Response ReplyCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 16, 2021Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 4/7/2021 1:11 PM Reviewed By: M. Sorum Case #21CH009863 Envelope: 6193140 21CH009863 Santa Clara - Civil M. Sorum Response to Request f0 r Civi I Clerk stamps date here when form is filed.CH'1 20 Harassment Restraining Orders Use this form to respond to the Request (form CH-100) o Read How Can I Respond t0 a Requestfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders? (form CH-lZO-INFO) to protect your rights. o Fill out this form and take it to the court clerk. o Have someone age 18 0r older-not you-serve the person in CD or his or her lawyer by mail with a copy of this form and any attached pages. (Useform CH-250, Proof of Service 0f Response by Mail.) Person Seeking Protection Full name of person seeking protection (seeform CH-I 00, item®): Natalie Poarch Harris Fillin court name and street address: ® Person From Whom Protection ls Sought SS‘Lgfig’bclgg °fca'if°"‘ia’ c°unty °f a. Your Name: Dat Jacqueline Degracia 191 N. First Street 191 N. Flrst StreetYour Lawyer (ifyou have onefor this case) San Jose CA 951 1 3 I I ’ Name: MaLiJ¥n_E_MQLenQ_ State Bar No.: JDAZ28__ C V L Firm Name: MORENO FAMILY LAW FIRM b. Your Address (Ifyou have a lawyer, give your lawyer’s information. Ifyou d0 not have a lawyer and want t0 kee your home address Case Number: private, you may ive a different mailing a dress instead. You d0 not 21 CH009863 have t0 give telep one, fax, 0r e-mail.): Address: Present your response and an opposition at the . z z . :95 j 28 hearing. Write your_hearin ate, time, and placeClty san-J-Qse-- State CA le from form CH-109 ltem here: Telephone: (408) 256-90 I I Fax: _ ama-. I - - Hearing Date:mm- Time: 'E-MallAddress. .Dept: 4___R00m:_ ® mpersonal Conduct Orders Ifyou were served with a Temporary Restraining Order you must obey it until thea' D I agree t0 the orders requeSted' hearing. At the heafing, the court ma make b. m I do not agree to the orders requested. orders against you that last for up to Ive years. (Specifil why you disagree in item ® 0n page 3.) c. D I agree t0 the following orders (Specifi/ below 0r in item® on page 3.) Court fills in case number when form is filed. GD EStay Away Orders a. D I agree to the orders requested. b. E I do not agree t0 the orders requested. (Specifi/ why you disagree in item ® 0n page 3.) c. D Iagree to the following orders (specifiz below 0r in item® 0n page 3): @mAdditional Protected Persons a. D I agree that the persons listed in item®of form CH-100 may be protected by the order requested. b. m I do not agree that the persons listed in item ®of form CH-lOO may be protected by the order requested. #‘é‘éféz'd‘fl‘;%flfl'ry°fiF§3§%’”fiar%“§féfy°flzfiafiag°v Response to Request for Civil Harassment CH-120, Page1 of4Code of CIVII Procedure, §§ 527.6 and 527‘9 Restraining orders 9 CEB' Essential (Civil Harassment Prevention) sebum gangs Degracia, Dat Jacqueline Case Number: 21 CH009863 ® Guns or Other Firearms and Ammunition If you were served with form CH-110, Temporary Restraining Order, you cannot own or possess any guns, other firearms, or ammunition. (See item of form CH-110.) You must sell to O_r store with a licensed gun dealer, or turn in to a law enforcement agency, any guns or other firearms in your Immediate possession 0r control within 24 hours of being served with form CH-110. You must file a receipt with the court. You may use form CH-800, Proof0fFirearms Turned In, Sold 0r Stored, for the receipt. a. D I do not own or control any guns 0r firearms. b. D I ask for an exemption from_the firearms prohibition under Code of Civil Procedure section 527.9(t) because carrying