Request to Continue Reissue TRO HRCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 4, 2021- o . . Clerk stam l re -_ ls d.CH 116 rder on Request to Continue Hearing ffiLE ’ i5 Complete items® and® only. mu APB -2 A 103 H0 ® Protected Party: FERDINAND CUARESMA ® Restrained Party: VICTOR HAGADA BUNNOL., JR The court will complete the rest of this form Fill ln court name and street address: NeXt court Date Superior Court of Callfornla, County of a. U The request to reschedule the court date is denied. Santa Clara Your court date is: 191 N- Fir“ Street (l) Any Temporaly Restraining Order (form CH-l 10) already granted san Jose’ CA 951 13 stays in full force and effect until the next court date. (2) Your court date is not rescheduled because: Fill In case number: Case Number: 2 lCHOO9845 b.E The request to reschedule the court date is granted. Your court date is rescheduled for the day and time listed below. See(9-. for more information. Name and address of court, if different from above: New Date:O9/02/2021 Time:8:30 AM (3:: Dept.:74 Room: ® Temporary Restraining Order a. D There is no Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) in t‘his case until the next court date becausez. (1)U A TRO was not previously granted by the court. (2) D The court terminates (cancels) the previously granted TRO because: b. E A Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) is still in full force and effect because: waming and Notice to (1) E The court extends the TRO previously granted on (date): 02/04/2021 the Restrained Party: Itnow expires on (dare):09/02/2021 It®b ischecked, acivil ha t t ' ' (Ifno date is listed. the TRO expires at (he end ofIhe court date listed in 3b.) rassmen res taming order has been iSSued . . against you. You must (2) U The court changes the TRO prevnously granted and sxgts a new TRO (form follow the orders “mu Cl-I-l 10). they expire. c. D Other (specifi’): This is a Court Order. afimmfi'flwmm Order on Request to Continue Hearing CH-11s, Page 1 era “““fimmmssmewws (Temporary Restraining Order) (CLETS-TCH) 9 (Civil Harassment Prevention) 1......_.._ .. _ _-._ .-._ ..... kw... --.....- --...._.. ... . . © Reason Court Date ls Rescheduled a-E There is good cause to reschedule the court date (check one): (1) D The protected pany has not served the restrained party. (3E Otheri. "u‘t 0 nu ml I .l n nndlll7fl71 A Case Number: 21 CH009845 ~ I hm This is the first timé that thé restrained party héé asked for muré tithe to prepare. c.D The court reschedules the court date on its own motion. ® Serving (Giving) Order to Other Party The request to reschedule was made by the: a. E Protected party b. E Restrained party (DE You do not have to serve the protected party because they or their lawyer were at the court date or ayeed to reschedule the court date. (I) E You do not have to serve the restrained party because they or their lawyer were at the court date or agreed to reschedule the ,court date. (2)DYou must have the protected party personally served with a copy of this order by (date): (2) U You must have the restrained party personally served with a copy ofthis order and a copy of all documents listed on form CH- 109, item ©, by (date): (3) D You must have the restrained (3)U You must havq the protected party served with a copy of Party served Wllh a c0py 0f this order. This can be done by mail. You must serve by (date): this order. This can be done by mail. You must serve by (date): (4) D Other: (4) D Other: This is a Court Order. Revised January 1, 2020 (Clvil Harassment Prevention) Order on Request to Continue Hearing (Temporary Restraining Order) (CLETS-TCH) c. D Court (l)U Further notice is not required. (2)U The court will mail a copy of this order to all parties by (date): (3) D Other: CH-1 1 8, Page 2 of 3 .9 Case Number: 2101-1009845 ® No Fee to Serve (Notify) Restrained Person U Ordered D Not Ordered The sheriff or matshal will serVe this order for free because: a. D The order is based on unlawful violence, a credible threat ofviolence, or stalking. b. D The person in CD is entitled to a fee waiver. D Other Orders Date; W1 ill} ?