Default PendingCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 30, 2021on 8/23/2021 7:58 AM Reviewed By: A. Villanueva Envelope: 7112747 21CV381141 Santa Clara - Civil A. VillanuevaCIV-105 TrORNEY 0R PARTY wrrHOUT AN ATIORNEY STATE BAR Ho. AME: Mam w‘ Qua". Esq «183759/ ijeu K4 3m. Enq. $297142 m cw” "SEa" many A. Pack Esq. #3231591 Claudia Yvette Cu; Esq. #328212/Inyid v. Cum. #3n349 RM NAME: Quailcm LLP TREEr ADDRESS: 205 E. RNERMRK CIRCLE #1 lo rrY: Fresno STATE: CA ZIP CODE: 93720 IHHONE No. 888489-1231 FAX No. 5594180330 MAIL ADDRESS mRNEY FOR (name): CAVALRY srv I. LLC UPERIOR COURT or CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0|? Sun Clan TREET ADDRESS: 191 N. FimSm MAILING ADDRESS: cm AND ZIP CODE; San Jose CA 951 13 BRANH NAME: CIVIL Plunu‘ ‘Mahiona: CAVALRY SPV I. LLC Defamunwpondem: JILL M COLONNA. an individual CASEm Reouasr FOR(window E Entry ofMun E Judgmm "CV”H“ For uu only In actions undo: tho Falr Debt Buying Pncucos Act (CIv. Code. 5 1788.50 ct uq.) l. 0n the whim or cmsx-conplaim filed a. on (date): 04/300021 b by (name): CAVALRY SPV L Ll£ c. E Ema default ofdcfendam (names):JlLL M COLONNA. an individual d E Inquest ajudynan under Civil Code section 1788.60 and Code ofCivil Pmcedule secfion 585 Igninn defaldlnl (names): nu. M COLONNA. m individual (Testimony may be required. Chock with the clerk regarding whether a hearing date ls needed.) o. D Dofaultwas previously unwed on (date): Judgmnt to b00mm. W 8- Demand of complalnt‘ $1,842.63 s n Interest 50.00 s C- Costa (see page 3} $292.00 s d. Aflomey fees 5 s e TOTALS $2,134.63 5 Ctedits acknowiodged Balance 31.84163 $0.00 S 292.00 S $2. l 34.63 (‘Must be established by business records, authenticated through a sworn declaration. submitted with this application. (Clv. Code, §§ 1788.58(a)(4). ”8830(8).” This action is not barred by the applicable statute of limitations (Civ. Code. § 1788.56). 4. Requirement formo complalnt. a. 1h: complaint allega ALL of the following (Civ. Code. §§ 1788.58. 1788.60): (1) name phimmiuddx buys. (2) A short. plnin smcmenl warding the name oflhc underlying debt and thecomm unmaction from which il is derived; (3) Tim Ihc plaintiff is EITHER the sole owna ofthe debt OR has the authority to asun me rim of Ill ownas of them (4) The dwt balance u chargc-ofi“ and an explanation ofme umum Ind nature of. and reason for. nll poa-charge-ofi‘ imam Ind fees. if my. imposed by the charge-ofi‘ creditor 0t my subaequmt purchases of the debt; (5) 1h: data of die default OR the date of the Inst puma“: (6) Thennmcmdaddras ofmcclmga-ofl'cmditornmctimeofchuge-ofl'inwmcian fonn mammmbly iduldfythechnge-off endiwr. andlhe chuge-ofi‘ creditofs account numbu' associated with thedebt; mm: amlzm'm“ u" REQUEST FOR ENTRY OF DEFAULT avaoo m. Jam 1. mo; (Fdr Dob! BuylngW Act) CoadavlW, 9m;CM Coda. i 1mmMM", CIV-105 ' tifi/Pdiimer. CAVALRY SPV l. LLC CASENUMBER: uxdanL/Retpondan: JILL M COLONNA ZICVJIIMI 4. & (7) ThenuneandlastknownnddressoflhedebmraslhcyWhmcchumooflcmdimflmdspriormthesflcomncdeh: (8) mmmmmofulpamormfifiesmupmchueddnedcbinfiacmo-ofll inchldhgmepla'mufidebtbweranfliciml ronnnoummnsmably idmufyachmhmhmmd (9) Tm me pmmm has complied with Civil Code section 173851 b. Awpyoftheconmcl wothadommtdacn‘bcd inCivilCodeseclion l788.52(b)isnmchedlod1ecomplainl. 