Notice New Hearing Date Order on ReissuanceCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 4, 2021Clerk stamps dale hare when lorm is filed. CH-1 16 Order on Request to Continue Hearing Cnmplcm item» j) zmd ® only. ® Protected Party:CheIsea s. pacheco Q) Restrained Party: Lizette Rosales The cuurl will complete the rest of this form Full m court name and street address: ® Ne)“ court Date Superior Court of Call'ornla. County o! 8. U The request to reschedule lhc court date is denied. Santa Clara d . ‘ Downtown Superior Court (DTS) YW’ “0“” a‘e '5' 191 North First St. (l) Any Temporary Rextraim‘ng Order (form (,‘H-I I0) already granted San Jose CA 951 1 3 stays 1n full force and effect until the next court date. (2) Your court date is not rescheduled because; Fill in case number: ' ’ ' ‘ ’ " “_‘" "w' Ca” Number: -*~ - A» r ~~ i 17-“ 21CH009346 b. K The requesl to reschedule lhc court dale is granted, Your court date is rescheduled for the day and timc listed below. Sec@® for more information. 1 .3 m Name and address ofcourt, if different from above:0 NW Date: M 5 2021 Timegi-GZ-39-EM CIVILDIVISION;DTS Conn .4 . D.“ DEPL. Room. ® Temporary Restraining Order a. [j There is nn Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) in this case until the next court date bccause:. (1) : A TRO was not previously granted by lhc coun. (2) C; Thc court terminates (cancels) the previously granted TRO because: b. E A Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) ls still in full force and effect because. warning and Notice to the Restrained Party: (l) 17] The court extends thc TRO previously granted on (date): February 43021 7 77 It now expires on (dare): l May 5, 2021 [@b Is checked. a civil . ._ .. ' 'M-f“ > '7 w ' ' .V . harassment restraining (1/ nu date m listed. tlu TRO ex/uru at Iht wd ofrlu (om! dam [mud m 3b.) order hag been issued -‘ . . y against you. You must (2) L; Thc court changes the TRO prcv1ously granted and Signs a new TRO (form follow [he orders um“ CH-l l0). they expire. c‘ E] Other (specify): This is a Court Order. mm¥g%.m?£m“w Order on Request to Continue Hearing CH-11o. Pagu ora c”'°'°“"°“‘°"“”m“"‘m° (Temporary Restraining Order) (CLETS-TCH) 9 (Civil Harassment Prevention) Filed April 2, 2021 County of Santa Clara Superior Court of CA Clerk of the Court 21CH009846 By: knguyen Ruined Jammy 1. 2020 ® Reason Court Date ls Rescheduled 842 There is good cause to reschedule the court date (check (me): (l) D The protected party has not served the restrained party. (2) E Other; The Court set the matter for Trial: MondavfinfiH-Zrzeat Wednesdal, May 5, 2021 Case Number: 21 CH009846 b.D This is lhc first lime that the restrained party has asked for more Iimc to prepare. c.D The court reschedules the court date on its own motion. ® Serving (Giving) Order to Other Party The request to rcschcdulc was made by the: a. D Protected party (I) [:1 You do not have lo serve the restrained party because lhey or their lawyer were at the court date nr agreed to reschedule the court datc. (2) a You must have thc restrained party personally served with a copy ofthis order and a copy of all documents listed on form CH-IOQ, ilcm @. by (date): (3) D You must have the restrained pan) served with a copy of lhis order. This can be done by mail. You must serve by (date):"W (4) C] Other: _7 b. D Restrain ed party (1)] You do not have to serve the protected party