Response Petition Civil Harassment Workplace ViolenceCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 23, 2021Response to Request for Civil Clerk stamps date here when form is filed. CH '1 20 Harassment Restraining Orders Use this form to respond to the Request (form CH-100) ' : g 4n . Read How Can I Respond to a Requestfor Civil Harassment 3- m ' Restraining Orders? (form CH-lZO-INFO) t0 protect your rights. - Fill oul this form and take it t0 the court clerk. APR 2 9 2021 . Have someone age 18 0r older-not you-serve the person in (‘D or e k his 0r her lawyer by mail with a copy 0fthis form and any attached Suns ior c 8:3: 102$ Court pages. (Useform CH-250, Proof of Service 0f Response by Mail.) E Y M ‘3’ 0’ SanglECmra Person Seeking Protection - 80b PU” Full name of person seeking protection (seefomz CH-IOU, item CD): Hm."m 'i'lgfi ad I . \L\'\ Ox“ 0x “Cl \(\j(\\“% Superior Court of California, County of ® Person From Whom Protection Is Sou ht SR“km kafof a, YourName: Lidmx CMXUM“ CA \hl ?\b‘\\l \$\5Q Your Lawyer (ifyou ve onefor this ) q \ ‘ 'Y,“\ (s X' $ I Name: @er \ cayeem me Bar No; > x 3652/w qgl L9, Firm Name: QP\S‘,/Q omm 5k“v ‘ \ \\_, . _ b. Your Addrms (Ifyou have a Ia‘wyer, give your lmgver '3 information. com fillsmm "umber "me” fo'm ‘5 med [fyou d0 not have a lawyer and want to keep your home address e "umber: private, you may give a diflerent mailing address instead. You d0 not Q/ Piqu%%/bhave t0 give telephone, fax, or e-mail.) g Address: Present your response and any opposition at the City: State:/ Zip: hearing. Write your hearing date, time, and place- from form CH-109 item®hemz TelephonczkflQ) (:Q H B 2&2 S Fax: Date Time E-mail Address: 3::‘fngl Dept; Room: . ® D Personal Conduct Orders ' Ifyou were served With a Temporary a" D I agme to the orders mquwed‘ Restraining Order, you must obey it until the b. RI do’not agree to the orders requested. hearing. At the hearing, the court may make (Specify whyyou disagree in item® on page 3.) orders against you that last for up t0 five years. c. D I agree to the following orders {Specg'flr below or in item® 0n page 3.) ® D Stay-Away Orders a. D Iagrec to the orders requwted. b. I do not agree to the orders requested. (Specifir whyyou disagree in item® on page 3.) c. I agree t0 the following orders (specify below or in item® on page 3): D Additional Protected Persons a. D I agee that the persons listed in item®ofform CH-lOO may be protected by the order requested. b. ¢ I do not agree that the persons listed in item©of form CH-100 may be protected by the order wquestcd. JRWIEB’P, ““d'ifgflmn'wu ”$339“ Response to Request for Civil Harassment CH-120- P3961 0f 4demfimsmfim Restraining Orders . 9 (Civil Harassment Prevention) ® ® Case Number: .1 (n Ll oocgmm Guns or Other Firearms and Ammunition Ifyou were served with form CH-llo, Temporary Rmtmining Order, you cannot own or possess any guns, other firearms, or ammunition. (See item® of form CH-110.) You must sell to or store With a licensed gun dealer, or tum in to a law enforcement agency, any guns or other firearms in your immediate posswsion or control within 24 hours of being served with form CH-110. You must file a receipt with the court. You may use form CH-BDO, ProofafFirearms Turned In, Sold or Stored, for the receipt. a.W do not own or contml any guns or firmrms. b. D I ask for an exemption fiom the firearms prohibition under Code of Civil Procedure section 527.90) because carrying a firearm is a condition ofmy employment, and my employer is unable to reassign me to another position where a firearm is unnecessary. (Explain): D Check here ifthere is not enough space belmvjbryour answer. Putyour complete amver an an attached Sheet ofpuper and write "Attachment 