5. Mundo- rcq-iremenu fur default judgment. ALL ofme following documentm sulmu'ued with thismt for defnultjudwl (Civ. Coda. 5 l788.60(u)-(c)): a‘ A copy othe convict or olha documem cvidmcin; theWu 1m! lo Ihc den. Imhmficmed Ihmugh Iswomdeclamion. See Civil Code swim ”8852(6) miding documumtion. including for mowing audit mu. b. Business mafiJmham'cmndlhmfll Iswom declanfion. to esublish: (1) Tlullhcphinfifi'isElTHEthcioleowneroffiedethRhulhelmhu'ityloWdlcriwuofllluwna'sofmedm; (2) 1hcdebth-hncclchuue-off,mdnnaplmnfion ofmcmmmdmmofimdmfmnflpoa-dmo-ofimmdfea. if my.invmedbythcchugo-ofiewditmormywbsequau wdusmofthedcbt; (3) The due of the deflull 0R die due of lhc last paymmt; (4) Themandaddrm ofthcchuge-ofl‘cmdimr Inhcu'mc ofchuge-ofl‘inwfficianform scum mbly idmtifyflnechage-ofi creditor. andme chame-ofl‘ creditors account numba associated vim (he ddu: (5) mommmmwnnddmofmedmnstheyawnndinthechame-oficmdimmmmmmenkoflhedehzmd (6) “emmmofulmummummmthedduaflermaw. includingfl‘veplalnflfidommyenin sumdemtormsoastoreasonably Identifyeachsuch purchaser. D“ AUG 1 7 2021 ‘ M), AM (TYPEORWW) ( mOFPLANTFFMATmYFORWFH FOR cougr (1) Ll Defaultenteredasrequestodonq’dato): us: ONLY (2) D DetaunNO‘remered as requestedamamason): Chm W . DOW 6. Legaldocument assistant or unlawful detalner assistant (Bus.& Prof. Code, § 6400 et seq.).A legal document asstsmnt or unlawful demiper assistant Ddid -did not for compensation ’ve advice or assistgnce wigh this $131. Ifdeclamnt has recewed any help or adwcc for pay fi'om a legal document 33515 t or unlnwfixl detamcr assistant, a. Assistant's name: c, Telephone no.2 b. Street addrm. cfly. andupoode: d. County at registration: e. Registration no.: f. Expires on (date) 7 E o.cI-rauon undu Proc.. § 585.5 (foremryorderaun under Code CIv. Proc., g 585(9)). Thus swan a. D ls Is nm ona comma! orinstallment salefor goods or services subjectto Civ. Code. § 1801 etseq. (UnruhAcl). b. E isE is notonaconditional salescontractsubjocfloClv. Code. 52981 alseq. (Rees-Levering MotorVehicle Sales and Finance Act). c. E IsD is notonan obligation forgoods. services. loans. orextensions ofcredltsubjecttoCode Clv. Proc.. §395(b). 0""05 M-“W1m REQUEST FOR ENTRY OF DEFAULT ”" 7“ 3 (Fair Debt Buying Pncfleu Act) CN-105 uhmfiemioner: CAVALRY SW I. LLc ummmmmm; JILL M COLONNA :Icvsum 8. DocIarnion of malllng (Code Clv. Ptoc.. § 587). A copy of this Request for Entry o! Default was a. D notmallod to the following defendants. whose addresses are unknown to piaintflf or plaintiffs attorney (names): b. mlbd first-class. postage prepaid. in a sealed envelope addressed to each defendant's auomey of record or. fl none, to each defendant's last known address as lollows: (1) Mailed on (dale): (2) To (specify names and addresses shown on tho envelopes): AUG 1 7 2021 "LL M coumm 939 LAKE TAHOE CT SAN JOSE CA 95l23-2453 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws ofmg Slam of California that tho foregoing items 6. 7. and 8 are true and correct.m AUG 17 2021 x WW Amu M1W ("FEW “NTW) (mm o: neewwm 9. Doclanflon of nonmllml'y tutu: (required forajudgmenu. No defendant named In Item 1c of the application ls In the military service as that term ls defined by either the Servloamembers Civil Relief Act. 50 U.S.C. App. § 3911(2). or Calnomba Military and Veterans Code sections 400 and 402(f). l0. Memorandum ofmu (required Wmoneyjudgmon! requested). Costs and disbursements are asfollows (Coda Civ. Proc.. §1033.5): a Clem'sfillngfees S 225.00 b Processsetver'sfaes ........................................ s 67 00 c Otl'cr(specify): S 0 00 d e TOTAL ............................. . ........... 29200 E Costsanddlsbursemems arewaived. g. Iamtheattomey,agam, orpfimedainumesaoosmTomobefldmyknowledgeandbelMthis memorandum 01ml: correa andflwse nous werenecessaflly incumd in thls ease. r‘ I declare under penany of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing items 9 and 10 are true and correct. We: AUG 1 7 2021 NW” AWC ’L/v] Vi. mosmm mu) \, (mm 0F Dewar) emu mm: REQUEST FOR ENTRY 0F DEFAULT W ”'3 (Fair DOM Buying Procflm Mt)