Request DismissalCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 28, 2021FAX NO (Oppccsg 408-362-2299 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTOR ~ EY(name Sfsis Bain mhec scd sddrsss) Hunt 8 Hennques, Attorneys at Law Donald Sherng ¹266038 I I Donald Shernll ¹266038 7017 Realm Dr, San Jose CA 95119 TELEPHONE NO 800-680-2426 E MAIL ADDRESS (Ophpcsii )n(O hunthennqueg COm ATTORNEY FOR (Name) Pleifitiff FOR COURT USE ONLY CIV-110 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA $TREETAQDREss 191 North First Street MAI( ING ADDRESS c(TYANDEIP coDE San Jose CA 95113 BRANCH NAME Downtown Supenor Court PLAINTIFF/PETO )ONER CaPital One Bank (USA), N A DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT BERND D RATSCH REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL CASF NUMRFR 2ICV381098 A conformed copy will not be returned by the clerk unless a method of return is provided with the document. This form may not be used for dismissal of a derivative action or a class action or of any party or cause of action in a class action. (Cal. Rules of Court, rules 3.760 and 3.770.) I TO THE CLERK Please dismiss this action as follows a. (1) ~ With prejudice (2) ~X Without prejudice b. (1) ~X Complaint (2) Cj Petition (3) ~ Cross-complaint filed by (name) on (dale) (4) ~ Cross-complaint filed by (name). on (dale) (5) Mx Entire action of all parties and all causes of action (6) ~ Other (specify) * 2. (Comp/ete in a/I cases except family law cases ) The court J J did ~x did not wawe court fees and costs for a party in this case. (This in/orma/ion may be obtained from the c/erfr I/court fees and cos/s were waived, fhe dec/aration on the back oflhrs form must be comp/eted) Date September 2, 2021 Donald Sherrill ¹266038 !1YPEORPR(NT NAME OF ~X ATTORNFY ~ PARTY)NIT))QUTATTORNEY) (,SIGNATURE) 'If dismissal requested is of spsofisd parties only ofspsofied causes ofsction Attorney or Party WithOut attarney far only, orofspeofied cross complaints only, so state snd identify the parties causes of action or cross complaints lo be dismissed Plaintiff/Petitioner M Defendant/Respondent Cross-Complement 3 TO THE CLERK: Consent to the above dismissal ts hereby given "* Date iTYPE QR PRINT NAME Qr ~ ATTORNEY [ J PARTY WITHOUT Ai (ORNEY) '" lf a cross-complsmt - or Response (Family Lsw) seekirtg affirmative relief - is on file the attorney for cross-comp(am( (respondent) must sign ibis consent if required by Code of Civil Procedure section 551 li) or (II (To be completed by clerk) 4 ~ Dismissal entered as requested on (date) (SIGN)i(URE) Attorney or party without attorney for Plaintiff/Petitioner ~ Defendant/Respondent Cross-Complainant 5 ~ Dismtssal entered on (date) as to only (name) 6 I Dismissal not entered as requested for the following reasons (speci/y) 7 a M Attorney or party without attorney notified on (date) b,' Attorney or party without attorney not notified Fikng party failed to provide i a copy to be conformed ~ means to return conformed copy Date J desi C 1 c(Csi 5 s clv110(Re J- 1 7517) DD0002CU Clerk, by REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL III I IIIIIIIII II III I'l III I II , Deputy Page 1 of 2 Ccd ofC IP ccedv e 5551eissq G c dp gssr57( ) csi R isscfcc it iesissc 1453977 001 Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 9/7/2021 11:10 AM Reviewed By: Tunisia Turner Case #21CV381098 Envelope: 7212037 21CV381098 Santa Clara - Civil Tunisia Turner 9/7/2021 11:10 AM 9/7/2021 11:10 AM X 9/7/2021 11:10 AM Tunisia Turner X Pi A)NT)FF)PET)T)ONER Capftai Qne Bank tUSA), NA CIV-110 DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT BERND 0 RATSCt-I 21CV381098 CQURi'S RECGVFRY GF vVAiVED CGURi FEES AND CQSiS If 0 vfh 0 rt f o pa t Y o oi,piti II .. I,oN 6 o,,o N YANII,,oT etn nnnV ''2 '"'' ' '' '"'2 more in value by way of settlement, compromise, arbitration award, mediation settlement, or other means, the court has a statutory lien on that recovery. The court may refuse to dismiss the case until lhe hen is satisfied (Gov Code, ti 68637 ) Declaration Concerning Waived Court Fees 1 The court waived court fees and costs in this action for (name): 2 The person named in item 1 is (check one below). a. ~ not recovenng anything of value by this action b. ~ recovenng less than $ 10,000 in value by this action. c. ~ recovenng $10,000 or more in value by this action. (If(tern 2c ts checked, tfem 3 must be completed) 3 ~ Allcourtfeesandcourtcoststhatwerewawedinthtsactionhavebeenpaidtothecourt(checkone). I i Yes ~ No I declare under penaliy of periury under the laws of the State of California that the information above is true and correct. Date ITYFE. OR PRINT NAME OF ~ ATTORNEY ~ PARTY MAKING DECLARATION) fsIGNATORE) ca/110)RF J n ayi YD'aj DD0002CU REQiJEST FQR DISNtfSSAI Paa 2 of 2 1453977.001