Amended Complaint Filed No FeeCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 1, 2021~ CfiWQEp) PLD-Pl-OO1 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATI‘DRNEY (Name State Bar number and address): -_E¢MHm>cmtgsmw 596 WW“ Sam mas)awwnf R 45“ 3 LL-lfl) Ltbx?%L‘j FAX NO. (Optional): WE)TELEPHONE NO: E-MAIL ADDRESS {Opfionai} N; ATTORNEY FOR (Name).m em Qa SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F 6Qmfi- 9mm STREETADDRESS. \¢\\ W\%\ F)mamas mmm cm n39 x cnYAND ZIPCODE as]\"b \ BRANCHNAME L C3“! \ ) PLAINTIFF:Wm QA-YfirvgsWE) \16- "‘ C. DEFENDANT: mngé-Ryfi-bR)6% \MVE®§flfimfigfig‘ififi 7. ’56WE DOESHOW MM!) figefizFS‘dQJWW COMPLAINT-Personal Injury, Property Damage, Wrongful DeathE AMENDED (Number): Type (check all that apply):E MOTOR VEHICLE E OTHER (specify): i Property Damage Wrongful Death g: Personal Injury §Other0Damages (specify).'mfiwghq FOR COURT USE ONLY Jurisdiction (check all that appty):E ACTION Is A LIMITED CIVIL CASE Amount demanded [j does not exceed $10,000E exceeds $10 000. but does not exceed $25,000 ACTION IS AN UNLIMITED CIVIL CASE (exceeds $25,000) ACTION IS RECLASSIFIED by this amended complaintE from limited to unlimitedE from unlimited to limited CASE NUMBER @0167<89x%3 1. Plaintiff (name or names):EAM CM\€$ :SEKXS b\Kb Qiages causes of acfi again tdefendant (name 9r names).M;bfl)wAVE.E1 9 6am?Mm €63Wm >®Qwfi¢ 2. This pleading. including attachments and exhibits consists of the following number of pages: 3. Each plaintiff named above is a competent aduit a. D except plaintiff (name): (1) E a corporation qualified to do business in California (2) E an unincorporated entity (describe): (3) E a public entity (describe): (4) E a minor E an adult (a) E for whom a guardian or conservator of the estate or a guardian ad litem has been appointed (b) E other (specify): (5)E other (specify): b. E except plaintiff (name): (1)E a corporation qualified to do business in California (2)D an unincorporated entity (describe): (3)E a public entity (describe): (4) D aminor E an adult (a) E for whom a guardian or conservator of the estate or a guardian ad litem has been appointed (b) D other (specify): (5)D other (specify): E Information about additional p!aintiffs who are not competent adults is shown in Attachment 3. Page 1 013 FormA r0 edfarO 'unaJ Use __. ' Cod fC' 'IP dure. 42512 Judicipaficzuncil of gtafiifumia COMPLAINT Personal Injury’ Property Bo Mwwirfgourfinfgbcagov PLDm-om [Rem January 1. 2007] Damage, Wrongful Death PLD-Pl-OO1 SHORT, TITLE: -Wfifl‘© QjfiflflgbWfloflb \(J cAsE NUMBER: \mefivsy exAL 3x01 6“!”sass 4. E Plaintiff (name): is doing business under the fictitious name (specify): and has complied with the fictitious business name laws. 5. Each defendant named above is a natural person a.E except defendant (name): WEFSfSV c. E except defendarit (name): (1) E a business organization. form unknown (1) E a business organization, form unknown (2) E a corporation (2) D a corporation (3) E an unincorporated entity (describe): (3) D an unincorporated entity (describe): (4) D a public entity (describe): (4) D a public entity (descn‘be): (5) E other (specify): (5)E other (specify): b. D exceptdefendant (name): d. E except defendant (name): (1) E a business organization, form unknown (1) E a business organization. form unknown (2) E a corporation (2) E a corporation (3) E an unincorporated entity (describe): (3) E an unincorporated entity (describe): (4) E a public entity (describe): (4) E a public entity (describe): (5) E other (specify): (5)E other(specify): E Information about additional defendants who are not natural persons is contained in Attachment 5. 