DeclarationCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 5, 2021410 West Arden Avenue, Suite 203 Glendale, California 91203 LAWYERS for JUSTICE, PC 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 21 CV379147 Santa Clara - Civil Edwin Aiwazian (SBN 232943) Arby Aiwazian (SBN 269827) Joanna Ghosh (SBN 272479) Elizabeth Parker-Fawley (SBN 301592) Arman Marukyan (SBN 327150) LAWYERS for JUSTICE, PC 410 West Arden Avenue, Suite 203 Glendale, California 91203 Tel: (818) 265-1020 / Fax: (818) 265-1021 Attorneysfor Plaintiff Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 10/14/2021 5:38 PM Reviewed By: R. Walker Case #21 CV379147 Envelope: 7469061 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA DEANGELO DANIELS, individually, and 0n behalf of other members 0f the general public similarly situated; Plaintiff, vs. GARUDA LABS, INC. DBA INSTAWORK, an unknown business entity; and DOES 1 through 100, inclusive, Defendants. Case No.: 21CV79147 Honorable Patricia M. Lucas CLASS ACTION DECLARATION OF ELIZABETH PARKER-FAWLEY IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF’S OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANT GARUDA LABS, INC. DBA INSTAWORK’S MOTION TO COMPEL ARBITRATION, STRIKE CLASS ALLEGATIONS, AND STAY PROCEEDINGS Hearing Date: October 27, 2021 Hearing Time: 1:30 p.m. Department: 3 Complaint Filed: April 5, 2021 Trial Date: None Set 1 DECLARATION OF ELIZABETH PARKER-FAWLEY IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF’S OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANT GARUDA LABS, INC. DBA INSTAWORK’S MOTION TO COMPEL ARBITRATION, STRIKE CLASS ALLEGATIONS, AND STAY PROCEEDINGS 410 West Arden Avenue, Suite 203 Glendale, California 91203 LAWYERS for JUSTICE, PC 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DECLARATION OF ELIZABETH PARKER FAWLEY I, Elizabeth Parker-Fawley, hereby declare as follows: 1. I am an attorney duly licensed to practice before all courts of the State of California and I am an attorney at Lawyers for Justice, PC, attorneys of record for Plaintiff Deangelo Daniels (“Plaintiff”) in this case. The facts set forth in this declaration are within my personal knowledge, or based on information and belief, and, if called as a Witness, I could and would competently testify thereto. To the extent this declaration contains facts that are 0r were outside my personal knowledge, they are derived from documents and records maintained by Lawyer for Justice, PC in the ordinary course 0f business, relating t0 the above-captioned lawsuit, which documents and records were created contemporaneously With the events described therein. I have personally reviewed such documents and records prior t0 creating this declaration. 2. On December 22, 2020, Plaintiff’s counsel sent a letter (“Records Request Letter”) t0 Sumir Meghani, the Chief Executive Officer 0f Garuda Labs, Inc. dba Instawork, requesting that he produce Plaintiff’s employment records pursuant t0 California Labor Code sections 432, 226, and 1198.5. A true and correct copy 0f this letter is attached hereto as Exhibit A. 3. On April 26, 2021, Plaintiff’ s counsel again sent a letter (“Records Request Letter 2”) t0 Sumir Meghani, the Chief Executive Officer 0f Garuda Labs, Inc. dba Instawork, requesting that he produce Plaintiff’s employment records pursuant t0 California Labor Code sections 432, 226, and 1198.5. A true and correct copy 0f this letter is attached hereto as Exhibit B. 4. On June 11, 2021, Plaintiff’s counsel sent a letter (“Records Request Letter 3”) t0 Sumir Meghani, the Chief Executive Officer of Garuda Labs, Inc. dba Instawork, again requesting Plaintiff’s employment records pursuant