StipulationCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 22, 2021ATTACHMENT FM-1112 + SUPER'OR COU. \T OF CAI.I.=OEN A.CO'JNTY OF SANTA CLARA =59 ?SCPUSECVJ haqan-_- _ -zN-D; yi SfR:::’ u-'fi::> ~_‘ y-\ , z ' ) I 1 I l l .2 I III _. g) In L1 () u 1, i A Ll); J t U m u ‘2 “- (I u ‘, n: 3 } u u C O 1’ b Q.) u ' 1‘ K ‘ U - _‘ _-- I f I I lu ‘I f) v3 I .x U U) -‘ A m CITY A‘ Z 3 CCL‘ 521~ 5.. N_ \v: i P-TmON==9;ANTIFFPR [SC ILA 6;}sz /:IIBY ; I i gasspom,amoerzmAJSA/éR/NA SALHZAR \_ ‘ srzPULAnon FOR COURT COMM ssuolga To ACT ‘ As TEMPORARY JUDG: FOR ALL PURPOSES 5Q) CH 00 9 X75 -r ___._J Fomfisscner ERIK JOHNSON is a judicial officer of the Super‘or Cour: cf Cah’farm’a. Ccunty of Santa Clara, and Pa" =*: as a Terporar/ Judge i.‘ a:.‘ the parties agree m wr:t.’ng.1‘ 1a.; You s gnature be'ow mea. .s you agreeth e above-named Court Commissioner shall act as a Temporary Judge for this hearing in t/his matter. Date é /0//(2/fi/ PRINTED E OF P RTYV- "P2m 1" Do gcr‘er) r’OR ATTORNEYM%Ci MefMfiu Reswr‘denr) (Axorney fcr Defer‘dann'qesconcvent‘, (Ciaimanquher Farm (Attorney for Cia:manu0ther Pam) Interpreter Witness Declaration D Interpreter: The D Petitioner D Respondent is unable to read or underszand this Stpulatfcn because: a. D his.’her primarylanguage is (specify): b. D Oiher (specify): Icert'f urtder per‘ 3T," cr' perjur/ udde' the laws o.‘ the S: = :e of Ca' fcrr: a “a:Ihaue, to the best of m/ abiiity, read or tr ans.'ated fcr .e D Petitcrez' D Responden. t ‘is Stzpu!afzon‘a He or she said they understood tnis S:.pu'a.ion before s‘gning it. Date Interpraer's printed name Interpreters Szgnature STIPULATION FOR COURT COMMISSIONER TO ACT Page 1 on AS TEMPORARY JUDGE FOR ALL PURPOSES