Notice Hearing TRO Civil HarassmentCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 5, 2021CH-1 09 Notice of court Hearing Clerk stamps data hers whenlonnisflled. Filed ® Person Seeking Protection MarCh 8’ 2021 u. Yuur Full Name: Clerk Of the Court Miguel Flores Superior Court of CA Your Lawyer (illmu have (mejbr (hm vase): county Of santa Clara Name: Nicole Aeschlgma‘n» ‘ Stutc Bar No.2 249353 W 21 CH00991 1 Firm Name: Aeschleman Law,P.C. By' knguyen b. Your Address (lf‘mu hare a lawyer. giveynur lawyer's information. Ifyou d1) nu! haw a lunycr um! n'am m kvcp your Immv addrw's prinuc. you may give a dilfcrcnl mailing mldres‘x imh-ml. ch (In m)! Fell an court name and street address; Superb: Court of California, County o! hare Io give lvlvphnm’. flu. m‘ u-muil.) Santa Clara Address: 1 550 The Alameda, Suite 308 fl~ g3; #6512332?” City: sgn Jose“ H > State: CA Zip: 95125 Telephone: 5%]393930 “Xi ____,,_,,_,..._.___ E-Mail Address: Coon fins in case number when loan is filed. Case Num r ® Person From Whom Protection ls Sought 2 1 c H 00 99 1 1 Full Namei Scott Martin Tlu’ amrl will cnmp/uu' tho rm‘l (gflhis/brm. ® Notice of Hearing A court hearing is scheduled on the request for restraining orders against the person in®z Name and address of court ifdiffcrcnl from above: m omAPR... 2 ”7442921“. Time: 21.9921ngDcpt.: Room: w <4) Temporary Restraining Orders (Any ordm grunml are :m’ arm CH-I 10. served with this notice) a. Tcmporary Restraining Orders fur personal conduct and smy-away orders as requested in form CH-IOO. Request jhr Civil Huruxxnwn! Restraining ()rdc’rs. arc (vhvck (me unc box below): (l) D All GRANTED until the court hearing. (2) a All DENIED until thc coun hearing. (Spcc'lfl rcusnmjlbr denial in b. below.) (3) E] Partly GRANTED and partly DENIED until the court hearing. (Specify mummy [Or denial in b, below.) mam m v ' . :2“; [mo H “:3th" Notice of Court Hearing CH 109. Page 1 0'3 cm-ovwm 952? a (Civil Harassment Prevention) aWMOOJ Case Number: _. 9 1gflnnm44_ b. Rcuuns for denial of some or all uflhosc personal cunducl and stay-awa) orders as requested In form (‘H- |00. chm'xI/br Civil llmuumenl Rcsrraining Orders. arc: ( l ) a Thc films us 51;:ch in fvnn (‘H-IOO du nul sulTIcicnlly show acts uh iolcncc. thrcals ol‘violcncc. or a course of conduct that seriously ulunncd. annoyed. 0r harassed lhc person in (D and caused substantial emotional distress. (2) N Olhcr (xpcci/r). : As sci fonh un Almhmcm 4b. By the way in which thg petitioner describes the_alleged harassment there appears__tQ be_so_m__e uncertathas toAgtlehrgsgondents-leyiel of involvement m_- the alleqed harassinq activities Additional facts 1n this regard may be presented at the upcoming hearing of this matter. ® Confidential Information Regarding Minor a. : A chuuw m Kay; .Umm-R lu/urmmiun ('nnfidcnuul (foml (‘Il-lbO) was made and GRANTED. (Sw/brm (‘ll-Ih'5, ()rdcr on Request m Keep Minur's lnfonnutmn Confidential. sewed with this/m-m 1 b. lflhc request was granted. the information described in item® on the order (form CH-lfiS) must be kept CONFIDENTIAL. The disclosure or misuse of the information is punishable as I sanction. with I flnc of up to $1.000 or other court penalitlcs. <6) Service of Documents for the Person in Q) At least E fne D days before the hearing. someone age l8 or older rnot you or anyone to be prolecled-musl personally give (scn‘c) a court's filmstampcd copy ot‘xhis form CH-109 to Ihc person in ® along with a copy ofall the forms indiculcd below: CH-IOO. quucsl 1hr Civil Harassment Ruvlruimng ()rdcrx (filc-slampcd) :3 (‘H-l IO. Temporary Restraining Order (filc-stampcd) IF GRANTED CH- l 20. Rcspumu In Request [ur ('I'ril Iluru.