Decree Name ChangeCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 26, 2021< NC-130 ATTORNEY 0R PARTY WITHOUII' ATFORNEY STATE BAR NUMBER NAME Arash Can'oggié Jaffari Jr. FIRM NAME MHMDRESS: 18512 Garnet Lane cmr: MOFQan Hi" i STATE; CA ZIP coma 95037 TELEPHONE NO: (408) 599.4939 FAX N0; EM‘LADDRESS: ATTORNEY FOR (name): i SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA STREETADDRESS: 191 North First Street MAILING ADDRESS: ' CFTY AND ZIP CODE: San Jose, CA 951 13 BRANCHWE Downtobvn Superior Court PEI | | ION OF (name aided? petitioner): Arash Cartoggia Jafian‘ Jr. FORCHANGEOFNAME {M p Una n A r, n msemfiaflab V9 J U él: d U DEGREE CHANGING NAME 1. The petition was duly considered: a. E at the hearing on (date): in Courtroom: of the above-entilled court. b. E without hearing. THE COURT FINDS ' 2. a. All notices required by law have been given. b. Each person whose name is to be changed identified in item 3 belowE is not E is required to register as a sex offender under section 290 of the Penal Code. This determination was made (check one): E by using CLETS/CJIS E based on information provided to the clerk of the court by a local law enforcement agency. c. E No objections to the proposed change of name were made. d. E Objections’to the proposed change of name were made by (name): e. It appears to the 'satisfaction of the court that all the allegations in the petition are true and sufficient and that the petition should be granted. f. E Otherfindihgs (ifany): THE COURT ORDERS 3. The name of Present name New name a. Arash Carioggia Jaffan‘ Jr. i5 changed 10 AJ Jaffan' b. I is changed to c. s is changed to d. ‘ is changed to e is changed toE Additional name changes are listed on Attachment 3. Date: 1 ‘ JUDGE 0F THE SUPERIOR COURTE SIGNATURE 0F JUDGE FOLLOWS LAST ATTACHMENT Page 1 o, 1 ForynlAdupled for Mandaiory Use ‘ DEGREE CHANGING NAME Code of Civil Procedure, §§ 1278, 1279 Judicial Council of Cahfumza _ www.murfs.cagov NC-130 [Rev. Seplember 1. 2018} LHI6043 SANTA CLARA Signed: 5/24/2021 05:12 PM May 24, 2021 Filed May 27, 2021 County of Santa Clara Superior Court of CA Clerk of the Court 21CV376479 By: vamartinez Julie Emede