Order Temporary Restraining OrderCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 17, 2021DowSogn Envelope l0 BBED3ZAE-7E90-40FD-9258-ESS1 8826C6 1 9 CH-1 1 0 Temporary Restraining Order Clerk stanps dare hora when form rs filed. Filed I’urwn m ® mus! complete items @H® and @nnly. February 18, 2021 Protected Person Clerk of the Court a. Your Full Name: Wendy Orpnday Superior COUrt Of CA Your La“ yer (Ifyuu hare (me for llu'x case): county 0f santa Clara Name:M Stale Bur No.2W 21 CH009870 Firm Name:Wozfiumjmmw By: knguyen b. Your Address (Ifynu hare a lawyer. give your luujwr'x infurnmlion. lfyou do not hare u lawyer and mm! m kw your hmm’ address private, you may ire a dlfleren! mailing (u/t’lren inslmd, You (In nu! hare r0 give Ielep umafat. or e-mail. ).' Address: D- City: San Jose Stale:m2ipz95113 Telephone: (408) 280-2416 FaszAQB) zafl-am E-Mail Address: Restrained Person Full Name: Angeli Santos F/II In coun name and srwotam: Superior Court ol Camomla, County of Santa Clara 191 N lst Street 191 N lst Street San Jose. CA 95113 Civil Cour? fills m case number when loan is [Tied °”°""5”f'bHoo 98 7 o Description: Sex:D M m F Height: Unk___. Weight: UnL-__ Date of Binh: llnknomn- Hair Color: Red.- Eye Color:Elam Age: 19 Race: Salvadorian Home Addrcxslifknmvn): 179 South Sunqet Ave Cixy: San Jose State: CA Zip:95116 Relationship l0 Protected Person: Girl f ripnd of co - parent D Additional Protected Persons In addition l0 the person named in G. the fullowing family 0r household members of [hat person are protected by the temporary orders indicated below: Full Name m Ag; Household Member? Relation t0 Protected Eergn D Yes D N0 D Yes D Nu D Yes D N0 D Yes ONO D Check here if (here are addilional persnm. List Iht'm rm an anuchcd sheet ofpaper and write “Anachmem 3-- Additional Protected Persons" ax a title. Ynu may uxeform MC-025. Attachment. The court will complete Ihe n'sr 0f this form. ® Explratlon Date This Order expires a! the end of the hearing scheduledfor (he date and lime below: APR I 3 m‘ ’l'lmc' q:(fi film. me. This is a Court Order. Temporary Restraining Order (CLETS-TCH) c ivil Harassment Prevention) Dale: WUCWIdCuw mmumawvM Mam15.20‘0WFW Cooldele “5276m5279WWW CH-IIO. P1991 o0 8 .9 CEB' Emil an... P159313 Orenday, Wendy DomSogn Envelope ID BBEDJZAEJEQOJCFD-9258-ESS18826C619 Case Number: ?1CH009870 To the Person in 9: The court has granted the temporary orders checked as granted below. If you do not obey these orders. you can be arrested and charged with a crime. You may he sent lo jail for up t0 one year, pay a fine of up lo $1.000. or both. Personal Conduct Orders D Not Requested DDenied Until the Hearing ®Granted as Follows: a. You mu~.1 not do the following things (u the person in® D and lo lhc othr protected persons listed in© . (l) m Harms. intimidate. molest. attack. strike. stalk. threaten, assaull (sexually or otherwise). hil. abuse. dcslruy persona] property 0f, ur dixlurh Ihc pcucc 0f lhc person‘ (2) m (Tnntacl Ihc person. either directly nr indircclly. in any way. including. but nol limited l0. in person. by telephone. in writing. by public or primle mail. b) inlcrofficc mail. by e-mail. by text message, by fax. 0r by other electronic means. (3) m Take any action to obtain the person's address ur location. If this item (3) is not checked, lhc coun has found good caux not lo make this order. (4) m Otherupa'ifi'): DOIhcr pcrxonal conduct orders arc attached at lhc cnd of {his Order on Attachment 53(4). To the extent the personal conduct orders In this section conflict with any Family Court orders issued after the date of this Order concerning custody. vnsatatnon andlor exchange of the protected person's minor child. the Family Court orders aha“ control You must complynithlesmnEamilv Cnurt nrdam b. Peaceful wriucn contact through a luxucr nr u process scncr 0r uthcr person for service 0f legal papers related lo u court cuxc is allowed and docs nm violate this order. However. you may have your papers served by mail 0n Ihc person in Q. ® Stay-Away OrderD Not Requested D Denied Until the Hearing m Granted as Follows: a. You must slay at least .3_D_D__*.__ yards away {rum (vhcrk all tluu apply): (lb m Thc person in® (7) Thc place 0f child care 0f the children of (2) D Each person in© lhc person in ® (3) m Thc homc 0f the person in® (8) m 'l‘hc vehicle 0fthe person in® (4) m The job 0r workplace of the person (9) Other (spwify): In Fxrnp>ior ”A mp 3130 p 1r m1 a“ (5) m TthOschool 0f the person in® ' - ----- w ’ w ti]? pretedea Remove v (6) m The xchoul of (he children 0f (he WW;WL_“ pawn in® .5Lwflmtxe? Egghjflhoffifnffm “3%,an orders In this section conflict with any Family Court orders issued after the date of this b. This sluy-awuy order does not prevent you [mm going m 0r from your home or place 0t employment. Order concerning custody, visitation and/or exchange of the protected person's minor No Guns or Other Firearms and Ammunition child. the Family Court orders shall control. You must comply with all uch Family Court orders a You cannot own possess haxc buv 0r lry lo hm receixc 0rs'try lo reccnc 0r m any olhcr way gel guns. other firearms, 0r ammunition. b. You must: (l) Sell lo 0r store with a licensed gun dealer. 