Proof of Service MailCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 4, 2021P l'OOf Of serVice Of order Clerk s:amps date here when Iorm is filed, After Hearing by Mail You may .yL-n c Form CH-l30, Civil Harassment Restraining Order After I L EHearing. 0n (ha restrainud person by mail [frhc resrruined person was no! at (he hearing and: MAR 3 0 q 2021 ' Before the hearing. (he resiruinedperson was personally sen'ed will! Form CH-l 10. Temporary Restraining Order, and proqfofsen‘icc ofForm Clerk o ‘ m CH-l [0 \ras resell! )d I0 (/1 ’ court a! 1h ’ h )arin .' and Bp L L t t g W, o Thejudgc '5 orders in Form CH-130 are the same as [n Form CH-IIO F,” ,n COM name and grreka address. exccprfor r/w expiration dale. Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara CD Protected Person M Civil DivisionName: Q“)860“" 50 \ 191 N First Street San Jose. CA 95113 ® Restrained Person Fm case number: Namei ¥ev‘m \fi Case Number: 2\ C H oo °\ % ‘\ ‘b PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL [am 18 years ofage or older and not a party to this proceeding or a person listed in item® of Form CH-130. I live or am employed in the county where the mailing took place. I mailed the restrained person a copy of: a. Form CH-l30, Civil Harassmen! Reslraining Order Afier Hearing b. D Other (5pecijj’): I placed copies of the documents above in a sealed envelope and mailed them as described below: a. Mailed to (name): gevln LB/ b. To this address: 17OW FaYflkSTm W0") City: ®n me, State: Cfi Zip: gs, 4f (O C- On (dare): 3 ‘30 I’L\ Mailed from: City: mn 303$ State: CW @ Server’s Information Name: ?QMW’WPV BOMWM‘ Telephone: L4w)4 90" U(B (p Address: 0427A G\W00(A [1 P” City: mv‘ me State: CW Zip: 0' S] [1(0 (Ifyou are a registered process server): County of registration: Registration number: I declare under penalty ofperjury under the laws ofthe State of California that the information above is [rue and correct. Date: 3 I l2 2‘ 9 gammy 5k ?\va CKM ’ kflSAQ/ Type or prim server '5 name Server I0 sign here Juducnal Councnl ofCaMcma m cams ca gov mmmmzo‘zmmmw Proof of Service of Order After Hearing by Mail CH'ZGOv Page 1 0f 1 Cm “CW" ““9“" 5 527 5 (Civil Harassment Prevention)