DeclarationCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 18, 202110 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 21 CV379071 Santa Clara - Civil A. Villanueva BRYANT BURNSTAD, SBN 297286 E'ecmn'f‘a'w F"ed RESURGENCE LEGAL GROUP, PC by SUPEV'" COU” 0f CA, 10805 Holder Street, Suite 167 County 0f Santa Clara, Cypress, CA 90630 0n 8/4/2021 10.47 AM (T) 877/440-0860 (F) 714/226-0024 Reviewed By: A. Villanueva EMAIL: Case #21 CV379071 Envelope: 6992953 Refer t0 File Number: TP104819 Attorney for Plaintiff SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, DOWNTOWN JUDICIAL DISTRICT DOWNTOWN COURTHOUSE VELOCITY INVESTMENTS LLC, ) ) CASE NO.: 21CV379071 Plaintiff ) ) PLAINTIFF'S SUMMARY OF CASE V. ) IN SUPPORT OF DEFAULT ) JUDGMENT VINCENT VU, ) and DOES 1 through 15 inclusive ) ) Defendant(s). ) ) ) ) ) I. NATURE OF ACTION Plaintiff filed suit t0 recover an unpaid balance 0n a line 0f credit owed by Defendant(s). The total principal amount owed is $9,338.89. Plaintiffhas incurred $297.45 in costs . A total 0f $9,636.34 remains unpaid. Attached hereto as Exhibit " 1 " and incorporated by this reference is an FDCPA demand letter. Upon the expiration 0f said FDCPA demand letter, Plaintiff filed suit t0 collect money owed by Defendant(s). 1 PLAINTIFF'S SUMMARY OF CASE IN SUPPORT OF DEFAULT JUDGMENT 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 II. STATUS OF LITIGATION Suit was filed in this action 0n March 18, 2021. Attached hereto as Exhibit "2" and incorporated by this reference is an original copy 0f the Summons issued in the instant action. The Defendant, VINCENT VU, was served with the Summons and Complaint 0n April 9, 2021. Attached hereto as Exhibit "3" and incorporated by this reference is an original copy 0f the Proof 0f Service. III. NATURE OF RELIEF Plaintiff is requesting the entry 0fa defaultjudgment against the above named Defendant(s) for Breach 0f a line 0f credit agreement. The total amount owing through today is as follows: Principal ................ $9,338.89 Costs ................... $297.45 Interest ................. $0.00 Less Payments ........... $0.00 Total ................... $9,636.34 Date‘ July 25, 2021 Respectfully submitted, RESURGENC “GAL GROUP, PC By: ¢BRYANT BURNSTAD, SBN 297286 Attorney for Plaintiff 2 PLAINTIFF'S SUMMARY OF CASE IN SUPPORT OF DEFAULT JUDGMENT File TP104819 EXHIBIT “1” D001 mm; zgagm; M 3000 Lakeside Drive, Suite 309-8 Bannockburn, IL 60015 T. 877/440-0860 F. 847/656-0551 8:30am-5:00pm (local time) December 7, 2020 VINCENT VU 3300 NARVAEZ AVE SPC 84 SAN JOSE CA 95136 Reference Number: TP104819 Current Creditor: VELOCITY INVESTMENTS LLC Original Creditor: PROSPER FUNDING LLC ASSIGNEE OF WEBBANK Account Number: **7852 Balance: $9,338.89 Dear VINCENT VU: Please be advised that we have been engaged by VELOCITY INVESTMENTS LLC to collect its account with you in the amount of $9,338.89. 1. Amount of Debt: $9,338.89 Name of Current Creditor: VELOCITY INVESTMENTS LLC 3. Unless you dispute the validity ofthe debt or any portion thereofwithin 30 days after receipt ofthis notice, the debt will be assumed to be valid by us. 4. Ifyou notify us, in writing, within 30 days after receipt ofthis notice, that the debt, or any portion thereof, is disputed, we will obtain verification ofthe debt or a copy of ajudgment against you, and a copy of such verification or judgment will be mailed to you. 5. Upon your written request within 30 days after receipt of this notice, we will provide you with the name and address of the original creditor, if different from the current creditor. 6. This firm is a debt collector. We are attempting to collect a debt, and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. PLEASE SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT DISCLOSURE INFORMATION California + Illinois + Minnesota + Wisconsin You may request records showing the following: (1) ThatVELOCITY INVESTMENTS LLC has the right to seek collection of the debt; (2) the debt balance, including an explanation of any interest charges and additional fees; (3) the date of the default or the date of the last payment; (4) the name of the charge-off creditor and the account number associated with the debt; (5) the name and last known address ofthe debtor as it appeared in the charge-off creditor's or debt buyer's records