Default PendingCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 19, 2021on 7/1 5/2021 10:23 AM Reviewed By: D Harris Envelope: 6853268 CIV-100 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (name, state bar number, and address) FOR COURT USE ONLY Erin E. Patterson, SBN 262285 Thomas J. Sebourn, SBN 279272 Jason W. Tang, SBN 3 14337 Nicholas J. Babilis, SBN 291676 Patrick J. Layman, SBN 59643 Carina M. Jordan, SBN 302099 Shane T. Wate, SBN 302738 Suttell & Hammer, APC P.O. Box C-90006 Bellevue, WA 98009 TELEPHONE NO. (888) 788-8355 FAX NO. (425) 453-3239 ATTORNEY FOR: Bank of America, N.A. SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLAM STREET ADDRESS: 191 N. First Street CITY AND ZIP CODE: San Jose CA 951 13 BMNCH NAME: CASE NAME: Bank 0f America, N.A. V. Na H Lam REQUEST FOR [X] Entry 0f Default [X] Clerk’s Judgment CASE NUMBER: (application) [ ] Court Judgment 21CV379165 Not for use in action under the Fair Debt Buying Practices Act (Civ. Code, § 1788.50 et seq.) (see CIV-I 05) 1. TO THE CLERK: On the complaint or cross-complaint filed a. on (date): 03/19/2021 b. by (name): Bank ofAmerica, N.A. c. [X] Enter default of Defendant (name): Na H Lam d. [ ] Irequest a court judgment under Code of Civil Procedures sections 585(b), 585(c), 989, etc., against Defendant (name): Na H Lam (Testimony required. Apply t0 the clerkfor a hearing date, unless the court will enter ajudgment 0n an afiidavit under Code Civ. Proc., § 585(d) e. [X] Enter clerk’s judgment (1) [ ] For restitution of the premises only and issue a writ of execution on the judgment. Code of Civil Procedure section 1174(0) does not apply. (Code Civ., Proc., § 1169.) [ ] Include in the judgment all tenants, subtenants, named claimants, and other occupants of the premises. The Prejudgment Claim ofRight to Possession was served in compliance with Code of Civil Procedure section 41 5.69 (2) [X] Under Code ofCiVil Procedure section 585(a). (Complete the declaration under Code Civ. Proc., § 585.5 on the reverse (item 5).) (3) [ ] For default previously entered on (date): 2. Judgment t0 be entered. Amount Credits Acknowledged Balance a. Demand ofcomplaint ...... $9657.20 $0.00 $9657.20 b. Statement 0f damages* (1) Special ..................... $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 (2) General................... $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 c. Interest ....................... $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 d. Costs ........................ $294.50 $0.00 $294.50 e. Attorney Fees ............... $0‘00 $0.00 $0.00 f. TOTALS ..................... $9951.70 $0.00 $9951.70 g. Daily damages were demanded in complaint at the rate of: $ per day beginning (date) : (*Personal injury 0r wrongful death actions; Code Civ, Proa, § 425.1 I.) 3. [ ] (Check if filed in an unlawful detainer case) Legal document assistant or unlawful detainer assistant information is on the reverse (complete item 4) DATED Ju1y 9, 2021 ’gugghiwyflmMER, APC 924:»:ng ( ) Erin E. Patsys’o'n, SBN 261235 ( ) Patrick J. Layman, SBN 59643 ( )Nicholas J. Babilis, SBN 291676 ( ) Shane T. Wate, SBN 302738 Attorneys for Plaintiff ( XJason W. Tang, SBN 3 14337 ( ) Thomas J. Seboum, SBN 279272 ( ) Carina M. Jordan, SBN 302099 (1) [ ] Default entered as requested on (date): (2) [ ] Default NOT entered on date as requested (state reason): FOR COURT USE ONLY Clerk, by , Deputy Page 1 of 2 Form Adopted for Mandatory Use REQUEST FOR ENTY 0F DEFAULT Code of Civil Procedure Judicial Council 0f California (Application t0 Enter Default) §§ 585-587, 1 169 CIV-lOO [Rev. January 1, 2020] www‘ CIV-100 PLAINTIFF: Bank ofAmerica, N.A. CASE NUMBER: 21CV379165 Defendant: Na H