t0 California Labor Code sections 432, 226, and 1198.5, with an enclosure letter referencing our prior requests. Said request and enclosure letter is attached hereto as Exhibit C. 5. Neither I, nor anyone at Lawyers for Justice, PC received a response from 2 DECLARATION OF ELIZABETH PARKER-FAWLEY IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF’S OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANT GARUDA LABS, INC. DBA INSTAWORK’S MOTION TO COMPEL ARBITRATION, STRIKE CLASS ALLEGATIONS, AND STAY PROCEEDINGS 410 West Arden Avenue, Suite 203 LAWYERS for JUSTICE, PC Glendale, California 9 1203 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Defendant to any of the above correspondence. 6. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State 0f California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this 14th day of October at Glendale, California. Elizabeth Parker-Fawley 3 DECLARATION OF ELIZABETH PARKER-FAWLEY IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF’S OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANT GARUDA LABS, INC. DBA INSTAWORK’S MOTION TO COMPEL ARBITRATION, STRIKE CLASS ALLEGATIONS, AND STAY PROCEEDINGS EXHIBIT A LAWYERS FDR JUSTICE A PROFESSIONAL CDRPDRATIDN Decenlber 22, 2020 BY U.S. CERTIFIED MAIL /RETURNRECEIPTREQUESTED Sumir Meghani Chief Execuu've Officer Garuda Labs Inc. dba Instawork 340 Brannan Street, Suite 302 San Francisco, CA 94107 Re: Request for Personnel File, Pay Stubs and Time Records Dear Mr. Meghanj: Pursuant to California Labor Code §§ 432, 226 and 1198.5 we are requesting that Garuda Labs Inc. dba Instawork “as soon as practicable but no later than twenty-one (21) days” from the date of this letter, send us copies of the following records relating to Deangelo Daniels: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Employee personnel file in its entirety; Any instrument or document Mr. Daniels signed relau'ng to the obtaining 01' holding of employment; Pay stubs, wage statements and time records in their entirety; Business-related expense reimbursement records in their entirety; Any and all records relating to Mr. Daniels’s performance or to any grievance concerning Mr. Daniels, including but not limited to performance reviews, promotions, demotions, change of pay rate, change of pay rate, change of job position, change of job title, verbal or written warnings, verbal 01' written reprimands, verbal or written reprimands, discipline, or adverse actions (See California Labor Code Section 1198.5); Any and all records relating to Mr. Daniels’s missed, late, or interrupted meal 0r rest breaks; Job description(s) and employee handbook(s): Any records relating to overtime worked by Mr. Daniels or overtime compensation received by Mt. Daniels; Any and all arbitration agreements signed by Mr. Daniels, employment agreements signed by Mr. Daniels, settlement agreement/release signed by Mr. Daniels, dispute resolution policies, confidentiality agreements signed by M1 Daniels, and non--compete agreements signed by Mr. Daniels, if any; and 10) Any and all other records that relate to Mr. Daniels’s compensation, time scheduled o1- Worked, or other employment-related issues. Please find enclosed an “Authorization for Release of Personnel File, Pay Stubs, 21nd Time Records” form signed by Mr. Daniels. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. \‘Vith kind regards, Edwin Aiwaz'igm; Esq. 410 WEST ARDEN AVENUE I SUITE 203 GLENDALE, CA QIZDB TEL (BIB) 265*1020 I FAX (BIB) 265>IDZI WWW.LF.JPC.CDM LAWYERS FOR JUSTICE A PROFESSIONAL CURPDRATIDN AUTHORIZATION FOR RELEASE OF PERSONNEL FILE, PAY STUBS AND TIME RECORDS l, Deangelo Daniels, request that Garuda Labs Inc. dba Instawork, send a copy of the following documents to LAWYERS for JUSTICE, PC, located at 410 West Arden Avenue, Suite 203, Glendale, California 91203: 1) My employee personnel file in its entirety; 2) Any instrument or document I signed relating to the obtaining or holding of employment; 3) My pay stubs, wage statements and time records in their entirety; 4) My business-related expense reimbursement records in their entirety; 5) Any and all records relating to my performance or to any grievance concerning me, including but not limited to performance reviews, promotions, demotions, change of pay rate, change ofjob position, change ofjob title, verbal or written warnings, verbal or written reprimands, discipline, or adverse actions (See California Labor Code Section 1198.5); 6) Any and all records relating to my missed, late, or interrupted meal or rest breaks; 7) Myjob description(s) and employee handbook(s); 8) Any records relating to overtime worked by me or overtime compensation received by me; 9) Any and all arbitration agreements signed by me, employment agreements signed by me, settlement agreement/release signed by me, dispute resolution policies, confidentiality agreements signed by me, and non-compete agreements signed by me, if any; and 10) Any and all other records that relate to my compensation, time scheduled or worked, or other employment-related issues. Deangelo Daniels Print Name “WW] 1 2 / 1 8 / 2 o 2 o Signature Date 410 WEST ARDEN AVENUE - SUITE 203 - GLENDALE. CA 91203 TEL (818) 265-1020 ~FAX (818) 265-1021- WWW.CALL.JUST|CE.COM :lmurk I‘m Suite302 CA94107 mo m 9 5m L , €0 2 6 wa m o. . 7:;s,.,nu,.n.;n:1 V ' i’l-‘unvvmHI‘JIIHHLiHullwrn'-‘- imuiHum m0 wat S I n. ab d c. mSbaL adur a G rl e . mfiOe . W . T. UCeXEf . mh C 340BrennanStreet SumirMeghani SanFrancisco, (:r-IlimnflMail {A h u| . . . . . S ( PL HT Mm. JJ m m u n p m <. z m u h : . _ < u . m J E d Z m J u HT M F J mm m HD DD Em ma wH Em. m u m m h_ 3 m . m 3 2 m > < Z m o m < k m m 3 0 3u é _:2 :_ W A . S i g n a t u r e C o m p l e t e i t e m s 1 , 2 , a n d 3 . P r i n t y o u r n a m e a n d a d d r e s s o n t h e r e v e r s e x s o t h a t w e c a n r e t u r n t h e c a r d t o y o u . A t t a c h t h i s c a r d t o t h e b a c k o f t h e m a i l p i e c e , o r o n t h e f r o n t i f s p a c e p e r m i t s . A a z n m A A A . . . . . . n ¢ _ U A g e n t D A d d r e s s e e B . R e c e i v e d b y { P r i n t e d N a m e ) C . D a t e o f D e l i v e r y D . l s d e l i v e r y a d d r e s s d i f f e r e n t f r o m i t e m 1 ? D Y e s _ . I f Y E S . e n t e r d e l i v e r y a d d r e s s b e | o w 2 D N o S u m l r M e g h a n : C h i e f E x e c u t i v e O f fi c e r G a r u d a L a b s I n c . d b a I n s t a w o r k 3 4 0 B r a n n a n S t r e e t , S u i t e 3 0 2 S a n F r a n c i s c o , C A 9 4 1 0 7 3 ‘ s e r v i c e T y p e D P r i o r i t y M a i l E x p m s s ® i i ' ' I 1 E 5 I I I l ] ! l I l l l l E 1 A d u l t S i g n a t u r e U R e g i s t e r e d M a i I T M g j L ‘ ! I I I i | i ‘ 2 h l I D A d u l t S i g n a t u r e R e s t r i c t e d D e l i v e r y D R e g i s t e r e d M a i l R e s t r i c t e d A _ ' ' D C e r fi fi e d M a i l ® D e h v e r y 5 : 1 9 0 9 4 0 2 € 0 1 8 0 0 6 9 7 0 7 2 0 8 D C e r t i fi e d M a i l R e s t r i c t e d D e l i v e r y D R e t u r n H e c e i p t f o r D C o l l e c t o n D e l i v e r y M e r c h a n d i s e 9 A r t i m e N u m h e r { T r a n s f e r f r o m s e r v i c e l a b e l ) D C O H E C I 0 n D i l i v e r y R e s t r i c t e d D e l i v e r y D S i g n a m ‘ e C o n fi r m a t i o n “ D S i g n a t u r e C o n fi r m a t i o n ? n l a 1 5 3 : 1 m u m s a g e . ? E H L fi i é i a e s m c t e w e n v e r y a s s u a m e a o e n v e r y - - - - - r - ’ v n v r - w ~ 1 0 ) P S F o r m 3 8 1 1 , J u l y 2 0 1 5 P S N 7 5 3 0 - 0 2 - 0 0 0 - 9 0 5 3 D o m e s t i c R e t u r n R e c e i p t i ' UNITED snares7 POSTAL SERVICE. GLENDALE 313 E BI'QUAD'NAY GLENDALE, (TA 912L" 9998 (800)275~8777 12/22/2020 13 PM Qty Unit Prime Price Product I 3"Wfi%urmw 1:61, a‘- .