8. The true names of defendants sued as Does are unknown to plaintiff. a. C] Doe defendants (special Doe numbers): were the agents or employees of other named defendants and acted within the scope of that agency or employment b. E Doe defendants (specify Doe numbers}: are persons whose capacities are unknown to plaintiff. 7. E Defendants who are joined under Code of Civil Procedure section 382 are (names): 8. This court is the proper court because a. w a1 least one defendant now resides in itsjurisdictional area. b. m the principal place of business ofa defendant corporation or unincorporated association is in its jurisdictional area. c. E injury to person or damage to personal property occurred in itsjurisdictional area. d. D other (specify): 9. E Plaintiffis required to comply with a ciaims statute. and a. m has complied with applicable claims statutes. or b. E is excused from complying because (specffy): WWW [Rem January 1. 20071 COMPLAINT-Personal Injury, Property Page 2 on Damage, Wrongful Death PLD-PI-OO1 ' SHOR1:TITLE: gkmpggcmxflQD wfl‘m ‘3 V. - CASE NUMBER: Wags“: ax 90L) ?BAUamfiib 10. The following muses of action are attached and the statements above apply to each (each complaint must have one ormore causes of action attached): a. D Motor VehicIe b. E GeneralNegligence c. § Intentional Tortd. Products Liability e. E Premises Liability g; g f. m Other (specify):@Lfl-Llfi?@va :36 gWWM$61? Ow;?vocgos WWQ x m g 634mméoxvamvmm FM331565 \ fiW5 “Qt. goPSR R 5A 9 afia‘fivthfimb v3 i ® w)- (2) m punitive damages $4.)Wooguéb The amount of damages is (in cases)forpersona! injury or wrongful death, you must check (1)): (1) according to proof (2) in the amount of: $ 15. E The paragraphs of this complaint alleged on information and belief are. as follows (specify paragraph numbers): guano i‘j aha} Date: 4mxwa.W (mugs (T+PEOR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF PLAINTIF ORATI'ORNEY) Pmm1 [Rev.Janmry1.2oon ‘ COMPLAINT-Personal Injury, Property ' Pageants Damage, Wrongful Death PLD-PI-oo1(3) i SHo'HTjTITLE;MOWE‘S @56301‘: V- CASE NUMBERWfie‘ws max:237%? 3 ME CAUSE OF ACTION-Ententionai Tort Page (number) A‘I'I'ACHMENT TO m Complaint E Cross Complaint (Use a separate cause of action form for each cause of action.) b lT- 1 Plaintiff (name): EQWWQCEQAEbwfifl 0A“! \WDimwgMAS)en an (Tam Av\“Nfiballgigglwdmd u h@%l® DF‘VIE \Xvfltfinfl QWQJV 59%) 1% 5W Does to was the legal (proximate) cause of damages lo plaintiff. By the following acts 0r omissions to act. defendant intentionaily caused the damage to p}aintifl on((ydate 0M 6C qblsxxk NOVwa-r 3p abab at (place) 6%®5E C5399Wm) Q;W mom 3g (descriptionmofreasons forliability): 6U\bkewb?\CbbW‘gémmmww/ MYxéflvaw 6%65 ?\"mfincEcabb €1,969?)45-5 ?mggfl Jvflow) éfifig$3w30L \“EchViggbfitb QEGML Rams, m3 Agét $93K(§ng\chxg ?Wflfigmgdfi “mil v? ”r&waES 3 0x13 W45. smAMCXQ aoquwKw gwgmag gé \N , mm omdn ngmxgEE-S m) 6-mfi-n +M§ 5pm {mtgs egcwkmm rarfioL, QWQC‘: ?cwoo; subssaxgmm xmmusamwx %m\?ov%& a “Si ?\mtrfifiq Muss > ?\CiSnAx-aéé{oobnfifib fix $191493 WWEfivfi 0135513 * W) v: g“WM k) HWE$F§ Qfflmm’okxbs?cxbxwmg \DE\OO 6-waffmfio;&N\‘\JfiwMC“4W \ArM ’Nmp’dQ vadrfieg M&W“Wk emgw gs s(Dam amoraq Lu s a_fianb) cum ‘Foé\)wo$ vasmlré1N ?\o‘lrfivfiRéufirrifl3W®W\fl\mdfibnm\\x\c®5finanggfifl J E ?\égh m5 3 “36Maw “"6 3‘ @543”aw. ?