Declaration CCP 585Cal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 5, 202110 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 21 CV379881 Santa Clara - Civil Erin E. Patterson, SBN 262285 Jason W. Tang, SBN 3 14337 Patrick J. Layman, SBN 59643 Thomas J. Sebourn, SBN 279272 Nicholas J. Babilis, SBN 291676 Carina M. Jordan, SBN 302099 Shane T. Wate, SBN 302738 Suttell & Hammer, APC P.O. Box C-90006 Bellevue, WA 98009 Tel: (425) 455-8220/(888) 788-8355 Facsimile: (425) 453-3239 Attorneys for Plaintiff s/h 757426.001 Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 8/1 0/2021 2:46 PM Reviewed By: A. Villanue Case #21 CV379881 Envelope: 7032996 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Case No.: 21CV379881 DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF ENTRY Plaintiff, 0F JUDGMENT CCP § 585 (d) LIMITED CIVIL CASE DISCOVER BANK vs. RODOLFO SILVA Defendant. The Declaration is attached hereto and incorporated herein. DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF ENTRY OF JUDGMENT CCP 585 (d) - 1 SUTI'ELL & HAMMER, APC PO BOX C-90006; BELLEVUE, WA, 98009 888-788-8355/425-453-3239 FAX A. Villanueva V3 ACCOUNT NUMBER: XXXXXXXXXXXX0671 BALANCE: $2,927.21 CARDMEMBER (S): RODOLFO SILVA STATE OF OHIO COUNTY OF FRANKLIN Patrick Sayers, personally appeared before me, 0n this day and after being duly sworn, according to law, and upon my oath and states as follows: I am a Litigation Support Coordinator for DISCOVER PRODUCTS INC., successor by merger to DB SERVICING CORPORATION, the servicing affiliate ofDISCOVER BANK, an FDIC insured Delaware State Bank. DISCOVER PRODUCTS INC. is responsible for, among other things, maintaining account records pertaining to Discover Card accounts and interacting with Discover Card account holders with regard to payments owed 0n those accounts. This affidavit is made on the basis ofmy personal knowledge and in support of the Plaintiff‘s suit on account against the Cardmember(s). In my capacity as Litigation Support Coordinator, Ihave knowledge regarding, and access to, records regarding theDiscover Card account of the above referenced Cardmember(s). DISCOVER PRODUCTS INC. maintains these records in the ordinary course of its business, and the records are updated with infomation on events (such as charges and payments on the account) by individuals with personal knowledge of those events or by automated processes that track such events at or near the time that the events occur. The same systems that record this information also generate periodic statements that are sent t0 Discover Cardmember(s), and store copies of these periodic statements. In addition, these same record-keeping systems contain information about which version of Discover Bank’s terms and conditions has been communicated to an account holder and accepted by an account holder through the use of his or her Discover Card after receipt of the terms and conditions. Ihave personally inspected the records pertaining to the account of the Cardmember(s), including the last periodic statement sent t0 the Cardmember(s) by DISCOVER PRODUCTS INC, to ascertain the applicable terms and conditions, the balance due on said account and whether the Cardmember(s) have made payments on that balance. According t0 the records maintained by DISCOVER PRODUCTS INC, Plaintiff is the current owner of this receivable and retains all rights to pursue collection from Cardmember(s) for this purpose. According t0 the records maintained by DISCOVER PRODUCTS INC., during the period of time that account statements were generated, such statements were either provided to the Cardmember(s) electronically or mailed to the Cardmember(s) at the address maintained on file during that time period. According to the records maintained by DISCOVER PRODUCTS INC, the last known address associated with the Card1nember(s) is/are: 4100 THE WOODS DR # C504 SAN JOSE, CA 95 136-2275 The account is in default because the Cardmember(s) have not paid the amounts due and owing to Discover Bank on the account. The business records maintained by DISCOVER PRODUCTS INC. and de cribed above show that the last payment that Plaintiff received 0n the Account was posted on 0r about 6 Z2 [r20 . The business records maintained by DISCOVER PRODUCTS INC. and described above show that the Cardmember(s)’ account with Discover Bank at the time of default was governed by terms and conditions SUT_SILVA_1 1 89700_1 .7CA 1.7CA referred to as “terms level 28K.” A true and correct copy of these terms and conditions have been provided to DISCOVER PRODUCTS INC.’s counsel in this case. Exhibit A is a true and accurate copy of the last periodic statement sent by DISCOVER PRODUCTS INC. to the Cardmember(s), retrieved from the record-keeping system described above. Exhibit B is a true and accurate copy of information retrieved from DISCOVER PRODUCTS INC.’s record- keeping system that shows the current balance due and owing on the Cardmember(s)’ account. Exhibit B reflects the balance that includes any activity occurring on the account after the last statement (Exhibit A). DISCOVER PRODUCTS INC. has access to a system of records maintained by the United States Department of Defense, which allows DISCOVER PRODUCTS INC. to ascertain Whether a particular person is engaged in active duty in any branch of the U.S. military. It is the regular practice ofDISCOVER PRODUCTS INC. to query this system With respect to any account holder prior to initiating a collection action against that account holder. DISCOVER PRODUCTS INC. maintains records in the normal course of its business that indicate the results 0f that query. Based 0n my review of the account records applicable to Cardmember(s), to the best of my knowledge and belief the above referenced Cardmember(s) is not engaged in any 0f the military services 0f the United States. Plaintiff requests that the Exhibit A and Exhibit B attached hereto be accepted in lieu of the original documents. I declare under penalty of peljury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct to the best ofmy knowledge. Affi Abigail I Hewett Notary Public, State of Ohio My Commission Expires May 30, 2023 SUT_SILVA_1 1 89700_1 .7CA 1.7CA CM.TL28K.LIN.O620 Thank you for choosing Discoverg card. This Agreement explains the current terms and conditions of your Amount. The enciosed Pricing Schedule is part of this Agreement Pfiease read zhis Agreement, including the Pricing Schedule, carefully, Keep them for your records. Contact us if you have any questions. We have included a ”Definitions" section fer your reference on page 3. ACCENANCE OF AGREEMENT You accept this Agreement if you do not cancel your Account within 30 days after receiving a Card. You aiso accept this Agreement if you or an Aathorized User use the Account You may, however, reject the "Arbitration of Disputes” section as explained in that section. CHANGES TO YOUR AGREEMENT The rates, fees and Eerms of this Agreement may change from time {o téme. We may add or deleée any term to this Agreement If :equéred by Jaw, we wiil give you advance written notice of the change{s) and a {fight t0 reject the change(s). We wifl net chazge any fee 0r interes? charge prohibited by law, USING YOUR ACCOUNT Permitted Uses You may use your Account for Purchases, Bafanie ?ransfers and Cash Advances, You may not use it ?or ilEegal transactions. Authorized Users You may request additional Cards for Authorized Users t0 make transactions on yon! Amount. Ycu must notify us if you wish to cancef the authority of an Authorized User to use your Account. You are responsible for all charges made by your Authorized Users. Joint Accounts If your Account is a joint Account 0 each of you agrees to be liable individually and jointly for the entire amount owed on the Account; and v any notice we mail to an address provided by eithey 0f you for the Account will serve as notice to both of you, Checks If we provide you with Checks, we will tell you whether