Proof of Service Summons DLR CivilCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 28, 2021Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 6/24/2021 10:21 AM Reviewed By: System System Case #21CV381157 Envelope: 6714692 21CV381157 Santa Clara - Civil System System Pos-o1o ‘, ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUTATTORNEY (Numb, SIaIe Barhumber, a'nd address): V FOR COURT USE ONLY *West lmbod'en (3241-75) Davis Kratz (323799) Jeremy Kimmelman (322958) THE MOORE LAW GROUP APC (CA) 3710 S SUSAN ST STE 210, SANTA ANA CA 92704 TELEPHONE Na: (300) 506-2552 Fax No. (quonuu: (714) 754-9558 EMAIL ADDRESS (dpr'lonal): ; ArronNEYfiomanggw): Citibank,;N.A; summon coum‘ 0F .c'ALIF’ORN'tA, coum'y 0F SANTA CLARA STREETADDRESS: 191 North Flrst Streét MAILINGAonnessi CITY AND'ZIP cona- San Jo’se, 951 13 BRANCH NAME: SANTA CLARA COUNTY SAN JOSE COURTHOUSE- PLAINTIFFIPETITIONER Clflbank. N.A CASE‘NUMBERz- . 21CV381157 pEEENDANTIRESPONDENT: Nguyet M 'Vo: ' ' ‘ ‘ Ref. No. or Flis No.‘ PROOF 0F SERVICE QF SUMMONS 3394342 (Separate proof of service ls required for each party served.). 1. At th’e‘ time df s’ervice’ I wasl'a't least 18 years of age and not a patty to this-action. ‘l served copies of: 8- sum‘mqns complaint Alternative Dispute Resolufion (AIDR) package Civil Case Gave; Sheet (served in complex cases only) crossmmp'lajnt other {specify documents): CIVIL LAWSUIT” NOTICE EEEDEE #97219“? $2” m . 'Party'seryefl (Specify nam‘e‘ ofparfy as shown on documents served): Nguyet M Vo , A . . . , A Male‘, Asian, Black hair. A‘ge: 35,- 49 yrs’. Helght: 5'9"-' 6.'0 Weight: 130- 159 lbs b D Person (other than. the party m item 3a) served on behalf of an entity or as an authorized agent (and not a person . under item 5b on wh‘om substituted service Was made) (specify name and relationship to the party named m item 3a): 4. Addresswhere. Ithe party‘was served: 1300’1 -,Pfeifle Ave, San Jose, CA 95.1 111 5, léerved the party (checkprop'erbok) a by>~personal'se,rvice. I personally delivered lhedocumenls listed .in item 2 to the party or person authorized to receive‘serviche of process for thefparty (1) o‘n (date): 05I1»3I2021. (2) at (”mar 12:58 PM 'b. D by substituted:service. On (date): at (time): I left the documents listed In item 2 with O'r in the presence of (name and title or relationship to person indicated'In item 3). (1) E (b‘ugine‘ss) a p‘erson ’at least 18 yearsvof age apparently irj charge at thé office‘ or usual place of‘busin'e‘ss’ of the’ person to' belse‘rved». I informed‘hi‘m or her. ofih’eg‘en'eral, nature ofith‘e papers. (2) E (ho‘me) 'a competent member Of the household (at least 18 years of age) at the dwelling house or usual place of abode of the party. l informed him or her of th’e general nature of the papers. (3) D (physical address unknown) a person at least 18 years of age apparently“In charge at the usual mailing ‘ address of the‘ person lo be 'sen‘led. other than a United States‘ Postal Service post office box. I informed him or her of the general nature of the papers. (4) E] (thereafter mailed (by first-classl postage prepaid) copies otthedocumenis to ‘the person to be sewed at the-placeWhefeJhg copies were‘lefuoo'de Civ. Prioc.,x§ 41.5.20). I mailed the documents on (date): ffqm (city): orE a declaration of mailing is attached. (5) [:1 l attach a declaration-‘of diligence stating actions taken first'to attempt personal service. Page 1 df 2 Form Adopiéd tor Mafidqlory‘Usé' ‘ w I :, PRooF OF SERVICE ‘OF SUM'MON'S r t Code ofCivIIProcedme, §417. 10 Judlclal Council of Cahfamla Pos-mo [Re .J u 1.2007] FILE BY FAX ,V m my 06/07/2021 IIlllllmlilllllllllllllmlmmlnmlfll wmswmm PLAINTIfiFIPETI’TloNER;¢Itibank,,N.A. ’ c'Aser‘uumaen; -m , , . .V. . ., 21CV38‘1157 DEFENDANT/RESRONDENT: l§lguyet3M V0 A5. c E by mall and acknowledgment of receipt of service. I m‘alled th'e do'c‘umerits listed in Item 2 to the party, to the ”address shown'In item 4, by first-Class. mai! postage prepaid, ('1 )_ on (date): ‘ (2) from (city); "(3) .Ej With Mo cqpies of the' Noah‘s andAcknowledgment of-Receipt and a postage--paid return envelope addressed to m’e. (A_flach completed Notice and Acknowledgement of Receipt.) (Code Civ Proc. § 415 30. ) (4)E to an address outside California With return receipt requested. (que Civ Proc, § 415H40 ) d: E by 'other means (specW means of Service and authon'zing coda Section): E Additional page describing,sér‘vice [§~attached. ‘6 The "Notice to the Persqri SerVed" (on the sammons) w‘as completed as; follows: a. - as an Individual defendant b- E asithe person sued under the fibiitioua name Qf‘(sp_ecifjr): c‘ [:1 ~a’s‘obcL1pa‘ntZ d; E On behalf 9f (Specify); under the following Code of-Civil'Procedure section: E 41 6.10 (corporation) E 415.95 (business,‘organlzation. form‘unknown) Elmamwmmmwmmmm ElmammmmD 4.16.30 (joint stock companylassociation) E 416 7O (Ward or-conservatee)U 416.4O (association 'or partnership) D «416.90 (authorizedvvperson)D 4.15.50 (publlg.e‘ntity)‘ D 41'5.45‘6'(occupant)vD' other: 7. Person who sewed papers a. Name: HECTOR TORRES I ProVest California LLC Reg. No :1539 Reg. County: San Diego Address: 4241 Jutland Drive, Suite 203, San Diego, CA 92117 Telephone numbelj: 877-789-6846 The fee for service was: $65.00 l-a'm: 9.0-9.0“ (1)a ' not avregistered California process server. (2)‘ E: exempt'from registration under Business and’P‘rOfessiqns Code, section 2235005). (3) a registered California process server: I _ '(I') E owner E: employee ifide‘bénde‘ntitjdntfictpr‘. (ii) Registration No_.: PS1 741 . (iii) County: SANTA CLARA 81 ' lyeclare under penalty ‘of perjury under the laws of th‘eIState ofCalifornia that the fbregoing is lr'ue an‘d correét; r or 9'. D l‘am‘a'CaIifomia sherifm'r marshalla‘nd i‘cerfify that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: 05/2012021 V 71 . HECTORTQRR‘ES ' p # x (NAME OF PERSON WHO‘SERVED PAPERslsHERIEF OR MARSHALL (SIGNATURE ) Pos-ow [Ram Janua‘r‘9 1,2007] Rage: 2 on»PROOF OFEERVICE 6F SUMMON‘S‘ lllllllflllilllllllllllllllllflllllllllllilll