Civil Case Cover SheetCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 23, 2021CM-010 A' TORNEV OR PARW \MTHouT ATTORNEY (Name Stare Bar number. and address) Paul E. Rogers SBN 288052 [255 N MarketSt #125 §San Jose. CA 951 10 IELEPHONLNO 408-641-8803 Anomn rOR (Name: Pitchayapa Chaowalit FAX NO (Optional) FOR COURT USE ONLY SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA smumomess 191 N First St., San Jose. CA 95113 MAILINGADDRESS 191 N First $1.. San Jose. CA 951 13 m. muzw cooa San Jose 95113 ‘ BRANCHHAME CIVII Harassment [CASE NAME Chaowaht v Howell FEB 2 3 2021 FILED K. NGUYEN CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET compIex case Designation case NUMBER ‘ "‘"‘ '- 1 [j unlim'ted C] leited E Counter E Joinder 2 1 c H 00 98 7 9 (Amount (Amount 4 . . Fnled wnth first appearance by defendant JUOGEdemanded demanded '5 (Cal Rules of Court rule 3 402) exceeds $25000) $25900) ’ . . DEF, Items 1-6 below mus! be completed (see instructions on page 2). I x \ Auto Ton Contract [:1 Uninsured motorist (46) Other PI/PDNVD (Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death) Tort L;jAsbeslos(O4) [“1 Product uabmty (24) \- Real Prope J Medical malpractice (45) fly [W ] OtherPI/PD/WD (23) 1 Non-PI/PD/wo (Other) Tort [ii] Civil rights (08) Unlawful Detainer [:5] Defamation(13) [:1 Fraud(16) C] Intellectual property (19) L: Professional negligence (25) L11 Other non-PI/PD/wo ton (35) Employment r [:1 Wrongful terminatlon (36) i 77777j Otheremployment(15) E Drugs (38) Judicial Review 1 Check one box below for the case type that best describes :his case' } AUtO (22) [__] Breach ofcontract/warranly(06) [:_] Rule 3 740 collections (09) Li] Other collections (09)E Insurance coverage (18) Other contract (37) Li] Emsnenl domain/lnverse L_ ,HJ condemnatlon (14) L_J Wrongfut evuction (33) ’ [Ia] Busmesslorb'un'airbusiness practicum) C] OtherreaupropertyQG) E CommerCIaI (31)E Residential (32) E Asse!forfeiture(05)E Petitionre-arbitration awardm) E Other DeWO"("O’SPeCifiedaboveN43) E] Wrilofmandate(02) C] Olher judICIal review (39) ProvisionaIIy Complex Civil Litigation (Cal. Rules 01 Court, rules 1400-3403) Antntrust/Trade regulation (03) Construction defect (10) Mass tort (40) Securities litigation (28) Environmental/Toxic ton (30) Insurance coverage claims ansnng from the ‘ above lusted provusmnauy complex case 1 types (41) j Enforcement of JudgmentE Enforcement oi judgment (20) Miscellaneous Clvll ComplaintE RICO(27)E Other complaint (no! specified above) (42) Miscellaneous Civil Petition EDUDD E Pannership and corporate governance (21) L..- __ 2 [This case 7 Is [ __] is not complex under rule 3 400 of the California Rules of Court. If the case is complex, mark the factors requmng exceptional judicual management a [7:] Large number of separately represented panies b [:1 Extensnve motion practice raismg difficult or novel ussues that wull be tlme-consumnng to resolve c ff] Substantial amountofdocumentary eVIdence d‘ ~ Large number ofwitnesses e Li] Coordinatlon Wlth related actions pending in one or more courts m other ocumies, states or c0untnes or In a federal counm Substantial postjudgment Judnmal supervnsmn I Remedies sought(check allrhatapp/y). a __ monetary b, x nonmonetary; declaratory orinjunctwerelief c 1;:j punmve3 4 Number ofcauses of actlon (specify): 1 5 This case __> Is [:fj is not a class action suit. 6 If there are any known related cases. file and serve a notice of related case. (You’may use HYPE OR PRINT NAMED o Plaintiff must file thus cover sheet wuth the first paper filed in the action or proceeding (except small claims cases or cases filed under the Probate Code. Family Code, or Welfare and Institutions Code) (Cal Rules of Court‘ rule 3.220 ) Failure to file may result In sanctlons [ ’ NOTICE 1 - File thls cover sheet In addition to any cover sheet requnred by local court rule w If this case Is complex under rule 3 400 et seq of the Califorma Rules of Court, you must serve a copy of thus cover sheet on all other pames to the action or proceeding, b orm Adoplca Ur Manoatory Use Jud.oak Cogncn oi Cal Vama CM»O10[Rev July 7 2007} ‘° Unless thus Is a collections case under rule 3 740 or a complex case. thus cover sheet wull be used for statistical purposes only CIVIL 6X55 COVER SHEET sléNATuRE 0F PAQILQR@AVTORWFOR PARTV; Paae1ol2 Cal Rules ol ( our! rmes." 30 3 220 3 400-3 403 3 740 Cal Standards u' dual Aammxsxrauon slc 3 10 mnv coulls ca m»