we WEN treat the Check as a Purchase, Saiance Transfer or Cash Advance. You may not use these Checks to pay any amount you owe us. Credit Authorizations We may not authorize a transaction £0: security or ether reasons. We will not be iiable to you éf we decline to authorize a {zansaction or if anyone refuses your Card, Check or Account number. Credit Lines We will tel! you what your Account credit line Es. You must keep your Accozsm baiance beiow your Account credit line. If you d0 mi, we may request immediate payment 0f the amount by which you exceed it We may establish a flower credit line for Cash Advances. We may increase or decmase your Account credit line 0r your Cas‘fi Advance credit )éne withoui nofice, We may delay increasing your availabie credit by the amount of any payment that we receive for up to 10 business days. FEES (See your Pricing Schedule for Additional Fees) Late Fee We will not charge a Late Fee the firsttime you do not make the Minimum Payment Due by the Payment Due Date. After that, if you do not pay the Minimum Payment Due by the Payment Due Date, we will charge you a Late Fee. The fee is $29, if you were not charged a Late Fee during any of the prior six billing periods. Otherwise, the E'ee és 340. This fee wiil never exceed the Minimum Payment Due that was due immediately prior to the date on which the fee was assessed Returned Payment Fee [f you make a payment that is not honored by yew financial institution, we WEI! charge you a Returned Payment Fee even if the payment is honomd after we re- submit it. T‘ne fee is $29 if you were not charged a Returned Payment Fee duréng any of ihe prior six béliing periods‘ Cthenvise, the fee is 540, T‘nis fee w§l| nevef exceed the Minimum ?ayment Due that was due immediaieiy prior to the date on which the payment was returned :0 ass ANNUAL ?ERCENTAGE RATES ("APRS") (See your Pricing Schedule for the APRs that appiy to your Account) Variable APRs Your Pricing Schedule may indude variable APR; These APRs are determined by adding the number of percentage points that we specify to the Prime Rate. Variable APRs will increase or decrease when the Prime Rate changes. ?he APR change wii! take efz’ect on the first day of the billing period tint begins dur§ng the same calendar month that the Prime Rate changes. An increase in the APR will increase your inierest chargesand may'increase you: Minimum Payment Due‘ Penalty APR None MAKiNG PAYMENTS Payment Instrmtions - You must pay in U.S. dollars. Piease do not send cash‘ Sending cash is not allowed. All checks must be drawn on funds 0n deposit in the U.S. 0 You must pay us for an amounts due on your Account. This includes charges made by Authorized Users. ' We may refuse to accept a payment in a foreign currency. [f we do accept it, we wil! charge your Account our cost t0 convert it to U.S. dollars. - We can accept late payments, partial payments or payments marked “payment in full" or with any other restrictive endorsement without losing any of our rights under this Agreement. v We credit your payments in accordance with the terms contained on your billing statement. ' h‘you mail your payment to an address other than the address designated on your biliing statement, there may be a delay in processing and crediting the payment to yew Account.- ' If a third party makes a payment on your Account and we return all or a par: of such payment, then we may adjust your Account for any amount returned. We reserve the right to defend ourselves against any demand to return funds we have received, and may agree t0 a compromise of the demanded amount as part of a settiement. Minimum Payment Due ©2020 Discover Bank, Member FDIC You may pay the entire New Balance shown on your billing statement at any time, Each biliing period you must pay at least the Minimum Payment Due by the Payment Due Date shown on your billing statement. The Minimum Payment Due win be any amount past due plus the greater of: 0 S35; or v 2% of the New 8alance shown 0n your billing statement; or 0 $20, plus any of the following charges as shown on your bEIIing statement: fees -1- for any debt protection product that you enroiied in on or after 2/1/2035; Interest Charges; and Late Fees. The Minimum Payment Due may also include amounts by which you exceed your Account credit line. However, it will never exceed the New Balance. When we calculate the Minimum Payment Due, we may subtract from the New Baiance certain fees added to yourAccount during the billing period. The Minimum Payment Due is rounded up to the nearest dollar, MAKiNG PAYMEMS How We Apply Payments We apply payments and credits at our discretion, Enduding in a manner most ?avorable or convenient for us. In all cases, we Wm apply paymenzs and credits as required by applicable §aw, Each biiiing period, we wiil generaliy apply amounts you pay that exceed the Minimum Payment Due tc- balances with higher APRS before balances with iower APR: as of the date we credit your payment. INTEREST CHARGES How We Cakulate interest Charges-Daiiy Balance Method (including current transactions) We calculate interest charges each billing period by first figuring the "daily balance" for each Transaction Category. Transaction {azegories inciude standard Purchases, standard Cash Advances and different promotionai batances, such as Baiance Transfers. How We Figure the Daiiy Balance for Each Transaction Category - We start with the beginning balance for each day, Tine beginning baiance for {he first day 0f the billing period is your baiance on zhe East day of “your previous billing period. 0 We add any interest charges accrued on the previous day’s daily baiance and any new transactions and fees. We add any new transactions or fees as of the iazer of the Transaction Date or the first day of the biiling period n which the transaction or fee posted to your Account. - We subtract any new credits and payments. ' We make other adjustments (including those adjustments required in the “Paying lnterest" section). How We Figure Your Total Interest Charges ' We multipiy the daiiy balance for each Transaction Category by its daily periodic rate. We do this for each day in the billing peried, This gives us the interest charges for each Transaction Category. To get a daily periodic rate, we divide the APR that applies 5:0 the Transafiion Category by 365. w We add up all the daily interest charges The sum is the total interest charge for the biiiing period. How We include Fees We add Bafance Tyansfer Fees to ihe appiica‘ole 8a¥ance Tyansfer Transaction Category, We add Cash Advance Fees ?.o the appticable Cash Advance Transaction Category. We add a“ other fees to the standard Purchase Transaction Category. Paying Interest I ‘ When interestcharges Begin We begin t0 impose interest charges on a transaction, fee 0r éntemst charge from the day we add it to the daily baiance. We continue to impose interesz aharges until you pay the total amount you owe us. You can avoid paying interest on Purchases as described below. However, you cannoz avoid paying imérest 0n Balance Transfers or Cash Advances. How to Avoid Paying Interest on Purchases (”Grace Period") If you pay the New Balance 0n your current biiling statement by the Payment Due Date shown on that biHing statement, we wiii not impose intevest charges on New chhases. New Purchases are Purchases that first appear on the next billing statement. interest win continue to accrue each day on Purchases that appeared on previous billing statements until yea: pay the New Balance in full and wiil be biilecl in the nexz bélhng cyde. How We Apply Payments May hnpact Your Grace Period If you do not pay your New Balance in fuil each month, :hen, depending 0n the balance t0 which we apply your payment, you may not get a gyace period on new Purchase; OTHER iMPORYANT iNFORMATION Defauit You are in defauit if: - you file bankruptcy or another insolvency proceeding Es filed by you or againstyou; o we have a reasonable belief that