Notice Hearing TRO Civil HarassmentCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 12, 2021N otice of cou rt Hearing Clerk stamps dare here when Ion'n ls filed. FILED CD Person Seeking Protection 03/1 2/2021 a Your F11“ Name- Clerk of The Court ( I '\ ,EV.Ud/JO 4( 6‘14 \j 66K Superior Court of CA Your Lawyer (ifyou have onefor this case): county 0f santa Clara 21 CH009926 Name:Self;-Beptaaeme.d____SIale Bar No.:____ B ’ kI n U en Firm Namezsmtzaepmsented y g y Ffll in court name and street address: b. Your Address (lfyou have a lawyer, give your lawyer's information. Superior Court of California, County o! Ifyou do not have a lawyer and wan! to keep your home addrexs ' Santa Clara private, you may give a different mailing address insread. You do not Street: 191 N. First SL. San Jose. CA 95113 have Io give telephone, fax, or e--mai1 ) Malilz'191 N. First 3L. San Jose, CA 95113 Address: g/o CA/YLQQI L bz- CWII. D'V'Sion City: MLSmtefiflp:ML. Tale hone Fax. ' Court fills In case number when (arm is filed: p ‘-'_' ' Case Number: ‘ E-Mail Addrcsy 2 1 CH n CLQ g a 6 ‘ C2) Person From Whom Protection ls Sought Fun Name M6 14/644012 Ya p.01- Vargm The cour! will complete the rest of thisform. ® Notice of Hearing A court hearing Is scheduled on the request for restraining orders against the person in ®z - . Name and address of court if different from above: Date; 6 “’a Time;Wham s,mem Cum H S I m C Date Dept; ___fl__ Room; ____Wt Street Samse%CA 95113 D I S . 'c H _ C. .l ® Temporary Restraining Orders (Any orders granted are onfarm CH-IIO, served with (his noliéé.) : a. Temporary Restraining Orders for personal conduct and s!ay-away orders as requested m form CH-lOO, Request for Civil Harassment Reslraim'ng Orders, arc (check only one box below): (l) m A11 GRANTED until the court hearing. (2) D All DENIED until Lhc court hearing. (Specify reasonsfor denial in b. below.) (3) D Partly GRANTED and panly DENIED until the court hearing. (Specify rcnsonsfor denial in b, below.) ammxm 1 2m Mandamus. Notice of Court Hearing cn-ws. paw ovaJudidal Canal o! CaL'om mmscapov Coda [CM] Pry ed . Approseauy 06°} m‘w (Civil Harassment Prevention) CH3 [Essential mm... Um H.%flwoggggé g b. Reasons for denial of some or all of those personal conduct and stay-away orders as requested in form CH-lOO, Requestfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders, are: (l) D The facts as slated in form CH-IOO do not sufficiently show acts of violence, threats of violence, or a course of conduct that seriously alarmed, annoyed, or harassed lhc person in®and caused substantial emotional distress. ' (2) D Other (specifi'): D As set forth on Attachmem4b. ‘ ® Confidential Information Regarding Minor a. b. DA Request to Keep Minor's Information Confidential (form CH-l60) was made and GRANTED. (Seeform CH-165, Order on Request to Keep Minor's Information Confidential, sewed with I/u'sfonn.) If the request was granted, the information described in item. on the order (form CH-165) must be kept CONFIDENTIAL. The disclosure 0r misuse of the information is punishable as contempt of court, with a fine of up to $1000 or possible sanctions. ‘ ® Service of Documents by The Person in 6) Atleast m five D days before the hearing, someone age 18 or older-not you or anyone to be protected-must personally give (serve) a court's fiIc-stampcd copy of this form CH-109, lo thc person in® along with a copy of all lhc forms indicated below: a. .°' 5‘99.“ CH-lOO, Requestfor Civil Harassment Restraining Order: (file-slamped) mCH-l 10. Temporary Restraining Order (file-stgmped) IF GRANTED CH-IZO, Response to chuestfor Civil Ha'rassmcm Restraifiing Orders (blank form) CH-lZO-INFO, How Can I Respond t0 a Requestfor Civil Harassment Rcsrraining Orders? CH-ZSO, Proof ofService ofResponse by Mail (blank form) D CH-170, Notice 0f Order Protecting Information ofMinor and CH-165, Order 0n Request Io Keep Minor's lnfonnan'on Confidential (file-slamped) IF GRANTED 5,9,,“ 3,,2202, 04 51 FM mOIhcr (specify): - ‘ ' ' 'oanLQLd ' ' CH-aoo Proof of Firearms Turned In or Sold; LocaI Form - 047 HowwlyTms d Ammunition Dale: 3-12-2021 ’ a4 0V1 Judicial Oflicer CAROL QVERTON Rev. January 1. 2019 CEB' Essential chum Notice of Court Hearing smug, pagez eta Egon"; (Civll Harassment Prevention) 9 Ei~enw=00 9 9 2 6 I'-' - - The court cannot make lhc restraining orders aflcr lhc court hearing unless the person in®has been personally given (scrvcd) a copy of your rcqucst and any temporary orders. To show that thc person in®has bccn scrvcd. lhc person who scrvcd lhc forms must fill out a proof of scrvicc form. Form CH-ZOO. Proofof Personal Service, may bc uscd. - For information about scrvicenread form CH-ZOO-INFO, What ls “ProofofPersonnl Service"? o If you arc unablc to scrvc thc person in ®in time. you may ask for more (im: to serve the documents. Usc form CH-l 15. Request t0 Continue Court Hearing and r0 Reissue Tcmpormy Restraining Order. To the Person in 9: - If you want to respond to the request for orders in writing. Elc form CH-120, Response Io Requesrfor Civil Harassment Reslraining Orders, and havc someone age 18 or oldcr-nol you 0r anyone to be protectcd-mail i1 lo lhc person in - Thc pcrson who mailed thc form must fill out a proof of scrvicc form. Form CH-ZSO, ProofofService ofResponse by Mail, may bc uscd. File the completed form with the court before thc hearing and bring a copy with you to me court bearing. - Whether or not you respond 1n writing.go (o lhc hcan’ng if you wanl the judge to hear from you before making an order. You may tell the judge why you agree or disagree with lhc orders requested. - You may bring witnesses and other evidence. - AL the hearing, the judge may make restraining orders against you that could last up lo five years and may order you lo turn in to law enforcement. or sell to or store with a licensed gun dealer, any firearms that you own or possess. Request for Accommodations . Assistivc listening systems, computcr-assislcd rcal-timc capliOning, or sign language interpreter services arc available if you ask a1 least five days before lhc hearing. Contact the clerk’s office or go lo for Requeslfor Accommodations by Persons with Disabilities and Response ({o'rm MC-410). (Civ. Code, §54.8.) (Clerk willfill out this part. ) - Clerk's Certificate - Icenify [hat this Notice ofCourt Hearing is a lruc and correct copy of lhe original on file in ihe court. 'Clerk'sj Certificate [seal] Date: Clerk. by . Deputy EM (Efiifiir‘iifmi‘ifliiifiwfi, °”"°9‘ P‘°° a °' 3