% ‘Jildicial Officer JUDGE BROOKE BLECHER Request for Accommodations Assistive listening systems, computer-assisted real-time captioning, or sign language interpreter services are available ifyou ask at least five days before the hearing. Contact the clerk's office or go to for Requestfor Accommodafions by Persons With Disabilities and Response (form M0410). (Civ. Code, § 54.8.) Instructions to Clerk Ifthe hearing is rescheduled and the court extended, modified, or terminated a temporary restraining order, then the court must enter this order into CLETS or send this order to law enforcement to enter into CLETS. This must be done within one business day from the day the order is made. --Clerk's Certificate- Clerk’s Certificate I certify that this Order on Request to Continue Hearing (Temporal)! Restraining I Order) (CLETS-TCPD is a true and correct copy of the original on file in the court. [sea ] Date: Clerk, by , Deputy Tfiis is a Court Order. Rewseuamymozo Order on Request to Continue Hearing (Temporary Restraining Order) (CLETS-TCH) (Civil Harassment Prevention) CH-116, Page 3 of3 , . Cieri: slumps dam hum “hon form 1‘s flludCH-‘HO Temporary Restraining Order Filed I’cmm in ®mml cumph'lc ircun®,®, and® nulj‘. February 4‘ 2021 ® Protected Person Clerk 0f the Court n. ler Full Name: FERDINAND CUARESMA Superior Court 0f CA Ynur Lawyer {{l‘yau hurv umrfln' rlu'.r case): County of Santa Clara Nmnc: scjf.|{cprusqu__ >»_ Slnic Ilur Nn.: 21CH009845 l-‘irm Nmnc: By: knguyen l1. Your Address {[fymrhtn'c u Inh-yw'. giraynurIangw-‘r Iqfin‘mminu. lfyau (It) mil huw a Imrycr um! mm! Ia kvup ymzr Immc mMu-n Fm in cow: rmmo and weal addlass primh'. you may giu‘ u (IWZ-rcnl luar'h'ng m/drcn illm'ml. Tull 1/0 Hut Superior Court o! Callfomia, County o! hurl: (o give lulcphum'. far. ur v-nmil‘): Samm Clam Address: 1624 Yoscmilc Dr. I91 N. l’irsl Slrccl __.__ . . t Cily: Mlhims Slam: CA Zipmsms SnnlntlnnLCA )SHJ Telephone: 4083933345 Fax: I'I-Hail Address: Court fills in caso number Men form Is Med ® Restrained Person ca” ""mb‘": Full Name: VICTOR IIAGMM HUNNOL. JR. _ 2 1 C H 00 98 a 5 Description: Sc.\: E M D F llcighl: 5'4 Weight: 172 Dale of Binh: Unknown llnir Color: mack I-Zyc Color: Black _ Age: 44 Race: |-‘i|i1.inn llmfic Address (ifknuu'n): IBM Shcmlndoah Ave. _ __ _ Cily: Milpilm Slalc: CA Zip: 95035 Reli‘lionsmp ‘0 PW'CC'Cd Perm": Friend. Boyfriend. "Iivc-in Nanny" ol'l’rolcctcd l’arly's Wife ® E Additional Protected Persons In ncldilion lo Ihc person named in ®. lhc following fumily or household members ul'lluu person arc pmleclcd by Illc lumpnmry nrdcrs indicmcd bcluw: l-‘ullNamc $__c.\' A_gu: llousuhold Member? RclmiunluPrmccmdPerson Ezm-l-‘ioyd Cunrcsmn M 5 E Yes D No Son ZionmmCunrumn F 5. _ [3 Yes D N0 Daughter D Yes D No D ('Iwcl'lwrv iflhcrc urv (ulcll'limml persons. Li.” Ilu'm ml cm ullm'lu'd.slrv:el (gfpulu-ruml Im'lu "Almdnnwu 3- :ldrlilitmul Prolcclcrl I'L-mmx"m a lille. )‘mr may rm'furm M(‘JIBJ‘. Anachnu‘m 'I'In' calm will cwuplch' llu' rm! uj‘lhixfllrm. Explratlon Date 77:1: ()nle: amirdx (II r/w «ml qf rile Itcurlng sclmllilcrlfilr rlw (Irma um! lime ficlmv: Dnlc: MAR '3 3 737] Time: 10;‘Ob m nan. [J lull. This is a Cowl Order. mfifimfifgméjfimfm Temporary Restraining Order (CLETS-TCH) CH4”. P390 ‘ °”’ cmucmmwn mm w an 9 [Civil Harassment Prevanllon) ‘9 Amy” by 00) Case Number: 210H009845 To lhe Person in0'1‘i The courl has granted the temporary orders checked as granted below. lfyau do not obey these orders, you can bc arruted and charged wlih a crlmc. You may be sent Io jall far up lo one ycnr. pay a flue ofup lo $1.000. or both. ® PersonalConductOrdere D NotRequestod D Denied UntlllheHearlng E