Request DismissalCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 1, 2021FAX NO (apl d ag 408-362-2299 IYIAA ING ADDRESS cITY AND zIP coDE Ssn Jose CA 951 13 BRANDHNAMI- Downtown Supenor Cour( PLAINTIFF/PE) IT)ONER Bank of Amencs N A ATTQRNEY QR pARTYw(TIHDUT ATTQRNEY (Namd Blare B p mc 7 d add cps) Hunt & Hennques Attorneys at Lew Donald Sherng ¹266038 I I Ken L SB)et ¹318913 7017 Realm Dr, Ssn Jose CA 95119 L TELEPHONE NO 800-680-2426 F MAIL ALlDREss (Gpr c i) Info@hunthennques corn ATTORNEY FOR (Name) Pled)tiff SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA sTRELI ADDREss 191 North First Street FO'7 COUR I U-E Ol 'L 7 CIV-110 DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT JESUS 0 RONOUILLO REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL i CAsE NUMBER 21CV379660 A conformed copy will not be returned by the clerk unless a method of return is provided with the document. LThis form may not be used for dismissal of a derivative action or a class action or of any party or cause of action in aclass action. ICal. Rules of Court, rules 3.760 end 3.770.) 1 TO THE CLERK Please dismiss this action as follows e (1) ~ With preludice (2) ~X Without preiudice b (1) ~X Complaint (2) ~ Petition (3) ~ Cross-complaint filed by (name) (4) ~ Crass-complaint filed by (name) (5) MX Entire ection of all parties and all causes of ection (6) ~ Other (specify): on (da/e) on (dale) 2 (Comp/e/e m e/I cases except/emily law cases.) The court ~ did ~X did not wawe court fees end costs for e party in this cgSGI (This in/anna/Ion may be obte/ned f Attorney or party without attorney for Mx Plaintiff/Petitioner M Defendant/Respondent Cross-Complainant 3 TO THE CLERK: Consent to the above dismissal is hereby gwen.** 'If dicmisca( requested is of Spcoiied pgdic3 only of specified causes of action only drcispdoiied cress ccmpldh(6 only sc slate ahd identify the parties causes of action or cross complaints Ic he di6m ssed Date rom the clerk If court fees end cas/s were waived, the declaration on the beck o//hi fy(mf must be camp/lfpd). Date August 5, 2021 Ken L Salet ¹318913 (TYPF OR PRINI NAME OF (~X ATTORNFY ~ PARI Y WITHOUT ATTORNEY) (SIGNATURE) (TYPE OR PRINT NAMF OF ~ Al TORNEY i PARTY WITHOUT A I IORNEY "If 6 cross ccmplaml - or Response (FJmily Law) Seekmg Bffirmdgve rdkei - is on file the attorney for cress-ccmplami (respchdehe must 3 gh ih 6 consent if required hy Code of Ciel Procedure sechcc 561 (i) or (I) (Ta be camp/e/ed by clerk) 4 ~ Dismrssal entered as requested on (dele) (SIGNATURE), Attorney or party without attorney for Plaintiff/Petitioner I. I Defendant/Respondent Cross-Complainant 5 ~ Dismissai entered on (date) as to only (name) 6 ) 1 Drsmissal not entered as requested for the fallowing reasons (specify) 7 a Attorney or party without attorney notified on (de/e) Attorney or party without attorney not notified Filing party failed to prowde B copy to be conformed 'eans to return conformed copy Date rc Ad pied I M date y Fe J deci cd cicicdiic clviic(RP Jac I 2013) DD0002CU Clerk, by REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL IIII I IIII IIIII III IIIII I II III!I II Deputy P ge I o(2 Ccd. Pi C» P md re g 661 et seq Gc Ccd f66637(c) C I R le 'C A le3136C VCC I «gp 1413009 001 Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 8/10/2021 9:37 AM Reviewed By: A. Nakamoto Case #21CV379660 Envelope: 7028750 21CV379660 Santa Clara - Civil A. Nakamoto 8/10/2021 9:37 AM 8/10/2021 9:37 AM X 8/10/2021 9:37 AM A. Nakamoto X 8/10/2021 9:37 AM pi OINT)FR/RETITIOiNER Bank ofameoca NA DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT JESUS 0 RoNouiU o 2)CV379660 CIV-110 COURT'S RECOVERY OF WAllVED COURT FEES AND COSTS lf a party whose court fees and costs were initially waived has recovered or will recover $10,000 or more in value by way ot settlement, compromise, arbitrauon awara, mediation settiemenr, or other means, the court has a statutory hen on that recovery The court may refuse to dismiss the case until the lien is satisfied (GOY Code, ii 68637 ) Declaration Concerning Waived Court Fees l ne court waived coun tees and costs in mis acuOn fOr(ame)'. The person named in item 1 is (check one below) a ~ not recovenng anything of value by this action b ~ recovenng less than $ 10,000 in value by this action c ~ recovenng $ 10,000 or more in value by this action (ff item 2c is checked, item 3 must be completed.) 3. ~ All courtfeesandcourtcoststhatwerewawedInthisactionhave beenpaidtothecourt(ciTeckone) ~ Yes ~ No I declare under penalty of periury under the laws of the State of California that the information above is true and correct. Date: (TYPE OR PRINT NAME Ol ~ ATTORNEY ~ PARI Y MAKING OFCIARATION) ISIGNAIURP) CO/ 11»'R- I- 1 2C12), DD0002CU ocnr icSm FOR raicqaiScAI P gg2 12141gnng nn1