you are unahie or unwilling to repay your obligations to us; - you die or are legalfiy declared Encompeten: or incapacitated; ' you fai} to compiy with the terms of this Agreement or any Agreement with us 0r an Affiiéate, inciuding failing to make a required payment when due, exceeding your Account credit line or using your Card or Account for an illegai transaction. If yea; are :n default? we may declare the entiie balance of your Account immediately due and payabie without notice. Coilection Costs If we use an attorney to collect your Account, we may charge you 0L3; legal costs as permitted by 33w. These include reasonable attorneys’ fees, court or other collection costs, and fees and costs of any appeal. Merchant Disputes 1f you have a dispute with a merchant, you may request a credit to you: Account. If we resolve the dispute in your favor, we will issue a credit to your Account. You assign to us your claim forthe credited amount against the merchant and/or any thifd party. A: our request, you agree to provide this assignment in writing. Automatic Account lm‘crmation Updates You may set up automatic biliing or store your Account information with an Affiiiate, merchant, wallet provider, or other third party ("Permitted Party"). if you do, you authorize us t0 share your Account information, which may include your rewards account balance, with ihe Permitteci Party, regarding the use 0f your Account. if your Accouni information changes, which may include your biiling address, you authorize us to provide this updated information to any such Permiited Party at our discretion. You must contact {he Permitted ?arty directly or remove your credit card information from the ?ermitted Party website if you wish to stop automatic biiling 0r Account updates Our Privacy Poiicy We send you our Privacy Policy when you open your Account and annuaiiy. Iv how we safeguard its confidentiality and security; Contact us or visit if you would iike a copy. Please reaa‘ it carefully. v when'it may be shared with others; and [t summarizes: * how you can Iimit our sharing of this infoymation. 0 the personal information we coilect; Credit Reporting Agency Ybu authorize us to get information from credit reporting agencies and other sources normaily reportto creditreporting agencies each month Ifyou beiievethat information Information for servicing or review of your Account, collection and any ether use permitted by [aw, we reported is inaccurate or incomplete, please write us at Discover, P.O. Box 30939, including to consideryou for other products and services. We may report the staius and payment history of your Account to credit reporting agencies and other creditors. We Salt Lake City, UT 841300939. Please include your name, address, home phone number and Account number. Our Communications with You You agree that we, ow Affiiiates, and agents, including service providers ("Authorized Parties") may contact you, including calls, text message o: email, about any current 0r future accounts or applications, with respect to all products you have with us at any phone numbev or email (i) you have provided to us, (ii) from which you coniacted us, or (iii) which we obtained and believe we can reach you at, even if your phone provider may charge you message and data rates for calis or texts. You agree thatthe Authorized Parties may record or monitor any calls between you and the Authorized Parties. You agree Io notify us if you change or discontinue using any phone number you provide. You agree that the Authorized Parties may contact you using an automatic dialer or pre-recordedvvoice message. if you no longer wish to be contacted on your cell phone by an automated dialer or pre-recorded voice message, you must provide us written notice canceiling your consent at this address: Discover Bank, P.O. Box 30937, Sait Lake City, UT 84130-0937. The written notice must include: your name, maifing address, the last four digits of your Account number and the specific cell phone number(s) for which you would like to cance! your consent to be contacted by an automated dialer or pre-recorded voice message. Unauthorized Use You must notify us immediately if: O your Card is lost or stolen; or 0 you believe someone is using your Account or a Card without your permission. Canceilation of Your Account ' You may cancel your Account. You WEN remain responsibie for any amount you owe us under this Agreement. o Any joint Accountholder may came! a joint Account. However, both of you wit! remain responsible for paying ail amounts owed, ' We may canceE, suspend 0r not renew your Account at any time without notice. OTHER {MPORYANT INFORMATION Purchases and Cash Advances in Foreign Currencies If you make a Purchase or Cash Advance in a foreign currency, we will convert it $0 U5. dollars using a rate we choose. This rate will either be a governmeni- mandated rate, a government-published rate or ihe interbank exchange rate, depending on the {ountry and currency in which the transaction és made. We use the rate in effect on the conversion date for the transaciion. This rate may be different than tine rate én effect on the Transaction Date for the transaction. Governing Law This Agreement is governed by appiicable federal law and by Delaware iaw‘ However, in the event you default and we file a lawsuit to recover funds leaned to you, the statute of limitations of the state where the lawsuit is flied wiil appiy, without zegard to that state's conflicts of laws principles or its "borrowing statute.” Severability Except as set forth in the "Arbitration" section! if any part of this Agreement is fcund to be invafid, she rest of it wiél stiil remain in effect. Enforcing this Agreement We may delay enforcing or not enforce any 0f our rights unde; this Agreemem without {05mg 0r waiving any of them. Assignment of Account We may sell, assign or transfer your Account or any portion 0f it without notice i0 you. You may not sell, assign or transferyour Account without first obtaining our prior written consent. MiHTARY BORROWERS Statement of MAPR Federal law provides important protections to members of the Anned Forces and their dependents relating to extensions of consumer credit. m genera}, the cost of consumer credit to a member 0f the Armed Forces and his 0r her dependentmay not exceed an Annua! Percentage Rate of 36 percent. This rate must include, as applicable to the credit transaction or account {1} the costs associated Wm credit insurance premiums; (2) fees for ancillary products soid in connection with the {redit transaction; (3} any application fee charged (other than certain application fees for specified Credit transaczéons or accounts); and (4) any participaiion fee chargecf (other than certain participation fees for a credit card account). If you woufé Sike more information about whether t’nis section appiies to you. please contact us at i-844-DFS-QMIL (1844-3374166) anyfime 24/7. if caning outfide ihe U5. you can coniact us at +1 ~801 41513730. Oral Disclosures anytime 24/7. If calling outséde the U,S. yqu can contact us at +‘i-801‘4513730. Before agreeing to this Agreement, in order to hear Important disdosures ané payment information about this Agreement, please cail 1»844-DFS~4M|L (1-844337-4645) CONTACT US Unfess we tell you otherwise; you can notify us: 0 by phone at “1300-3473085 or - in writing to Discover! RD. Box 30943, Sait Lake City U? 84130-G9é3. When writing, please include your name, address, home phone number and Account number. You must contact us within IS days afier changing your email address, mailing address or phone number. DEHNHIONS ”Account" means your Discover card account. "Affiliate" means our parent corpcrations, subsidiaries and affiliates. "Authnrized User" means any person you authorize to use your Account or a Card‘ whetheg you notify us 0r not. "Bafance Transfer" means a balance transferred from another creditor to your Account. "Card" means any one or more Discover cards issued