Notice Hearing TRO Civil HarassmentCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 22, 2021CH-1 09 Notice of Court Hearing mm““‘“mw’m‘m Filed ® Person Seeking Protection February 22, 2021 a_ Your Fun Name: Clerk Of the court“Q m @NW’A Superior Court of CAa um \l County of Santa Clara Your Lawyer (if you have one for this case): 21 CH009874 Namzmmsanmd__5mc Bar No.:________ By; knguyen Firm Namcfielhaapmsemed FIII in court name and SIM! nddmss: b. Your Address (Ifyuu hare a lawyer. give your lawyer's information. Superior Court of Calflomla. County ol lfyou dn rm! have a lawyer and wan! m keep your home address Santa Clara private. you may give a difleren! mailing address instead. You do n0! Street: 191 N. Flm SL. San Jou. CA 05113 have to give telephone. fax. or e-mail.) unilz 191 N. Flm SL. Sm Jon. CA 05113 Address: \60 0‘ “MW M cw" Diwalon City: Slate: M2111:W- Tclcphonc. Fax, Cour! fills n case number when kmn 1's fled: E-Man Address C'TTCWUO 98 7 l! ® Person From Whom Protgction ls Sought . Fun Name: “U(HNLB M(M’HMX immm‘ \m The court will complete the res"! of thisfonn. @ Notice of Hearing A court hearing is scheduled on the request tor restraining orders against the person In ®z , Name and address of cnun if different from above: Hearing Date:M Timmmm 0'" Dept;_“(_ Room;__ eL-__SW 95113WW ® Temporary Restraining orders (Any arders granted are on form CH-l [0. served with this notice.) a. Temporary Rcslraining Orders for personal conduct and slay-away orders as rcqucslcd in form CH-IOO. Request fur Civil Harassment Restraining Orders. arc (cherk only (me box belnw): (l) m All GRANTED until lhc cuun hearing. (2) D All DENIED until the court hearing. (Specifv reusansfor denial in b. below.) (3) D Partly GRANTED and partly DENIED until lhc court hearing. (Speafy reasonsfor denial in b, below.) :m‘gwgdw“°{mm.‘WW"” Notice of Court Hearing cu-too. mg. 1 o: aw w om " (Clvll Harassment Prevention) 9mgram ICauNun“:CH00 9874 I b. Reasons for denial 0f some or all 0f (hose personal conduct and slay-away orders as requested in form CH-IOO. Requeslfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders. are: (I) D Thc facts as slated in form CH-IOO do nol sufficicnlly show acts of violence. threats of violence. 0r a course of conduct that seriously alarmed, annoyed. or harassed lhc person in®and caused substantial emotional distress. (2) D Other (specify): D As scl forth on Attachment 4h. ® Confidential Information Regarding Minor a. D A Request to Keep Miner's Information Confidential (form CH-lbO) was made and GRANTED. (Seeform CH-165. Order on Request to Keep Minor's Information Confidential. served with thisfurm.) b. lf the request was granted, the information described in itcm® on the order (form CH-I6S) must be kept CONFIDENTIAL. The disclosure or misuse of the lnfonnation is punishable as contempt of court, with a fine of up to $1000 or possible sanctions. ® Service of Documents by The Person In ® At least m five D days before the hearing. someone age l8 or oldcr-not you or anyone to be protected-must personally give (serve) a court's fiIc-slampcd copy of this form CH-109. lo thc person in along with a copy of all thc forms indicalcd below: CH-IOO. Requestfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders (file-slamped) mCH-l 10. Temporary Restraining Order ( file-slamped) IF GRANTED CH-l 20. Rrsponse Io Requeslfor Civil Harassmenl Restraining Orders (blank form) CH-l 20-INFO. How Can I Respond m a Requeslfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders? CH-ZSO. Proof ofSen'ice of Respunsc by Mail (blank form) DCH-HO. Notice of Order Protecting Information ofMl'nor and CH-165. Order on Request Io Keep Minor's lnfonnalion Confidtnn'al (filc-slampcd) IF GRANTED ' " o 5 . ‘ s and munition “ESQ g. mower (.rpevify): ’“d‘m’ 037‘" CAROL OVERTON 9'.» 599.0 :n ~ ~ - > _ nurl ?.AI I n CH-Ooo Prod of Flmrms Tumod In or Sold; Local Form Ff" How lo S Tum norm Dam: 2-22-2021 p --W ‘- 2°" Notice of Court Hearing cH-M. Paco 2 o4 3 (H3W (elvu Harassment Prevention) 9 Cau Marla HUG 98 7 4 I Thc cuun cannot make lhc restraining ordcrs al'lcr lhc wun hearing unless lhc person in®has been personally given (served) a copy 0f your rcqucst and any temporary ordcrs. To show (hat lhc person in has bccn served. lhc person who scrvcd thc forms must fill ou! a proof of service form. Form CH-ZOO. Prmrfuf Prrsumzl Service. may bc uscd. For informalinn about service. read form CH-ZOO-INFO. What Is "Proofof Persona! Service "J’ [f you arc unable lo serve the person in ®in limc. you may ask for morc limc m scrvc lhc documents. Usc form CH-l I5. Requcs! m Continue ('uur! Hmrmg um! m Ruisxm' 'Il'nxpnrun' Restraining Order. To the Person in 9: If you want lo respond [0 the request for nrdcrx in vmlmg. file form CH-l 20. Rexpnnxe m Requestfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders. and have somcunc agc Ix nr uldcr-not you or anyone to be protected-mail il lo the person in . The person who mailed lhc form must fill out a proof of s‘crvicc form. Form CH-ZSO. PmnfnfSen'iL-e ufRespunse by Mail. may be used. Filc (hc completed form with Ihc court before the hearing and bring a cop) with you lo thc court hearing. Whether or not you rcspnnd in writing, g0 to Ihc hearing if you want thc judge l0 hcar from you before making an order. You may tell Lhc judge why you agree 0r disagree with thc orders requested. You may bring witnesses and other evidence. Al lhc hearing. lhc judge may make restraining orders against you lhal could last up lo five years and may order you lo lum in m law enforcement. 0r scll lo 0r store with a licensed gun dealer. any firearms Ihal you own or possess. Request for Accommodations Awistivc listening systems. compulcr-assistcd rcal-timc captioning. or sign language interpreter services arc available if you ask al lcas! five days before the hearing. Contact the clerk's office or go to gov/fomxs for Request for Accommodations by Permns with Disabilities and Response (form MC-410). (Civ. Code. § 54.8.) (Clerk wilIfi/I out this part.) - Clerk's Certificate - l certify lhal this Notice of Cour! Hearing is a true and correct copy of lhc original on file in lhc court. Clerk '5 Certificate [seal] Dale: Clerk. by . Deputy “nWW ‘- 55" Notice of Court Hearing cu-1os. mo a o: awgm (Civil Harassment Prevention)