‘ ,;,:; r, ' ' ' “"“ "' ' " 3““ PFVHLISCuv LH 8+1ug' First-Ciass Mail® 1 $0.55 ‘ _ - Letter San Francisco, CA 94107 Weight: 0 lb 0.70 oz Estimated Delivery Date Mnn 12/28/2020 Certified Mail® $3.55 Tracking k: 70181830000188361291 Return Receipt Tracking #2 QFQO 9402 bUJB Unhn 7072 a Affixad Postage «$6.95 Affixed Amount: $7.50 $0.00 béfimedManFee '5‘; 5r; $1 ‘7": ., .a..r_-_l SGI’ViCGEEAg FE; ”i :‘__‘~_ Sm A [I Helum Receipt (llnnlmgggbl‘ hm. 52d re M [ Iliulum llecclpl (aluminum) ‘-" Llflmilied Mail Resluclurl Delivery S :"T Is” a UU [:lAril-It Signalum Hanulmd > __ gr! a fin IWI Adult Sinnalum Rushiulnu Delivmv '3¥ Sumir Meghani Chief Exh’bdfive Officer Garuda Labs Inc. dba InstawoFk 340 Brannan Street, Suite 302 San Francisco, CA 94107 ‘2 .855) ?DLAEAJJEBU DDUL EBEE ?EEIL Total $O‘UUGrand Iota]: wwwwwwxwwxrxwwwwwwwwxwrwwwwrwwwwtwwxwxwwxx USPS is experiencing unprecedented volume hmmmgm,liiMTmlmmhw% availability dua 10 the impautb at COVID-IQ. 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" _ |'l"| (M "§il..1.-"'.-_’UZ-?lSum" Meghan' ~, x: -. m n rim Hui Ice 51,21“:Chief Executive Officer u; h my i3.“ H; _Garuda Labs Inc. dba Instawork ‘ - r I... H“ [\ZT'J'QS‘Y""""””5:’“’“”""” i... .(Lv57”. 1 nu ‘. .3 2.5 >139 Stillman St. TH.“ km. '1.v .1 5] i .San Francisco, CA 94107 H I r'v-‘nm 94in. 2:15.; mm mm «Iran iH'I I m1 M, 1m»: :|;/.::n M'l‘i-aml Anlmlififl :lJ iul Inm! 5m I‘ll» p! ‘lljl dc?) M(ll W} 11M}?! h; mu! 'Iu't-hi . ' :ln‘l UH AAfiJn V-.‘.'\'.\‘\,AA,-:.\'xr. nAA'r nkztale A .\.<.t-..|,;.Au. ZAZIJIJAAAA f. HiJ ’1, Iz-J R: "=1 im‘n: i Hg.) unrn 1.24 im meal w! umw it’d I m f1“. «.ii:'l ”mi {nil z-‘lHImH' : :wi‘ii Icilri ! I [:1 JUL: U: U Iv i'lllij-nu .- U f i‘l‘fv LIAF J. Were mpg 2r ‘m’ i 511+;- yul n" p. l.i me. A ‘ ’K"‘I'LKW.I’A"J.\"I A'I LA!" A'AK‘nKI J.IIKAA‘ZVIZAKKA‘A'AAAA h. «x ianmfi“ .auiah run! tug! l»‘.w 3 1L1 EXHIBIT C LAWYERS FORJUSTICE June 1|, 2021 BY U.S. CERTIFIED MAIL/RETURNRECEIPT REQUESTED Sumir Meghani Chief Executive Officer Garuda Labs Inc. dba lnstawork 39 Stillman St. San Francisco, CA 94107 Re: Request for Personnel File, Pav Stubs and Time Records Dear Mr. Meghani: Our office requested Mr. Deangelo Daniels’s personnel records 0n April 26. 202 l. We have yet to receive any of the requested documents. Enclosed you will find a copy of our letter dated April 26, 202l. Mr. Daniels’s Authorization for Release of Personnel File. Pay Stubs and Time Records. Effective January l, 20l3, California Legislature enacted specific enforcement remedies for violation of Labor Code § l 198.5 by authorizing an employee to recover a penalty of$750 and attorneys’ fees. as well as injunctive relief. Garuda Labs Inc. dba Instawork, has cl_early violated this statute by refusing to comply and ignoring Mr. Daniels’s request. Mr. Daniels demands that your company comply with this request fonhwith. If we do not receive the requested records by COB Friday, June l8, 2021, Mr. Daniels may file an action for your company’s failure to produce them in violation of California Labor Code §§ 226. 