Notice Hearing TRO Civil HarassmentCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 3, 2021CH-1 09 Notice of Court Hearing WWMMMMbm Filed ® Person Seeking Protection Marc“ 3, 2021 a. You, pun Name; Clerk of the Court MW“ Mmmermnpgz'a _ r fl Superior Court of CA Your Lawyer (ifyou have onefor (hi: case): county Of santa Clara Name: Emile R. Nijmeh Slate Bar No.2 313140 H 21 CH009897 Firm Name: Niimeh a. LaMone,_P§. ____ > A BY- knguyen b. Your Address (lfyou have a lawyer. give your lawyer's informarion‘ [fyuu do not have a lawyer and want m keep your home address F. hwmWwm. private. you may give a dtfleren! mailing address imread. You do no! Wcm dcumMd haw lo giw telrphanc, fax. or e-mail.) Santa Clara _ . Downtown Superior Court (DTS)“mm 2 N~ Mm“ 5999‘: 5“"? “‘- w 7-7 - v- 191 North First St. City: 5m Jose Slate: CA Zip: 95113 191 North First St.m"¥w' 7 7 ¥ --”‘_ SanJose CA 95113 Telephone: 408-642-1346 FIX: 408-610-2804 E-Mnil Address: Comm nanW anon hm b lad. Cm”m H 00 9 8 9 7® Person From Whom Pmucflon Is Sought Full Nlmct Annette Man'e Rodriguez 77!: court will complete the rest oftlmform. @ Notice of Hearing A court hearing Is scheduled on tho request fut mtnlnlng order: ogalmt tho ponon h@z Name and addrcss ofcoun if difi‘mm fi'om above: DamAPR 2 '2 m2] Timc: qQQmVI , . _.0“ Dept"- H Room: _-- . ® TOmponfy lefllng Order! (Any orders grained are onjbnn CH-I [0. urvd with this notice.) a. Temporary meining Orders for personal conduct and smy-away orders as requested in form CH-IOO, Request for Civil Harassment Resmu'ning Orders. arc (check only one box below): (l) D All GRANTED until the coun hearing. (2) D All DENIED until lhc court hearing. (Specifi- reasonafur denial in b. below.) (3) m Partly GRANTED and partly DENIED until the court hearing. (Specw' rtmnsfor denial in b. below.) m1“;.373” Notice or Court Hearing emu. p... .m “I‘9‘?“5‘“ (CMI Harassment Prevention) ..> [Cm Number: 21CH009897 b. Reasons for denial ofsome or all of those personal conduct and smy-away onicrs u requested in fonn CH-IOO. Requeslfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders. arc: (l) D The facts as stated in form CH-IOO do not sufficiently show acts ofviolcncc. threats of violence. or a course ofconducl that seriously alarmed. annoycd, or hammd the person in® and caused substantial emotional distress. (2) m Othcl (sfwcijj'): j As set fonh on Attachmcnl 4b. All relief requested pending hearing except request for monetary restitution, -Wfii'c‘:h Is a sefié‘r’ate issue from a restraining orde'r'. ® Confidential Information Regarding Minor a. U A Request Io Keep Minor 's Information Confidential (form CH-l60) was made and GRANTED. (Seeform CH-165. Order on Request to Keep Miner‘s Information Confidential. served with Ihisfonn.) b. ll the request was granted, the Information described In Item® on the order (form Cll-IGS)mm be kept CONFIDENTIAL The disclosure or misuse of the Information Is punishable n I uncuu. with I fine of up to Sl,000 or othel' court pennlmes. ® Service of Document for tho Person In (D At leastm flve D days before the hearing, someone age 18 or oldcr-not you or anyone to be protected-must personally give (serve) a court's file-stamped copy ofmis form CH-109 to the pmon in ® along with a copy of all the forms indicated below: a. CH- l 00. Requestfor Civil Harassment Rtstraining Orders (filc-slampcd) b. R CH-l [0. Temporary Restraining Order (file-slamped) IF GRANTED c. CH- l 20, Rexponse Io Requesrfor Civil Harassment Rexrraining Orders (blank form) d. CH-l20-INFO. How Can I Respond m u Request for Civil Harassment Ratrairu'ng Orders? c. CH-ZSO. Proql'ofScrvice ofResponse by Mail (blank form) f. D CH- l 70, Notice ofOrder Protecting Information 0fMinor and CH-165. Order on Request (a Keep Minor”: lnfoman'on Confulentia! (filc-smmped) Il-‘ GRANTED 5.9m 3/3/2021 12.47 pM sad omcrammMW MK j Dad - VIN ,_ V_o_&:__ 3-3-2021 } 044%W 0V1Date: _______ 7 _ Judicial Oflicer CAROL OVERTON "‘-W "m Notice of Court Hearing CM": Pw- 2 d 3 (CM!Ham Pmnflon) -) Cm ""“éTcH009897 To the Person inO: ° The court cannot make the remaining orders afler the court hearing unless the person in @1135 been personally given (served) a copy of your request and any temporary orders. To show that the person in®has been served. the person who served the forms must fill out a proof of service form. Form CH-200, ProofofPersonaI Service. may be used ° For information about service, read form CH-200-INFO. What Is “ProofofPersonal Service "? . Ifyou ate unable to serve the person in® in time, you may ask for more time to serve the documents. Use form CH-l IS, Request to Continue Court Heanng and Io Rvissue Temporary Restraining Order. To the Person inO: . If you want to respond to the request for orders in wn‘t'mg. file form CH-120, Response to Requestfor Civil Harassment Ramaining Orders. and have someone age 18 or oldcr-not you or anyone to be protected-mail it to the person in ®. o The pcrmn who mailed thc form must fill out a proof of service form. Form CH-ZSO, ProofofService afRas'ponse by Mail. may bc used. File the complctcd form with the court before the hearing and bring a copy with you to the court heating. . Whether or not you respond in writing, go to the hearing if you want the judge to hear from you before making an order. You may tell flw judge why you agree or disagree with the ordcm rcqumtcd. 0 You may bring witnesses and other evidence. 0 At the hearing, the judge may make restraining orders against you that could last up to five years and may order you m tum in w law enforcement. or sell to or store with a licensed gun dealer. any firearms that you own or possm. Request for Accommodations Assistive listening systems, computer-assisted real-time captioning. or siyx language interpreter services arc available if you ask at least five days before the hearing. Contact the clerk's office or go to for Requestfor Accommodations by Persons with Disabilities and Response (form MC-410). (Civ. Code, § 54.8.) (Clerk wiUfi/l out this pan.) -Clerk's Certificate- l catify that this Notice ofCoun Hearing is a true and correct copy ofthe original on file in the court. Clerk 's Certificate [seal] Dunc: 7 V _ _ Clerk, by , Deputy MW""° Notice of Court Hearing 03-100. Pane 3M3 (CM! Hatmmont Prevention)