Advance jury fee NonrefundableCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 16, 2021on 7/30/2021 3:39 PM Reviewed By: Y. Chavez Envelope: 6964991 H Pablo Orozco -- SBN 274267 NILAN JOHNSON LEWIS PA 2 250 Marquette Avenue South, Suite 800 3 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Tel: (612) 305-7500 4 Fax: (612) 305-7501 Email: 5 Craig A. Livingston -- SBN 148551 6 LIVINGSTON LAW FIRM 7 A Professional Corporation 1600 South Main Street, Suite 280 g Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Tel: (925) 952-9880 9 Fax: (925) 952-9881 10 Email: 11 Attorneys for Defendant FUTURE MOTION, INC. 12 13 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA 14 COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA - UNLIMITED CIVIL 15 CHRISTOPHER KACZMARSKI ) Case No. 21CV379027 ) 16 P1 ‘ t'ff )am 1 ’ . ) DEFENDANT FUTURE MOTION, INCRS 17 V )NOTICE OF POSTING JURY FEES ' ) 18 r ) Complaint Filed: 03/1 6/2021 FUTURE MOTION, INC. and Does 1 to )TTrial Date: None 19 .100, 3 20 Defendants. 3 21 TO: PLAINTIFF AND HIS ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: 22 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that defendant FUTURE MOTION, INC. posted jury fees in 23' the amount of $150.00 in the above captioned court. 24 Dated: July '10, 2021 LIVDIGSTON LAW FI M 25 m/Wé 4am VCraigAMivingston 27 Attorneys for Defendant 28 FUTURE MOTION, INC. Kaczmarskz' v. Future Motion, Ina, Case No. 2 1-CV-379027 DEFENDANT FUTURE MOTION, lNC.’S NOTICE OF POSTING JURY FEES _ 1 _ 1 PROOF OF SERVICE 2 I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I am over the age of eighteen years and not a 3 party to the Within action. I am readily familiar with this firm’s business practice for collection and processing of documents for mailing with the U.S. Postal Service. My business address is 4 1600 South Main Street, Suite 280, Walnut Creek, California 94596. On the date set forth below, I served the following document(s): 5 6 DEFENDANT FUTURE MOTION, INC.’S NOTICE OF POSTING JURY FEES 7 upon the following at the address(es) stated below: 8 Louis S. Abronson, Esq. Pablo Orozco, Esq. ABRONSON LAW OFFICES John J. Wackman, Esq. 9 332 North 2nd Street Christy M. Mennen, Esq. San Jose, CA 95 1 12 NILAN JOHNSON LEWIS P.A. 10 Tel: (408) 687-9155 250 Marquette Avenue South, Suite 800 11 Fax: (408) 352-5595 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Email: Tel: (612) 305-7500 12 Attorneysfor PlaintiffChristopher Fax; .(612) 305'7591 _ Kaczmarski Ema11: 13 Email: Ema11: 1 4 Co-counselfor Defendant Future Motion, Inc. 15 Service was accomplished as follows: 16 X BY US MAIL, According to Normal Business Practices. At my place of business at 17 the above address, I sealed the above document(s) in an envelope addressed to the 18 above, and I placed that sealed envelope for collection and mailing following ordinary business practices, for deposit with the U.S. Postal Service. I am readily familiar with 19 the business practice at my place of business for the collection and processing of correspondence for mailing with the U.S. Postal Service. Correspondence so collected 20 and processed is deposited with the U.S. Postal Service the same day in the ordinary 21 course of business, postage fully prepaid. 22 X ‘ BY ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION: Based on California Rule of Court Emergency Rule 12(b) requiring a party represented by counsel, who has appeared in an 23 action or proceeding, to accept electronic service of a notice or document that may be served by mail, express mail, overnight delivery, or facsimile transmission, 24 subsequentlv codified in Code of Civil Procedure section 1010.6, I caused the documents to be electronically sent to the persons listed above. Before first serving 25 electronically, I confirmed through prior email communications the appropriate 26 electronic service address for counsel being served. Idid not receive, Within a reasonable time after the transmission, any electronic message or other indication that 27 the transmission was unsuccessful. 28 Kaczmarski v. Future Motion, Ina, Case No. 21CV379027 Proof of Service 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct, and that this declaration was executed 0n July 30, 2021, at Walnut Creek, California. Beth Cotton 25 26 27 28 Kaczmarski v. Future Motion, Ina, Case No. 21CV379027 Proof of Service 2