DeclarationCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 19, 2021Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 1/19/2021 9:13 AM Reviewed By: D Harris Case #21CV376432 Envelope: 5662476 21CV376432 Santa Clara - Civil D Harris 21CV376432 10 ll 12 l3 l4 15 l6 l7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Gary Dean Lobel CBN 105983 Ronald J. Green Jr. CBN 177043 Shiao-Wen Huang CBN 21 1357 1150 N. Magnolia Avenue Anaheim CA 92801 (714) 995-3333 Attorneys for Plaintiff SUPERIOR COURT, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA SANTA CLARA JUDICIAL DISTRICT LOBEL FINANCIAL CORP., a California Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. JESSE GONZALEZ Defendant(s) ) Case No. Statement Of Location VVVVVVVVVVV STATEMENT OF LOCATION STATEMENT OF LOCATION Plaintiff: Lobel Financial Corp. Defendant: JESSE GONZALEZ Case Number Please check ONE of the following statements to indicate the basis for the filing of the complaint in this judicial district and fill in the address. l. D Cause of action arose in this judicial district. The address of the cause 0f action STREET ADDRESS, CITY AND ZIP CODE 2. D Property located in this judicial district. The address of the property is: STREET ADDRESS, CITY AND ZIP CODE 3. D Tort Occurred in this judicial district. The address 0f Tort is STREET ADDRESS, CITY AND ZIP CODE 4. Contract entered into or to be performed in this judicial district. The address where contract entered into 0r performed is: STREET ADDRESS, CITY AND ZIP CODE Bay Areas Finest 101 Keyes St. San Jose, Ca 951 12-5806 5. D Defendant resides in this judicial district. The address of the Defendant is: STREET ADDRESS, CITY AND ZIP CODE I DECLARE UNDER THE PENALTY OF PERIURY, UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA THAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. DATE: 12/3 1/2020 W Gary Dean \iJobel () Ronald J. Green Jr. () Shiao-Wen Huang Attorneys for Lobel Financial INSTRUCTIONS: AFTER COMPLETION ATTACH TO REAR OF PLEADING. STATEMENT OF LOCATION