‘g‘z’x‘im‘é‘é ‘> a @Jficb QDV\‘ncvxm 6x tb’k b-é mo‘S'E 9-0 Arbrn‘khgqm a @3000) &B\\o¢rs mas fifanAnfi-s €m€\ b\geeb) 1-m\usD‘A vedng,‘ n AM§W5§5§ Vaudwa“ 6132b5§A\J\ 61k“smwgkm 4*“Wat “A MWWfiAfi 1 ) Page I of 1 Code of Civil Procedure § 425.12 www.courmcagov Form Approved (or Optional Use CAUSE OF ACTION-lntentional TortJudicial Council 01 CaMomia PLD-Pl 001(3) [Rev January‘l ZmT] Fdi’i‘ou'i-‘p‘rfifecuon an‘dfifli‘acy fleis'e press th'e Cl’eari This Form button after you have printed the form ii [ Print this form I I Save this form [Cm PLD-PI-oo1(3) ' SHOIRT'TITLE: Wamg CMWKEémWN ‘3 V ‘5’ CASE NUMBER ngfirsremg] §\<\137‘8<%83 TWO CAUSE 0F ACTION-Intentionai Tort Page (number) ATrACHMENTTo mnmaim E Cross-COmpIaint (Use a separate cause of ction form for each cause of actr‘on.) ‘3 |T.1 Plaintiff (name): E VJCKY‘A QWES :CJ‘XUAWN'S alieges thatdefendantmame): ggmvz RQMQfi E Does to was the legal (proximate) cause of damages to plaintiff. By the following acts or omissions to act, defendant intentionally caused the damage to plaintiff on (deter QM QY- chmft NBVEWKbEQ 33b “91399 > at (place): 59MVa? CQJQ‘FGCY“ 6‘ mgh&mj $60“TT\§EECR}<\E\ S so «1N1 DQ ?\cfinr‘véés mickcm§$e w (description of reasons foriiabiliry): fig vgbv Hum \mb. )5?) “SQ?(QLAF CBS 3 0518 W1 \I>Q\cdnbh bf ?\cxanDR-Qs fikogve-CcuW Fefiefak ??%{vpfl Que QMEés 36 MONA ANA; m V?cmdficm OGWE Romefiwfi fip§é Y‘E-Mbovge; Manna mmes Lamb (EfivAcfiaans p<>qu Qkovmip m unmww m unécmwkpssneob \X‘r‘qéjv £533“ Rah 6'13 3‘0 ?QQEVWV Jfi’bufi AM soggvgéb E3” Subwalxflcévg em \DL‘EE s mi MawM jfineLxxVEUc‘ZRC6WW“ m bum em \mags WQQ649’“??? 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J tPrim this form l I Save this form I r0133,” this" farm" L-n PLD-PI-oo1(a) . 3HolnT TITLE: EDWfiQD QW‘CKE‘S EEfiWNS CASE NUMBER \J a M?NS’K ear AL) a\c\l 37 8‘38 3 \t «2E5 CAUSE 0F ACTION-Intentional Tort Page (number) ATTACHMENT TO @plaint E Cross--CompIaint (Use a separate cause of action form for each cause of action ¥3fl 5EM 3 IT- 1 Plaintiff (name).-EAWQV5 CAAW \E 3 A alleges that defendant (name): :QWEK.‘ \1E&El D Does to was the legal (proximate) cause of damages to plaintiff. By the following acts or omissions to act, defendant intentionally caused the damage to plaintiff on(dare): cw op AWfie at(p1ace). éflN 3355 Cffl-Lbgénhcbagx%§\E QfflxQ\ EA “$39“ (descn'ption ofreasons forliabiliry): J‘jrlg MFBF‘OA‘ MB““9mg D%flylfilm" mV)‘D\b3hbn B€ QWfifigs 5W a~¢fiA§m ?\gfi ”Jib ”Veg? \Ofioéenx) ‘Fcé‘f hméebm QCQCJV’LES) (39’? \M VEDVAAVW 3‘9 \ch‘an 53mm 0mg EAGPafl v? 54x0 \DME 9W3 ET RW~ FMS«N \13‘D\%’nbn\be “$1: Rb Efi‘cfi WE‘A re-Mmmg“ ma” Q8 5m fe “\Q‘ “ 60b\ Aha!) QVGM \ Wkly“3n“ 56m “ma”<65009063 Qfaéfizgng QA)AWQGmeit‘s; cm? Q °~°WPV’A unmanéuxwwurfimxfimw?aws {N69 “<5: EAEmRJx meoena «Dwms oerQr vieoeflge, a“?“LWR\66b Wmm fl_b\nmse: meafl fiuobs v\ \Imghevsfi‘b Q\<53n”h€€ ?Gr goofgasEsrg-fifiddvflb EMESSAQM{9%mfi/o’étj:\ Qiagchfim £932fl Emm \q? 3 QasE u \1) mmAWN:W WQfi‘fiWm mem gfir \WS‘SQXI4‘713296th mics cmA MW Aegaggb@th :ifim §V§2§£ owe ggggxege6“; 33 “\‘ggg C iflzbfifih44375 Ywflwags )8 who 31:23?EXOdksfirfifé3 5{kflfimsmuwgnflgmfiwegg: iémzniéa WMfiéfl\ms b ex dodw‘m \ x figigc (033“? ?%flim‘éfi‘ Q S W 33A;m w “0 :26Ogmwwemi‘“be wag\ “Sf aging“ c593“Mfigmgf p bfiegfgfigg $33Q m ‘Vn Y" ??an 5 \Jmum(fienwsb‘m‘flbg Cmagflfidflwfim \ Wm Forrn Approved for OptionaJ Use Code oi Civil Procedure § 425.12 JudiichCouncI ofCafifom'm CAUSE 0F ACTION-lntentional Tort WWW-wmcasov PLD-Pmous) [Rem Januam 2037] ”flu... For'your proE‘éITo‘n a‘n'fla’rfi'acyTptea‘se press the Cie‘a‘r w _ __ _. M ___ _ This Form button after you h_ave printed the form V V J [sprint this form 1 l Save this foul] {Clear111mm*n