Order Temporary Restraining OrderCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 26, 20211 ' . _ Cferk stamps date here when form is med. v a Temporary Restraining Order Fl d‘ -' 1 e Person in® must compiete items®, ®, and© only. March 1, 2021 ® Protected Person Clerk ofthe Court a. Your Full Name: Loretta Veronica Barrow Superior Court of CA Your Lawyer ({fyou have onefor this case): county Of same Clara Name: seif'nepresemmd State BarNo.:___. 21 CH009891 Firm Name: By: msorum b. Your Address (Ifyou have a lmvyer, give your Imvyer’s izyrorman'on. Ifyau do no! have a Imtyer and wan! r0 keep your home address Fillin court name and street address: private, you may give a difikren! mailing address instead. You do nor Superior Court of California. County of have to give telephone. far, or email): Santa Clara - 191 North First Street Address:302 San VIIO Court San Jose, CA 95113 City;San JOSG State; CA Zip; 951 1 8 Telephone: Fax: E.Mail Address_ Court mrs in case numberwhen form is fired. . Casegfibet H B . ® Restrained Person u a g 8 9 1 Full Name: Mario Payne Allen, Jr Description: Sex: M El F Height:__5fl 6i“ Weight:_185 Date ofBinh: 2/9/85 Hair Color:M- Eye Co}or: Brown Age: 35 Race: BIaCk Home Address (ifimown): 302 83” V'to court City; San Jose StatepA Zip: 951 16 ReIafionship to protected person; Associate; Roommate since 11/29/2020 month t0 month lease ® D Additional Protected Persons In addition to the person named in G), the following family or household members ofthat person are protected by the temporary orders indicated below: Full Name .53 Agg Household Member? Relation to Protected Person D Yes U No D Yes D No D Check here Iflhere are additional protectedpersons. List them 0n an attached sheet ofpaper and write “Attachment 3-Additional Prolected Persons " a: a Iille. You may use Form MC-025, Attachment. The court will complete the res! ofthisform. ® Expiration Date This Order expires at (he end ofthe hearing scheduiedfor the dare and lime below: Date: ’Zb"2‘- Time:_q£___ mam. D pm. _ hls i_s a Court'Order. _ fifljflflflflmmgfifw Temporary Restraining Order (CLETS-TCH) CH'110- P3991 01; Coda o1 Civil Procedure. §§ sztsand 527.9 (Civil Harassment Prevention) prnvad by DOJ To the Person me: The court has granted the temporary orders checked as granted below. Ifyou do not obey these orders, you can be arrested and charged with a crime. You may be sent to jail for up to one year, pay a fine of up to 81,000, or both. ® Personal Conduct Orders U Not Requested D Denied Untilthe Hearing E Granted as Follows: a. You must not d0 the following things t0 thc person named in® (1) E Harass, intimidate, molest, attack, strike, stalk, threaten, assault (sexually or otherwise), hit, abuse, destroy personal property of, or disturb the peace of the person. (2) Contact the person, either directly or indirectly, in any way, including, but not limited to, in person, by telephone, in writing, by public or private mail, by interoffice mail, by e-mail, by text message, by fax, or by other electronic means. (3) U Take any action to obtain the person‘s address or location. Ifthis item® is not checked, the court has found good cause not to make this order. (4) omcr (Specify); See stay-away orders in following section (6) Other personal conduct orders are attached at the end ofthis Order on Attachment 53(4). fifiywfiyfiflfimxmxmmmmmaxwmmMRmmgmmaixxx xfiéfikwflflmifikfifl’xififlfiflwgfimflfi b_ Peaceful written contact through a lawyer or a process servur or other person for service of legal papers related to a court case is allowed and does not violate this order. However, you may have your papers served by mail on the person in ®. ® Stay-Away Order D Not Requested D Denied Until the Hearing w Granted as FOIIOWS: a. You must stay at least 3E yards away from (check all (ha! apply): (UM Thc person in G) (6) D The place of child care ofthe children of (2) D Each person in® the person in® (30% The home ofthe person in ® (7) The Vehicle ofthe person in® (4) q :Thcjob or workplace ofthe person (3) a OHEfiPECW):m Efiemfli V00 MLB-sta-Aé\ (5) Thesohoolofthechndrenorme \‘Diéfiim‘xw, £0“ €6.48 ”t, person in® Wk 1v U-JJ’Ule .mbu‘djmfi 1A M‘tstw _Vt®p"ac_. x b. This stay-away order does n01 prevent you from going to or from your home or pTace of employment. ® No Guns or Other Firearms and Ammunition a. You cannot own, possess, have, buy or try to buy, receive or try to receive, or in any other way get guns, other firearms, or ammunition. b. You must: (l) Sell Io a licensad gun dealer 0r tum in to a law enforcement agency any guns or other firearms in your immediate possession 0r control. This must be done within 24 hours ofbeing served with this Order. This is a Court Order. wawamwz Temporary Restraining Order (CLETS-TCH) CH-11o. Pagezots (Civil Harassment Prevention) '9 Case Number: QMHMVII (2) File a receipt with the court within 48 hours ofrcceiving this Order that proves that your guns or firearms have been turned in or sold. (You may use Form CH-SOO. ProofofFirearms Turned In or Sold, for (he receipt.) c. D The court has received information that you own or possess a firearm. Other Orders m Not Requested D Denied Untilthe Hearing D Granted as Follows (specify): U Additional orders are attached at the end of this Order 0n Attachment 8. ‘- . .Q..--To the PersoninO: ® Mandatory Entry of Order Into CARPOS Through CLETS This Order must be entered into the California Restraining and Protective Order System (CARPOS) through the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS). (Check one): a. D The clerk will enter this Order and its proof-of-sewice form into CARPOS. b. E The clerk will transmit this Order and its proof-of-service fofin to a law enforcement agency to be entered into CARPOS. c. D By the close of business on the date that this Order is made, the person in© or his or her lawyer should deliver a copy ofthe Order and its proof-of-scrvice form to the law enforcement agency listed below to enter into CARPOS: Name ofLaw Enforcement Agency Address (Citv, State Zigg D Additional law enforcement agencies are listed at the end ofthis Order on Attachment 9. No Fee to Serve (Notify) Restrained Person m Ordered D Not Ordered The sheriff or marshal will serve this Order without charge because: a- m The Order is based on unlawful violence, a credible threat ofviolencc, or stalking. b. E] The person in ®is entitled to a fee waiver. Signed: 212612021 04:18 PM ® Number of pages attached to this Order, if any: Date; 2-26-2021 CWU’C (QU/L%OV1 Judicial Officer _ . This is a Court Order. nemunmnm Temporary Restraining Order (CLETS-TCH) CH-11U. Pages 0'5 (Civil Harassment Prevention) 9 You Cannot Have Guns or Firearms You cannot own, have, possess, buy or try to buy, receive or try t0 receive, or otherwise get guns, other firearms, 0r ammunition while this Order is in effect. Ifyou do, you can go tojail and pay a 31,000 fine. You must sell to a licensed gun dealer ontum in to a Iaw enforcement agency any guns 0r other fireanns that you hava or control as stated in item® above. The court will require you to prove that you did so. Notice Regarding Nonappearance at Hearing and Service of Order If you have been personally served with this Temporary Restraining Order and Form CH-l 09, Notice ofCow'f Hearing, but you do not appear at the hearing either in person or by a lawyer, and a restraining order that is the same as this Temporary Restraining Order except for the expiration date is issued at the hearing, a copy of the order will be served on you by mail at the address in item®. If this address is not correct or you wish to verify that the Temporary Restraining Order was converted into a restraining order at the hearing without substantive change, or to find out the duration of the order, contact the clerk ofthe court. After You Have Been Served With a Restraining Order - Obey all the orders. - Read Form CH-lZO-INFO, How Can I Respond (o a Requesrfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders?, to learn how to respond to this Order. - If you want to reSpond, fill out Form CH-IZO, Response to Requestfor CM! Harassment Restraining Orders, and file it with the court clerk. You do not have Io pay any fee