Civil Case Cover SheetCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 6, 2021'p/ ATTORNEY DR PARTY WI OUT ATTORNEY (N MCNQF a UJLHNK Sanka CLAW ATTORNEY FOR (Name). Stare Bar number. and address): $343 5‘4“"! moi!" agar? TELEPHONE N(qlg') 5%fi 40$“ I b m N0 romoaao FOR COURT USE ONLY SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA, courm' 0F amara cl am STREET‘DDRESS’ I 9/ NUA'L Elms» sway MNUNGADDRESSZ cmmonpcooa Q6“ 0K CR ?g/lg BRANCHmra C, f, V} L APR 0 6 2021 Clerk of the Court CASE NAME' vxoatep'ammsqy Vs. 96.05 Carpa'msn‘cq Superior Court ol CA Coun o Sanla Clam BY_ ME%%DEPUTY CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET Complex Case Designation Unlimited E Umited E Counter E Joinder y (Amount (Amount . . g 1 c v a '7 9 1 5 5 . Filed With first appearance by defendant JUDGE:demanded demanded '3 (Cal Rules of Court rule 3 402) exceeds $25,000) $25,000) ' ' ’ DE": CASE NUMBER’ Items 1-6 below must be completed (see instructions on page 2). Auto TortD Auto (22)E Uninsured motorist (45) Other PUPDIWD (Personal lnjuryIProperty DamageIWrongful Death) Tort [:1 Asbestos(04)E Pmdudliabimym)E Medicalmalpractioe(45}E Otherpuporwmzs) Non-PUPDIWD (Other) TortE Asbestos (04)E Produdliabimy(24)E Medicaimalpradjce(45)E omerPl/PDANDQS)E Productliabmtyact)E MedimlmarpracttcewmE Other PHPDM/mzs) Employment E: Wrongfultennination (36)E OtheremploymentUS) 1. Check one box below for the mse type that best describes this case: ContractE Breach of contractr‘warranty (06) [:1 Rule 3.740 oollecfionswg) .m Other coflections (09)E Insurance coverage(18)D Other contraa (37) Real PropertyE Eminent domainflnverse condemnation (14)E Wrongful eviction (33)D Other real property (26) Unlawful DetainerE CommercialfifiE Residential(32)E Drugs(38) Judicial ReviewD Asset forfeiture (05)E Petition re: arbitration award (1 1)a Writ of mandate (02)E Otherjudidal review (39) Provisionally Complex Clvil Litigation (Cal. Rules of Court. rules 3400-34103) E: Antitrusthradc regulation (03)E Construcn‘on dared {10) [j Mass tort (40)E Securities litigation (28) E3 EnvironmentaUToxic tort (30) [j lnsuranw covetage daims arising from the above fisted provisionally complex wse types (41) Enforcement of JudgmentE Enforcement ofjudgrnent (20) Miscellaneous Civil ComplaintE Rico (27) [j Other complaint {norspecifled above) (42) Miscellaneous Civil PetitionD Partnership and corporate gofiemance (21) [j Other petition (nor specified abova) (43) 2. This caseE is E is not complex under rule 3.400 ofthe Caiifomia Rules of Com. If the mse is complex, mark the factors requiring exceptionaljudicial management: a. E3 Large number of éeparately represented parties b. a Extensive motion pracfice raising difficult or novel issues that will be time-consuming to resolve c. E Substantial amountofdocumentary evidence d. E Large number of witnesses e. E] Coordination with related actions penan in one or more courts in other counties. states. or countries. or in a federal coun f. D Substantial postjudgmentjudicial supervision 3. Remedies sought {check all that apply):a.E monetary b.E nonmonetary; declaratory or injuncfive relief c. E punitive 4_ Number of causes of action (specify): 5. This caseE is is not a class action suit. 6. If there are any known relaféd cases, file and serve a notice of related casa. (You may use form CM-015 Date. Af-NM AL q! Wan}! b (TYPE 0R PRINT NAME) NOTICE o Pfainfiff must file this cover sheet with the first paper filed in the action or proceeding (except small claims cases or cases filed under the Probate Code. Family Code. or Welfare and Institutions Code). (Cal. Rules of Court. rule 3.220.) Failure to file may result in sanctions. a File this cover sheet in addition to any cover sheet required by local court rule. a If this case is complex under rule 3.400 et seq. of the California Rules of Court, you must serve a copy ofthis cover sheet on all other parties to the action or proceeding. ° Unless this is a collections case under rule 3.740 or a complex mse. this cover sheet will be used for stafistiml purposes only. Pawn 1 ofz CaL Rulesd Court. rutes Z30. 3m. 3400-3403. 3740: cu Standards dJud'cia:mum std, 3.1: (SIGNATURE OF PARTY OR ATTORNEY FOR PARTY) Form Adopfod (0t Mwwdmwy Ugo n. 151-: n.._4;u pl Fnumh CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET