Judgment Notice of Entry CivilCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 2, 2021EJ-11O ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name and Address): TELEPHONE NO.: FOR COURT USE ONLY Alan L. Brodkin : (949) 457~8686 ”85991 (949) 457-8688 Alan L. Brodkin & Associates 15500B Rockfield Blfid. Irvine, CA 926l8 AWORNEY FOR (Name): Pl a i I‘lt i f f NMmmcmmmSanta Clara County Superior Court STREETADDRESS:191 North First Street MAILINGADDRESS: cmrANDzuPCODESan Jose, CA 95113 mmmmmaDowntown Superior Court PLAINTIFF: PROSPERUM CAPITAL LLC DEFENDANT; CALIFORNIA CROISSANT INC A A ‘1 n H n n n I-' NOTlCE 0F ENTRY 0F JUDGMENT 0N SISTER-STATE JUDGMENT ”SENUMaéR‘l L V O I 6 3 6 a 1. TO JUDGMENT DEBTOR (name): CALIFORNIA CROISSANT INC d/b/a CALIFORNIA CROISSANT Inc and THUAN NGUYEN 2. YOU ARE NOTIFIED a. Upon application ofthé judgment creditor. a judgment against you has been entered in this coun as follows: (1) Judgment creditor (name): PROSPERUM CAP ITAL LLC (2) Amount ofjudgment entered in this court: $ 8 , 18 3 . 52 b. This judgment was enléred based upon a sister-state judgment previously entered against you as follows: (1) Sister state (namp): Brooklyn, NY (2) Sister-statecourt (name andlocation): Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of Kings Court' s Address (3) Judgmententeredin sisterstateon (date): 360 Adams St. Brooklyn, NY 11201 (4) Title of case and case number (specify). PROSPERUM CAPITAL V. CALI FORN IA CROISSANT; 1 Case Number 508130/2019 3. A sister-state judgmept has been entered against you in a California court. Unless you file a motion to vacate the judgment in this cburt within 30 DAYS after service of this notice. this judgment will be final. This court may order that a writ of execution or other enforcement may issue. Your wages, money, and property could be taken without further warning from the court. lf enforcement procedures have already been issued, the property levied on will not be distributed until 30 days after you are served with this notice. n l Date: MAR 02 2021 Clerk. by, I A 1 _A D' Harris ,Deputy- , r v- 4. D NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: You are served ‘ a. D as an individualjudgmentdebtor. [SEAL] bA D under the fictltlous n_ame of (speCIM: ,\ 95.5“?“ r e c. D on behalf of (specify): v. (unu‘ II ff V ,1 ‘3‘,“ 2 Under: g fig m : D CCP 416.10 (corporation) D CCP 415.60 (minor)b g ' ab 9v i D CCP 416.20 (defunct corporation) a CCP 416.70 (conservatee) #9 . D CCP 416.40 (association or partnership) D CCP 416.90 (individual) ° L p D other: (Proof of service on reverse) JEflFHTE’medcf’Ifgmx ' NOTICE 0F ENTRY 0F JUDGMENT 0N cc" ‘713'138zkm‘m oémex'al 23m l CEB Essential SISTER-STATE JUDGMENT °-F"“5 414983 PROOF OF SERVICE (Use separate proof of service for each person served) 1. l served the Notice of Entry of Judgment on Sister-State Judgment as follows: a. on judgment debtor (name): b. by sewing Djudgmént debtor D other (name and title or relationship to person served): c D by delivery D athome Datbusiness (1) date: (2) time: (3) address: d. a bymailing (1) date: (2) place: 2. Manner of service (check proper box): a. D Personal service. By personally delivering copies. (CCP 415. 10) b. D Substituted service on corporation, unincorporated association (including partnership), or public entity By leaving. during usual office hours, copies in the office of the persqn served with the person who apparently was in charge and thereafter mailing (bylfirst-class mail postage prepaid) copies to the person served at the place where lhe copies were left. (CCP 415 20(a)) c. D Substituted service on natural person, minor, conservatee, or candidate. By leaving copies at the dwelling house. usual plaée of abode. or usual place 0f_business ofthe person served in the presence of a competent member ofthe household‘or a person apparently in charge 0f the office or place of business, at least 18 years of age, who was informed of the general nature ofthe papers. and thereafter mailing (by first-cfass mail, postage prepaid) copies to the person sewed at‘the place where the copies were left. (CCP 415.20(b)) (Attach separate declaration or affidavit stating acts reliéd on to establish reasonable diligence in first attempting personal service.) d. D Mail and acknowledgment service. By mailing (by first-class mail or airmail. postage prepaid) copies to the person served together with two copies of the form of notice and acknowledgment and a return envelope, postage prepaid. addressed to the sender (CCP 41 5.30) (Attach completed acknowledgment of receipt.) e. a Certified or registered mail service. By mailing to an address outside California (bylfirst-class mail postage prepaid requiring a return‘ receipt) copies to the person served. (CCP 415.40) (Attach signed return receipt or other evidence of actual delivery to the person served.) f. D Other (specify code section).D Additional page is attached. 3. The "Notice to the Person Served" was completed as follows: a. D as an individualjfldgmentdebtor. b. D as the person sugd under the fictitious name of (specific: c. D on behalf of (speéifiz): under: D CCP 416. 10 (corporation) D CCP 416.60 (minor) D other:D CCP 416 20 (defunct corporation) D CCP 416.70 (conservatee)a CCP 416.40 (association or partnership) D CCP 416.90 (individual) .A At the time of service I was at least 18 years of age and not a party to this action. 5. Fee for service: $ 6. Person serving: a. a California sheriffpmarshal, or constable. f. Name, address. telephone number and, if applicable. county b. D Registered Califo‘rnia process sewer. of regisiration and number: c. D Employee or independent contractor of a registered California procesé server. d. D Not a registered California process server. e. D Exempt from regiistration under Bus. & Prof. Code § 22350(b). 1 declare under penalty of pérjury under the laws of the {For California sheriff, marshal, or constable use only) State of California that the fore‘going is true and correct. I certify that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: I ‘ Date: } (SIGNATURE) ’ (SIGNA TUREJ EJ-11o [Rev‘ July 1, 1953] ' CEB' Essential ' cehcorn Em. '. 414983