to you or someone eise with your authorization. "Cash Advance" means the use of your Account for: I thaining cash from participating automated teller machines, financiai institutions 0r other tocations; and - online gambling, or to purchase lottery tickets, money orders, casino chips, foreign currency or similar items. "Check” means any check we send to you to access your Account. "Pricing Schedule” means the document eniiétled, "Pricing Scheduie," which fists the APRs that appty to your Accoum and other important information “Prime Rate" means the highest rate of interest listed as Ehe U.S. Prime rate in the Money Rates participating merchants u n n "You, under this Agreement. section of the oniéne Wei} Streetjoumal (www.wsjmm} on the fast business day of the month. “Purchase" means the use of your Acccunt m purchase 0r lease goods or seivices at "We," "us and "our" refer to Discover Bank, the issuer ofyour Card. our" or " ours" referto x'ou and an other erson(s) who are also contractual! liablei “Transaction Date" means the date shown 0n your biliing statement for a {ransaction or fee. ARBITRATION Agreement to Arbitrate. In the event of a dispute between you and us arising out of 0r relating to this Account or the relationships resulting fwm this Account or any other dispute between you or us, including, for example, a dispute based on a federal or state statute or iocal ordinance ("Claim"), either you or we may choose to resolve the Claim by binding arbitration, as described below, instead of in court. Any Claim (except for a Claim chailenging the validity or enforceability of this arbitration agreement, including {he Class Action Waiver) may be resolved by binding arbitration if either side requests it‘ THIS MEANS IF EITHER YOU 0R WE CHOOSE ARBITRATION, NEITHER PARTY WILL HAVE THE RIGHT TO LITiGATE SUCH CLAIM IN COURT OR TO HAVE A JURY TRIAL. ALSO DISCOVERY AND APPEAL RIGHTS ARE LiMiTED iN ARBITRATION. Even if all parties have opted to litigate a Ciaim in court, you or we may elect arbitration with respect to any Claim made by a new party or any new Ciaims later asserted in that lawsuit. This arbitration agreement does not apply if, on the date you submit your Application or on the date we seek to invoke this arbitration agreement, you are a member of the Armed Forces or a dependent of such a member covered by the federaE Military Lending Act. If you wouid like more information about whether you are covered by the Miii‘zary Lending Act, please contact us at 1-844~DFS-4MIL (1844-3374645) or if you are cafiing from outside the U‘S, at +1-80L451-3730. CLASS ACTION WAIVER. ARBITRATION MUST BE ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS THIS MEANS NEiTHER YOU NOR WE MAY JOIN OR CONSOUDATE CLAIMS IN ARBITRAUON BY OR AGAINST OTHER CARDMEMBERS, OR LETIGATE IN COURT OR ARBITRATE ANY CLAIMS AS A REPRESENTATWE OR MEMBER OF A CLASS OR IN A PRWATE ATTORNEY GENERAL CAPACITY. The arbitrator may award injunctive relief only in favor of the individual party seeking relief and only to the extent necessary to provide reiief warranted by that party's individuai Claim. The arbitrator may not award class, representative or public injunctive -3- relief, {fa courtdecides thatapplicable law precludes enforcementof any of this paragraph's limitations as to a particular Qaim for relief. then after ail appeals from that decision have been exhausted, that Claim (and only that Claim) must be severed from the arbitration and may be brought En court, Oniy a court, and not an arbitrator, shall determine the validity, scope, and effect of the Class Action Waiver. Your Right to Go To SmaH Claims Court. We wiH not choose to arbizraie any individual Claim you bring in small Claims court or your state‘s equivalent court However, if such a Claim is transferred, removed or appeaied to a different court, we may then choose to arbitrate. Governing Law and Rules. This arbitration agreement is governed by the Federal Arbitration Act ("FAA"). Arbitration must proceed only with the American Arbitration Association ("AAA") The rules for the arbitration will be those in this arbitration agreement and the procedures of the AAA, but the rules in this arbitraiion agreement will be followed if there is disagreement ARBITRATION between the agreement and the AAA’S procedures. If ihe AAA’S procedures change after the Claim is filed, the procedures in effect when the Claim was filed Wilf apply. For a copy of zhe AAA’S procedures, to file a Claim or for other information, please contact the AAA at 1101 Laurel Oak Rd., Voorhees, NJ 08043, www.admrg (‘i-877«495-4185). If the AAA is completely unavailable, and if you and we cannot agree on a substitute, then either you or we may request that a court with jurisdiction appoint a substitute Fees and Costs. If you wish to begin arbitration against us but you cannot afford to pay the AAA’s or arbitrator's costs, we will advance those costs if you ask us in writing. Any request Sike this should be sent to Discover, RO. Box 30421, Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0421. If you Iose the arbitration, the arbitrator wii! decide whether you must reimburse us for money we advanced for you for the arbitration. If you win the arbitration, we will not ask for reimbursement of money we advanced. Additionally, if you win the arbitration, the arbitrator may decide that you are entitled to be reimbursed your reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs (if actually paid by you). Hearings and Decisions. Arbitration hearings Wm take place in the §ederal judicial d_istrict where you five. A single arbitrator wiii be appointed. The arbitrator must: ~ Foilow ali applicable substantive law, except when contradicted by the FAA; - Follow applicable statutes of limitations; ' Honor valid Claims of privilege; O Issue a written decision includéng the reasons for the award. The arbitrator’s decision wiil be final and binding except for any review allowed by ithe FAA. Howe“er, if more than 5100.000 was genuinely in dispute, then eitheryou orwe may choose to appeaE to a new panel of three arbitrators, The appellate paneE is completeiy free to accept or reject the entire originaé award 0r any part o? ét‘ T‘ne appeal must be filed with AAA not later than 30 days after the original award issues. The appealing party pays a1! appellate costs unless {he appeilate pane! determines otherwise as part of its award. Claim Notice and Speciai Payment. If you have a Ciaim, before initiating an arbitration preceeding, you may give us written notice of the Claim (”Claim Notice”) at least 3G days before initiating the arbitration proceeding. The Ciaim Notice must inciude your name, address, and account number and expiain in reasonabie dezai! the nature of the Ciaim and any supporting factsl Any Ciaim Notice shall be sent to us at Discover, RO. Box 794,. Deerfieid, lL 50015 (or such other address as we shafi subsequentiy provide :0 you} |f, and only if, (1) you submit a Claim Notice in accordance with this agreement on your own behalf (and not 0n behalf of any other party}; and (2) an arbitrator, after finding in your favor in any respect 0n the merits of your. Claim, issues you an award that {exciudéng any arbitration fees or attorneys' fees and costs awarded by the arbiirator) is greater than the value 0f Discover's last written settiement oi’fer made before an arbitrator was selected, then you wii! be entitied to the amount of the award or $7,500, whichever is greater. 