Grantedas Follows: n. You must not do the following Ihings to Ihc person named in G) and Io the other protected persons lislcd in @1 (l) Hamss. intimidate, molest. nIInck. strike. stalk. Illrealcn. assaull (sexually or olhcnvisc). hit. abuse. destroy personal property of. or disturb the pace ol‘lhe person. (2) m Conlact lhc person. either directly or indimclly, in any way. including. bul no! limited lo. in person. by telephone, in writing. by public or privatc mull. by interofficc mail. by c-mail, by lcx! message. by fax. or by other clcclronlc means. {3) m Take any action to oblain Ihc person's address or location. lfIhis item (3) is nol checked, the coun has found good causc n01 to make Ibis ordet. (4) m Olher (specify: m Other personal conduct orders are attached at Ihc end ol' lhis Order on Allachmcnl Sa(4). To the extent there are any Family Court orders issued after the dale of this Order concerning custody, Visulatlon. and/or exchange of the minor children listed as Additional Protected Persons--which Family Court GraefS CODHICI Wlfli [lie PefSOflal COHaUCI Oraers In "ils SGCIIOH. "l9 Famlly COL)” oraefS Shall COHUOI. b. Peaceful written conlacl through a lawyer or a process server or olhcr person for service of legal papers mlntcd Go a coun case is allowed and dues nol violate this order. Hmvevcr. you may have your papers served by mall on lhc person In® $my-Away Order D NotRequested D Denlad UntlltheHeadng m GrantedasFoIlows: n. You mus! slay al least g 00 ynrds away from (check all Illa! apply): (I) B The person in ® (7) E Th: place ofchlld care ol'lhe children of (2) E Each person In® "“3 Pam" i"® (3) The home oflhc person in® (8) D The vehicle ol'lhc person in ® (4) B Thcjob or workplace ol'lhc person (9) m Other (specww l" CD To the extenflbmmmEamflyfinuMndgnstsuecLafler the date (5) D The school of lhc person in ® of this Order concerninq custody. visitation. and/or exchange of lhe . minor children listed as Additional Protected Persons«-which Family (6) E The “him“ 0mm Ch'ldm" om"; Coun orders conflict with lhe Stay-Away Orders in this section. lhe person n Family Coufi orders shall control. b. This slay-uwny order docs nol prcvcnl you from going lo or from your home or place ofcmploymcnl. No Guns or Other Firearms and Ammunltlon a. You cannot own. possess. have. buy or lry lo buy, receive or try lo receive. or in any olher way gel guns. other firearms. or ammunition. b. You must: (l) Sell to or store with a licensed gun dcalcr. or tum in to a law enforcement agency, any guns or other firearms In your immediate pOSscssion or conlrol. This mus! be done wilhin 24 hours of being sawed with lhis Ordcr. This isj a Court=0rder. “m“ ”M" '-’°"~"""‘""°"" Temporary Rastralnlng Order (CLETS-TCH) CR4“: “9° 2 0' 5 (cwu Harm men: Pmenuon) é Case Rumba" 210H0098h5 (2) File n rcccipl wilh lhc coun wilhin 48 hours ofrccciving lhis Order lhal proves Ihnl your guns or fixearms have bccn lurncd in. sold. or slorcd. (You may mcfnrm CH-SOO, Proof ol' Firearms Turned In. Sold. or Slorcd. for me receipt.) c. D The coun has received infonnallon that you own or possess a firearm. Possession and Protection of Animals E Not Requested D Denied Until the Hearing D Granted as Follows (spech): a. D The person in®is given the sol: possession, mm. and conlrol ofthe animals lislcd below, which arc owned. possessed. leased. kept. or held by him or her. or reside In his or her household. (Identifi' animal: by, c.g.. Iwe. breed. name. color. sex.) b. D The person ln®musl slay nl least yards away from. and nol take. sell. Iransfer. encumber, conceal. molcsl. ntlnck. suikc. threaten. harm. or olhenvisc dispose ol'. Ihc animals Iislcd ubove. ® Other Orders E NolRequested D Denied Untilthe Hearlng D Grantadas Follows (specify): D Additional orders are ailached al lhc end of'lhis Order on Attachment 9. To Ihe Person inO: Mandatory Entry of Order Into CARPOS Through