\'mwm Rc'xnuming ()nlcrx (blank fonn) 9’!” ac ('H-IZU-INH). Ilmr (1m /R:-.\'/mml lu a chuusl IUr ('n'll Iluraxsnu'm Restraining Orders." c Cl!-25(), l’rnn/ n/‘Sw'riw ol'Rt-qmnse hr Mail (blank form) f. :J L‘ll I70 \‘mit c oj’Ordw Pmlu Img Information u/ \Iimu- and CH-MS. Order on Requvs! Io Keep Minor'x Injurmalinn ( unfidcnliul (hlc--slampcd) ll- GIUN I F l) signed 3,8 2021 (,3pr g. X(thr (a/Mi/U NIL CA’SQ C _OUéfia/LMU]. l gifQL-OgflqES S) EQQ g] Dam: 3-8-2021 Judir m! ()llh cr CAROL OVERTON M Wm‘ m Notice of Court Hearing CH4” ”'9' 2°” (CMI Harassment Prevention) -) {Case Number: 210H0099 11 To the Person in0: The court cannot make the restraining orders after the court hearing unless the person in ®has been personally given (served) a copy ofyuur request and any temporary orders. To show that lhc person in ®has been served. the person who served the t‘umls must fill out a proof of service form. Form (L‘H-ZOO. Pronj’ofPomo/m! Service. may be used. For infonnation about service. read form CHQUO-INFO. H'Izul ls "PI‘UQI'O/‘Pvl’svna/ SC'H‘iCL’ ”5’ lfyou are unable to serve the person in ®in time. you may ask for more limc l0 serve ‘hc documents. Use form CH-l 15. chm-sl m ('onlimu' Cour! Huurmg uml {u Rummy Twn/Im'ulj' Rustruming Order. To the Person ine : lf you want to respond to the request for orders in writing. filc form CH- l 20, Respome (u Reqwa/Or Civil Harmsmenl Restraining Orders. and havc somcunc age 18 ur uldcr-v-v-vnot you or anyone lo be protected-mail it :o the person in ®. The person who mailed (he form must fill out a proofof service fonn. Form CH-250. qu/‘quen-ice al’Rc-sponse by Mail. may be used. File ‘hc completed form with lhc court before lhc hearing and bring a copy with you to the court hearing. Whether 0r not you respond in writing, go m (he hearing if you want the judge to hear from you bcforc making an order. You may tell the judge why you agree or disagree with the orders requeslcd. You may bring witnesses and other evidence. At the hearing. thc judge may make restraining orders against you that could last up to five years and may order you to turn in m law enforcement. or sell to or store with a licensed gun dealer. any firearms that you own or possess. Request for Accommodations Assistivc listening systems. computer-assxslcd rcal-time captioning, or sign language interpreter services arc available ifyou ask at least five days before (hc hearing. Contact the clerk‘s office or go to u mr.courts.c'a‘gowybrmx for Rw/mu'L/iu‘ .4a-ummmlaliuns hy Persons m'lh Diwhilities and Response (t‘onn MC~410). (Civ. Cudc. § 54.8.) (Clerk u'i/le/I (m! I/u's purl.) --Clerk's Certificate- l cenify (hat this Notice QfCour! Hearing is a {rue and correct copy ofthc original 0n file in the court. Clerk '5 Certificate [seal] Date __ __~ __ Clcrk’ by , Deputy “-vW '- ”2° Notice of Court Hearing CH-109- P890 3°” (Civil Harassment Prevemion)