Notice Hearing TRO Civil HarassmentCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 4, 2021CH-1 09 Notlce of Court Hearing C‘emmmdawm”*mmsm Filed Q) Person Seeking Protection gar? $3026 rt Y F Iw .- swam Kucmmn‘m» . er 9 t e o“3' 0‘" u ‘J““" - t ' Superior Court ofCA - ___ County of Santa Clara Your LaW) cr (lfynu hare wwfur t/us um'): 21 CH009908 Namczselhflapfiesenled-___Slalc Bar Nn.:____ Byi knguyen Firm Namcselhfleplesented Fm m coun name and srroel address: h. Your Addrcxs (If mu hare a Ian wr. 21w \nur Ian \rr‘c Irr/brmuliun Su crior Cour! o! California. Coun o! . . . ‘ . . P lfyou dn nut haw a lawyer and mm! In keep your home uddn'n santa CIara privule. yuu may giu' u diflcrcnr mailing address insrcml. YUM do mr! Street: 191 N. Flm SL. San Jose. CA 95113 hare m gn e u-leplmne, fin. or e-mm’l.; Man: 191 N. rim $1.. San Jon. CA 95113 Address: p 0 - 6 Q K IO } )1 cw" DIVISIon City:ML- Slnlc: 9.16.ZiptflL Tclcpm‘nc. (p b q , g 9 S’- ‘79 Q Q FM. Cour! Mls In case number when form is filed. Case Number: E-Man Addm- Suyswdm‘kwLélgma. |. cam ® Person From Whom Protection ls Sought Full Name: Tu . m; kw}mr\ Q \(QK The (our! will ('mnplele Ihc’ n'sr of (his fnnn. ® Notice oi Hearing A court hearing ls scheduled on me request for restralnlng orders against the person in ®z Numc and address 0f cuurl if different from above:m TimczflLQWSupeflnLCMMLSamnnmmLDept; __Li_ Rmm;___Wm snag: SanJuse. CA 95113 D | s .C H _c." ® Temporary Restraining Orders Mn;- unlm granm! an» an form CH-Ilo. sen-ed u-uh mu notice.) a. Temporary Restraining Orders I'or pcrwndl conduct and smy-away orders as rcqucslcd in form CH-lOO, Request fur Cit (I Hurusmwn! Restraining Orders. arc (thn'k unly unr hm below); (l) D All GRANTED until lhc cnurl hearing. (3) m All DENIED until lhc court hearing. (Specifv rmmnxfur dmiul in b. below.) (3) D Part1} GRANTED and pm!) DENIED until lhc court hearing. (Specify reusunsfnr denial in b. bolouJ mwmg":cgwafi‘fp' Notice of Court Hearing cmoa. Pug. 1 ova mogob "”2 ° (Clvll Harassment Preventlon) 9Mglam b. CasoNumboélcuon 09 08 I Reasons for denial of some or all 0f lhmc personal conduct and slay-away orders as rcqucslcd in form CH-IOO. Requestfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders. are: (l) D Thc facts as stated in form CH-HX) do not sufficiently show acts of violence. threats of violence. or a mum of conduct that scnoux'ly alarmed. annoyed. 0r harassed thc person in®and caused substantial emotional distress. (2) m Olhcr (spa‘lfv): D As sci funh 0n Allachmcnl 4h. It would be helpful to have a clearer summary/description especially with regard to the most recent anegafions or harassment such as when they occurred and what the surrounding Circumstances were. Ihe allegations or provudlng false Information to Iaw enforcement. andfhe Issue of placement of security camefas, and the InvoTvemenI of any third persons possubly assocuated With the respondent would benefit from more specmc Informationnwhlch may be provnded at the upcoming hearing of thus matter. Overall, u woqu be very helpul Io have a more concnse description oT recent mcudents or alleged harassment In order to be able to properly evaluate Ifie request for restraining orders. G) Confidential Information Regarding Minor 8. h. D A Re'quml m Kwp Muwr's Inflvmulmn Cunfidrmiul (form CH-lbO) “as made and GRANTED. (Seefonn CH-165. ()rdcr 0n Request m chp Minnr's Information Confidential. served with this form.) If the request was granted. the information described in item® on the order (form CH-lfiS) must be kept CONFIDENTIAL. The disclosure or misuse of the Information is punishable as contempt of court, with a fine of up lo $1000 or possible sanctions. ® Service of Documents by The Person in G) M least m l’iw D_ days before the hearing. someone agc 18 or oldcr-nol you or anyone to be prolectcd-mmt personally give (serve) a court's filc-stampcd copy 0f (his form CH-I09. lo lhc person in along with a cop) of all lhc forms Indicated below: 33'?" ac O Dalc: i203..