6b-Fireanns Surrender Exemption " as a title. You may useform M0025, Attachment c. D I have turned in my guns and firearms to the police or sold them to or stored them with a licensed gun dealer. A copy ofthc receipt D is attached. D has already been filed with the court. D Possession and Protection of Animals a. D I agree to the orders requested. b. I do not agree to the orders requwted. (Speafl whyyou disagree in item onpage 3.) c. I agree to the following orders (specifii below or in item onpage 3): E] Other Orders a. D I agree to the orders requested. b.g I do not agree to the orders requested. (Specifi; whyyou disagree in item ® onpage 3.)c. I agree to the following orders (specify below or in item® 0n page 3): D Denial I did not do anything described in item® of form CH-lOO. (Skip to@ .) WWW” Response to Request for Civil Harassment CM?”- Page 2 0‘4 Restraining Orders 9 (Civil Harassment Prevention) Case Number: owe} 059886 ?\Justlflcatlon or Excuse I did some or all of the things that the person in Cl) has accused me of, my actions were justified or excused for th followmg reasons (explmn) Check here iftbere is not enough space belowforyour answer. Put your complete answer 0n an attached sheet ofpaper and write "Attachment 1 0--Just{fication 0r Excuse ” a3 a title. You may useform MC-025, Attachment. W Km LC A(mem Nu $3 MommM m cxNX uscwc shchQ bé Sebém TB\ d M’Nfi‘wa J (CA\*\ )Ammmi h0\( AS ‘b\%<9\krb§:3éfloév ® Reasons I Do Not Agree to the Orders Requested Iain your amvers to each order requested thatyou do not agree with. D Check here {fthere is not enough space belowforyour answer. Putyour complete answer 0n an attached sheet afpaper and write "Attachment 1I-Reasom‘ I Disagree" as a title. You may useform MC-025, Attachment ‘XAQC \Apmmf X (man \\f\ “OQASxx-xbfl 5:6 Co(xk ©6ka QC Wax? Ag, S236 gmbomx me, mkmqk x \cAmm@«rmge. ”S, WK (\QfiQf ch-Nuawk Xe; \A‘xmonox- 5M9. Adi/Q‘Qflecé Act) MA XexLlcS < \eS<3r\r\Qf OAOQO ’T' «Q. (\C%M":E=<\e olmkwxdq Xsflokaf \UceJ ‘ (~859prch ac 0:5“): @x‘ie . g‘x fire marWmmlégm; “me $r- 6M9. LoAa mg \uieqwkq omgétmfie- \AmuoputC ma mfie \QSPV QLVQm'LRm-(VB me %-, “er“: o\(\ec>£_3€ Rb MC \&€ m Kw \WQXOA Wxgxelb‘xhifl. \\\\ QQL (x $wk\\(‘\(‘m <\% LCXE CXCXQA (\gk \7\\ tunaM&mfixm EéfAAno SW gush; wa m3 Ame\\ L65 War C CMAA Emc-3\% E \6Ek (0‘39? KWU CNS \ Aromvx ?\LQ \AQI’QW& (\rg- )Cca9:30? um<\t\ OUX'mGH (\Q )co 660 XOCbkj-kaé WW 1-20” Response to Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders (Civil Harassment Prevention) CH-120, Page 3 of4 -> Case mcun‘lrlierbbol%%6 ® E] No Fee for Filing a D I request that I not be required to pay the filing fee because the person in®claims 1n form CH-lOO item® to be entitled to fi‘ee filing. b. I requmst that I not be required to pay the filing fee because I am eligible for a fee waiver. (Form FW-OOI, Request to Waive Court Fees, must befiled separately.) ® D Lawyer's Fees and Costs a_ D I ask the 001111 to order payment 0fmy D Lawyer’s fees D Court costs. The amounts requmcted are: Itfl Amount 1m ‘ Amount S S $ $ $ $ D Check here ifthere are more items. Put the items and amounts on the attached sheet ofpaper and write “Attachment I3-Lauyer's Fees and Costs”fbr a title. You may use orform MC-025, Attachment b. D I ask the court to deny the request of the person asking for protection that I pay his or her lawyer’s fees and costs. Number ofpages attached to this form, ifany: 32 Date: O [7/1310 ” Z) Lawyer’s name (ifany) ‘ Lawyer 's signature I declare under penalty ofpetjury under the laws 0f the State of California that the information above and 0n all attachments is true and correct. Date: g/Za/ 2/ LNHA I (A (“\XCUAFAO s_dWr/e‘WW Type 0rprintyour name 0,”!me Wm 1-2016 Response to Request for Civil Harassment CH-120- Page 4 0f 4 Restraining Orders (Civil Harassment Prevention) MC-025 _SHORT11TLE- ”SEW mmmxwx a Ewgge; 9J6 szxgggo ATTACHMENT (Number): t (5 (This Attadrment maybe used with any Judia'al Council form.) 3: \05>< §\\ W \oabkvmfig \xxé) QQwakccA3, M5 £605 (AbKex MEX - L MML Lm\\$ Xe)W NAME wag m5 m e; um mm Co< Am, \MmdsS QMWO/‘év kc Mu afNQgWflkS k0 LOW C593W )(\\\\§)3" \éx\ (\fiox W“fi\$% Qegoxd k wwW CCX\\S o£®®Road X0W Xqfilglftfigofsi:gu 1 %€.