RequestCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 2, 2021I ATTORNEY OR PARTY IMTHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State Sar number, apd eddravv)iBrian T. Flahavan (Bar ¹ 215222) FLAHAVAN LAW OFFICES 400 College Avenue Santa Rosa CA 95401"'""O- (707) 525-291) FJU(ND (Opflilllsi) (707) 525-2918E-MAit ADDREss (opw aif'tf@fjahaVanjaW.COm ATTDRNEY FQR (Name/i Edaardo Tafova and Lori Vigil sUPERIQR coURT QF GALIFQRNIA, coUNTY QF Satlta Clara sTREETADDREss' 91 N. First Street MAILING ADDRESS cITYANDzlpcoDE: San Jose 951 13 BRANCH NAME'tvtl FOR COURT USE ONLY CIV-110 PLAINTIFF/PETITIQNER: Edgardo Tafoya and Lori Vigil UEFENCANT/RESPDNDENT. Sonia Waldron, et al. REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL cAsENUMsER: 21 ( V 378992A conformed copy will not be returned by the clerk unless a method of return is provided with the document.This form may not be used for dismissal of a derivative action or a class action or of any party or cause of action in aclass action. (Cal. Rules of Court, rules 3.760 and 3.770.) 1. TO THE CLERK: Please dismiss this action as follows: a. (I) ~X With prejudice (2) ~ Without prejudice b. (1) ~X Complaint (2) ~ Petition (3) ~ Cross-complaint filed by (name): on (daie): (4) ~ Cross-complaint filed by (name): on (dale): (5) Mx Entire action of all parties and all causes of action (6) ~ Other (specify):* only. or of spemfied crosswmmptarnts only, so state and identify the parhes, ~X I ' pcauses of action, or cross-complaints to be dismissed. r laintiiuPetitioner Cross-Complainant 3. TO THE CLERK: Consent to the above dismissal is hereby given.** Date: 2. (Complete in a/l cases except family law cases.) The court ~ did ~X did not waive court fees and costs for a party in thi se. ( is nna/ion msy e obtained fromthe clerk lfcourt fees and costs were waived, the declaration on the back of his ornt m t e comp/eted.Date: July 7, 2021 Brian T. Flahavan (TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF ~X ATTORNEY ~ PARTY WITHOUTATTORNEY) ) I () (SIGNATURE)'If dismissal requested is of speofied parties only ot specihed causes of action At(olney Or piggy Without attoI'Itsy foi'I Defendant/Respondent (TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF ~ ATTORNEY ~ PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY) If a cross-complaint-or Response (Family Law) seeking affirmativerelief- is on file, the attorney for cross-complainant (respondent) mustsign this consent if required by Code of Civil Procedure section 531 (i)or 0) (To be completed by clerk) 4. ~ Dismissal entered as requested on (date): (SIGNATURE) Attorney or party without attorney for: Plaintiff/Petitioner ~ Defendant/Respondent Cross-Complainant 5 ~ Dismissal entered on (dste): as to only (name): 6. ~ Dismissal not entered as requested for the following reasons (specify): 7. a. C3 Attorney or party without attorney notified on (date): b. ~ Attorney or party without attorney not notified. Filing party failed to provideM a copy to be conformed ~ means to return conformed copy Date: Form Adopted for Mandatory Usv Judioel Ccuncii of Celdomie CIV-IIDIRev Jen 1,2013) Clerk, by REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL , Deputy Page I ofa Code of Civil Procedure, 5 55 I et veq,Gov Code, 5 5553T(c), Cel. Rules of Court, rute 3 f330 gov Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 7/7/2021 2:02 PM Reviewed By: L. Nguyen Case #21CV378992 Envelope: 6796320 X X /s/ L. Nguyen 7/7/2021 2:02 PM 7/7/2021 2:02 PM 7/7/2021 2:02 PM c PLAINTIFF/PETITIQNER: Edgardo Tafoya and Lori Vigil DEFENDANT/REsPQNDENT: Sonia Waldron, et ai. COURT'S RECOVERY OF WAIVED COURT FEES AND COSTS If a party whose court fees and costs were initially waived has recovered or will recover $ 10,000 ormore in value by way of settlement, compromise, arbitration award, mediation settlement, or othermeans, the court has a statutory lien on that recovery. The court may refuse to dismiss the case untilthe lien is satisfied. (Gov. Code, b 68637.) Declaration Concerning Waived Court Fees 1. The court waived court fees and costs in this action for (name): 2. The person named in item 1 is (check one below): a M not recovering anything of value by this action. b ~ recovering less than $10,000 in value by this action. c. ~ recovering $10,000 or more in value bythis action. (Ifitem 2cis checked, item 3 must be completed)3. H All court fees and court costs that were waived in this action have been paid to the court (check one): ~ Yes C3 No I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information above is true and correct. Date: (TYPE OR PRINT NAME OP ~ ATTORNEY~ PARTY MAKING DECLARATION) (SIGNATURE) CI(LIIOIRav January 1,2D13) REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL Page 2 af 2 rexfsVexfse Aufonfofed CohJornio duChcfot Councfl Forms