CLETS This Order must bc cntcrcd inlo the Cnlil'omin Restraining and Prolccfive Order System (CARPOS) through the Califomin Law Enforcemenl Telecommunications System (CLETS). (Check one): a. D The clerk will enter this Ordcr and its pruof-of-servicc form Into CARPOS. i b.fine clerk will transmit [his Order and Its proor-of-scrvicc form lo a law enforccmcnl agency lo be enlcred into CARPOS. c. D By the close ofbusinss on Ihe dale lhal Ihis Order is made. lhc person in® or hls 0r her lawyer should dellver a copy of the Order and lls proof-of-servicc form 10 Ihc law enforcemcnl agency lislcd below to enter in1o CARPOS: HamLLmEnfmmmLAmu WWW D Addillonal lnw enforcemcnl agcnclcs arc llsled nl lhc end of Ibis Order on Alluchmcnl IO. This is a Court Order. “"‘"M""~’°"~M’°'""“ Temporary Restraining Order (CLETS-TCH) °H°11°-"I9°3°‘° {Clvil Harassment Prevention) '9 case Numbof.‘ | 210HUO9845 ' No Fee to Sewe (Notify) Rastralnad Person m Ordered D Not Ordered The sheriff or marsha! will serve this Order without charge bccnusc: n. m Thc Order is based on unlawful violence. a crcdiblc lhrenl ofviolcncc. or slalking. I b. D The person in @s cnlillcd lo n fcc waiver. $919.1- 2.: 202i 03 55 PM ® Numbcr of pages attached to this Order. ifnny: Dale: 2‘4'2021 - COVLU’C wbgon Judicial 0 :carfr Carol Overton Warpings‘ alum?!gilicesit‘o:fihéRe‘hsfjrajheq Persnon' Infl You Cannot Have Guns or Firearms You cannot own. have, possess, buy or lry 10 buy. receive or try to rcccivc, or elhcrwisc gel guns. olher firearms. or ammunillon while lhis Order ls in cfl‘eci. ll'you do. you can go lo jail and pay a SI.000 fine. You mus! sell lo or slon: wilh u licensed gun dcalcr, or tum in Io u lnw enforcement agency, any guns or other fircanns that you have or conlml as stated in Ilcm® above. The court will rcquirc you lo prove ihaI you did so. Notlce Regarding Nonappearanco at Hearing and Service ofOrder I fyou have been personally served will) Ihis Temporary Restraining Ordcr and form CH-l09. Natlce ofCourl Hearing. ' bm you do nol appear n! lhe hearing cilhcr In person or by a lawyer, and a restraining order llml is Ihc same as lhis g Temporary Rcslmining Order excepl for Ihc expiration date is issued nl lhc hcnring. a copy ol'lhc ordcr will be served on you by mall al lhc address [n ilcm®. Ifthis address Is nol conecl or you wish lo verify lhal the Temporary Restraining Order wns converted inlo a resimining v ordcr a1 lhc hearing wilhoul substantive change, or lo find oul Ihc duration ol‘lhc order. contact 1he clerk of lhe coun. ' After You Have Been Served Wlth a Restraining Order - Obey all Ihe otders. ' Read form Cl l-lZO-[NFQ How Ccm‘l Rm/wndw a Requenfnr CM! h’aruumunl Restraining Ordeal lo Ieam how lo respond lo lhis Order. ' ”you wanl 10 respond. fill oul form CH- l20. Response In chuulfm' CM! Harmnm-nl chlraining Orders. and file il wilh Ihc coun clerk. You do nol have lo pay any {cc lo filc your :csponsc iflllc chucs! claims that you inniclcd or thrcalcncd violence against or stalked lhe person in®. - You mus: have form CH- I20 served by mail on lhc person in @or Ilml person's allomey. You cannol do lhis yourself. The person who does lhc mailing shou1d complclc and sign form CH-250. ProofofSen'lce ofRespomc by Mail. File Illc completed proorol‘ scrvicc \vilh Ihc court clerk before lllc hearing date or bring il wilh you lo lhc hearing. - In addition lo III: response. you may file nnd lmvc declarations served. signed by you nnd olhcr persons who have personal knowledge oflhe facts. You mny use form MC-OJD. Declarallon. I'm 1his purpose. II is available from the clerk's ofl'Icc al lhe court shown on page l oflllis form 0r Bl'/formx. ll'you do nul know how lo prepare a dcclnmlion. you should scc n Inwycr. This is a Court Orfler. "m“‘w' "”"-"‘“"°"""' Temporary Restraining Order (CLETS-TCH) CH4”. Pm ‘ 0'0 (CM! Harassment Pravnnllon) '9 CasaNug-Iier'c H 00 98 