1f you are entitied to the $7,500, 3:02; WE” receive in addition any ar‘nitration fees or attorneys’ fees and costs awarded by the aa'bétrator‘ Any arbitration award may be enforced {such as through a judgment) in any court With jurisdiction. Other Beneficiaries of this Agreement. in addition to you and us, the rights and duties described En this arbitration agreement appéy to: om Affiliates and our and their officgrs, direitors and empioyees; any thérd party co‘defendant 0f a Ciaim subjett to this arbifiaiion agreement; and aéljoint Accounthciders and Authorized Users 0f your Accounfis}. Survival of this Agreement. This arbitraiion agreement shall survive: ' ciosmg 0f your Account; ' voiuntary payment of your Account or any part of it; ' any Iegal proceedings t0 coiled money you owe; ' easy bankruptay by you; ané ' easy saie by us 9f your Amount You Save the Right to Reject Arbitration for this Account. You may reiect the arbitration agreement but only if we receive from you a written notice of rejection within 30 days of your receipt of the Card after your Account is opened. You must send the notice of rejection to: Discover, PD. Box 30938, Sait Lake City, UT 84130-0938. Your rejection notice must indude your name, address, phone number, Account number and personal signatum. No one else may sign the rejection notice for you. Your rejection notice must not be sent with any ether correspondence. Rejection of arbitration will not affect you‘r other rights or responsibiiities under this Agreement. if you reject arbitration, neither you nor we will be subject to the arbéts'atéon agreement for this Account. Rejection of arbitration for this Account will not constitute rejection of any prior or future arbitraééon agreement between you and us. Your Billing Rights: Keen This Document For Future Use This notice tells you about your rights and our responsibilities under the Fair Credit Biiiing Act. What To Do If You Find A Miétake On Your Statement If you think there is an error on your statement, write to us at: Discover RD. Box 30421 Salt iake City, UT 84130-0421. You may aiso contact us on the Web: httpszlldiscover,com/bi§lingermmotice in your letter or on the Web, please give us the foliowing information: 0 Accountinformation'Your name and account number. After we finish our investigation, one of two things win happen: related to thai amount. ' if we made a mistake: You WHE not have {a pay the amount 5n question or any interest or other fees ~ ijwe do not befieve there was a mistake: You wili have to pay the amount in question, along With appiicable interesz and fees, We will send you a statement of the amount you owe and the date payment is due. We may then report you as delinquent if you do not pay the amount we think you owe. Ef you receive our exglanation bu: stéil believe your biil is wrong, you must write t0 us {or visit ht: :iidiscovermmibiliingermmofice} MM 10 days tailing us zhatyou stilt refuse to pay. if you d0 so, we cannot report ycu as deEinqazem withouz aiso {eporting that you are questioning your bill. We must tell you the name of anyoae to whom we reported you as delinquent, and we must let those organizations know when the matter has been setfied between us, If we do not follow ail 0f the Euies above, you do not have t0 pay the first SSO of the amount you - Do/lar amount: The dollar amount of the suspected ermr. ' Descrigtion ofgroblem: If you think there is an error on your bi“, describe what you believe Es wmrzg and why you believe it is a mistake You must contact us: ' Within 60 days after the error appeared on your statement. ' By 5:00 PM. ET on t'ne date an automated payment Es scheduled, if you want to stop payment on the amount you think is wrong. You must notify us of any potential errors in writing or electmnically. You may call us, but if you do we are not necessarily required to investigate any potential errors and you may have to pay ithe amount in question. What Will Happen After We Receive Your ietter or Web Submission When we receive your written or eiectronic notice, we must do two things: 1. Within 30 days of receiving your notice, we must tell you that we received it. We will also tell you if we have already corrected the error. 2. Within 90 days of receiving your notice, we must either correct the error or explain to you why we believe the biil is correct While we investigate whether or not there has been an error: ' We cannot try to collect the amount in question, or report you as delinquent on that amount. 0 The charge in question may continue to appear on your statement, 0 While you do not have to pay the amount in question, you are responsible for the remaihder of your balance. - We can apply any unpaid amount against your credit limit question even if your bill is caryect, Your Riqhts If You Are Dissatisfied With Your Cfedit Card Purchases if you are dissatisfied with the goods 0r services that you have purchased with your credit card, and y‘ou have tried in good faith to correct the problem with the merchant, you may have the right not topay the remaining amount due on the purchase. Tc use this right, ail of the following must be true: 1‘ The purchase must have been made in your home state or within 100 miles ofyour current mailing address, and the purchase price must have been more than $50. (Note: Neither of these are necessary if your purchase was based on an advertisement we mailed to you, or if we own the company that soid you the goods 0r services.) 2. You must have used your credit card for the purchase‘ Purchases made with cash advances from an ATM 0r with a check that accesses your credit card account do not qualify. if all of the criteria above are met and ycu are stii! dissatisfied with the purchase, contact us in wming 0r eiectronically at: Discover P.O. 80x 30945 Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0945 httpszlldiscover‘comibiHingerromotice While we investigate, the same rules apply to the disputed amount as discussed above. After we finish our Envestigafion, we will tei! you our decision. At that point, if we think you owe an amount and you do not pay, we may report you as delinquent. DiSCOVER iT® CARD ENDiNG 3N 6671 CARDMEMBER SINCE 2018 Previous Balance $2,840.17 Payments and Credits +$0.00 Purchases +£50.00 Baiance Transfers +$0.00 Cash Advances +$0.00 Fees Charged +$40.00 Interest Charged +$47.21 New Baiance: $2,927.38 See interest Charge Calculationsection foliowingthe Fees and Interest Charged section for detailed APR information Credit Line $2,400 Credit Line Available $0 Cash Advance Credit Line $500 Cash Advance Credit Lihe Available $0 FICO® Score 8 based 0n TransUnion® data:- As os 31/20/20Update'd Monthly See Key Factors that help explain your score at Discovemom orvisit ourmobile app Detach at perforation above a h chcek pay bel to Discover. Do not fold, clip, staple or send cash. 1|l,.gHumann,g,1WI..I.q”I,1:.I.I.Ilnn.“n.l..;.ii RODOLFO SILVA 5‘63; 4100 THE wooos DR # £504 é SANJOSE CA 95136-2275 New address, email or phone? Please update on reverse. New Baiance 52,927.38 58i9.00 * inciudes past due amounz of $71 1.00 Minimum Payment" Payment Due Date 12/21/2020 Late Payment Warn§ngz |fwe do not receive your minimum payment by the date Eisted above, you may have to pay a late fee ofup to $40.00. Minimum PaymentWaming: 1F you make only the minimum payment each period, you wiii pay more 5n interest and it wiit take longerto pay offyour balance. For example: if aim: makem zzdmtionai Yaw: win pay afi'tim Ami 3/02; will emf: mgr? charges aging mfg card and b&iama sxémwn m this paying 2m estEmazad each mam}: mm pay". fitaiement m about... mm cf.“ Onlythe minémum payment 8 years $5,008 ifyou would Eike information about credit counseiing services, cal! us at 1800:3474 221‘ Notice: See reverse side for important information ACCOUNT NUMBER ENDWG 3N 0671 New Batance $2,927.38 Minimum Payment Due $819.00 Payment Due Date 12/21/2020 Forafaster,easier 2§ miscovermm <3? 1~800-34?