prior to the sale of the debt, as appropriate; and (6) the names of all persons or entities that have purchased the debt. You may also request from us a copy of the contract or other document evidencing your agreement to the debt. A request for these records may be addressed to: VELOCITY INVESTMENTS LLC, c/o Resurgence Legal Group, PC, 3000 Lakeside Drive, Suite 309-8, Bannockburn, IL 60015. The state Rosenthal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act require that, except under unusual circumstances, collectors may not contact you before 8 :00 am. or after 9:00 pm. They may not harass you by using threats of Violence or arrest or by using obscene language. Collectors may not use false or misleading statements or call you at work if they know or have reason to know that you may not receive personal calls at work. For the most part, collectors may not tell another person, other than your attorney or spouse, about your debt. Collectors may contact another person to confirm your location or enforce ajudgment. For more information about debt collection activities, you may contact the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877- FTC-HELP or Please note that we have updated our Privacy Policy, which includes an explanation of the personal information we collect and share with others and provides information about new privacy rights granted to California residents and instructions for making a privacy request pursuant to the California Consumer Privacy Act. To View the new policy, Visit us online at or contact us to request a copy. Very truly yours, RESURGENCE LEGAL GROUP, PC File TP104819 EXHIBIT “2” SUNI- 1 00 SUMMONS FOR COURT USE ONLY (C1711CION Jl-'DICI_~1L) r501o PAM (-230 DE L1 CORE) NOTICE T0 DEFENDANT: (AVISO AL DEMANDADO): VINCENT VU. and DOES 1 through 15 inclusive E-F|LED I&“fifi EE'fiEié’AE£D%YEEL3'E'm%Ams) 3” 8/2021 9:43 AM VELOCITY INVESTMENTS LLc ' Clerk .Of court Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara 21 CV379071 Reviewed By: K. Himes NOTICEI You have been sued. The coud may decide against you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information below. You have 3O CALEN DAR DAYS afler this summons and legal papers are served on you to file a written response at this coufl and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or a phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form if you want the coud to hear your case. There may be a coud form that you can use for your response. You can find these coud forms and more information at the California Couds Online Self-Help Center ('help). your county law library or the coudhouse nearest you. Ifyou cannot pay the filing fee. ask the coud clerk for a fee waiver form. If you do not file your response on lime. you may lose the case by default and your wages. money and propedy may be taken without fudher warning from the court There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney. you may want to call an attorney referral service. Ifyou cannot afford an attorney. you may be eligible for free legal services from a non-profil legal services program. You can locale these non-profil groups at the California Legal service Website (www.lawhelpcal'rforniaorg). the California Courts Online Self Help Center ( or by contacting your local coud or county bar association. NOTE. The coud has a statutory lien for waived ffies and costs on any settlement or arbitration award of $10000 or more in a civil case. The coud's lien must be paid before the coufl will dismiss l e case. IAVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no responde denlro de 30 dias. la code puede decidir en su contra sin escuchar su version. Lea la informacion a continuacion. Tiene 30 DIAS CALENDARIOS despue's de que {e entreguen esta citacic’m y papefes Iegafes para presenter una respuesta por escrito en esta code y hacer que se entregue una copia a! demandante. Una carta o una Hamada telefc'mr'ca no Io protegen. Su respuesta por escrr'to tiene que ester en forma Iega! correcto sf desea que procesen su caso en cofie. Es posibfe que haya un formufan'o que usted pueda usar para su respuesta. Puede encontrar estos formufan'os de Ia cofie y ma’s informacibn en e! Centro de Ayuda de {as Caries de Cah’fomia (www.courtr'!ff7e!p/espano![), en Ia bibh'oteca de {eyes de su condado