Request DismissalCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 18, 202121 CV379141 Santa Clara - Civil CIV-l 10 ATTORNEY 0R PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY: STATE BAR N0.: FOR COURT USE ONLY A. ViIIar ueva NAME: Anna C. Karkoon, State Bar #295797 Christine Siduguen, State Bar #240380 Paul J. Klemm, State Bar #199194 Electronically Filed FIRM NAME: RAUSCH STURM LLP . STREET ADDRESS: 250 N. Sunnyslope Road, Suite 300 by S”parlor CO” rt 0f CA, CITY; Brookfield STATE; WI ZIP CODE; 53005 County of Santa Clara, TELEPHONE N0.: (877) 215-2552 FAX No: (877) 396-4464 . E-MAIL ADDRESS: on 8/1 6/2021 1 o ' 1 5_PM ATTORNEY FOR (Name): PLAINTIFF ReVIewed By: A. VI I Ianueva SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA case #21 CV3791 41 STREET ADDRESS; 191 NORTH FIRST STREET MAILING ADDRESS; Envelope: 7073747 CITY AND ZIP CODE: SAN JOSE, CA 951 13 BRANCH NAME; DOWNTOWN SUPERIOR COURT Plaintiff/Petitioner: TD Bank USA, N.A. Defendant/Respondent: MAJEED S SALFITI CASE NUMBER;REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL 21CV379141 A conformed copv Will not be returned bv the clerk unless a method 0f return is provided with the document. This form may not be used for dismissal 0f a derivative action 0r a class action or of any party 0r cause 0f action in a class action. (Cal. Rules 0f Court, rules 3.760 and 3.770.) 1. TO THE CLERK: Please dismiss this action as follows: a. (1) D With prejudice (2) fl Without Prejudice b. (1) D Complaint (2) D Petition (3) D Cross-complaint filed by (name): 0n (date): (4) D Cross-complaint filed by (name): on (date): (5) D Entire action of all parties and all causes of action (6) E Other (specifiz):* DOES 1 through 10 only, inclusive 2. (Complete in all cases exceptfamily law cases.) The court D did E did not waive court fees and costs for a party in this case. (This information may be obtainedfrom the clerk. Ifcourtfees and costs were waived, the declaration 0n the back 0fthisf0rm must be completed). Date: 08/03/2021 Wm- Christine Siduguen , (TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF X ATTORNEY I] PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY) (SIGNATURE) *If dismissal requested is 0f specified parties only of specified causes 0f action only, Attorney 0r party Without attorney for; or of specified cross-complaints only, so state and identify the parties, causes of E Plaintiff/Petitioner D Defendant/Res endent action, 0r cross complaints t0 be dismissed. p D Cross Complainant 3. TO THE CLERK: Consent to the above dismissal is hereby given.** Date: (TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF El ATTORNEY D PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY) (SIGNATURE) **If a cross-complaint i or Response (Family Law) seeking affirmative Attorney 0r party Without attorney for; reliefi is on file, the attorney for cross-complainant (respondent) must sign D - - - - D this consent if required by Code of Civil Procedure section 581 (I) or (j). Plalntlff/Petltloner Defendant/Respondent D Cross Complainant (T0 be completed by clerk) 4. )0 Dismissal entered as requested on (date).8/16/2021 10115 PM 5. D Dismissal entered 0n (date): as t0 only (name): 6. D Dismissal not entered as requested for he following reasons (specz'fiz): 7. a.XJ Attorney 0r party without attorney notified 0n (date):8/16/2021 10115 PM b. D Attorney or party without attorney not notified. Filing party failed to provide D a copy to be conformed D means to return conformed copy Datezan 6/2021 10515 PM Clerk, by A. Villanueva , Deputy Page 1 of2 Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Code of Civil Procedure, § 581 et seq.; Gov. Code, Judicial Council 0f California REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL § 68637(c); Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3. 1390 www‘ courts. Our File Number. 4052828 CIV-110 [Rev. Jan 1, 2013] CIV-110 Plaintiff/Petitioner: TD Bank USA, N.A. CASE NUMBER: Defendant/Respondent: MAJEED S SALFITI 2 1CV379 1 41 COURT’S RECOVERY OF WAIVED COURT FEES AND COSTS value by way of settlement, compromise, arbitration award, mediation settlement, or other means, the court has a statutory lien on that recovery. The court may refine to dismiss the case until the lien is satisfied. (Gov. Code, § 68637.) If a party whose court fees and costs were initially waived has recovered 0r will recover $10,000 0r more in Declaration Concerning Waived Court Fees 1. The court waived court fees and costs in this action for (name): 2. The person named in item 1 is (check one below): a. D not recovering anything 0f value by this action. b. E1 recovering less than $10,000 in value by this action. c. D recovering $10,000 or more in value by this action. (Ifz'tem 2c is checked, item 3 must be completed.) 3. D A11 court fees and court costs that were waived in this action have been paid to the court (check one): D Yes D No I declare under penalty ofperjury under the laws 0f the State of California that the information above is true and correct. Date: V (TYPE 0R PRINT NAME 0F D ATTORNEY u PARTY MAKING DECLARATION) (SIGNATURE) CIV-110 [Rev. Jan 1, 2013] REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL Page 2 of2 Our File Number. 4052828