Fee Waiver Order DenyCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 15, 2021FW-003 Order on Court Fee Waiver (Superior Court) Clerk stamps date here when form is filed C) Person who asked the court to waive court fees: Name Da' id Miller Street or mailing address 27 1 Portola state Park Road CitY la Honda State Ca Zip : 9.+020 ---- Lawyer, if person in G) has one (no me: . .fin11 nomc:. uddrcs.1. fJ!wnc numhcr. e-mail. one/ .\'tote: 13ar nwnhcr) : La\\ Office of Jerome A Cb\ Fill in court name and street address · 5220 Claremont A vc Ste 22 1 Stockton. Ca 95207 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara SBN 327 175 191 First Street San Jose. Ca 95 I 13 A request to\\ aivc court fees'' :is filed on (clmc) January 15. 202 1 Fill in case number and name .· Case Number: O ll1e court made a pre\ ious fee ''aivcr order in this case on (dote) . Case Name: Read this form carefu!Zv. A ll checked boxes 0 are court orders. NIA Notice: The court ma' order\ ou to ans\\cr questions about your finances and later order , ·ou to pay back the \\aived fees . If this happens and you do not pm . the court can make~ ou pa~ the fees and also charge yo u co llection fees If there is a change in your financial circumstances during this case that increases your ability to pay fees and costs. you must notify the trial court'' ithin fi, c days . (Use form FW-0 I 0) If ~ ·ou "in your case. the trial cou 11 may order the other side to pm the fees If ~ou settle your civi l case for $10,000 or more. the trial court \\ill have a lien on the settlement in the amount of the '' aiv cd fees The trial court may not dismiss the case unti I the I ien is paid . After revie\\ing ~ our: D Req11est to Woive Court f.ecs D Req11est to Waive Additionol Court Fees the court makes the following orders: a. D ll1e court grants ~our request. as follo\\s : (I) D Fee Waiver. The cou11 grants your request and \\ aives your cou1 fees and costs li sted belO\\ . (('al Rules nf'('o11rt. mies 3.55 ond8.8 18.J You do not have to pa~ · the court fees for the follo\\ing. • Fili ng papers in superior court • Cou11 fee for phone heari ng • Making copies and certifyi ng copies •Gi ving notice and certificates • Sheriffs fee to gi' c notice • Sending papers to another cou11 department • Repo11cr·s fee for attendance at hearing or trial. if the cou111s not electronica lly record mg the proceed ing and you request that the court provide an official reporter • Assessment for court im cstigations under Probate Code section I:' 13. 18 26. or 185 I • Preparing. ccrt1t\1ng. cop~ ing. and sending the clerk · s transcript on appeal •Holding 1n trust the deposit for a reporter's transcript on appeal under rule 8. 130 or 8.834 •Making a transcript or cop~ of an official electron ic recording under rule 8.835 (2) D Additional Fee Waiver. ll1c cou 11 grants your request and \Yaives your additional superior eow1 foes and costs that arc checked bclO\\ . (Cal Rules u(( 'uurt. rule 3 56) You do not have to pay for the checked items . D Jury fees and expenses D Fees fo r cou11-appointed expc11s D Other (spec1/_i) . 0 Fees for a peace officer to testify in cou11 D Court-appointed interpreter fees fo r a witness Jud1c1a\ Council of Cahforn1a ~vww courts ca gov Revised Septembe1 1 2019 Mandatory Form Government Code § 68634(e) Order on Court Fee Waiver (Superior Court) FW-003 , Page 1 of 3 Cal Rules of Court rule 3 52 on FEB 22 2021 Reviewed By: R. Tien Envelope: 5654865 21CV376348 x Filed February 23, 2021 County of Santa Clara Superior Court of CA Clerk of the Court 21CV376348 By: RTien Your name: Da\id Miller I Case Number: b. 0 The cou11 denies your fee \\Cii\'er request because: Warning! If you miss the deadline below, the court cannot process your request for hearing or the court papers you filed with your original request If the papers were a notice of appeal , the appeal may be dismissed. (I) Your request is incomplete. You ha\ e 10 days after the ckrk gives notice of this Order (sec date of se rvice D on nc.-.;t pCigc) to : • Pay your fees and costs. or • File a nc'' rc,·ised request that includes the in complete items li sted : D Belo\\ D On Attachment 4b( I) (2) D The information you provided on the request shows that you arc not eligible for the fee wai ver you requested for the reasons stated D Belo\\ D On Attachment 4b(2) The court has enclosed CI blank Req11est / iJr Heur111g Ahm11 ( '011r1 l'ec Woivcr Order (.\'11perior ('011r1) (form FW-006) You kl\ e 10 days after the clerk gi' cs notice of this order (sec date ofscmcc bclo\\) to ·Pa, 'our fees and costs in full or the amou nt li sted inc belo\\_ or • Ask fo r a hearing in order to sho\\ the court more infomrntion . (lh cf(1rm FW-006 to request hearing) c. (I) D The court needs more infomiation to decide \Yhcthcr to grant your request. You must go to court on the date on page 3. The hearing \\ill be about the questions regarding your eligi bility that arc stated D Belo\' D On A ttaehmcnt 4c( I) (2) D Bring the items of proof to support your request. if n.:asonably available. that arc li sted D Belo" D On Attachment 4c(2) This is a Court Order. Rev September 1 2019 Order on Court Fee Waiver (Superior Court) FW-003 , Page 2 of 3 x How are you paying for the services of your attorney? x Your name : David Miller I Case Number: Hearing Date Date Time -------- Dept.. Room ~------~ -~--- Name and address of court if different from abO\e : Warning! If item c(1) is checked , and you do not go to court on your hearing date , the judge will deny your request to waive court fees , and you will have 10 days to pay your fees . If you miss that deadline , the court cannot process the court papers you filed with your request. If the papers were a notice of appeal , the appeal may be dismissed . Date · S1~11at11re o( lclwck 011<' 1: 0 .h11/Jcial O{fice 1· 0 ('/erk, /)ep 11t_\' Request for Accommodations Assistivc listening systems. computer-assisted real-time captioning. or sign language interpreter se rvices arc available if you ask at least fi\ ·e days before the hearing Contact the clcrk·s office for Req11e.1·1fhr Accommodations hy J>ersons With /)i sohilities ond Response (form MC-410) (Civ Code.§ 54 8) Clerk's Certificate of Service I cc rti~. that I am not involved in this case and (check one) 0 I handed a copy of this Order to the party and attorney. if any. li sted in G) and@.at the court. on the date below . 0 Thi s order ''as mailed first class. postage paid. to tho party and atto rney. if an: . at the addresses li sted in G)and ®· from (cit}) . . California. on the date belO\\ . 0 A cert ifi cate of mailing is attached . Clerk. by _______________ . Deputy Name: This is a Court Order. Rev September 1 2019 Order on Court Fee Waiver (Superior Court) FW-003, Page 3 of 3 x February 23, 2021 Christopher G. Rudy Christopher G. Rudy Signed: 2/23/2021 12:35 PM x SAN JOSE (E-SERVED) FEB 23 2021 R. TIEN