to file your response if the Request claims that you inflicted 0r threatened violence against or stalked the person in® . ' You must have Form CH-IZO served by mail on the person in® or that person’s attorney. You cannot do this yourself. The person who does the mailing should complete and sign Form CH-250, ProofofService ofResponse by Mail. File the completed proof ofservice with the court clerk before the hearing date or bring it with you t0 the hearing. ' In addition to the response, you may file and have declarations served, signed by you and other persons who have personal knowledge ofthe facts. You may use Form MC-OBO, Declaration, for this purpose. 1t i5 available from the clerk’s office at the court shown on page 1 ofthis form or at www.courts.ca.gov/flers. Ifyou do not know how to prepare a declaration, you should see a lawyer. ° Whether or not you file a response, you should attend the hearing. 1f you have any witnesses, they must also go to the hearing. - At the hearing, thejudge can make restraining orders against you that last for up to three years. Tell the judge why you disagree with the orders requested Enforcing the Restraining Order This order is enforceable by any Iaw enforcement agency that has received the order, is shown a copy of the order, or has verified its existence on the California Restraining and Protective Orders System (CARPOS). 1f 1he law enforcement agency has not received proof of service on the restrained person, the agency must advise the restraincd person 0fthe terms ofthe order and then must enforce it. Violations ofthis order are subject to criminal penalties. I Thls is .a Court Order. nawsauanuammz Temporary Restraining Order (CLETS-TCH) CH-110. Page 4 of 5 [Civil Harassment Prevention) 9 cafimmw Start Date and End Date of Orders This order starts on the date next to thejudge’s signature on page 3. The order ends on the expiration date in item@ on page 1. Arrest Required if Order Is Violated Ifan officer has probable cause t0 believe that the restrained person had notice ofthe order and has disobcyed the order, the officer must arrest the res1rained person. (Pen. Code, §§ 836(c)(1), 13701(b).) A violation ofthe order may bc a violation 0f Penal Code section 166 or 273.6. Agencies are encouraged to enter violation messages into CARPOS. NoticelProof of Service The law enforcement agency must first determine if the restrained person had notice of the order. Consider the restrained person “served” (given notice) if (Pen. Code, § 836(c)(2)): - The officer Sees a copy ofthe Proof of Service 0r confirms that the Proofof Service is on file; or - The restrained person was informed ofthe order by an officer. An officer can obtain information about the contents ofthc order and proofofservice in CARPOS. prroofofservice on the restrained person cannot be verified, the agency must advise the restrained person ofthe terms of the order and then enforce it. If the Protected Person Contacts the Restrained Person Even ifthe protected person invitgs or consents to contact with the resirained person, this order remains in effect and must be enforced. The protected person cannot be arrested for inviting or consenting to contact with the restrained person. The order can be changed only by another court order. (Pen. Code, § 1371003).) Conflicting Orders A protective order issued in a criminal case on Form CR-161 takes precedence in enforcement over any conflicting civil court order. (Pen. Code, § 136.2(e)(2).) Any nonconflicting terms ofthe civil restraining order remain in full force. An Emergency Protective Order (Form EPO-OOI) that i5 in effect between the same parties and is more restrictive than other resiraining orders takes precedence over all other restraining orders. (Pen. Code, § 136.2.) (Clerk wiilfil! out this part.) -Clerk's Certificate- Clerk's Certificate I certify that this Temporary Restraining Order is a true and correct copy of the [sggj] Original on file in the court. Date: Clerk, by , Deputy This is a Court Order. “~MJM1-m Temporary Restraining Order (CLETS-TCH) CH-110. Pagesms (Civil Harassment Prevention)