Judgment DefaultCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 12, 2021JUD-100 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, statebarnumber, andaddressyThe Moore Law Group, APC, Adam Brumage (283180) Derrick Uhri (321161) Matthew W. Keim (331020) Fabiola Rivera (334563) -Don Phan-Huy (309853) Ryota Isozaki (321040) Eric Marquez (331023) PO Box 25145. Santa Ana, CA 92799,3710 S. Susan Street, Suite 210 Santa Ana, CA 92704 ^R COURT USE ONLY TELEPHONENOV 800-506-2652 FAXNO.fO/jforafl: E-MAIL address fOpfOTa/;.- ATTORNEY FOR;f«ame|; Plaintiff SUPERIOR COURTOF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF Santa Clara STREET ADDRESSJ 191 North First Street mailing address; San Jose CA 95113 CITY AND ZIP CODE: Santa Clara County - San Jose Courthouse BRANCH NAME: PLMNTIFF; Discover Bank Dhl-bNDANT: NarendraTadikonda JUDGMENT 1 1 By Clerk IX 1 ByDefault 1 1 After Court Trial 1X1 Bv Gourt 1 1 On Stipulatinn 1 1 Defendant Did Not Appear at Trial CASE-NUMBER; 21CV376140 • 1. DL 2. 3. JUDGMENT BY DEFAULT a. Defendant was properly, served witha copy of the. summons and' complairit. b. Defendant failed to answer the complaintor appear and defend the action within the time allowed, by law. c. Defendant's default was entered by the clerk upon plaintiff's application. d. I I Clerk's.Judgment (CodeCiv, Proc., § 585(a)). Defendant was sued only on a contract.or judgmentofa courtof this state for the recovery of money. e. nn Gourt Judgment (Code Civ. Proc., §,585(b)). The court considered (1) I I plaintiffs testimonyand otherevidence. (2) ["^ plaintiff's written declaration (Code Civ. Proc:, §:585(d)). on; STIPULATION a. Plaintiff and defendant-agreed (stipulated) that a judgmentbe entered in this case. The courtapproved the stipulated judgment and b. I I the signed written stipulation was filed in the case. 1 the stipulation, was stated on the record.H the stipulation was stated inopen court AFTER COURT TRIAL. The jury was waived. The court considered the evidence. The case was.tried on ("dateand time): before (name .ofjudicial officer): Appearances by: I I Plaintiff (name each): CZI. Plaintiff's attorney (name each): (1) (^) (2) (2) a. b. I I Continued on Attachment 3b. c.. d. n Defendant (name each): (1) (2). |] Continued on Attachment 3b. Defendant's attorney (name each): (1) (2) ] Defendant did not appear at trial. Defendant was properly served with notice oftrial. H.A.statemenfof decision (Code Civ. Proc., §632) [ZH was not [ZH was requested. Page1 of 2 Form Approved for OpUonal.Use Judicial Council of California XID-100 [New January. 1. 2002] JUDGMENT Code of Civil Pt?DC8dure.§§-585. 664'.6 lAmericanLegalNet.lnc. | on 9/8/2021 6:24 AM Reviewed By: A. Villanueva Envelope: 7218497 21CV376140 Santa Clara - Civil A. Villanueva PLAINTIFF: Discover Bank DEFENDANT:.Narendra Tadikonda CASE NUMBER: 21CV376140 JUDGMENTISENTEREDAS FOLLOWS BY: [X] THE COURT I 1THEGLERK Stipulated Judgment. Judgment is entered according to. tHe stipulation of the parties. 5. Parties. JUdgnnentis a. IX I for plaintiff (name each):- Discover Bank and against defendant (names)'̂ Narendra Tadikonda Continued on Attachment 5a. b. for defendant (name:each): 6. Amount. a. IX I Defendant named'in item5aabove must pay plaintiff, on the complaint: (1) 1,X 1 Damages- $20191.80 (2) 1. 1 Prejudgment $ interest at the annual rate of % (3) 1 1 Attorney fees s (-4) Ix 1 costs $435.00 (5) 1 1 Other (specify)-. $ (6) TOTAL $20626.80 b;. Plaintiff to receive nothingfrom defendant named in item:5b. I I Defendant named in item 5b to. recover costs $• 1 I and attorney fees $ c. I I for cross-complainant (nameeach): and against cross^defendant (name each): d. c. Continued on Attachment 5c. for cross-defendant (name each): Cross-defendant named in item 5c.above must:pay crossrcomplainant on the cross-complaint (1) 1 1 Damages (2): 1 1 Prejudgment interest at. the annual rate of % (3) 1 1 Attorney fees (4) 1 1 Costs (5) 1 1 Other (specify): .$ •$ $ •$ •'$ (6) TOTAL d. Cross-complainant to receivenothing from cross-defendant.named in item.5d. I I Cross-defendantnamed in item 5d to recover costs $ I I and attorney fees $. 7. HD Qti^e^ (specify): Plus statutory post judgment interest at an annual rate of 10% from the date of entry ofjudgment. Date: Date; JUD-100 [New januaiv^l, 2002] JUDICIAL OFFICER Clerk, by_ CLERK'SCERTIFICATE (Optional) certify that this is ati-ue copy-of the original judgment on file in the; court. Date: Clerk, by JUDGMENT _ , Deputy „Deputy Page-2of2