0r turn in lo u law enfnrccmcnl agency. any guns or other firearmx in your immediate pmscxxinn nr wmml lhn mml bc dune within 24 hours 0f being served with (his Order. This ls a Court Order. "" "W‘ ‘5 2° ’ Temporal? Restraining Order (CLETS-TCH) CH-no. page 2 o: aCEBMmm Civil Harassment Prevention) 9Orenday, Wendy DocuStgn Enve‘ope IO BBED32AE-7E90-4CFD-9258-ESS1 88260619 Case Numgei: CH0098?U (2) File a rcccipl with the court within 48 huurs 0f recemng this Order that proves that your guns or firearms have bccn turned in, sold. 0r stored. (Ynu may useform CH-800. Proof 0f Firearms Turned In. Sold. or Stored. for the receipt.) c. D The court has received informaxion [hat you own 0r possess a firearm. Possession and Protection of Animals m Not Requested D Denied Until the Hearing D Granted as Follows (specify): a. D The person in® is given the snlc possession. care. and control oflhe animals listed below. which are owned, possessed. leased. kept. or held by him 0r her. or reside in his 0r her household. (Idenufv animals by, e.g.. type. breed. name. color. mt.) b. D The person in C2) must stay at least yards away from. and not lake, sell. transfer. encumber. conceal. molest. attack, strike. threaten. harm. or otherwise dispose of. the animals listed above. ® Other Orders E] Not Requested D Denied Until the Hearing D Granted as Follows (specify): D Additional orders are attached at [he end of Ihn ()rdcr on Attachment 9. To the Person mo: Mandatory Entry of Order Into CARPOS Through CLETS This Order must bc enlered into lhe California Restraining and Protective Order System (CARPOS) through the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System 1CLETS). (Check one): a. D The clerk will enter this Order and its prwf-uf-scn'ice form into CARPOS. b. m Thc clerk will transmit this Order and its proof-of-scrvice form I0 a law enforcement agency to be entered into CARPOS. C. D By thc close 0f business 0n lhc dale (hat this Order is made. the person in ®0r his 0r her lawyer should deliver a copy 0f the Order and its proof-of-service form lo thc law enforcement agency listed below lo enter into CARPOS: Name 0f Law Enforcement Agency Address (City, Stale, Zing D Additional law enforcement agcncicx arc listed ul (he end 0f (his Order 0n Attachment 10. This is a Court Order. “f"“fi'm‘s'm Tem ora Restrainin Order CLETS-TCH CH-uo, P a ts (£3 El”: 'u“, p 76W"HarassmgntPreveISnion) ) age 09 “u“ -- Orenday. Wendy DowSign Envelope IO: BBED32AE-7E90-4CFD-9258-E55183260619 Case Number- 210H009870 No Fee to Serve (Notify) Restrained Person ®Ordered D Not Ordered The sheriff or marshal will serve this Order without charge because: a. a The Order is based on unlawful violence, a credible threat of violence. or stalking. b.D The person in® is entitled to a fee waiver. ® Number of pages attached to this Order. if any: 5'9"“: 2/13/2021 12125 PM Date: CW MC W%Oq Jm/mu/ umcer CAROL OVERTON Warnings and Notices to the Restrained Person in e You Cannot Have Guns or Firearms You cannot own. have, possess, buy or try m huy, rccche or tr) m receive, or otherwise get guns. other firearms. or ammunition while this Order is in effect. lf you d0. you can go mjuil and pay a $1,000 fine. You must sell to or store with a licensed gun dealer, 0r turn in to a law enforcement agency. any guns or other firearms that you have or control as slated in item ® above. The court will require you t0 prove that you did so. Notice Regarding Nonappearance at Hearlng and Service of Order lf you have been personally served with (his Temporary Remaining Order and form CH-IO9. Notice ofCourt Hearing. but you do not appear al the hearing either in person 0r by a lawyer, and a restraining order that is the same as [his Temporary Restraining Order except for lhc expiration dale is issued at the hearing. a copy of the order will be served on you by mail at the address in item®. If this address is nol correct or you wish Io verify that the Temporary Restraining Order was convened into a restraining order at the hearing without substantive change. 0r to find out the duration of the order. contact the clerk of the coun. Afler You Have Been Served With a Restraining Order o Obey all the orders. o Read form CH-l 20-INFO, How Can I Respond m a Requeslfor Civil Harassment Restraining 0rders.’