o en Ia corte que 1e quede ma’s cerca. Si no puede pager Ia cuota de presentacic’m, pida a! secretan'o de Ia code que {e de' una extencibn de page de cuotas. Si no presents su respuesta a tiempo, puede perder e! caso por incumph'miento y Ia corte {e podra' guitar su suefdo, dinero y bienes sin ma’s adveriencia. Hay otros requisitos {egafes Es recomendabfe que flame a un abogado immediatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado, puede Hamar a un servicio de remisién de abogados. Si no puede pager a un abogado, es posibfe que cumpfa con I05 requisitos para obtener servicos Iegafes gratuitos de un programa de servicios Iegafes sin fines de Iucro. Puede encontar estos grupos sin fines de Iucro en e! sitr'o web de Cah’fomia Lega! Services (, en e! Centro de Ayuda de {as Caries de Cah’fomia (www.courtinfo.cagov/seffheIp/espanOI/J o poniéndose en contacto con Ia corte o e! cofegr'o de abogados Iocales. AVISO: Por fey, Ia corte tiene derecho a recfamar {as cuotas y I05 costos exentos por imponer un gra vamen sobre cuafquier recuperacr'on de $1 0,000 o mas de vafor recibida mediante un acuerdo o una concesion de arbitraje en un caso de derecho civfl. Tiene que pager e! gravamen de Ia code antes de que Ia code pueda desechar e! caso. Tl e nanle and flclclress 0; tl)e coun 15:. CASE NUMBER:(E 110m W}! ( .recc'zon ( e a ('orte est: [Mimem del Cami: 21 CV379071SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA (:01an-‘ OF SANTA CLARA DOWNTOWN COURTHOUSE DOWNTOWN .rLrDICLAL DISTRICT 1.01 NORTH FERST STREET SAN JOSE CA .051 13 The name. address and telephone number ofplaintifi‘s attorney. or plaintiffwithout an attorney. is: rEl hombre, la (fireccién y e]m'wwm de tequbno del alvgado del demrmdazu‘e, 0 del demandam‘e que no time abogado, es): BRYANT BU'RNSTAD. RESURGENCE LEGAL GROUT" PC. 10805 Holder SL Suite 167. Cypress. CA .0063!) (_8'-"-'.-"4-'H)-0860) TPm-4319 K H. DATE. 3/1 8/2021 9g43 AM Clerk of Court Clerkby ' lmes .Deputy ["Fc'clm.-': ['S'crc'iariol' rL-lq’mm'ol' (For proof of service of this sumnpngfiuse Proof of Service of Sunnnonst'form PO$010).)_ _ (Pampmeba (1e emrega de um (Imuon me elfornmlano Proof of Servnce of Summons. r'POS-O] 01.1 NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: You are sewed 1. E1 as an individual defendant 3. D as the person sued under the fictitious name ofr'is'pecz'fi-‘J: 3. D on bellalfofr'is'pecjfi-‘J: under: D CCP416.1U (c-oxporation) D CCP416.6U (minor) D CCP 41 6.30 (defunct c-oxporation) D CCP 416. .70 (consen-‘atee) D CCP 41 6.40 (association 0r pamlership) D CCP 416.90 (authorized person) D other r'ispecz'fi-‘J: 4. D by pers onal delively 0n r'd'u'elz Page l of l Form Adopted for Mandatow Use SUMMONS Code of Civil Procedure §§ 4 l 2.2!). 465 Judicial Council of California SUM-loo [Rev July l. 200.0] File TP104819 EXHIBIT “3” 21CV379071 Santa Clara - Civil ATTORNEY QR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY a_r-Jame. snare. Ear number. and addressr' FOR coum use ONLY System Sylstem Bryant M Burnstau (297285) Resurgence Legal Group. PC 10805 Holder Street Suite 1 57 Cypress. CA 90530 Elect ronically Filed TELEPHONE l-JO' 877.440.0850 FAX HO (Opn'rnah' )y Superior COUI-t of CA, County of Santa Clara, E-MAI L ADDRESS (Opri-finafl' ATTORNEY FOR (Namef' VELOCITY INVESTMENTS LLC SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA STREEr ADDRESS 191 N. First Street ?eViewed By: SyStem SyStem MAILIr-Jus ADDRESS 191 N. First Street case #21 CV379071 cmAr-JD :IP CODE San Jose 95113 Envelope: 621 61 36 BRANCH r-JAME- Downtown Superior Coun )n 411 212021 12:00 AM PLAINTIFF/PETlTlONER: VELOCITY INVESTMENTS LLC CASE HUMBEP' DEFEN DANT/R ESPON DENT: VUNINCENT 21CV379071 Ref Ho or FIIe l-Jo‘ PROOF 0F SERVICE 0F SUMMONS TP104819 pa .0” At the time of service | was at least 13 years of age and not a party to this action. | served copies of (specify documents): Summons: Complaint: Civil Case Cover Sheet: Civil Lawsuit Notice: Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Packet a. Party sewed (specify name of party as shown on documents served): VINC EN T VU XV:| AS b. E Person (other than the party in item 3a) sewed on behalf of an entity or a5 an authorized agent (and not a person under item 5b whom substituted service was made) (specify name and reiationship to the party named in item 3a J: