Judgment DefaultCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 26, 2021on 6/25/2021 10:47 AM Reviewed By: D Harris Envelope: 6724144 J UD.'-1:,00 ATFORSJEY OR PARTY WITHOUT'ATTORNEY- (Name, sfar’enbarnumber; and addle$): FOR. COURT USEONLY Maria Bradish (288384) Adam Brumage (283 180) Don Phan-Huy (309853) Ryota Isozaki -(321040) Derrick Uhri (321 16 1) Matthew W. Keim (33 1 020) Eric Marquez (33 1023) The Moore Law Group, APC, PO Box 25145, Santa Ana, CA 92799, 3710 S. Susan Street, Suite 210, Santa Ana, CA 92704 I ITgLE'PHONE. NQi 800606_2652 FAX'No.. (Optional): E-MAIL ADDREssmpmng/x AWORNEY~EOR>mamex Plaintiff SUPERIOR COURT QF'CALIFORNIA! COUNTY OF‘Santa Clara STREH ADDRESS- 191 North First Street MAILINGADDRESSE San Jose CA 95113 CITYAND ZIP CODE? Santa Clara County - San Jose Courthouse BRANCH NAME: PLAINTIFFi Bank of America, N.A. DEFENDANT: Truong V Dinh JUDGMENT CASE NUMBER: E ByCIerk E By Default E AfterCourt Trial 21CV379637 By Court E 0n Stipulation D DefendantDid Not Appear at Trial JUDGMENT 1. BY DEFAULT a. Defendant was properly'Served with a copy of the summons and complaint. b. Defendant fail’ed to answer the complaintor appearan’d defend theactibn within the time-allowed by law. c; Defendant‘s default was entered by the clerkupon plaintiff's application. I ‘ d. E Clerk's Judgment (Code Civ. Proo, § 585(a)). Defendant was sued only on a contract or judgment of a courtof this state for the. recovery of money. Court Judgm'entQCode Civ; Procz, § 585(b))».‘ The court conSid‘ered (1) E plaintiffs testimony and’other evidence. (2) E plaintiff's written declaration (Code-Civ. Proc:, § 585(dj). .‘D 2. E 0N STlPULATION a. Plaintifiand defendant agreed (stipulated) ”mat a jUdgment beentered in this case; The»court:approyed the stipulated judgment and b. E the. signed written‘stipulation was filed in the case. c. E the'stipulation was stated in open court E the-stipulatiOn was stated onithe record. 3. E AFTER COURT TRIAL. The.juryAwa5'waived. The courtzconsidered the»ev:idence. a. The-case was tried on (date and time): before (name ofjudicial’officer): b. Appearances by: E Plaintiff (name’eech): E Plaintiff’s attorney (namesea'oh): (11) (1) (2) (2) E Continued on AttachmentVBb. D Defendant (name-each): E Defendant 's attorney (name‘u-each): (’1) (1*) (2) . _ (.2)E Cbntinued on "Attachment 3b. c. E Defendant did notappear at tria‘l. Defendantzwas properly served withnoticeiof trial. d. E VA statement o‘f-decision (Code Civ.. Proc.,.§ 632) E wasnot E was requestedn Page.1 of2 F°"n'Appr°"ed“f°" 0°“°“a"U59 JUDGMEN-T Coastercwirprooedure, §§ 585. 564:6*7 ,7 , Akldim‘al {‘fnnnnil nf California PLAINTIFF: Bank ofAmerica, N.A. A . CASE'NUMBERiF ‘ 21CV379637 ¥ DEFENDANT: Truong V Dinh ' JUDGMENTJS ENTERED AS FOLLOWS BY: - THE'C‘dURT‘ E THE CLERK. 4. D. stipulated Judgment. Judgmentjs ,entered-faqpording tgtheistipulationpfthe'pa‘rties.,_ 5. Parties. Judgment is ;a. - for’pl’a’intjff (name each): ‘ ' c. E for cros‘s-Complaiihavht (name gash): ' Bank ofAmerica, N.A. ' ‘ and against defendant (names): :and, against cross-d'efendant (name each): Tniong V Dinh E 'cominuedpn Attachment 5a.. , E Continued-o'n Att'ach'meht 5c. b- .E, for defend‘ant-(hame each): d. E ;for cross-defendant_(name each): 6. Amount, a m Defendantjhamed m item_5a above must ‘cf E Crosgdef'eqdant named in itemSQ above must pay pay plaintiff on th‘ecom-maint; cross-complainant on Ihe cro‘ss-complaint: (1) - Damages $4969.26 (1): E Damages $ .(2) E Prejudgrineht. §$ (2)1 D. Prejudgméht' $ . ’ interest‘a'tthe interest at‘the annual rate: of '% ‘ annual rate. of % 5(3) E AfiQrfiéy fefeLS» $ (3) E Attorney fees _$ (4) costs ‘ $ 292.00 (4) ’E costs $ :15)" E other (specfiy): $> @- E Other'rspecify? $ .(6) TOTAL _ _ $ 5261.26 (6),; TOTAL -'$' b. E' Pllaintifito‘receivet nethigngrrom defendant ' _ ‘ d. D grgss-oomplainanttq receivfe hbthin'g'from named 'in item 5b. ' cross-defendantznamed in item 5d.E Defendant named in item 5b"fo recover E CrOSS-‘de'fe'nda‘nt'n'amed ih‘ ifer'n 5d to'recover costs $’ _ costs '$ 1 ’ E and attbrney-fees S E and attorney fees 5$ '7} E Other'(specify): Date: D ,JuDJCIAL OFFICER Date; ' ¢ E’ Clerk, by: ,‘Depfifi (SEAL) ' CLERK'S CERTIFICATE (Optional) | Certify fh'a't ihis i‘s a‘true Copy‘of the orig’inal jrudgmeh't on file in {heicourt 'Dat‘e: Cle'rk; by ' . DEPUtY Pag'e 2 o'f 2 V JJD-jOO [New \January'1. 2002] ' i JUDGMENT