because they 01 thcir lawyer wcrc at thc court date or agreed m rcschcdulc the court date. (2) L_J You must have the protected party personally served with a copy of this order by (date): (3H I You mus! have the protected party served with a copy of this order. This can be done by mail. You must serve by (dale): (4) _, Other: his is a Court Order. Order on Request to Continue Hearing (Temporary Restraining Order) (CLETS-TCH) (Civil Harassment Preventlon) 1 -i c. .Court (1)8] Further notice is not required (2) !_'l The court will mail a copy ol‘ this order to all parties by (dale): v ¢ 1 f l l (3) D Other._ ‘ .4“ .‘iqA 7 iv ,_m__,_*.1_-__.__u.u.._ CH-116. Page 2 of 3 9 Case Number: 21 CH009846 ® No Fee to Serve (Notify) Restrained Person E] Ordered D Not Ordered The sheriff or marshal will serve this order for free because: a. [I The order is based on unlawful violence, a credible threat of violence, or stalking. b. l __ The person in ® is entitled t0 a fcc waiver. [j Other Orders Date: __ Judicial Officer Request for Accommodations Assistivc listening systems, compulcr-assmed rcal-limc captioning. or sign language interpreter services arc available if you ask at least five days before the hearing. Contact the clerk's office or go to for RequesI/br Accommodations by Parsons With Disabilities and Ruvponse (Mm MC-4l0). (Cir Code, § 54.8.) Instructions to Clerk If the hearing is rescheduled and the coun extended, modified. or terminated a temporary restraining order. then the court must cntcr this order into CLETS or send this order to law enforcement lo enter into CLETS. This must be done within one business day from the day the order is made. -Clerk's Certificate- Clerk's Certificate l certify that this Order on Request (a Continue Hearing (Temporary Restraining [ cal] Order) (CLETS-TCH) is a truc and concct copy 0f the original on filc in the court. s Date: ___‘__N Clerk,by A 7 7. Deputy This is a Court Order. mmmum Order on Request to Continue Hearing CH-"G- P3903“ (Temporary Restraining Order) (CLETS-TCH) (Clvll Harassment Prevention) April 2, 2021 CH-110 Temporary Restraining order Cbri sump: darahoawhonmlam. Filed Perm In G) mus! cumrlul: items (D .® and @0113) Fabfual’y 4, 2021 1 Protected Person Clerk of the Court a. Your Fun Name.WLM Superior Court of CA Your Lauyer (if) ou hmv onefor this raw) County Of Santa CIara Name _§____e"°R_92L9_$_9__n‘£_d___ Sm: Bar .\'o. ._____ 21 CH009346 Firm Name,M By: knguyen b. Your Addrcss r/l'mu haw u lmuu. gnc your lmvrcr': I'nr'o/munnn . . . ~ Fa cam nan w II mu If) ou d0 no! haw u luu'ytr and mm! m key wur humc qulrmf m ' i "l private. you may wc- a dlflerenl mailing u Jrcm mun“! )uu uu not Suporior Coun o! Camomla. County o! haw Io gm- !tle Ignafiu. or e-Ipwl) Santa Clara Address \Qé‘n Hfigjml W04 191N_Fim greet my_gdfl M253 Slmzmzmgyn 191 N.Hrst (resetuSan Jose. CA9 1 Telephone; “"‘ HX- Civil Courthouse - DTS E-Mail Address‘ ‘ Counusn usonumw when ArmsM Cup r 6® Restrained Person ?Tbc H 00 98 A . Fun Name ' __._._.__ Dewripuon: Sex.D M m F nag)“: ___E;I_‘g_ wcigm:$__ ‘ Daxeorainh:fi- Hm Color; Eye Color:m Agcz .3;- Race: . ‘._ Mm.- Homc Address nfmwm. (A L EEBCity \mW 5mg; 1 . Zip . Rclmliomhip m Prmukd Perwnt M&gih _1JX'_’T_®f\i\g“\;nAr ® a Additional Protected Persons Ir. add {ion m (he person named in '3, lh: fo|€oning family m household members oi‘mul person 31c prmectec b) the temporary orders Indicated below: 01 mum ' §g Ass umnamr7.m L \ E \ es D No3W- ?