-2683 waym pay... $‘" ‘ V See revenge for payman: cu: eff times” PO BOX 29013 PHOENiX AZ 85038‘9013 1““!"hIH!Ini'ld'u‘ih'Hl”II'P'n'HE'IW'HIIHI'” UDDUDL‘M‘BEH5l513330SHWUEHE?3&DDLSEHEDBELHDU DiSCGVER IT® CARD ENDING !N 0671 RODOLFO SILVA Important information See your CardmemberAgreement. Your CardmemberAgreement contains ail the terms ofyourAccount‘ Lost or Stolen Cards. Report immediate‘ay! Call 1-800-347-2683. What To Do lfYoa: ThinkYou Find A Mistake 0n Your Statement: :fyou think there s an erroron your statement, write to us at Discover, PO Box 30421, Salt Lake City. UT 8400-01321, or submit the form provided at https://discovemom/billingerromotice. You must contact us within 60 days after the error appeared on yourstatement. You may call us, but Ifyou do we are not required t0 investigate any potentiai errors, and you may have to pay the amount in question. The BiHing Rights Notice further expiainsyour rights. Please see your CardmemberAgreementorvisit https://discovemom/bi1[ingrightsfora capy of this Notice. Payments. You may pay ail or part ofyourAccount balance at any time. However, you must pay at leastthe Minimum Payment Due bythe Payment Due Date. Send oniy yourallowabiefozm ofpayment ("Payment") and the bottom pmtion ofthis statement in the envelope provided, afteraffixingpostage. Payments sentwithout proper postage will be returned to the sender. lfyou pay by check, you authorize us t0 use informationon your check t0 make an eiectronicfund transferfrom your accountai‘ the financialinstitution indicated on yourcheck orto process the paymentas a check transaction. [fa Paymentis processed as an electronic fund transfer, the transferwil! be forthe amount ofthe check, funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as the same day we receive yourcheck, and you will not receive your check back. Please do not send cash. Sending cash is not allowed. The processing ofyour aiiowable form of Paymentmay be delayed ifyou send cash or correspondence with your Payments, ifyou send the Paymemto any otheraddress, or ifyou use an enveiope other than the one provided. ?ayments received at our processing facility ‘oy 5PM local time on any day will be credited {o yourAccount as ofthat day. Payments received at our processing facility after 5:9M local time will be credited :0 yourAccount as ofthe nextday. ifyou have misplaced yourenveiope, send your Paymentto Discover, PO 80x6103, Carol Stream, IL 60197-6103. Piease ailow 7-10 days fordeiivery. If yourPaymean returned unpaidwe reserve the rightto resubmét i: as an electronic debit. Payments made online or by phone before Midnight Eastern Time on any day except your Statement Closing Date win be crediteé as of the same day; on your Statement Closéng Date, online and phone payments must be made before 5:00 PM Eastern Time to be credited as of that day. You can also make a Paymentor set up automatic payments by caifiing 1-800-347- 2683. Automatic payments forthe biilingperiod Shawn on yourstatementwili be deducted on the Payment Due Date shown 0n that statement, orthe nexzautomatic payment date referred to on your statement, uniess you request a recurring payment date that occurs before yourPayment Due Date. In orderto schedule mommy payments by tekephone, you will need this statementand yourbank account information,You wit! be asked to provide the last four (4) digits ofthe sociat security numberofthe primawbormwer as your electronic Signature By providing those numbers, you wiil be agreeingto this authorization to ailow us and your bank to deduct each paymentyou authorize, in the amount seiected by you, from your bank account. You also authorize us to initiate debitor credit entries to your bank account as appticable, to correct an error in the processing ofsuch payment. You can cancel or modify a payment from your bank amount untii 5:00 PM Eastern Time on the day such paymeni is scheduied by calling 1-800-3472683 or by mail at Discover, PO Sex 30421, Salt Lake City, UT 84130-042 1. Same day online or phone payments fmm bank account made after 5:00 PM Eastern Time may be modified before Midnight Eastern Time ofthat day. Payments from Cashback Bonus cannot be mcdified or cancelled afte: being made or scheduled. Ia‘yourpayments may vary in amountwe wiil teli you on each monthly billing statementwhen your paymentwii! be made and how mugh it wiu be. You must ensure that sufficientfunds are available in your bank account, and all transactions mus$ comply with U5. law. You can set up automatic payments for: (i) statement New Balance, (ii) statement Change ofAddress Page 2 0M OPEN TO CLOSE DATE: 10/22/2020 - Hi?6/202O Minimum Payment Due, (iii) siatemen: Minimum Payment Due plus a fixed doléar amount, or (iv) other dsééaramount. ifyoar scheduled ”Other dollar amount“ payment is not enough to coverthe Minimum Payment Due a5 listed on yourmonthiy billing siatement. yaur scheduied paymentfor ihai month will be increased to cover the Minimum Payment Due. lithe scheduled payment is gmaterthan the Minimum PaymentDue. any excess wéfl be applied in accordance with yourCardmember Agreement. ifyour scheduled payment ES greaterthan the New Balance on your billing statement, that paymentwil! be processed only for the amountofyour New Balance. Your automatic payment amount may be less than the amount indicated on the billing statementbased on credits or payments after the Close Date. ifyou enroll by phone in our automatic payment service, please fili-in the following blanks beiow and retain the authorization for your records. Amount _ ‘ [Pay {if Min. Pay Lymm Pav+$ - , GtherAmount$ Bank Roufiingé‘ BankAccount # k Monmly on the :gPavmenitDue Daie, or Day ofthe month {INSERTDATE} Credit Reporting. Credit Reporting. We may report information aboutyourAccount to credit bureaus. Laze payments, missed yayments, or other defaults 0n yourAccount may be {eflected in yourcredit report. We normaily report the status and payment histow ofyourAccount to credit reporting agencies each month. Ifyou believe that our r’eport is inaccurate or incomp‘xete, please write us at this address: Discoveg'. PO Box 30939, Salt Lake City. UT 841300939. Piease include yo‘urname. address, home telephone numberand Account number. s? 2S days afierthe dose ofeach billingperiod (at least 23 days for biiling periods {ha ‘egin in February).We will begin charging intereszon Cash Advances and- Balanc nsfers as of the late: ofthe‘Transaction Dare or the first. day ofthe billing perioa m whéch the transaction posted t0 your Accounz. ifyou pay the New Baiance 0n your current billing siatement by the Payment Due Date shown on that béllingstatement. we wm notimpose interestcharges on New Purchases. New Purchases are Purchases that first appear on the next biliing statement. interest will continue to accrue each day on purchases that appeared on previous bitiingstatements Lmtilyou pay the New Balance in full and will be billed En the next billingcyde. Paying interest. Your due dare is at {ea HowWe Calculate interest Charges.We Lise the Daily Balance Mezhod (including currenttransactions) t0 calcuéate the Balance Subjectto lnterestRate. For more information, please call us a: 1800-3147-2681 Balance Subject To Interest Rate.Your statement shows a Balance Subject to Interest Rate. Ii shows this for each transaciion category. The Balance Subject to Interest Rate is the average ofthe daily balances duringthe biiling period. Credit Saiances. ifyourAccoum has a credit balance, the amount Es shown on the ront ofyour bétliag statement. A credit balance is money that is owed to you. You may make charges against thés amount ifyourAccount is open. We wiil send you a refund ofany rema-iningbalance of $1.00 or more afteré months, or as otherwise required by applicable iaw, or upon requesz made to the address En the Contact Us section 0n page 3 ofyourbillmg siatement. BaianceTransfers. Baéance Tyansfers are offered at our discretion and accrue interest at {he standard purchase raze uniess we tell you otherwise. Discover may monitorand/c-r record telephone cans between you and Discover representatives forquality assurance purposes. Send inquiriesto Discover, PO Box 309/33, Salt Lake City, UT 84130 The Discover”? card is issued by Discover Bank, Member FDIC. D|T23-27.042O ‘f correct on front, do not use. To make changes to your address, emaH ortelephone number, please prini: dearly in blue or black ink, in the space provided or visi: Discovemom‘ StreetAddress Home Phone Work Phene City Emai; State, Zip GREENE ?HONE PAYMEfi?S * Page 3 0M Discover,com or 1-800-347-2683 Discover DiscovER §T® CARD ENDING §N 0671 downioad ourapp TDD 1-800-347-7449 PO 80x6103 QPENTQ CLQSE DME; 10/27/2029 11/26/2020 Cami Stream 1L 60197-6103 PREVWUS BALANCE $0.00 EARNED THIS PERIOD +$0.00 REDEEMED THFS PERIOD ”$0.00 FEES FOR THiS PERIOD AMOUNT Q 3>¢3§ LATE FEE _ $40.00 TOTAL FEES ?OR THlS PERIOD $40.00 INTEREST CHARGED FOR THIS PERIOD AMOUNT INTEREST CHARGE ON PURCHASES $42.93 INTEREST CHARGE ON CASH ADVANCES $4.28 INTEREST CHARGE ON BALANCE TRANSFERS $000 TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERIOD 54?.21 2020 TOTALS YEAR-TO-DATE CHARGED ' AMOUNT TOTAL FEES CHARGED EN 2020 $396.00 TOTAL ENTEREST CHARGED IN 2020 $460.94 ;.;:in,tgere$t.