432. l I985 and California Business & Professions Code Section [7200, et seq. and request all applicable penalties. litigation costs and attorneys’ fees. To electronically submit records in compliance t0 the foregoing Records Request. please submit them to l' lfyou have any questions 0r concerns. please feel free t0 give us a call. With kind regards. EdwinAiwazW Enclosures 410 ARDEN AVE, SUITE 203 / GLENDALE. CA 91203 (818) 265-1020 / WWW.CALLJUSTICE.COM LAW‘YERS FOR JUSTICE: April 26, 2021 BY us. CERTIFIED MAIL /RETURNRECEIPTREQUESTED Sumir IVIeghani Chief Executive Officer Gnruda Labs Inc. dba Instawork 39 Stillman St. San Francisco, CA 94107 Re: Request for Personnel File, Pay Stubs and Time Records Dear Mr. Meghani: Pursuant to California Labor Code §§ 432, 226 and 1198.5 we are requesting that Gamda Labs Inc. dba Instawork “as soon as practicable but no later than twenty-one (21) days” from the date of this letter, send us copies of the following records relating to Denngelo Daniels: 1) Employee personnel file in its entirety; 2) Any instalment or document Mr. Daniels signed relating to the obtaining or holding of employment; 3) Pay stubs, wage statements 21nd time records in their entirety; 4) Business-rclated expense reimbursement records in their endxety; 5) Any and n11 records relating to Mr. Daniels’s performance or to any grievance concerning Mr. Daniels, including but not limited to performance reviews, promotions, demotions, change of pay rate, change of pay rate, change of job position, change of job title, verbal or written warnings, verbal 01' written reprimands, verbal or written reprimands, discipline, 01' adverse actions (fee California Labor Code Section 1198.5); 6) Any and all records relating to Mr. Daniels’s missed, late, or interrupted meal 0r rest breaks; 7) Job description(s) and employee handbook(s): 8) Any records relating to overtime worked by Mr. Daniels or overtime compensation received by Mr. Daniels; 9) Any and all arbitration agreements signed by Mr. Daniels, employment agreements signed by Mr. Daniels, settlement ngreement/release signed by Mr. Daniels, dispute resolution policies, confidentiality agreements signed by Mr. Daniels, and non-compete agreements signed by Mr. Daniels, if any; and 10) Any and aLl other records that relate to Mr. Daniels’s compensation, time scheduled or worked, 01' other employment-rela ted issues. 11) To electronically submit records in compliance to the foregoing Records Request, please submit them to recordsaQCALLl Please find enclosed an “Authorization for Release of Personnel File, Pay Stubs, and Time Records” form signed byMr. Daniels. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. gwdnd regards, ?V/f/L’ ///»€/Z’//“Vc_____a nvazmn, .hclwm 1- 414C) AREDEN AVE, SUHTE E303 / GLENDALE. CA 91303 (£6318) 3654030 / VV'W'VV.GALLJUEBTI‘GE..~CDM [ FDR A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION AUTHORIZATION FOR RELEASE OF PERSONNEL FILE, PAY STUBS AND TIME RECORDS l, Deangelo Daniels, request that Garuda Labs Inc. dba lnstawork, send a copy of the followingdocuments to LAWYERS for JUSTICE, PC, located at 410 West Arden Avenue, Suite 203, Glendale,CaIifornia 91203: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) My employee personnel file in its entirety; Any instrument or document I signed relating to the obtaining or holding of employment; My pay stubs, wage statements and time records in their entirety; My business-related expense reimbursement records in their entirety; Any and all records relating to my performance or to any grievance concerning me, including butnot limited to performance reviews, promotions, demotions, change of pay rate, change ofjobposition, change ofjob title, verbal or written warnings, verbal or written reprimands, discipline,or adverse actions (See California Labor Code Section 1198.5); Any and all records relating to my