Summons Issued FiledCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 23, 2021SUM-‘lDD FOR COURT USE ONLY (SOLO PARA USO DE LA CURVE} SUMMONS Electronically filed CITAWON JUDICIAL - NOTICE To DEFENDLNT: ) by SUPer'Or court 0f CA, (AVISO AL DEMANDADO): County 0f Santa Clara. on 4/23/2021 1:16 PM Thomas Le Reviewed By:AshIey Mackenz' Case #21 CV381 O41YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: (LO ESTA DEMANDADO EL DEMANDANTE): Env #6305359 Discover Bank 1 NOTICE! You have been sued‘ The court may decide against you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read [he information below. You have 3D CALENDAR DAYS after lhis summons and legal papers are served on you to file a wnllen response at this court and have a copy served on the plaimiff. A letter or phone call will not protect yOu. Your wntten response must be in proper 1egal form ifycu want the court to hear your case‘ There may be a court form 1hat you can use lo: your response. You can find these court forms and more information at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www.courn‘nfo.cagov/seu'help), your county law library. or the counhouse nearest you. If you cannnot paythe filing fee, ask the cuuri clerk for a fee waiver form. ll you do not file your response 0n lime. you may lose the case by default. and your wages. money. and property may be taken wilhoul furiherwarning from the court There are omer legal requiremenis. You may wanl lo call an allorney right away. If yDU do not know an atlamey. you maywant 10 call an attorney referral service. h‘ you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible fur free legal services from a nonprofit legal services program. You can locale these nonprofit groups at 1he California Legal Services Web Site {www.fawhelpcahfomia,org], the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www.cnurflnfo.cagovfseimmp], or by contacting your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a slatulory lien for waived fees and cosls on any semement or arbilraiion award of 510.000 or more in a civil case‘ The wun's lien must be paid before lhe coud win dismiss lhe case. Aviso! Lo han demandado. Si no responds denim de 30 dias. Ia cone puede deodir en su contra sun escucnar su version. Lea Ia informacion a continuacion. Tiene 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO despues de que Fe entreguen esta cilacian y papetes regales para presenter una respuesra por escm‘o en esfa code y hatter qua 5e entregue una coma a! demandanre. Una carta o una Hameda (elefonica no Io protegen. Su respuesta par escn‘ro hene que ester en {ormaro regal correcro si desea qua procesen su caso en Ia code. Es posible que haya un formuiano que usted pueda user para su respuesla‘ Puede encontrar eslas farmulan'os de Ia code y mas infomacion en e} Cenrm d9 Ayuda d9 fas Cortes d9 Cah'foma'a (,guw. en Fa bfbfioleca d9 feyes desu condado o en fa cone que le quede mas cerca‘ Si no puede pager la cunts de presemacion, pida a! secreran'o a'e Ia code qua Je de un formurano o‘e exencinn de page de cuolas. Si no preenl‘a su respuesla a n'empo. puede perder er caso par :‘ncumphmiento y {a corre Ie podra qua'far su seuldo, dinero y bienes sin mas adverrencr'a‘ Hay otros requisites Iegales. Es recomendable que Mama a un abogado mmedratamenre St no conoce a un abogado, puede flamar a un servicio de remision a abogados‘ Si no puede pagara un abogada, es posibre que cumpJa can m: requisites para obrener sem‘cr‘os Iegafes gratuiros de un programs de servicios Jegales sin fines d9 lucm, Puede encontrar astos grupos sin fines d9 lucro en e! silio web d9 Cah'fcmia Lega! Services, [www.lawhelpcalIfonianrg), en e! Cenrro de Ayuda de Jas Cones California, (} o poniendose en contacto con fa cone o e! cofagio de abogados locates AVISO: Por fey. Ia code tiene derecho a reclamarias cuotas y tos cosros exenfus par imponer un gravamen sabre cuaqu'er recuperacion de $10,000 o mas de vaior recibida mediante un acuerdo a una concesr'on de arbitraje en un caso o'e derecho civil. Tiene que pager e! gravamen de la cone am‘es de que Ia code pueda desechar e! caso The name and address of the court is: CASE NUMBER: (El Hombre y dfreccion de Ia cone es): (Numem del Case): Superior Court of California County of Santa Clara 191 N First Street 21 CV381 041 San Jose. CA 951 13 The name, address and telephone number of plaintiff‘s attorney. or plaintiff without an attorney is: (El nombre, Ia direccr'on y 9f numeral de Eefefono def abogado def demandanfe. 0 def demandanfe que no Sierra abogaod, es)“ Gurstel Law Firm. P.C. (8??) 344-4002 Gloria Zarco, Kimberlee Tsai, Rachel W. Haney 9320 E Raintree DL, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 A hl M k nzi DATE: Clerk. by S ey ac e e , Deputy F a (Sacretan’o) (Aojr'unto) 4/35/2021 1:1 6 PM Clerk of Court (For proof of semce 0f (his summons, use Proof of Service of Summons (form POS-OTUH {Para pmeba d9 enlrega de esta citation use e.‘ formulan‘o Proof of Service of Summons, (P084011) NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: You are served 1. D as an individual defendant. 2, D as the person sued under the fictitious name of (specify): 3. D on behalf of (specify).- under: D CCP 415.10 (corporation) D CCP 416,60 (minor) D CCP 416.20 {defunct corporation) D CCP 416.70 (conservalee) D CCP 416,40 (association 0r partnership) U CCP 416.90 (auihorl'zed person) [3 other (specify).- 4‘ D by personal delivery 0n {dare}: Page 1 of 1 Form Adopted for Mandatory Use SUMMONS Code al‘ Ciwl Frucedule. § 412.20. 465 Judma‘ Cuunml ol Califurma wwwicourlinfofiagov summon [Reu Juwy 1,2009}