Application and Order Appoint Guardian ad LitemCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 22, 2021ClV-01 0 ATTORNEY (Hm. 81W, mm"): mcmruumy UmHe lé/ 537 3e tvr pt 37, of, qsw/ Filed memeuofl ”0362‘! ZZYY w NO-lw February 22, 2021 EmWESSIW Clerk of the Court sup:;lo;:E::Foo:;:; cAuFonmA. coum or SUperior court 0f CA STREH Aooasss SUMI’IOY con" county Of santa C|ara mmmess sallumplflogt 21 CH009873 CITY AND ZIP CODE. ' '3‘ BY' knguyen smflws San Jon. CA 95113 PLAINTIFF/Pennouen; Au l .x/gJ: mam, ¢z_ DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: chd sea S Ochew APPLICATION AND ORDER FOR APPOINTMENT mm“ OF GUARDIAN AD LlTEM-CIVIL QEXPARTE ZICH009873 NOTE: This form Is for use In civil proceedings In which a parry ls a minor, an Incapacltated person, or a person for whom a conservator has boon appointed. A party who seeks the appointment of a guardian ad mom In a famlly law or juvenile proceeding should use form FL-935. A party who seeks tho appointment of a guardian ad mom In a probate proceeding should use form DE-350/GC-100. An Individual cannot act as a guardian ad mam unless ho or she Is represented by an attorney or Is an attorney. 1. Applicant(name): [I Zefle krtle'r lsmm parentoHnamefi-Mefiw 95.!”th Mann? ucL . E the guardian of (name): . E the conservator of (name):D a party to the suit. . D the minor to be represented (i! tho mlnorls 14 years o/ age or older).E another interested person (specify capacity): 2. This application sags the appointment o! the following person as guardian ad litem stale name. address, and telephone number): Lina osaks _ 5m _537 Slew V' 53d}! q (qcxkgzqzzzrs 3. The guardian ad Iitem is to represent the interests of the following person (state name. address. and telephone number): Fogoap MW‘ mam ”2:9 49m957 sew Pl 4. The person to be represented is: a. gt a minor (date ofbirrh): 7 _ Q- [Q b. _ an incompetent person. c. E a person tor whom a conservator has been appointed. 5. The court should appoint a guardian ad Iitem because: a. D the person named In Item 3 has a cause or causes ot action on which suit should be brought (describe): Hawah b ScareA 0; W arfi hag Saki me anal 0W5 flflfl-Y d“ )IMOQ CL> W6“ 03 j (\DM/ («A Sope SemLQg her over 6 Rx her SafiekfiD Conanued on Anadrmont 56. v... 1 on tormmluzumbryuu APPLICATION AND ORDER FOR APPOINTMENT Mdfim crvmo [Runway 1,200.1 OF GUARDIAN AD LITEM-CWIL CN-010 PLAINTIFFIPETmONER: AUWCL h ma n ,lq u d Z usemum DEFENDANT/Rsspowoemz Chkkm S R&IEQ/ ?- 1 C H00 98 7 3 5. b. D more than 10 days have elapsed since the summons in the above-entilled matter was served on lhe person named in item 3. and no application for the appointment of a guardian ad litem has been made by the person identified In item 3 or any other person. c. D the person named in item 3 has no guardian or conservator o! his or her esmle. d. D the appointment of a guardian ad litem is necessary for the following reasons (specify): D Continued on Attachment 5d. 6. The proposed guardian ad Intem's relationship to the person he or she will be replesenting is: a. m related (state relationship):Mo b. D not related (specify capacity): 7. The proposed guardian ad litem is fully competent and qualified to understand and protect the rights of the person he or she will represent and has no interests adverse to the interests o! that person. (If there am any issues of competency or qualification or any possible adverse interests, describe and explain why the proposed guardian should nevertheless be appointed): B Continued on Attachment 7. Lam m Rosales riflm. (89mm) (TVPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF ATTOR’EY) l declare under penalty of perjury under the laws o! the Stale of California that the toregoing is true and correct. Date: ’2 222’: 2! (TYPE OR PRINTM) (SIGMA CONSENT TO ACT AS GUARDIAN AD LITEM I consent to the appointment as guardian ad Iitem under the above petition. Date: L‘D'ZA .u _ ’ (WPE OR PRINT MAME) (SIGNATURE OF PflOPOSEDGumw UTEM) ORDER m EX PARTE THE COURT FINDS that it is reasonable and necessary lo appoint a guardian ad mom for the person named in item 3 of me application. as requested. THE COURT ORDERS mat (name): Lizette M. Rosales is hereby appointed as the guardian ad litem for (name): Aaliyah Manri {0t me reasons set tom in item 5 of the application. W (AW 0V1$.9ned. 2/22/2021 12:04 pM Dam: 2_22_2021 ~00“ ““5" Carol OvertonD SIGNATURE rouows Luv"TAMMY Cwmo [nu Jam L 20001 APPLICATION AND ORDER FOR APPOINTMENT "F 1 " ' OF GUARDIAN AD LITEM-CIVIL For your protection and privacy. plus. pron tho Clear ”m_fi TN: Form button am you Mv- pdntod tho form. I mffihfiml I say. ”1|; form ] l W