missed, late, or interrupted meal or rest breaks; Myjob description(s) and employee handbook(s); Any records relating to overtime worked by me or overtime compensation received by me; Any and all arbitration agreements signed by me, employment agreements signed by me,settlement agreement/release signed by me, dispute resolution policies, confidentialityagreements signed by me, and non-compete agreements signed by me, if any; and 10) Any and all other records that relate to my compensation, time scheduled or worked, or otheremployment-related issues. Deangelo Daniels Print Name Emma” Mw-sv-oWw] 1 2 /1 8/2020 Date Signature 410 WEST ARDEN AVENUE - SUITE 203 - GLENDALE. CA 91203 TEL (818) 265-!020 (FAX (818) 265-102l- WWW.CALLJUSTICE.COM f}! FHIJM l; .A‘l i I iilhuxii" inlml.‘ -./\ H V14 Iil-2‘lxlgnllcx;cil>l(r;wimpy) I : A /C‘)\" div!) i" 3 ‘ 1 . M(i‘l "1‘; [V Illnlllmllcunipflulnrlmniu) . _ ' W . : (El [If‘ I ' I 1:, ‘ , ' " ' -’ ..ulflu:lm:|mlll)v:lwu|y “NR i‘nl I '_ ”l" i n l. “A .‘LHH ll n mlumlmmimr ' W," ”ll 1.! H H ,Al ”II IAtlllltblunilllln:Hoslruzludlmllvmv h ‘ r V i: I “"0! U” l "fl i ”l” IV- . . -' w .-. "d ,"3 Ix) ;.Sumlr Meghanl _ __‘_ r ' . -. _, " .': ” “d'i- WU» Chief Executive Officer 1.. u . Garuda Labs Inc. dba lnstawork - V V :smsl'; 39 Stillman St. .. ’ .1 ”ISan Francisco, CA 94107 h gm.“ .Hi. {mi 3,,qu IV, _‘ IHII- Ll! [huhh-E I‘d“ n i :wl mu-uuud, :L,‘ n.) """ii :‘L‘I’; UH :Isl'} U: I 1,7.-«.\\al~....4~ U D D fi m m m..- D Z >_ I U D M U D M DG Z D Z L i n 2 m m .. . > N U M Z > < N Z C M . m_L_ ._ ‘ N N fl m G F M Z U > F M . U >_ I_ W U I Z_ > 0 .. N O W r. 1".l“:no '4mv‘r'ryr flu : u g h LO LVB V0 'OOSDUBJj UBS '18 UBUJIHIS 69 9mnpB1BqSmOD.qewm.mmM 2_=_E__ Hymn mama n Ew u mmwm gueufiew .uums ....r.u1 n l y I} up)»: -I .Uaqu u n un-z n l linu- u mulluz-tl Dd " Emu : "mt, 1m”, A_l ‘_ : “fllmuwh m an Mo m. 8 8 5 6 } 9:1.1. . wbg ow ri’J"*a "iiilrnrf; s ‘ i i . W 4 1 4 i . I ; v ‘ w n 11mm r r1 'r v 7111mm}, ,Iz ‘Ell S . “9 8mm 5 3mm oz me oo mmom -ooo -mo -ommN 2mm mrom > 3. .. ._.rwm E 8 “. mm u l l l j fl flA l l I l l l E mofimwmm a E a § § on. 5 ammm mmrr aaaa amaa raan Eco an L co m_ am cgw D . 5260 b Bo Emom Em mflucmn em s. am mo : 302 60 D “ 3“£0 an 5 2mm D D02 30 B S Emcm 2 Um. 9 5-2 U {rt mo D bmzfio u Bo Emmm 9 2 2 % .5 2 n_ g , 9. 3 95 % ==u< D ®mm 2u xm=m s_ acorn U m g . . 8 3 me .m ' l l l l l l l l l I l l l l l l l l oz U " 3 2mm mmm fium Em>=mn a m0> D S. Emu E 9: E Qm EU www‘fiU > 6 ng B 9mm .o «m sm z h e s : E 82 8 $ .m mmmmm fi g D Emm< D> tm> 3m n 2 ° Z O F O WW QIE Mh mdlSOO = G £ fl~ G ( .: ( 0 0 E CLm. L flu u c n tk de E. .. ‘ O_ L_ t < 0 mm mnmm mmrm Nnmm ova ommm Es:_:_=_=_=_ B ¢ <0 6 8 6 : 9; : mm .Hw : m E_ Ew mm { 0 3 3 2: man . o :_ ma g mu E mG L m o E O m >z z u m xm E EO E mzm m s. : an . thLm n. momqw t E 0: co L o .mom m E o fiho v. 0 8 m 5 9. Emo comt< I 5 0> 8 E m u m 5 5 3 9 c m o m 3 E S o w $ 6 5. m E : o mm evv m u c m m E m : 5 9A Eta I .m E m .m .F m e g muma e oo I . . , m fl .i§oo ,umuazmm ?Ulq ILLED DUDE 9:133 553i] Sumir Meghani Chief Executive Offi er‘ " Garuda Labs Inc. dbé’l‘ristawéEk n 39 Stillman St. San Francisco, CA 94107 T“ -‘ 0mm? STETESP POSTAL SERVICE. GLENDALE 313 E BROADWAY GLENDALE, CA 91205-9998 (800)275-8777 06/11/2021 05:07 PM Product 01y Unit Price Price First-Class Mailfl 1 Letter San Francisco, CA 94107 Weight: 0 lb 1.00 oz Estimated Delivery Date Tue 06/15/2021 Certified Mail® $3.60 Tracking #2 70191120000099: _ Return Receipt $2.85 Tracking #: 9590 9402 5372 9189 9275 25 Affixed Postage -$7.00 Affixed Amount: $7.00 Total $0.00 Total: IBRSiSeMEFWHMHQme‘,mJ edvoume increases and IImIted employee availability due to the im" “ 0f IL» 9. - r