- em Dm a x0 _________ __- W D \‘cs DNu _.._______ .-,..__..__ D (Shed he're ij'there are addmonulpmon: Lm {hvm nn an allarlwd 5h“! ofpapcr and write "Allucllmenl J- Addmanul Protected Person; " as a lulu You may meform .UC-OZS, AlraL-hmrm. The covn wiH L‘ampleh' 1hr In! of Ihu‘form Expiration Date Thl: Order expires u (h: end of Ike hearing scheduledfur (h: dart und rim: Mlmv: Duc' m 3 o 202‘ 11m.- 4LDQ- film, me. mm“““f'""”°"“ Tern era Restrainln Order CLETS-TCH cu-uo.» momim’.”w"u"m"$. p %nvllmm:sm3ntprav.r(xuon) ) Rona u RueW "’m - mg mm Case Nun?‘ c H00 98 ‘15 To the Person in 0: “hauled lhe temporar) orders checkcd u :rlnted htlow. ")00 do not obey these orders. y“mk mdch-mcd with a crime. Yon muy be sent lo jail for up lo nu: ynr, pay a fine of up lo Sl.000.orm :5: Persona! Conduct OrdersQ Not Requested QDenied Until the Hearing (XJGranted as Follows: a You must not do the followsing things to the person in CD and m lhc uthcr protected persons listed 1n @z II) Q Hanss. intimidate. molest. attack. strike. sulk. (hrcalen. assault (sexually or odxcnvm). hit. abuse. dcsuoy personal property of. m disturb lhc pcacc oflhc person. 1:) m Contact the person. eixhex dime") o: indnrectl). in my \uy. including bu! nol limited m. in pcnon. h} lclcphonc. in mixing. b) public or privah: mail. b} inlcmf'ficc mail. by e-mail. h) lcxl message. b) (n. ur b) other eltcuonic means‘ m m Take an} action lo obtain lhc person’s address m lucaliun lhhis item (5) 15 no! checked. the coun has found good cause nol to make U115 order. H) D Other (specify).- DOxhcv personal conducx ordcrs arc attached at 1h: end ofthjs Ordcr on Attachment SaUI. b Peaceful Miucn contacx through a la“) er or a process server or other person fol senice of legal papers related m I coun cue is alloucd and does nol \‘iolale this order llouevcr. you ma) hint your papers urud b} maul on the person in G). Stay-Away Order D Not Requested D Denied Untll the Hearlng m Granled as Follows: a. You must my u least JDD- )ards away from (check all Ihql apply! (l) E The person in C1) (7) m The pIacc ofchild car: ofthc children of _, (2) Each person in (1) lhc person in © 3 (3) m The home oflhc person in © (3) m 1h: \chiclc ofthe person in® (-1) m Thcjob or workplace ohhc pcnon (9) D Other lxpcclfu. in ® ._ (5) D 111: school oflhe person in G) (6) m The schoo! orme chiwten orme personin® b This sxay-auay order docs nut prevent you from going to or from your home or place ofcmploymenl. No Guns or Other Firearms and Ammunition a You cmnol mm. possess. haw. bu) or try Io buy. rcccnc or try lo rcceixe. or in an} oxhcr Hy gcl guns‘ other firurms, o: Immunition. b' You musl: (l) Sell Io or store with a licensed gun dealer. or turn in m a la“ enforcement agcncy. any guns or other firearms in your immediat: possession or conm‘l‘ This must be dun: within 24 hours ofbeing sen ed m'lh this Otdct This is a Court Order. ‘MM‘WWW‘m Tem ora Restralnln OrdeT-CLETS-TCH p ?Civfl Harnamegm Pnnr‘ruon) ) Pm “1; 4 CauNumbzori cH0098 A 6 (2) File a receipt with lhe coun within 48 hows ofreceixing (his 01’ch lhn proves lhal yuur guns or firurm; hm: been lumcd in. sold. or stored (Ynu nmy un’jimu (H401). Proofoanrearms Turned In. Sold. or Stored,/or the recap! I c. D The court has remixed informanon that )ou mm o: possess a firearm. : a Possession and Protection of Animals MNot Requested Q Denied Until the Hearing D Granted as Follows (specify): I C] 1h: person in Q) is ghen 1h: sol: possession. cm. and control ol'lh: animals mud bzlow. which m mmcd. possessed. leased. kept. or held by him or her. or reside in his or her household. Ildmnj} unimulx by. e g, rypr. breed, name. color. Jex J b. D The person in® must smy at lens! _.