Civil Case Cover SheetCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 3, 2021ATTQBNE:Y_ OB P_AEITY_VynHOlff ATTORNEY l,Nama, State Bdr numbq, aN *tresF.):-WILLIAM J. FRIMEL [BarNb. 160287) SEIIBERT FRENCH FRMEL AND WARNERLLP 1075 Curtis Street Menlo Park"CA94025 rELEpr.oNENo.: 650.322.3048 FAx.lo.: ArroRNEyFoRrvamo,, capital Asset Exchanee and T couRT oF cALtFoRtr[A, couNTy oF santa claru srREErADDREss, 191 N. FirSt Sfreet MAILING ADDRESS: crry AND zrP coDe, San Jose, CA 95 I I 3 I Asset Exchange & Tradins. LLC v. OEM Grouo East. LLC CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET l-Zl untimtteu l--l limieo (Amount (Amount demanded demanded is exceeds $25,000) $25,000 or less) (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3 Complex Caee Designation I-_l couner l--l Joinder Filed with first appearance by defendant JUDGE: DEPT: 1. Check one box below for the case type that best describes this case: l-J lnsurance coverage (18) n Oil,"."ontract (37) Real Pmperty l--l Emin"nt domain/lnverse condemnation (14) I-l Wrongtrl eviction (33) I]-l otn"r reatproperty (26) Unlarrvfi.rl Detainer [--l cor,*rciat(31) [*-l Residentiat(32) [--l Drugs (3s) Judicial Review l--l n".ut torbiture (05) l--l p"tition re: arbitration award (11) l-l wt ot randate (02) Provisionally Complex Clvll Litigatlon (Cal. Rules of Court, rules 3.400,-3.403) l-*l Rnfitrustnrade regutation (03) Illl construdion detuct (Io) f--l u"""tort (+o) l*]l Securitles litigation (28) l*-l EnvironmentaUToxic tort (30) I I ln"rr"n* coverage daims arising from the above listed provisionally complex case types (41) Enforc€ment of Jud grrent [-_l erOr""rnent of judgnent (20) Miscellaneous Civil Complaint [*-l nrco 1zz1 iliscellaneous Civi, Petition [-_l P"rtn"r"hip and corporate governancs (21) pam,age/Wrongful Death) Tort I I Asbestos (04) l--l Product liability (24) l-l ru"Oiot matpractice (45) l-l Otn", Pt/PD/vtD (23) ]{en-PUPDTWD (Other) Tort ff, eusiness torUunfair business practice (07) l-_l cirirrishis (08) [-l D"f"r"tion (13) l--l Fraud (i6) f] lnt"leaual property (19) L-j Professional negligence (25) I I otner non,PUPDMlD ton (35) Emplrymont f-l Wrongtulbrmination (36) Items 1-O below must be instrudions on 2. This case I I is I y' I is not complex under rule 3.400 of the Calilornia Rules of Court. lf the case is complex, mark the factors requiring exceptional judicial management: a. l--l Large number of separately represented parties d. [f Large number of witnesses b. f] Extensive motion practice raising difficutt or novel e. [--l Coordination with related ac{ions pending in one or more courts in other counties, states, or countries, or in a federal court f. l--I Substantial postjudgment judicial supervision Remedies sought (check alt that apply): a.l-71 monetary b.t] nonmonetary; declaratory or injunctive relief c. l--lpunitive Number of causes of action (epec$: I - Breach of Contract This case l-l i" [7] is not a ctass action suit. lf there are any known related cases, file and serve a notice of related case. (You may use form CM-015.) Date: March3,202l William J. Frimel issues that will be time.consuming to resolve c. [--l Substantial amount of documentary evidence 3. 4. 5. o. Form Adoptod for Mandatdy Use Judioial Council cf Califomia CM{10 [Rev. July 1, 200fl Rules of Court rulss 2.3O, 3.220, 3.40H.43, 3.740; Cal. Standads of Jldicial Adminisaabn, 8td. 3.10 Plaintiff must file this cover sheet with the first paper filed in the action or p@eding (except small claims cases or cases filed under the Probate Code, Family Code, or Welfare and lnstitutions Code).(Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.220.) Failure to file may result File this cover sheet in addition to any cover sheet required by local court rule. lf this case is complex under rule 3.400 et seq. of the California Rules of Court, you must sen e a copy of this cover sheet on all other parties to the action or proceeding. Unless this is a collections case under rule 3,740 or a complex case, this cover sheet will be used for statistical purposes OR PRINT NAME CIVIL CASE GOVERSHEET www.w) Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 3/3/2021 11:48 AM Reviewed By: R. Tien Case #21CV379112 Envelope: 5954102 21CV379112