a fireaIm ls a co_nd1t10n ofmy emgloyment, and my employer ls unable to reasmgn me to another pos1t10n where a firearm ls unnecessary. ( xplaz'n): D Check here ifthere is not enough space below for your answer. Putyour complete answer 0n an attached sheet ofpaper and write ”Attachment 6b-Firearms Surrender Exemption ” as a title. You may useform MC-025, Attachment. c. E I have tumed in my guns and firearms to the police or sold them to or stored them with a licensed gun dealer. A copy of the receipt m is attached. m has already been filed With the court. ®m Possession and Protection of Animals a. D I agree to the orders requested. b. m1 d0 not agree to the orders requested. (Specifiz why you disagree m item ® 0n page 3.) c. DI agree to the following orders (specify below 0r in item ® on page 3.) D Other Orders a. D I agree to the orders requested. b. DI do not agree to the orders requested. (Specify why you disagree z'n item ® 0n page 3.) c. DI agree to the following orders (specifi/ below 0r in item ®0n page 3.) ® D Denial laid not do anwhmg described in item ®of form CH-100, (Skzp to® .} RifeiJam’” 2,018 Response to Rque§t for Civil Harassment CH-120, Page 20M gLoBm EmmFogfig! Restraining Ordersm c ,:«-._. ' ' ‘ . .(CIVII Harassment Prevention) DegraCIa’ Dat Jacquelme Case Number: 21 CH009863 0 mJustification or Excuse IfI did some or all ofthe things that the person in (D has accused me of, my actions were justified or excused forthe following reasons (explain): DChec/c here z‘fthere is not enough space belowfor your answer. Put your complete answer 0n an attached sheetofpaper and write “Attachment 1O-Jusflficarion 0r Excuse ” as a title. You may useform MC-025,Attachment. @E Reasons I Do Not Agree to the Orders Requested Explain your answers t0 each order requested thatyou d0 not agree with. DCheck here ifthere is not enough space belowfor your answer. Put your complete answer 0n cm attached sheetofpaper and write “Attachment 11~Reasons I Disagree ” as a title. You may useform MC-025, Attachment. RiVLSEdfama“ 25m Response to Reqqe_st for Civil Harassment CH-120, Page 3 or4(iLB Egligjmg! Restraining Ordersca .com ,5» 9(CivilHarassment Prevention) Degracia Dat Jacqueline Case Number- 21CH009863 @ a No Fee for Filing a. D I request that I not be required to pay the filing fee because the person in @claims in form CH-lOO item @to be entitled to free filing. b. D I request that I not be required to pay the filing fee because I am eligible for a fee waiver. (Form FW-OO] Raquest to Waive Court Fees, must befiled separately.) 7 ® D Lawyer's Fees and Costs a. a Iask the court to order payment ofmy D Lawyer’s fees a Court costs. The amounts requested are: Iggm Amount LLe_m_ Amount WW...“ ......MS ‘5‘ m. $ 3L, D Check here ifthere are more items. Put the items and amounts 0n the attached Sheet ofpaper and write “Attachment 13-Lawyer ’s Fees and Costs ”for a title. You may usefarm MC-025, Attachment. b. D I ask the court to deny the request of the person asking for protection that I pay his or her lawyer’s fees and costs. Number ofpages attached to this form, ifany: 2- Date: April 7‘ 2021 Marilyn E Moreno } WM@{WWLawyer ’s name (zfany) Luiryer ’Esignatuge I declare under penalty of peljury under the laws ofthe State of California that the information above and on all attachments is true and correct. l Date: Apr 7’ 29,2 Dat Jacqueline DegraCia y QatJDegracisufip 1,2021 122425;“) W524W "T; B 5r 7172f “7010‘ name - - W-“mflmw TS??? VOMP' Ha}??? H u . P P J g , ““55“““3’” 2°18 Response to Request for Civil Harassment cmzo pa~ ,3 . _ _ , ge 40f 4(£8 33m! Restraining Orderscam». 