A 5 ' Whelher or nol you file a responsc, you shoutd arlcnd the having. H‘you haw: any \vitncsscs. lhey musl also go to the hearing. ' AI lhc hearing. thcjudge can make restraining orders againsl you lhul lusl for up lo five years. Tell lhejudgc why you disagree wilh the ordcrs nqucstcd. _., Instyuctlgps for‘ Law Efifdrqe'lnen_§ Enforclng the Restraining Order This order is enforceable by any law enforcement agency Ihal has received lhc order. is Shawn n copy of lhe order. or has verified [Is existence on the Californla Remaining and Prolcclivc Orders Syslcm (CARPOS), ll'lhc law enforcemcnl agency lms not received proof ofscrvicc on Ihc rcslmined person. the agency must advise the restrained person of the lcrms of‘ Ihc order and :hcn must enforce ll. Violations ofthis order urc subject 10 criminal penalties. Start Date and End Date of Orders This ordersram on lhc date nexl Io lhejudge's signalurc on page 4. The order end: on Ihc expiration date in item @ on page l. Arrest Required If Order ls Vlolated Ifun officer has probable cause lo believe lhat Ihc rcslraincd person had notice oflhc order and has disobcycd the order. lhc officer musl arrest the rcstmined person. (Pen. Code. §§ 836(c)(1), l370|(b).) A violalion ofihc order may be a violalion ochnal Code section 166 or 273.6. Agencies are encouraged lo cnlcr violation messages into CARI’OS. NolicelProof of Service The law enforcement agency musl first dclcrminu if lhe reslraincd person had noiicc oflhc order. Consider the restrained person “scrvcd” (given notice) if(Pen. Codc. § 836(c)(2)): - The officer secs n copy oflhe ProoforService or confirms that Ihc PrdorofService ls on file: or ' The ratmincd person was informed ol'lhc orderby an omccr. An officer can obtaIn Information about lhc conlenls oflhe order and pruufofservicc In CARPOS. lfpmofol'servlc: on Ihc rcslmincd person cannot be vcrlfled. Illc agency musl advise Ihc restrained person oflhc terms ofthc order nnd Ihen enforce ll. If the Protected Person Contacts the Restrained Person Even iflh: prolzcled person lnvilcs or conscnls lo contact with the restrained person. lhis ordcr remains in effect and mus! be enforced. Thc protected person canno! be nrresled for Inviling or consenting to contacl wilh lhe restrained pcrson. The order can be changed only by another coun order. (Pen. Coda. § |J7I0(b).) This ifls‘a Court Order. “mmWWW“ Temporary Restrainlng Order (CLETs-Tc H) CH-HO-mee (Clvll Harassment Preventlon) '9 Case Number: 210H009845 Conflicting OrderswPrlorItlos for Enforcement If more than one restraining order has been Issued, the orders must be enforced according to the following priorities (sce Pcn. Code, § 136.2; Pam. Code. §§ 6383(h)(2). 6405(b)): l. 5P0: Ironc ol'lhc orders is nn Emargangr i’rorucfive Order (form EPO-OOI) und ls more rcslriclivc lhun olher rcslmlning or protective orders. il has prcccdcncc in cnl‘orcemcnl ovcr nll olhcr orders. 2. No Cantor! Order: lflherc is no EPO. n noconlacl order Ihal is included in n restraining or protective order hns precedence over any olhcr rcslminlng or protective order. 3. Crfmhaal Order: lfnone oflhc orders Includes n no contact order. n domcslic violence pmlectivc order iSsucd in a criminal case lakes pmccdcncc in cnl'orcnmcnl over any conflicling civil c‘oun order. Any nonconflicling (enns of lhc civil rcslraining order nmain In eITeCI and enforceable. 4. Family. Juvenile, or CM! Order: ll'morc llmn onc Family, juvenile. or other civil restraining or prolcclive order has been isued, Ihe 0n: lhal Was issued lusl mUSI be enforced. (Clerk u'iliflli out (Ms part.) Clerk 3 Cemflcare -Clerk's Certificate- {JEUU I certify lhat lhis Tmporary Restraining Order is n [me and correct copy oflhc original on nlc In lhc court. Dale: Clerk. by , Dcpuly This is a Court Order. “““““""”°"“‘““""""‘ Temporary Restraining Order (CLETs-TCH) cH-110.Pna-aolu (Clvll Harassment Pravomlon)