Lam 4. Legal document assistant 0r unlawful detainer assistant (Bus. & Prof. Code § 6400 et seq.). A legal document assistant or unlawful detainer assistant [ ] did [X] did not for compensation give advice 0r assistance with this form. If declarant has received any help 0r advice for pay fi‘om a legal document assistant or unlawfi11 detainer assistant, state: a. Assistant’s name: c. Telephone N0.: b. Street addIess, city, and zip code: d. County ofregistration: e. Registration N0.: f. Expires on (date): 5. [X] Declaration under Code of Civil Procedure 585.5 (for entry 0f default under Code Civ. Proc., §585 (a)) This action a. [ ] is [X] is not on a contract or installment sale for goods and services subject to Civ. Code, § 1801 et seq. (Unruh Act). b. [ ] is [X] is not on a conditional sales contract subject to Civ. Code § 2981 et seq. (Rees-Levering Motor Vehicle Sales and Finance Act) c. [X] is [ ] is not on an obligation for goods, services, loans, or extensions of credit subject to Code Civ. Proc., § 395(b) 6. Declaration of Mailing (Code of Civ. Proc., § 587). A copy 0f this Request for Entry of Default was a. [ ] not mailed to the defendants, Whose addresses are unknown to plaintiff or plaintiff’s attorney (names): b. [X] mailed first-class, postage prepaid, in a sealed envelope addressed to each defendant’s attorney of record, or if none, to each defendant’s last know lows: (1) Mailed on (date): (2) T0 (specifii names and addresses shown 0n the envelopes): Na H Lam 411 LEWIS RD SPC 199 SAN JOSE CA 951 11 I declare under penalty 0f perjury under the laws of the State 0f California that the foregoing items 4, 5, and 6 are true and cotrect. DATED 07/15/2021 SUTTELL & HAMMER, APC ( )l Sumer DeRosa ( ) Victoria Wheeler ( ) Jana Macklin ( ) Brittany Dinkins ( ) Cody Baker ( ) Angelo Tadrous ( ) Xenia Chiles A( )Patty Canapi ( ) Jacob Batts LEGAL ASSISTANT (SIGNATURE) 7. Memorandum of Costs (required z'fmoneyjudgment requested). Costs and disbursements are as follows (Code Civ. Proc., § 1033.5) a. Clerk’s Filing Fees $225 b. Process Server’s Fees $69.5 c. Other (Specify) $0.00 d. e. TOTAL $294.50 f. [ ] Costs and disbursements are waived. g. I am the attorney, agent, or party who claims these costs. To the best ofmy knowledge and belief this memorandum of costs is correct and these costs were necessarily incurred in this case. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. DATED J u1 y 9 , 202 1 SUTTELL & HAMMER, APC ( )Nicholas J. Babilis, SBN 291676 ( ) Canna M. Jordan, SBN 302099 ( ) Patrick J. Layman, SBN 59643 ( ) Thomas J. Sebourn, SBN 279272 é/flr7/ ( ) Erin E. Patterson, SBN 262285 ( )Q Jason W. Tang, SBN 3 14337 "W ( ) Shane T. Wate, SBN 302738 C/fim'i-i ATTORNEY (Attomgffor Plainnm 8. [X] Declaration 0f nonmilitary status (requiredforjudgment). N0 defendant named in item 1c of the application is in the militaIy service as that term is defined by either the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, 50 U.S.C. App. § 391 1(2) or California Military and Veterans Code sections 400 and 402(1). I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State 0f California that the foregoing is true and correct. DATED J u1 y 9 , 202 1 SUTTELL & HAMMER, APC ( )Nicholas J. Babilis, SBN 291676 ( ) Carina M. Jordan, SBN 302099 ( ) Patn'ck J. Layman, SBN 59643 ( ) Thomas J. Sebourn, SBN 279272 {##7/ ( ) Erin E. Patterson, SBN 262285 ()Q Jason W. Tang, SBN 314337 ( ) Shane T. Wate, SBN 302738 C/flmrd-i ATTORNEY (Attompffor Plainfim Page 2 of 2 Form Adopted for Mandatory Use REQUEST FOR ENTY 0F DEFAULT Code of Civil Procedure Judicial Council of California (Application t0 Enter Default) §§ 585-587, 1169 CIV-lOO [Rev. January 1, 2020] www‘