£h§jrge a uiatmn Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. CURRENT BiLLING P£RIOD2 31 DAYS PROMO BALANCE SUBjECT iNTEREST TYPE 0F BALANCE APR‘ APR EXPIRES“ T0 iNTEREST RATE CHARGE Purchases 18.99% V N/A $2,661.12 $42.93 Cash Advances 24.99% V N/A $201.81 $4.28 V = VAREABLE RATE * lfyour account is currently enroéied in a special program or is piaced into one during the term ofthe affer, you wiél receive the benefitofthe lower raéewhile the special program is in effect. This inciudes, ifappiicable. any lower rates as authorized under the Servicemembers Civii RetiefAct. ** This is the date your promotéonal rate expires and the remaining balance wilé be moved to your standard APR disclosed w‘nen you accepted the offer, Please note: Changing yourpayment due date may change ycur Promo APR Expiration Date. **"" For more information, please cal! us at 1800-3412683. FICO® Credit Score Terms Your FICO® Credit Score, key factors, and other credit information use the FICO® Score 8 model. They are based on data from TransUnion“) and may be different from othercredit scores and othercredit information provided by different bureaus. This information is intended forand only provided to Primary account holders who have an available scme. Your score, key factors and other credit information are available 0n Discovemom and cardmembers are also provided a score on statements. Customers will see up to a year of recentscores online. Discover and other lenders may use different inputs, such as FICO‘S Credit Scores, other credit scores and more information in credit decisions. This benefit may change or end in the future. FICO i5 a registered trademark of the Fair Isaac Corporation in the United States and othercountries. lfyou prefer not t0 receive your FICO® Credit Score just cail us at 1-800-DISCOVER (1-800-347-2683). Please give us two billing cycles to process your request. Discover Financial Services and Fair Isaac are not credit repair organizations as defined under fedezal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. Discover Financial Services and Fair Isaac do not provide “credit repair" services 0r assistance regarding “rebuilding” or "improving“ your credit record, credit history or credit rating. Availability of FICO' Credit Score As an active cardmember, you may see your FICO‘?’ Credit Score on your monthly statement or online. Reasons why you may not see your FICOG’ Credit Score include: ifyou opt out; ifyou have key information that is mismatched or missing, as one exampie, an address change that has not been updated with Discover orTransUnionia; ifyour credit history is too new; ifyouraccount status is abandoned, bankrupt, fraud, lostorstolen, closed, revoked, or charged off; ifyou have a foreign address. Your FICO® Score is disclosed on statements when ‘your statement is available. You may not receive a statement if you have no account activity such as no purchase transactions, fees, interest, or payments for approximately 30 days. DiSCOVER ”<9 CARD ENDING lN 0671 Page 4 0f 4 RODOLFO SILVA OPEN TO CLOSE DATE: 10/27/2020 - 11/26/2020 DISCOVER iT® CARD ENDING 3N 0671 CARDMEMBER SlNCE 2018 Previous Balance $2,927.38 Payments and Credits L -$2,927.38 Purchases +$0.00 BalancevTransfers +$0.00 Cash Advances +$O‘OO Fees Charged +$0.00 Interest Charged +$0.00 New Baiance: ' _ $0,063 See Interest Charge Calculationsection foliowingthe Fees and Interest Charged section for detailed APR information Credit Line $2,400 Credit Line Available $0 Cash Advance Credit Line $500 Cash Advance Credit Line Availabie $0 YourFiCO® Score is unavailable.Log in at 0r contact us at 1-800-347-2683 to leam more. :'?ay,,_ entfou .. 3.1 ,. . . , ,, V. ,, .. . Detach at perforation above and return wsth check payable to Discover. Do not fold, clip, staple or send cash. RODOLFO 52LVA ,, f}: 4100 mswoons DR#C504 ~16? SAN Jose CA 95136-2275 New address, email or phone? Please update on reverse. New Balance Minimum Payment Payment Due Date $0.00 $877.83 12/25/2020 Late Payment Warning: if we do not receive your minimum payment by the date listed above, you may have t0 pay a late fee of up to $40.00. Notice: See reverse side for important information ACCOUEST NUMBER ENDQNG 15% 0671 New Baiance - $0.00 Minimum Payment Due $877.83 Payment Due Date 12/25/2020 For a faster; eagier eigenvemam 1~800~3m-2683 way m pay”. “See reverge for paymen: cu! off times“ PO BOX 6103 CAROL STREAM 3L 601976103 800003135514511513330514HUDDEDUDUUHBDDDUBE??83 mSCOVER 1T® CARD moms 1N 0671 RODOLFO SILVA Important Information See your CardmemberAgreemeni. Your CardmemberAgreement contains ail the terms ofyourAccount Lost or Stolen Cards. Report immediateiy! Caii 1-800-347-2683, What To 90 {fYou Think‘lou Find A Mistake On Your Statement: Efyou think there is an erroron your statement, write to us at Discover, PO Box 30/421, Salt Lake City, UT 841300191, or submit the form provided at{’billingerrornotice. You must contact us within 60 days aftenhe error appeared on your statement. You may call us, but ifyou do we are not required to investigate any patentia! errors, and you may have to pay the amount in question. The Billing Rights Notice further explainsyour rights. Please see your CardmemberAgreemeni orvisit https://discover.comlbiliingrightsfora copy of this Notice. Payments. You may pay all or part ofyourAccount balance at anytime. However, you must pay at leastthe Minimum‘Pax/ment Due bythe Payment Due Date. Send oniy yourailowable form ofpayment (“Payment”) and the bottom portion ofthis statement in the envelopeprovided afteraffixingpostage. Payments sentwithout proper postage will be :etumed to the sender lfyou pay by check you authorize us to use informai ion on your check to make an electronicfund transferfiom your accounta: the financialinstitution indicated on yourcheck orto process the paymentas a check transaction. ifa Payment is processed as an electronic fund transfer, the transferwill be forthe amount ofthe check, funds may be withdrawn from your account a5 soon as the same day we receive yourcheck, and you will not receive your check back. Please do not send cash. Sending cash is not allowed The processing ofyour ailowabie form ofPayment may be delayed ifyou send cash 0r correspondence wizn yourPayments ifyou se 1d the Paymentto any otheraddress, or ifyou use an envelope other than the one provided. Payments received at our processing facility by S?Nl local time on any day will be credited to yourAccoum as ofthat day. Payments received at our processing facility after 5PM local time wiH be credited to yourAccount as 0fthe nextday. lfyou have misplaced yourenveiope, send your Paymentto Discover, PO BoxélOB, Caroi Stream, IL 60197-6103. Pleaseaiiow 7»10 days f0: delivery. lfyour Payment is reiumed unpaid. we reserve the right to resubmét it. as an electronic debit. Payments made online or by phone before Midnight Eastern Time on any day except your Statement Closing Date will be credited as of the same day; on your Statement Closing Date, online and phone payments must be made before 5:00 PM Eastern Time to be credited as ofthat day. You can also make a Payment or set up automatic payments by tailing 1-800-347- v 