optional): ATTORNEY FOR (Name); Midland Credit Management, Inc SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA STREET ADDRESS191 N FIRST STREET MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE;SAN JOSE CA 951 13 BRANCH NAME:DOWNTOWN COURTHOUSE PLAINTIFFMidland Credit Management, Inc DEFENDANT; DUY PHAM, an individual ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, state bar number, and address): g FOR COURT USE ONLY JUDGMENT CASE NUMBER:D By Clerk E By Defauat E After Court Tria: 21CV381 158 By Court E3 On Stipulation [:3 Defendant Did Not Appear at Trial JUDGMENT 1. BY DEFAULT a. Defendant was properly served with a copy of the summons and complaint. b. Defendant failed to answer the commaint or appear and defend the action wiihin the time ailowed by law. c. Defendant‘s defauit was entered by the clerk upon plaintiffs application. d. E Clerk‘s Judgment (Code Civ. Proc., § 585(8)). Defendant was sued only on a contract orjudgment of a court of this state for the recovery of money. , Court Judgment (Code Civ. Prom § 585(b)). The court considered (é) D piaintéffs testimony and other evidence. (2) plaintiff's written declaration (Code Civ. Proo, § 585(d)). CD 2. E 0N STIPULATKJN a. Plaintiff and defendant agreed (stipuiated) that a judgment be entered in this case. The court approved the stipulated judgment and b. D the signed written stipulation was filed in the case. c. a the stipulation was stated in open court I: the stipulation was stated on the record. 3. D AFTER COURT TRIAL. The jury was waived. The court considered the evidence. a‘ The case was tried on (date and time): before (name ofjudicial officer): b‘ Appearances by: C] Plaintiff {name each): E3 Plaintiff's attorney (name each): (1) (1) (2) (2)D Continued on Attachment 3b. [j Defendant (name each): E Defendant 's attorney (name each): ' (1) (1) (2) (2)E Continued on Attachment 3b. C. E] Defendant did not appear at trial. Defendant was properly served with notice of trial. d. D A statement of decision (Code Civ. Prom, § 632) E] was not E was requested. Page 1 of 2 Form Approved far Optional Use JUDGMENT Code of Civil Procedure, §§ 585, 564.6Judicial Council of California l||||H||W||HIIWIIHIIINIIIIIIINllllllllllllHllllllflHIII! PLAINTIFFsMidIand Credlt Management, Inc DEFENDANT: : DUY PHAM, an individual JUDGMENT IS ENTERED AS FOLLOWS BY: THE x g CASE NUMBER: 13210881158 COURT E THE CLERK 4. D Stipulated Judgment Judgment is entered according to the stipufiation of the parties. 5. Parties. Judgmentis a. E3 for plaintiff (name each): Midland Credit Management, Inc and against defendant {names}: DUY PHAM, an individual Continued on Attachment 53. b. D for defendant (name each): 6. Amount a. E Defendant named in item 5a above must pay plaintiff on the compfaint: c. E forcross-complainant (name each): and against cross-defendant (name each): E Continued on Attachment 5C. d. E for cross-defendant (name each): c, C] Cross-defendant named in item 5c above must pay cross-complainanl on the cross-complaint: (1) [E Damages $ $6,147.80 (1) D Damages $ (2) a Prejudgment $ 0,00 (2) C] Prejudgmeni $ interest at the interest at the annual rate of 10 % annual rate 0f °/o (3) :3 Attorney fees $ 0.00 (3) S Attorney fees (4) [Z1 Costs $ 322.00 (4) E Costs (5) E: Other (specify): $ (5) E] Other (specify): $ (6) TOTAL $ 6469.8 (6) TOTAL 5 b. E3 Plaintiffto receive nothing from defendant named in item 5b. Defendant named in item 5b to recover costs $D and attorney fees 8 7. E Other (specify): d. E Cross-complainant to receive nothing from cross-defendant named in item 5d. :1 Cross-defendant named in item 5d to recover costs $D and attorney fees $ Date: [:3 JUDICIAL OFFICER Date: S Clerk, by ~ DBPUW (SEAL) CLERK‘S CERTKFICATE (Optional) | certify that this is a true copy of the original judgment on file in the court. Date: Clerk, by ‘ Deputy Page 2 of 2 JUD-1OD [New January 1‘ 2002) JUDGMENT