NoticeCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 16, 2021SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Civil Division Case No.: 21CH009864 Plaintiff: Aaron Valdez PFNI DW0340 VS- NOTICE OF ORDER OF COURT Defendant: Brian Wilson RE: TRANSPORTATION OF PARTY TO COURT TO THE SHERIFF OF THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA: Pursuant to an Order of Court this day made and entered, you are hereby notified that the Court made the following order: Defendant, Brian James Wilson is to be transported to Civil Court for a hearing on 3-1-22 at 9:00 a.m.. in Department 4. Brian James Wilson DOB 3-6-88 PFN DWO34O Dated: 2/28/22 REBECCA FLEMING, Chief Execu ' SANTA CLARA COUNTY Officer, eputy " SMarshan NOTICE OF ORDER OF COURT (1002 REV 8/92)