Acknowledgement ReceiptCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 2, 202121 CV379038 Santa Clara - Civil POS'O“ arris ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY STATE BAR NO. 31 3422 FOR COURT USE ONLY NAME Tamarah P. Prevost . . FIRM NAME Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy. LLP EleCtron'cally F'led smeenomess 84o Malcolm Road. Suite 200 by Superior Court of CA, cn'v Burlingame STATE CA Z'P 3°“ 94010 County of Santa Clara, m i:?;€:;;::%.egalm ”m °" 5'4”“ ”=42 PM WORNEYFORWW) ReVIewed By: D Harrls SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA case #21 CV379038 STREETADDRESS 191 N. First Street EnveloPe: 6372530 MAILING ADDRESS CITY AND ZIP CODE San Jose, CA 951 13 aRANCH NAME Downtown Courthouse PIaintiff/Petitioner: Stephen A. O‘Brien Defendant/Respondent: Trustees of the California State University, et al. CASE NUMBER' NOTICE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT-CIVIL 21CIV379038 Board of TO (insert name ofparty being served): Trustees of the California State University NOTICE The summons and other documents identified below are being served pursuant to section 415.30 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. Your failure to complete this form and return it within 20 days from the date of mailing shown below may subject you (or the party on whose behalf you are being served) to liability for the payment of any expenses incurred in serving a summons on you in any other manner permitted by law. If you are being served on behalf of a corporation, an unincorporated association (including a partnership), or other entity, this form must be signed by you in the name of such entity or by a person authorized to receive service of process on behalf of such entity. In all other cases. this form must be signed by you personally or by a person authorized by you to acknowledge receipt of summons. If you return this form to the sender. service of a summons is deemed complete on the day you sign the acknowledgment of receipt below. Date of mailing: April 12. 2021 Tamarah P. Prevost - (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) TY IN THIS CASE) ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT This acknowledges receipt of (to be completed by sender before mailing): 1. E A copy of the summons and of the complaint. 2. E Other (specify): Civil Case Cover Sheet; Civil Lawsuit Notice; ADR Information Sheet (To be completed by recipient): Date this form is signed: April 30, 2021 Susan Westover (SBN 15121 1) Assistant Vice Chancellor and Chief Counsel - Litigation for Board of Trustees 0f the California State University ’ (TYPE OR PRINT YOUR NAME AND NAME 0F ENTITY. IF ANY. (SIGNATURE OF PERSON ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT. WITH TITLE IF ON WHOSE BEHALF THIS FORM IS SIGNED) ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE ON BEHALF OF ANOTHER PERSON OR ENTITY) Susan Westover (SBN 15121 1) for Board of Trustees of the California State University (erroneously sued as Trustees of the California State University) Page 1 of 1 fildegmgggggm Use NOTICE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT 0F RECEIPT- CIVIL cwegssggggcgfyfd POS-O15 [Rev January 1. 2005] www.ooum'nla ca gov PROOF OF SERVICE Stephen A. O’Brien v. Trustees 0f the California State Universitv, et a1. Santa Clara County Superior Court Case N0. 21CV379038 I, Jason T. Taylor, declare as follows: OGC N0. 21-0219 I am employed in the County 0f Los Angeles, State of California. I am at least 18 years old, and not a party to this action. I am an employee of California State University, Office of General Counsel, whose business address is 401 Golden Shore, Long Beach, CA 90802-4210. On April 30, 2021, I served the document described as NOTICE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT-CIVIL 0n the interested parties in this action as follows: Niall P. McCarthy, Esq. Tamarah P. Prevost, Esq. Bethany M. Hill, Esq. Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy San Francisco Airport Office Center 840 Malcolm Road, Suite 200 Burlingame, California 940 1 0 Co-Counsel for Plaintiff Stephen A. O’Brien Tel: (650) 697-6000 Fax: (650) 697-0577 Christopher G. Boscia, Esq. Boscia Legal 1960 The Alameda, Suite 185 San Jose, California 95 126 Co-Counsel for Plaintiff Stephen A. O’Brien Tel: (408) 753-6224 Apalla U. Chopra, Esq. O’Melveny & Myers, LLP 400 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California 90041 Attorneys for Defendants Board of Trustees of the California State University (erroneously sued as Trustees of the California State University) and Marie Tuite Tel: (213) 430-6000 D BY MAIL-COLLECTION BOX: I placed each document in a sealed envelope With postage fillly prepaid, in the California State University Office of General Counsel’s mail collection box in Long Beach, California, so that following ordinary business practices, the envelope would be collected and mailed 0n this date. I am readily familiar with this office's business practice for collection and processing of mail. In the ordinary course of business, each document would be deposited with the United States Postal Service on that same day. D BYMAIL-PERSONAL DEPOSIT: I placed each document in a sealed envelope With postage fiJlly prepaid and then deposited the envelope in a mail box regularly maintained by the United States Postal Service in Long Beach, California. g BYPERSONAL SERVICE: I delivered each document in a sealed envelope by hand to each addressee above. BY OVERNIGHT DELIVERY: I placed each document in a sealed envelope with delivery fees fully prepaid, t0 be deposited in a box regularly maintained by FedEx. I am readily familiar With this office's practice for collection and processing of documents for overnight delivery, and know that in the ordinary course of California State University Office of General Counsel’s business practice, the envelope Will be deposited in a box 0r other facility regularly maintained by FedEx or delivered t0 a courier authorized by FedEx to receive documents on the same date it is placed for collection. BY FACSIMILE: By use of facsimile machine number (562) 951-4956, on April 30, 2021, at Long Beach, California, I served each document 0n the parties by transmitting each document t0 each facsimile numbers above, Which are the facsimile machine telephone numbers last given by those parties. Each transmission was reported as complete and without error. The transmission report was properly issued by the transmitting facsimile machine. A copy is attached, and shows the actual time 0f transmission. BYE-MAIL: I served each document 0n the parties by emailing each document in PDF format to each email address listed above. Each e-mail was successfully sent Via CSU’S email server. Signed on April 30, 2021, at Carson, California. I declare under penalty ofperjury under the laws 0f the State 0f California that this declaration is true and correct. Jason T. Taylor (Service copy ofproof of service is unsigned as required by Code CiV. Proc. § 1013.) 4836-3486-2489, v. 1