Notice Hearing TRO Civil HarassmentCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 4, 2021CH-1 09 Notice of Court Hearing “em"ampmmmmmm" ”"d' Filed ® Person Seeking Protection February 5, 2021 a Your Fun Nm_ Clerk of the Court' ' Superior Court of CAEWQM BRA Dim?a SH ‘5 Li? County of Santa Clara Your Lawyer (Ifyou have onefor this case): 21 CH009850 NamezsalhBenmsanied-Slalc Bar No.:____ By: knguyen Firm Name:SelL-Bnpmsentad - Fill in cow? name and slroer address: b. Your Address (Ifyou have a lmvyer. give your lawyer‘s information. Superior Court of California. County of Ifyou do nor have a lawyer and want to keep your home address Santa Clara private, you may give a difi‘erem mailing address instead. You do nut Strut: 191 N. First $1.. San Jon. CA 95113 have m give telephone, fax, or e-nuu'l.) Mailzu191 N. 'Firg‘ SL. Sm Jose, CA 95113 Address: \jq-l gumbo“ Dr L CIVII Dlwsuon City: 3:}, Slatngjip: 46 I I 2 I L L I , Coun fills In case number when Iorm Is flied:Telephone. L! A 3 7 3 ( $x. Ca“ Number: E-Mau Address- 2 1 C H 00 98 5 0 ® Person From Whom Protection Is Smmht V . Full Name: . ALFONSO ARAIZA The court will mmplete the rest 0f thisfonn. ® Notice of Hearing A court hearing ls scheduled on the request for restraining orders against the person in ®= . Name and address of court if different from above: Hearing Date:w Time: - 00 m Date Depu _____L__ Room:-_.WWW Saanse. CA 95113 D I s c H .c..l ® Temporary Restraining Orders (Any orders granted are on form CH-I 10, served with this notice.) a. Temporary Restraining Orders for personal conduct and smy-away orders as requested in form CH-lOO. Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders, arc (check only one box below): (1) m All GRANTED until Lhc court hearing. (2) D All DENIED until thc court hearing. (Specify rensonsfor denial in b, below.) (3) D Partly GRANTED and panly DENIED until lhc court hcan'ng. (Speufv reasonsfor denial in b, below.) WWW”: n.9,wm ‘ Notice of Court Hearing cH-109. Pug. 1 ma 5°“ °' ‘ (Civil Harassment Prevention) 9 CaseNuerHOO 98 50 b. Reasons for denial of some or all of those personal conduct and stay-away orders am requested in form CH-IOO. Requestfor Civil Harassmen! Restraining Orderv, arc: (l) a Thc facts as stated in form CH-IOO do not sufficiently show acts of violcncc. lhrcals of violence. or a course of conduct that seriously alarmed. annoyed. or harassed lhc person in®and caused substantial emotional distress. (2) D Olhcr (swab): D As sex forth un Alludnncm 4h. ® Confidential Information Regarding Minor u. D A Request m Keep Minur's Information (“uqfidemiul (form CH~I60) was made and GRANTED. (Seeform CH-165, Order 0n chucsl Io Keep Minor‘s Information Confidential, served with thisfnrm.) b. l! the request was granted, the information described in item(g) on the order (form Cll-165) must be kept CONFIDENTIAL. The disclosure or misuse 0f the information is punishable as contempt of court, with a fine of up to $1000 or possible sanctions. ® Service of Documents by The Person in Q) At least m five D days before the hearing, someone age l8 or oldcrwnot you or anyone to be pro!ecttd--must personally give (serve) a court's filc-stampcd copy of this form CH-109. lo lhc person in® along with a copy of all the forms indicated below: a. CH- l00. Requestfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders (filc-slampcd) mCH-l 10. Temporary Restraining Order (filc-stampcd) [F GRANTED CH-IZO. Response Io Requestfor Civil Harassment Re "raining Orders (blank form) C" 9-.“ CH-IZO-INFO. How Can I Respond lo a Requenfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders? CH-250. ProofofService ofResponse by Mail (blank fonn) DCH-HO. Notice 0f Order Protecting lnfonmuiun ofMinur and CH- 165, Order on Reques! lo Keep Minor's Information Confidential (filc-slampcd) IF GRANTED g. m0am (specify).- ynn: ' . . . . , l. CH-Ooo Prool o! Firearms Turned In or Sold; Local Fonn 1047 HowJCahWr-a a and Ammunition rag: Dam: 2-5-2021 Judicial Officer CAROL OVERTON now Jomaymaon Notice of Court Hearing cmos, pag. 2 a a CH3.m (Civil Harassment Prevention) 9 |°“°"2'1"UH009850 l o The court cannot make the restraining orders after (hc cuun hearing unless the person in®has bcen personally given (served) a copy of your request and any temporary orders. To show lhal the person in®hm bccn served. the person who served the fomxs must fill out a proof of service form. Form CH-ZOO. ProofofPerxonal Service. may bc used. - For infonnzuion about service, read form CH-ZOO-INFO. What Is "Proofofl’ersonal Service"? o If you arc unable lo serve thc person in® in lime. you may ask fur mun: lime lo serve lhc documents. Use form CH-l 15. Request (U Continue ("Hurt Hearing and m Rrisstu’ Tvmpormjx' Restraining Order. To the Person ino: o II you want lo respond t0 the request for nrdcrs in “ruling. filc funn CH-l 20, Response to Requestfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders, and have somconc age 18 0r oldcrir -nnt you or anyone lo be protected-mail il lo the person in ®. ~ The person who mailed the form must fill oul a proof of scrvicc fonn. Form CH-250, ProofufService ofResponse by Mail, may bc used. File the completed form with the court before the hcan'ng and bring a copy with you lo the court hearing. - Whether or not you respond in writing. go m lhc hearing if you want lhc judge lo hear from you before making an ordcr. You may lcll lhc judge why you agrcc 0r disagree with lhc orders rcqucslcd. - You may bring wilncsscs and olhcr cvidcncc. - Al the hearing, the judge may make restraining orders against you that could last up to five years and may ordcr you lo turn in m law enforcement, or sell lo or slorc with a licensed gun dcalcr, any firearms that you own or possess. Request for Accommodations Assistivc listening systems, computer-assislcd rcal-timc captioning. or sign language interpreter services arc available if you ask at lczml five days before the hearing. Contact the clerk‘s office or go lo u wu' for Requestfor Accommodations by Persons with Disabilities and Response (form M0410). (Civ. Code. § 54.8.) (Clerk willflll out (his pan.) - Clerk's Certificate - l certify lhal this Notice of Court Hearing is a true and correct copy of the original on file in the court. Clerk's Certificate [seal] Date: Clerk. by v DCPU‘Y “-V-M'fi" Notice of Court Hearing CH-109. Pageao'a (Civil Harassment Prevention)LaIi!