. lo learn how to respond to this Order. o [f you want lo respond. fill out form CHJZO, Response Iu Requestfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders, and file it with the coun clerk. You do not have l0 pay any fee lo file your response if lhe Request claims that you inflicted or threatened violence against or stalked lhc person in® o You must have form CH-120 served by mail on the person in ® or that person's altomey. You cannot d0 this yourself. The person who does the mailing should complete and sign form CH-ZSO. ProofofService ofResponse by Mail. File the completed proof of service with the court clerk before the hearing date or bring it with you lo the hearing. - ln addition to the response, you may file and have declarations served. signed by you and other persons who have personal knowledge of the facts. You may use form MC-030. Declaration. for this purpose. [I is available from the clerk's office at the court shown 0n page l of this form 0r at www.couns.ca.gm-/fonns. If you do not know how to prepare a declaration. you should see a lawyer. This is a Court Order. “"“t'm‘s'm Tem ora Restrainin Order CLETS-TCH cn-no, meme (H3’m p ?Civil Harassmgnt Prevegtion) ) 9"“"' -- Orenday, Wendy DocuSign Envelope ID BBED3ZAE-7E90-40FD-9258-E55188260619 Case Number: 21PH009870 a Whether or nut you file a response. you should amend (hc hearing. If you have any witnesses. they must also g0 t0 the hearing - At lhc hearing. the judge can make restraining orders against you that last for up to five years. Tell thejudge why you disagree with the orders requested. Instructions for Law Enforcement Enforcing the Restraining Order This order is enforceable by any law enforcement agency than has received lhc order. is shown a copy of the order. or has verified its existence on Ihc California Restraining and Protective Orders System (CARPOS). lf the law enforcement agency has not received proof of service 0n the restrained pcrwn. lhc agency must advise the restrained person of the terms of the order and lhcn must enforce it. Violations 0f this order are subject lo criminal penalties. Start Date and End Date of Orders This order starts on the dale next lo Ihc judge‘s signature on page 4. The order ends on khe expiration dale in item ®on pagc l. Arrest Required If Order Is Violated lf an officer has probable cause to believe lhal (he restrained person had notice of the order and has disobeyed lhc order. [he officer mus! arrest lhc restrained person. (Pcn. Code, §§ 836(c)( l ), l370|(b).) A violation of the order may be a violation 0f Penal Code section I66 or 273.6. Agencies are encnumged lo enter violation messages into CARPOS. Notice/Proof of Service The law enforcement agency must first determine if the restrained person had notice of the order. Consider the restrained person “served" (given notice) if(Pen. Code, § 836(c)(2)): o The officer secs a copy of the Proof of Service 0r confirms that (he Proof of Service is 0n file; or o The restrained person was informed 0f [he order by an officer. An officer can obtain information about the cuntcnls of the order and proof 0f service in CARPOS. lf proof of service on the restrained person cannot bc verified. [he agency must adx isc [he restrained person of the terms of the order and then enforce it. If the Protected Person Contacts the Restrained Person Even if the protected person invites 0r consents l0 contact with the restrained person. this order remains in effect and must be enforced. The protected person cannot be arrested fur inviting 0r consenting (o contact with (he restrained person. The order can be changed only by another court order. (Pen. Code, § I37 10(b).) This is a Court Order. ““"tm‘mw Tem ora Restrainin Order CLETS-TCH CH-no, P s 15 (EB Em p WCivil Harassmgnt Prevesation) ) age 0')“u" -- Orenday, Wendy OowStgn Envelope l0 88E032AE-7E90-4CFD-9258-E5518826C619 CaseNu%:cH00 98 7 0 Conflicting Orders-Priorities for Entorcement If more than one restraining order has been issued, the orders must be enforced according to the following priorities (see Pen. Code, § 136.2; Fam. Code. §§ 6383mm). 6405mm: l. lil’O: If nnc nf lhc orders is an Enu-rgwu'y Protective ()rdcr (form EPO-OUI ) and is murc restrictive lhan other restraining or protective orders, it has precedence in enforcement over all other orders. 2. Noannluvl Order: If lhcre is n0 EPO. a no-conlucl order lhul is included in a restraining ()r protcclive order has precedence over any olhcr restraining or protective ordcrA 3. Criminal Order: If none 0f the orders includes a no-conlucl order. a domestic \iolence protective order issued in a criminal case takes precedence in enforcement over any conflicting civil coun order. Any nonconflicting terms 0f the civil restraining order remain in cffccl and enforceable. 4. Family. Juvenile. or Civil Order: If more than one family.juvenilc. or other civil restraining or protective order has been issued. the one that was issued last must be enforced. (Clerk willfil! mu this part.) Clerk's Cemflcale -Clefk's Certificate- [Swll [certify lhal this Temporary Ramaining Order is a true and correct copy of the original 0n file in the court. Dale: ________ Clcrk. by . Deputy This is a Court Order. "T”fm‘sm Tem ora Restrainin Order CLETS-TCH cu-no. p a to (£13M p [YCMIHarassmgntPreveS'Ition) ) age o u... film Orenday, Wendy