Order to Show Cause Name Gender ChangeCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 2, 2021NC-125INC-225 ArronNEYon PARTYwrmom' ATronNEY STATE BAH NUMBER- NAME: Ellery Susan Carlson FIRM NAME: srnEErADDnEss: 5637 Calmor Ave. #2 crrv: San Jose srA'rE: CA ZIP cone 95 I 23 TELEPHONE No; (408) 375-7962 FAX NO.: E.MNLAnnnEss ellerycarlson7@gmail.com ATTORNEY Fon (name): seu-RepresentEd SUPERIOR courrr 0F cAUFonNIA, COUNTY 0F Santa Clara srREErADDnEss: 191 N. First street MAILINGADDRESS 191 N. First Street CITVAND ZIP CODE: san Jose, CA 951 13 BRANCH NAME- CIV" DIVISIOH PETITION 0F (Name of each petitioner): Ellery Susan Carlson FOR CHANGE OF NAME V. AGUAYGMARTJNEZ ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO CONFORM TO GENDER IDENTITY CASE NUMB ER: *210v37gdg \N TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: 1. Petitioner (name): Ellery Susan Carlson for a decree changing name as follows: Present name Ellery Susan Carlson to t0 to t0 9.0g!» filed a petition with thls court Progosed name Ellery Nolan Carlson 2. THE COURT ORDERS that any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a wn'tten objection that includes the reasons for the objection within six weeks of the date thls order ls Issued. If no written objection is timely filed, the court will grant the petition without a hearing. 3. A hearing date may be set only if an objection is timely filed and shows good cause for opposing the name change. Objections based solely on concerns that the proposed change is not the person's actual gender identity or gender asslgned at birth shall not constitute good cause. (See Code Civ. Proc., § 1277.5(c).) made by the court. NOTE: When a petition has been flled to change the name of a mlnor to conform to gender Identity and the petition does not Include the slgnatures of both llvlng parents, the petltlon and thls order to show cause shall be sewed on the parent who dld not slgn the petltlon, under sectlon 413.10, 414.1 0, or 41 5.40, wlthln 30 days from the date on which the order Is APR g 2 2021 Date: JUDGE OFTHE SUPERIOR COURT Page 1 of 1 Emngmefiaéi%nfimm ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE Code otcrvnmmm [aw Jamimgml 0F NAME To CONFonM To GENDER IDENTITY "mifé‘z'mifli CEB' mbxom flF__arms