Proof of Service MailCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 4, 2021Proof of Service of Response by crerkstampsdare here wnsnrormismed. Mail (D Person Seeking Protection g E L E fig i! - A V , .1" Namer Ken Leg: RUNW- MAR 2 6 2021 (2) Person From Whom Protection ls Sought Clerk of t" Cou- l \ ‘- ' B for , Your Name; mQK .PrS’U‘ \cf BY "per Conn k u Iyoffianlafiegg w Notice to Server The server must: @ “fl; Fill Jn courtname and street address: “Q7 Superior Court of California, County of o Be 18 years of age or older. c Live or be employed in the county where the mailing took place. superior comfi o Not be listed in items® or© 0f Fonn ON“ DIVISIOH CH-100. 191 N. First Si ‘ Mail a copy 0f all documents checked in® ’to the person in®. > o Complete and sign this form and give Fm”? C339 numb“ it to the person in@. Case Number: - , », ' \ S’ PROOFOFSERVICEBYMAIL 621CHORH K K ® I am 18 years 0f age 0r older and not a party to this proceeding. Ilive 0r am employed in the county where the mailing took place. I mailed the person in® a copy ofall documents checked below: San Jose, CA 95113 a. orm CH-l 20, Response Io Requeslfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders b. D Other (specifi‘): [placed copies of the documents checked above in a sealed envelope and mailed them as described below: 8. Mailed to (name): L&UcL'Au/M'k b. T0 this address: H1 5f WflddY' WV fl I (a . I I . _ City: COL MglVa/J | State: QIL Zip:m c. onmme): Mailedfmm’; City: 5;” jag; State; Tax 3 24/2!® Server’s Information/ Name: Aflk wwroo‘r Address: I&Uflg N- (4‘14“ 9" City: 9M 10M slate; M6 21p; 0/6”! W TelephOne: 1+0® 476/04W (Ifyou are a registeredprocess serveI): County of registration: Registration number: I declare under penalty ofperjury under the laws ofthc State OfCalifomia [hat [he information above is true and correct. Date:MM- QLTQLO GIDRQQ A > [1%W Type or print sewer ’3 name Sewer to sign here . Judicial Council of Calflomia. mmnouds cagov Rwuwawtzomopm,Fm Proof of Service of Response by Mail CH'ZSO' Page 1 0“ Code °fCivflHmdwe- 5527.6 (Civil Harassment Prevention)