2683. Automatic payments for the biilingperiod shown 0n yomstatementwitl be dedutted on the Payment Due Date shown on that statement, or the hex: automatic payment date referred t0 on your Statement, uniess you request a recurring payment date t’nat occurs before your Payment“Hue Date In orderto schedule monthly payments by telephone‘ you will need this statement and yourbank account informationYouwiH be asked to provide the iastfour (4) digits ofthe social security numberofthe primary borrower as your electronic signature. By providing those numbers,you will be agreeingto this authorization to‘aélow us and your bank to deduct each paymentyou authorize, in the amount seiected by you, from your bank account. You also authorize us to initiate-debit or credit entries to your bank account, as applicable, to correct an error in the processing ofsuch payment You can cancel or modify a payment from yourbank account until 5:00 PM Eastern Time on the day suchpayment is scheduéed by callingl-800 347 2683 or by maila: Discover, PO box 30421, Sat: Lake City, UT 81‘130-0421 Same day onlineo= phone payments from bank account made after 5.OO PM Eastern Time may be modified before Midnight Eastern Timeoflhat day Payme-nsfrom Cashback Bonus cannot be modified 0r cancelled after being made or scheduled. lfyour payments may vary In amount, we will tetl you on each monthly billing statementwhen your paymentwii! be made and how much itwill be. You must ensuye that sufficientfunds are avaiiabiein your bank account. and all transactions must comply with U.S‘ law. You can set up automatic payments for: (i) statement New Balance, (ii) statemem Change 0f Address Page 2 ofl: OPEN TO CLOSE DATE: 11/27/2020 - 11/30/2020 Minimum Paymen: Due, (iii) si‘atemen: Minimum Payment Due ptus a fixed doiiar amount or (iv) otherdoilaramount. ifyour scheduied "Other dollar amount“ pay ‘ ‘és not enoug} to cove: the Minimum Dayment Due as listed on vourmonthiy bill atemen: yoursci eduled pavmentfor nai monthwiil be increasedto cover the Minimum Payxnenmue. {Hhe schedul ad payment as greaterthan me Mknimum Payment Due any excess wi l be applied m accordance witn your Cardmember Agreement. Ifyour scheclmed payment Es greaterthan the New Balance on yourbilling statement, tha: paymentwill be processed DnEy for the amountofyour New Balance. Your automatic payment amount may be iess than the amount indicated on the bing statement based on credits or payments afterthe Close Date. ifvou enroii by phone in our automatic payment service, pEease fill-in the fotlowing blanks beiow and retain the authorization for yourrecords. Amoun: x FuiE Pay Min Paw $ Bank Routingé‘ BankAccount # _ Monihiy on thei; ,:.iMin Pay_ . OtherAmount$ PaymentDue Daée, 0r Dayofthe month (INSERTDATE) Credit Reporting. Cyed§t Reporting. We may {eport information about yourAccount t0 credit bureaus. Late payments, missed payments, orother defaults on yourAccount may be reflected in youz‘credit report. We normally report the status and payment history ofyourAccountto credit reporting agencies each month lfyou be!|evethat our report is inaccurate or incompiete ptease write us at this address: Discover PO Box 30939, Saki Lake City, UT 841 30-0939. Piease include your name address home :elephone numberandAccouni number. Payénglnterest You due d a'ste ati 5% 2S days afterthe close of each billingperied (atteastZB ca ys ferbiéfing periods-:na: begh‘in February). Wewill begin charging interest on Casn Advance: at 1" Baaance iranSsers as ofthe later ofthe Transaction Date or the first day of the bil-mg period in which the transaction posted t0 your Account lfyou pay t‘ne New Baéance 0n yourcurrentbilling statemeniby the Payment Due Date shown on that billing statement, we will not impose interest charges on New Purchases. New Purchases are Purchases that first appear on the nexi billing statement mteiestwiil cor tinue tc accrue each day 0n puachases that appeared on previous biilino statements until you paya‘16 New Balance m full and will be billed in the next bitlingcycle. HowWe Calcumte Interest Charges. We Use the Daiiy Balance Method (including current transactions) {o calculate the Balance Subject to lnterest Rate, For more information, please call us a: :-8C=G-347~2683. Baiance Subject ¥o Interest Rate.Your statement shows a Balance Subject to interest Rate. If shows this for each transaciicn categorytThe Baiance Subject t0 Interest Rate is the average ofthe daily balances duringthe biéling period. Credit Baiances. IfyourAccoum has a cre (fit balance the amountis shown on the front ofvourbiiting 5?atemeni A credit balance :5 moneythat xs owed to you You may make cfiarges againstrt :3 amountifyourAccounti s open. Wewiil send youa refund ofany remainingbaiance ofSlAOO er mom af-‘eré months, or as otherwise required by appiicable' I, or upon request made to me address En :ne Contact Us section on page 3 ofyourbillmgsi‘aiemeni. Balance Transfers. Ba§ance Transfers are ofxered at our discretion and accrue interest at the standard purchase rate uniesswe {ell you otherwise. Discover may monitorand/o: record telephone caiis between you and Discover representatives Forqualiiy assurance pLifposes. Send inquiries to Discover, PO Box 309143 Sait Lake City, UT 84130 The Discover‘i‘ card :5 ?SSued by Discover Bank, Member FDlC. DlT23~27.0420 If correct on front, do not use. To make changes to your address, emaii orteiephone number, please prim: clearly in blue or btackink, in the space provided 0r visit Discevemom. StreetAddress Home ?hone Work Phone City Email State, Zip ONUNE PHONE ?A‘IMENE Page 3 0M or 1-800-347-2683 Discover Dgscovgg gT® CARD gnome 1N 0571 download Our app TDD 38008477449 PO BOX 6103 ng’q TO CLOSE DATE; 11/27/2020 . 11/30/2020 Caroi Stream iL 60197-6103 TRANS. PREWOUS BALANCE DATE PAYMENTS AND CREDiTS AMOUNT EARNES THIS PERIOD 11/27 CASHBACK BONUS STATEMENT CREW $0.17 RmEEMED ms PERIOD 11/30 ENTERNAL CHARGE-OFF $192721 TOTAL FEES FOR TH!S PER!OD $0.00 TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERIOD $0.00 2020 TOTALS YEAR-TO-EATE CHARGED AMOUNT , TOTAL FEES CHARGED 1N 2020 $39600 TOTAL [NTEREST CHARGED IN 2020 $460.94 YourAnnuai Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. CURRENT BILLING PERIOD: 1+ DAYS PROMO BALANCE SUBIECT iNTEREST TYPE OF BALANCE APR" APR EXflRES" TO INTEREST RATE CHARGE Purchases 18.99% V N/A $0.00 $000 Cash Advances 24.99% V N/A $0.00 $0.00 V = VARQABLE RATE * Ifyour account is curiently enrolied in a Special program 0r is placed intovC-he during the term ofthe ofier, you wiil receive {he benefit ofihe lower rate whiie the special program is in effect. This includes, if applicable. any lower rates as authorized underthe Servicemembers Civil ReliefAct. ** This Is $216 date your promotional Fate expires and the remaining balance wiiE be moved to your Standard APR disclosed when you accepted the offer. Please note: Changéng your payment due date may change your PromO APR Expiration Date. ‘ *** For more information, please cau us at 1-800-347-2683. Availability of HCO® Credit Score As an active cardmember, you may see your FICO® Credit Score on your monthly statement or oniine. Reasons why you may not see your FICO‘i‘ Credit Score include: ifyou opt out; ifyou have key information that is mismatched or missing, as one example, an address change that has not been updated with Discover orTransUnion; if your credit history is too new; ifyour account status is abandoned, bankrupt, fraud, lost 0r stolen, closed, revoked, or charged off; Ifyou have a foreign address‘ Your FICO® Score is disclosed on statements when your statement is availabie. You may not receive a statement if you have no account activity such as no purchase transactions, fees, interest, or payments for approximatety 30 daysv FICO is a registered trademark 0fthe Fair Isaac Corporation in the United States and othercountries. DISCOVER W® CARD ENDING 1N 0671 Page 4 of 4 RODOLFO SILVA OPEN TO CLOSE DATE: 11/27/2020 ~ 11/30/2020