<\>< \kmf ck“ gm“, Xxxv \ e560 \ \UM\L\R 3M \\I\Q\\>CS\ (CK MLCQSQ. \Jg Bifiwdi'mm{\QS s NW, ouc( ?Mbbofi m mXowxo QQ d%®fl®CNN] Cs XQQQQMW b<\W \910\2,_ g ~ x0%QO\\ m GXW 3 Mo(\Wfi QM wmgcx“flffi Eb dwk ‘1 mm: Slams: kgftekmMb Q. X0 W, ”O Caoq rkw WQVZC/bég:WW“ xaflfl&\mf 3&2cm“ r \MMO“ gum law (\gmt 5W§Oflk W esung 3: S‘MVV WM” Gbmw/ wx $650, (If the item that this Attachment concerns is made underpenalty ofperjmy, all statements in this Page fl of a: Attadunent are made underpenalty ofpeljwy.) mm” ”mum to Judicial Council Form (Addpages as required) m m m m m m : o . fl . d : . fi. \ , 9 m g I 9 3 y ? 3 V, 6 9 a T 5 3 0 N 5 ; 0 3 @ w o > 1 3 0 : sz « 2 : 3 3 9. N D . m : L E E D S 9 : 3 3 . 3 3 9S E $ 3 3 2 : a m t u m c u m : S E . E V ( 3 6 . 6 3 0 3 1 6 6 p x E g g o ? 0 4 7 9 ; V 4 0 2 6 ? 2 / va W i Q L / P w o w n { 3 0 % W 5 0 5 $ W / é k K p n fl v w 4 4 6 x W E ? ? ? Z / m u fi z / r V n u w m k m fi x o p p ? r 0 o / o i a w 8 m ? ? ? 0 / 7 ? 6 0 V C fi é fi x 0 5 ? ? X 9 6 7 9 € 7 0 a 6 5 € 0 0 5 & 3 q P / f 3 P i g g y f ( x b k C 9 0 0 g i g “ ; k / 7 fl 7 3 % 0 0 v 4 k z é v fi O ? Z a x C L n n 2 6 ! an v « / ? s o 0 2 % ? X 0 n a é a / z o 9 / 7 3 0 4 W g 6 / & / O z ; ( r 9 5 2 . 9 % ? z / M 6 2 9 5 / € 0 9 r r P / o é z y n fi ? G E V Q R 0 2 / 0 ! ? y c u 6 4 $ k g 6 / ? W 2 ? K o w v a m t g ? ? ? 0 9 7 ? W i / 0 9 V K / fl x m va fi P va n W C V K V Y / C r L / a g fi A d m i é fl g 0 / ? ? ) p fl 0 4 ? ) ? 1 6 9 $ ( / 9 6 6 4 , Q 4 5 X 0 w X i 5 ? ? 2 w 3 m = 9 : 5 m “ 3 B h u m o r a m i 8 : 8 3 5 a E m m a E 3 9 b m a m E x o m u m q : Q . m : £ 2 9 3 3 8 S S E v a n e ~ o “ m € 3 3 9 : m a i m a m E E E Q E E ? 3 8 c c ? » « b u n E m m a m m 3 9 : 3 3 m a g i s as i fi fi a u g fi > . _ . _ . > n : z _ m z q 1 . 3 . 3 5 3 g a u s g r g n o . E n m n m u . 0 2 : 8 : 1 2 . 3 resolution 1. mFQQnfl-DJuv‘xaw Yvonne Castaneda Fri, Feb 12, 2021 at 2'45 PM To: Kiana Manning i am sending you this email in hopes we can resolve this without having to go to court - at this point i would like to either come up with payment plan or you can pay me in full going to court is only going to cost more in court fees days off work and so on.. i do not wish to argue with you ijust want for you and ito meet in the middle and work with eachother. this is the last time i reach out to you . i have try in the past with no result. i was advised by my attorney to 11y to come to some type of resolution before we go to court i have estimated the amount based on kelly blue book as well as the internet and i have cut the amount in half for the work performed on your 1992 Ford Bronco the amount owed is $31 25usd- between my 2003 Acura MDX and belongings due to the fact that you broke a contract of 3 months i have estimated $1495usd for the tools my cannon iso camera and misc stuff i have estimated $1 695usd for a total of $631 Susd. fl must add that not only did you turn 3 months time into 3 weeks for me to move from a verry remote area but you also refused to give me the number for the person i needed to talk to to make arrangments for me to go get my belonings and my car. i have made severai attemts via cell phone to get in touch with you. at this point irn only looking for a [esolution before i decide to sue _. thank you '