Address where the party was sewed: 3300 NARVAEZ AVE SPC 84. SAN JOSE. CA 951 36 | served the party (check properbox) a. m by personal service. | personally delivered the docum ents listed in item 2 to the party or person authorized to receive service of process for the party (1) on (date): 04/09/2021 at (time): 10:57 AM VINCENT VU. Who accepted service with direct delivery. with identity confirmed by subject saying yes when named. a black-haired Asian male approx. over 65 years of age. 5'8"-5'1 0" tall and weighing 160-180 lbs. b. E by substituted service. On (date): at (time): | left the documents listed in item 2 with or in the presence of (name and We or reiationship to person indicated m item 3): (1)E (business) a person at least 13 years of age apparently in charge at the office or usual place of business of the person to be sewed. | informed him or her of the general nature of the papers. (2)E (home) a competent member ofthe household (at least 13 years of age) at the dwelling house or usual place of abode ofthe party. | informed him or her ofthe general nature of the papers. (3)E (physical address unknown) a person at least 13 years of age apparently in charge atthe usual mailing address ofthe person to be sewed. other than a United States Postal Service post office box. | inform ed him or her ofthe general nature ofthe papers. (4)E Ithereafier caused to be mailed (by first class. postage prepaid) copies of the documents to the person to be served at the place where the copies were Iefi (Code Civ. Proc § 41 5.20). Docum ents were mailed on (date): from (city): orE a declaration of mailing i5 attached. (5)E | attach a declaration of diligence stating actions taken first to attem pt personal service. Page 1 of2 Form Adome“ for ”3““3‘0"! Use Code of 13ml Procedure f, 4'1 .-" '10 Judmlal Counml of Callforma POS- - .0mm Jamar, 1. goon PROOF 0F SERVICE 0F SUMMONS Tracking #. 0068062694 E R EF: TP 1 048 1 9 “Ill" llll IIII Illlll PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: VELOCITY INVESTMENTS LLC CA 3E l-JUMBEP' DEFEN DANT/R ESPON DENT: VUN INCENT 21CV379071 c. D by mail and acknowledgement of receipt of service. | mailed the documents listed in item 2 to the party. to the address shown in item 4. by first-class mail. postage prepaid. (1 ) on (date): (2) from (city): (3)E with two copies of the Notice and Acknowiedgement ofReceipt and a postagepaid return envelope addressed to m e. (Attach compieted Notice and Acknowiedgement of Receipt.) (Code Civ. Proc.. § 4 1 5.30) (4)E to an address outside California with return receipt requested. (Code Civ. Proc.. § 415.40) d. D by other means (specify means of service and authorizing code section): D Additional page describing service i5 attached. 6. The “Noticeto the Person Served" (on the summons) was corn pleted a5 follows: a. m a5 an individualdefendant. b. D a5 the person sued under the fictitious name of (specify): c. D asoccupant. d. D On behalf of (spech‘y) under the following Code of Civil Procedure section: 41 6.1 O (corporation) 41 6.20 (defunct corporation) 41 6.30 (joint stock corn pany/association) 41 6.40 (association or partnership) 41 6.50 (public entity) DDDDD DDDDDD 7. Person who served papers Muhammad Naeem Khalid Address: 39539 Ross Common. Fremont. CA 94538 Telephone num ber: 51 0-979-9322 The fee for service was: $ 67.50 | am: (.1)E (.2)E (.3)m Name: 09.969: not a registered California process server. registered California process server: (i) E owner E employee (n) [X] Registration No.: 1532 (m) [E County: Alameda County B.EX] 9E Date: Ol‘ O4.-"1 1.-"2021 Muhammad Naeem Khalid |_l-JAME OF PERSON WHO SERVED PA PERS/SHERIFF OR MARSHA L} exem pt from registration under Business and Professions Code section 22350(_b). m independent contractor. 415.95 (business organization. form unknown) 416.60 (minor) 416.70 (ward or conservatee) 416.90 (authorized person) 415.46 (occupant) oth er: XV:| AS For: ABC Legal Services. LLC Registration #2 6779 County: Los Angeles I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws ofthe State of California that the foregoing i5 true and correct. I am a California sheriff or marshal and I certify that the foregoing i5 true and correct. <\/ {SIGNATURE} Posmo [Rev January 1, 2007-] IE REF: TP104819 PROOF 0F SERVICE 0F SUMMONS Page _' of: Tracking #z 0068062694