1 .v. _..._ (Civil Harassment Prevention} Degracia, Dat Jacqueline , ‘3‘. Proof of Firearms Turned In, Sold, CIerk stamps dale here when larmis filed.CH‘BOO or Stored ® Protected Person- ' I E LName: Natalie Nicole Poarch Hams ® Restrained Person FEB 2 5 202] a. Your Namc:.D.a.LJanq1Jeline Degrania Your Lawyer (lfjlou have ouefor this case): Superlgégrvofifn Ehe 00982:}: Clara Name:MflIil¥lLE..MflrenQ__ Stale Bar NO.:JLOAZZL BY DEPUTY Firm Name'MORENO FAMILY LAW FIRM -.-_............. -- .. . __. b. Your Address (Ifyou have a lawyer. give your lawyer’s information. Wm“ ”den"?g -- - - {fyou do not have a lawyer and want t0 keep your home address gigggiaorcclggg of camom'a’ com"? 0‘ private, you may give a difierent mailing address instead. You do not 191 N. Fgrst Street 191 N. First Street (5%:3 have :0 give telephone, fax, 0r e-maiL): San Jose! CA 951 1 2 Address: VI City: San Jose Slate: .CAZip;95_1_23_-_ TelephonCIMBJm-Fax:______ Conn fills in case number when form is filed. E-Mai] Address; mmoreno@ sjdivorce com Case Number: 21 CH009863® To the Restrained Person: If the court has ordered you to turn in. sell, or store your firearms, you may use this form Lo prove tn the -.:onrl Iim you have obeyed'its orders. When you deliver your unloaded weapons, ask the law enforcement officcm r 1‘»- licensed gun dealer to complete item® or© and item @. After the form is signed, file it with the court clerk. Keep a copy for yourself. For help, read Form CH-BOO-INFO, Haw Do I Tum in, Sell, or Store My Firearms 7 l _._ - Ll :nrfimwl =4! JFJE H. ..:'..'. To Law Enfdrcement ® Fill out items® and® of this fonn. Keep a Fill out items® and© of this form. Keep a copy and give the original to the person who copy and give the original to the person who sold turned in the firearms. you the firearms or stored them with you. The firearms listed in© were turned in on: The firearms listed in ®were sold to me transferred lo me for stora c on: :23 2:, , CI D g Date: at: Da.m.Ep.m. Date:- at: To. OFC MAR e Lrfl‘flr To; Name and title aflaw enforcementLfimc Name oflicensed gun dealerS’A-M CF. Name Iaw en orcementa'Pen ' License number Telephone 20? w/m Pf“ ?.Z-‘o/V ' __.__YA” TGFE- 04/ 4‘?!” __ Aldress Address I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information ”__.. of the State of California that the infommlion above above is true and correct. . > W! ‘72] > ,- Signature of(aw enforcement agent Signature ofgun dealer fi“““;§h‘i§f§'§‘é‘3&”o%'€fmf§!m°°""mw Proof of Firearms Turned In, Sold, or Stored cn-aoo, Page: ore ?gfiau?§&a§asa ““3" “2 (Civil Harassment Prevention) -) ~sssent1al Degracia, Dat Jacqueline *- E1 Case Number: 21CH009863 I Make Model Serial Number GLaCi< "77¢ DW677 Item 6-Firearms Turned In, Sold. ar Stored”far a title. Include make. model, and serial number ofeach firearm. You may use Farm MC-025. Attachment. ® Do you have, own, possess, or control any other firearms besides Lhe firearms listed in© ‘2 D Yesm No If you answered yes, have you tumed in, sold, or stored those other firearms? D Yes D No (fyes, check one ofme boxes below: a. D I filed a PraofofFirearms Turned In. Sold. or Stored for those firearms with the court or- ‘a'lu’. b. D I am filing the proof for those firearms along with this proof. c. D Ihave not yet filed the proof for the other firearms. (Explain why not): D Check here ifthere is not enough space belowfor your answer. Pu't your complete answer on the attached sheet ofpaper or Farm MC-025 and write “Attachment 7c”for a title. apr_flfiu‘ u. v Ideclare under penalty of pe1jury under the laws of the State of California that the infomalion abave is true nnd correct. Date: ' DegLa r‘ia Type orprim your name "B“mfm'tm“ Proof of Firearms Turned In, Sold, or Stored CH-suu, payihz c3 a CEB |E‘gfifl (Civil Harassment Preve ntion) Degracia. Dat Jacqueline