__ yards way from. and not lake. sell. mnsfcr. encumber. conceal molest. attack. strike. ducalen. harm. or otherwise dispose of. the animals lustrd above. ® Other Orders E Not Requested D Denied Until the Hearing D Granted as Follows (specify): D Additional ordersm attachcd at lhc end ofthis ()ch: on Attachment 9, To the Person ino: /‘\ \10 } Mandatory Entry of Order Into CARPOS Through CLETSH +Alfi’w'“. ‘ This Ochr muxt b: emcrcd inxo the (‘alifomla Rmraimng and Prolcctnc Ordcr Systcm [CARPOS) through the California Law Enforcement Telecommunicauons S) sxem (CLETS) I(‘huck (mt)- a. D The clerk will enter mis Order and ils proof-ot'-scwice form into CARPOS. b. a 1h: club. will transmii lhls Order and ‘lls prooLof-scn uc forfn to a la» enforcement agcnq m bc cnlcrcd inlo CARPOS. c. O B) 1h: close ofbusincss on the dat: that this Order is made. the person m @or his or hcr lawyer should cntcr into CARPOS: N . f dclivu a copy ofthe Order and iu proof-of-scnice form lo the la“ enforcement agancy listed below lo w orc A cv Adgggfi (52m 5mg, Zia; D Additional law enforcement ngcncms arc lustcd at lhc end ofmis Order on Attachment 10 This is a Court Older. '“mm' n" “WM Tam om Restrainln omfisrsxmmM P 7c 9 ( )‘- MAM cm 1o. v.9. a a oMl Hnnument Prnvormon) /' ' c-s-NanEeu CHOU 98w r1?" No Fee to Serve (Notify) Restrained Person m0rdered D Not Ordered The sheriffor marshal will serve this Order without charge bccnusc: a m The Order is based am uan ful violcmc, I credible Ihtcal ul'violence, or sulking. b. D The person in® is cnlillcd to n fec waiver. ® Number ofpagcs attached lo this Order. ifany. s‘gnoa zwanmzu m 2-4-2021 ’ Judic ( Ice' Dltc. Carol Overton Wamlngs and Notices to the Restrained Person in 0 You Cannot Have Guns or Firearms You cannot own. have. possess. bu} 0r try m buy. receiw or try m recciwe, or athensis: 3c: guns, other firearms. or mnmunition whi): this Order is in chcct. Ifynu do, you can go to jail and pay a $1.000 fine. You must sell to or slot: with I licrnsed gun dealer, or tum in to a law en forccmcm agency. any guns or other firearms that you have or comm] us smtd in item ® abox c. The court will nquir: you to prove that you did so. Notice Regarding Nonappearance at Hearlng and Service of Order lfyou ha»: been pcnonal!) served with this Temporary Restraining Order and form CH-IO‘), Nullcc quoun Hearlng, but you do nol appear m the hearing either in person or b) I lawyer. and a restraining order mu is lhc same u this Temporary Restraining OIJcr cwrpl for the cxpirakion dal: is issued a: the hearing. a cop) oflhe order will be served on you by mail n xhc address in item® lflhis addrcss is not correct or )ou wish lo vcrify that the Temporary Rcstraining Order was convened into a remaining order n! lhc hearing without subsumivc change. or lo find out the duration ofthc order. contact the clerk of the coun. After You Have Been Served With a Restraining Order o Obey all the orders. Read form CH-IZO- INFO. Htm Cum I Rupund Ia u Request/nr ('Ivil Harmsmen! Restraining Order: ?, lo learn ho“ to respond to this Order. - If you wan: to respond. fill out form CH-IZO, Rvspunse lo chucslfor Civil Harussmen: Ruslraimng Omit». Ind file it with the cmm clerk. You do not have to pa) any fee to filc your response ifrhc Request claims Um you inflicted or threatened violence against or stalked the person m C1) You must have form CH-IZO sen cd by mail on the person in @ or that person's memey. You cannot do this yourself The person who does Lhe mailing should complete and sign form CH-ZSO. Pronj'aj‘Sen-uce ofRupooue by Mail. File the completed proofofscn'icc m'th the coun clerk before lhe htuing dale or bring ll m'th you to 1h: hearing. 1n addm'on to lhc response. you ma) file Ind haw declanuons served. signcd by you and other persona who have penoml knowledge ofthe facts You may usc form MC-OJD. Dn‘laralian. for lhis purpose. ll is available {tom the clerk's ofl‘lcc at the court Shawn on page l of this form nr a! mvnzcoum ca gma-forms. If you do n01 know how to prepare a declaration. you should see a lawyer This is a Court Older. """“""‘“‘"~"“"""" Tempora Restralnln Order CLETS-TCH CH-Ho. m.(m 5g WOW" Harassmgant vao(ntlon) ) 40";a I 4 ICaMNumnIrcHoogs 4 6 - Wh-clher nr nut )nu file a respcnse. you L‘sJ: 2r; T: ‘.2' '2; ll'ym hn: an} uimcascs, th:y musl also go lo [he hearing - Al lhc hearing. dacJudg: can nah: rains -; '33- :gzzn): )cu Ira! last fur up 13 Fm: years. Tell lhejudgc why you disagree with the ordcts requestcd Instructions for Law Enforcement Enforcing the Restraining Order This order is enforceable b) 3r) In exfxxmm: .14ch .. ax has (ccu’xcd the order is shovm a cop) ofthc order. or has verified Ils uistencc on 1h: Fa «fin x Razninmg and Protccliw Ordcrs S) stem (CARPOS). lflhe law enforcement agent) ha: no: recent: pnvfcfm 2;: en :hc rhlraincd person. thc agency mus! adds: me restrained :trscn ol'lhe terms oflhc order and then mu: enrou: u Violmons ofuus order are subject to criminal pcnallics Stan Date and End Date of Orders This order slum cn L'zc :ch m: :o thcjudgc's Signature on page 4 The order rndr on [he expnrllion dnl: 1n Itcm 3m page l . Arrest Requlred if Order ls Vlolated [fan omen has prcbahl: caus: m believ: that the rcsuained person had notice cfthc ordtr and has disobeyed the order. lhe officer mus: arrest m: rcsmincd person (Pen Code. §§ 836(c)4' l). {3701(b) ) A siolauon of lhe order may be a \ iofmcn ofPenal Code section 166 or 275.6. Agencics arc encouraged m enter violation messages into CARPOS. NoticelProof of Service Th: ?aw enforcement agency must first dc‘crminc ifthc rusnaincd person had nolicc uflhc ordu Cunsxdcr the rcsmincd perscn “sened” (given notice) if(PexL Code. § 836(c)(2)): - Th: omccr sen a cop) nf'thc Proof'ofSemu ur confirms (hm lhc PtoofofScnicc is on film or a Th: n-smaincd pcnon was infummfl ofthc urdct by an officer An officer can ubmin information aboul 1h: wmcms oflhc order md pmol'ul'senxcc in CARPOS. prruul'ohcnic: on the rcslraincd pcrson cannot bc vcnficd. the agency must adx isc the restrained pcrsm ofthc lcnns ofthc order and then enforce it. If the Protected Person Contacts the Restrained Person Exen if the prcuncd person imitcs or consents to contact mth the restrained person. this order remains in effect and musx be enfntccd Th: proctcxcd pcvsun cannot be arrested for inwung or conscnling In contact With lhc restrained person. Thc ordtr can be changed only by another court order. (Pen. Cod¢.§ l37l0