StipulationCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 17, 2021ATTACHMENT FM-11129“ S ’PERD? COURTOF CALIFORNA COU.‘ TY OF SANTA CLAR 3.55- 433R:55V D CE ‘un-LUTGPB'x Le: u) Sa”J;se.C-\ 3': D NCR'-‘ 7135 EiCar "c 3.23 S-” 39 CA 94.5 7‘1 ‘ " “' Dxara aene Vega“ =51 CA 9522' I L E__ 23‘- '"1 13‘. MAUNS ADDRESS 19‘. Myth =vr3t S:raez “ ‘ APR 13 2021Cf" AUDI.” CODE San J33 LA 9:‘ .. 3:».9 NAME. M ‘ '~\ “\uW Q osmecouzzm c! Sa a ‘ DEP' NV av l w- :Wfim \QSLCM%W l v]SPLND- ‘1: -5 l Imom g g i CASE NLMBL srzpuumow FOR COURT commsszonsR To ACT As TEMPORARY JUDGE FOR ALL PURPOSES “CH,O o(ffitflb Comméssiorer ERlK JOHNSON is a judicial officer of the Superior Court of Ca!?fornra, Caunty oi Santa Cla'a‘ and may ac: as a Temporary Judge if all the partzes agree in writing. You' sigfiature below means you agree the above-named Court Commissioner shall act as a Temporary Judge for this %ing(th‘is matter. Dated: ‘ (\ ' SIG‘JATUF’E PRINTED NAME OF PARTY AND/OR ATTORNEY K(amou Dome 51 Luca juam fimmr. >{W “ Sij/zm '6 @cu/m ’Il L/ (Aasrfey cr 3 a FUN”EU‘Cnef) P (Dei-ndan' ResporCer‘t) (Axcrfiey for DefendanuRespondent) (ClamamOther Party; (Axomey fcr CsamanLOther Party) Interpreter Witness Declaration B [n‘arprez 2r The D Petihoner D Respondent is unabn'e to read or understand this Stipulationu- because: a‘ D his/her prmary language is (specify)- b. D other (specify): lcertLr‘y under pena'ty cf perjury under the laws of the Szate of California that I have, to the best of my ability, read or translated fcr the D Petitioner D Resaondent this Stipulaton He or she said they understood thgs Simulation before sigmng it. Date Interpre:er‘s printed name lnzerpreter‘s s‘gnature STIPULATION FOR COURT COMMISSIONER TO ACT P3921 :w AS TEMPORARY JUDGE FOR ALL PURPOSES