Declaration Non ServiceCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 18, 2021DECLARATION RE DILIGENCE Attorney or Party without attorney: AARON N BALDARO, BAR ¹ 261156 AMERICAN EXPRESS LEGAL (CA) 199 S. LOS ROBLES AVE. Suite 830 PASADENA, CA 91101 Tele hone hlumber: 6266600002 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNtA, COUN'F SANTA CLARA PLAINTIFF: AMERICAN EXPRESS NATIONAL BANK DEFENDANT: HOA LE A/K/A HOA K LE A/K/A OA LE DECLARATION RE DILIGENCE CASE NUMBER: 21CV379132 FILE NUMBER: 3127837 LEVY OFF ICE R NUMB ER: I, HECTOR TORRES, declare I am a Registered Process Server and was retained to serve process in the above-referenced matter on the following person or entity: HOA LE A/K/A HOA K LE A/K/A OA LE I was on the dates herein mentioned over the age of eighteen years and not a party to the above-entitled action. I am authorized to serve legal process in the State of California. The following facts are within my personal knowledge and if sworn as a witness I can and will truthfully and competently testify thereto. Documents: Summons, Complaint, Civil Case Cover Sheet, Civil Lawsuit Notice I attempted personal service on the following dates and times with the following results: Residential Address: 1182 WINSLOW DR SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95122 2775 Business Address: EI unknown SERVICE FEE $68.00 Date Time and Results: 04/21/2021 07:27:00 PM - Per "John Doe" resident, defendant does noi reside end whereabouts unknown. Descri tion of erson s oken to Sex: MALE Age: 41-45 Skin Tone: WHITE Watr: BLACK Eye Color: BROWN Weight: 5FT4IN-5FT7IN Weight: 131 LBS-150 LBS I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California ihat the forgoing is true and correct and this declaration is executed on 4/23/2021 at SAN JOSE, California CITY Sign'eiur HECTOR TORRES Printed Name PS1741 / SANTA CLARA Registration ¹ / Registration County DECLARATION RE DILIGENCE VIA FAX FILE Page 'I of 1 Case ID: 6027829 Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 5/6/2021 1:34 PM Reviewed By: System System Case #21CV379132 Envelope: 6392449 21CV379132 Santa Clara - Civil System System