- ’ pm CH-IOO. quueslfor Civil Hamsxnmu Restraining Orders (filc-slampcd) DCH-l 10. Temporary Reszraining Order (filc-slamped) IF GRANTED CH- l 20. Response m Requestfor Civil Harassment Restraining Order: (blank form) CH-l'lO-INFO. Haw Can I Respond m a quucstfar Civil Hurussmem Restraining Orders? CH-ZSO. Proof ufSen'ice of Response by Mail (hLmk fumI) D CH-l 70. Notice 0f Order Prmemng Information of Minnr and CH-le. Order (m quuesr m Keep Minnr's Infimnan'un Confidential (filc-slampcd) IF GRANTED mower (c/wcifv): CH-aoo Prool ol Finam Tumod In 01' Sold; Local Form FM-‘lo47 Howto Safety Tum in Fmamo and Ammunition Sngned 3 8 2021 02 40 PMm .1 Judnhflb'flm Wk W' Carol Overton Notice of Court Hearing cn-Ios. Page 2 oo s (Civil Harassment Prevention) 9 Case Number: 21 [i H Qg 99 0 8 l To the Person inO : - Thc court cannot makc lhc restraining urdcrs ul‘lcr lhc wuxl hcuring unlc» lhc pcrsun in®hus bccn personally given (served) a copy of your request and an) Icmpnrnr) order» Tn ~how that lhc person in®has hccn scrvcd. lhc person who scrvcd lhc forms must fill out a proof ul’ sen icc form. l-‘urm CII-Zm. l’ruuf (y‘l’rrsnnul Sen-h-e. may hc used. - For information about service. read furm CH-ZOO-INFO. What Is "Prnofnf Personal Service ".’ - If you arc unable lo serve lhc pcrsun in @in time. you nu) ask fur mnrc lime m scn'c the documents. Use form CH-l IS. Request In Continue (burr llmrmu um! m va‘s‘xm' Tmz;mrun Rcslraining Order. To the Person in 6: - 1f you want lo rcspund m lhc rcqucu fur urdcrs in writing. filc Ihrm CH-IZD. Response m Requestfor Civil Hurussmenl Rrstruining Orders, and have wmwnc age IX ur uldcr-not _\ou or anyone t0 be protected-mail il lo thc person in 6) o Thc person who mailed the form must fill out a proof of service form. Form CH-ZSO. anfnf Senior ()fRexpnnse by Mail. ma} be used. File lhc completed form with the court before lhc hearing and bring a copy with )ou lo lhc court hearing. - thlhcr 0r not you respond in writing. g0 lo lhc hearing if )nu want thc judge Io hear from you before making an order. You ma) Icll lhc judge why you agree 0r disagree with lhc orders requested. - You may bring witnesses and other evidence. : Al lhc hearing. lhc judge may make restraining orders against )uu lhal could last up lo five years and may order yuu [u turn in lo law enforcement. 0r sell lo or slurc with a licensed gun dealer. any firearms that you own or possess. Request for Accommodations Assistivc listening systems. compulcr-ussislcd rcal-limc captioning. or sign language intcrprclcr services arc available if you ask at least l'ivc days hcfurc lhc hearing. Contact the clerk‘s office or g0 to u u for Requesrfor Ac'mmmndmions by Persons with Disabilities and Response (form MC-HO). (Civ. Code. § 54.8.} (Clerk willfill nu! [his purl.) - Clerk's Certificate - [ certify lha! this Nance of Cour! Hearing is u lruc and corrccl copy ul‘ the original 0n file in lhc coun. Clerk 's ('(rlifivule [seal] Date: Clcrk‘ by . Deputy mummy! 2019 N ' f c H iotlce o ourt ear ng cmos. mead 3 (EB Darmwfl (Clvll Harassment Prevention)