Notice Hearing TRO Civil HarassmentCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 4, 2021. . Clem stamps date hon when form Is fibd, CH-1 09 Notice of Court Hearing Filed Person Seekin Protection9 February 4, 2021 a. Your Full Name: Clerk Of the Court FERDINAND CUARESMA Superior Court of CA Your Lawyer ([l'yrm hum: om'for Ihix case): County of Santa Clara Name: Scltlkcprcscnlcd _ State Bar No.: 21 CH009845 Firm Name; By: knguyen b. Your Address (I/yrm haw u lun'yvr. gircyour qu'ycr'x information Ifyou (In nu! hm'c u lmvyur uml 1mm Iu kwnmur humc m/druss H, mmm"m ma m",m”. private. you may giw u (I(IIL'runI nmiling mldruxx imlcud You do nn/ supmor con“ o, “mom“. Com“, o, llm't' I1) giru Iclvpll(mc,fln‘, ur u-muil.): Sama Chm Address: I624 Yosemite Dr. l9] N. Firs! Street City: Milpim Smc: CA Zip: 95035 53"” Ck” CA 95' '3 Telephone: 408.398.2845 l-‘ax: E-Mail Address: r_ _ _ _ Com fills incaso numberwhen form Is find. cm"??? H 00 98 115 ® Person From Whom Protection ls Sought Full Name: VICTOR IIAGADA BUNNOL. JR. Tlu' cuurl will complete the res! oflhlsform. ® Notice of Hearing A court hearing ls scheduled on the request for restraining orders against the person In®z Name and address of court if dichrcm from above: Dale: MAR - 3 znzil‘imc: 1OZOOam :TNEIFIRST ST - osmsw3--Due Dept; 74' Room: JAMIL HOUSE Temporary Restraining Orders (Any onlcrs grunlcd arc on Form CH-l H), served will) Iln'x Imlicc.) a. Temporary Restraining Orders for personal conducl and sIay-away orders as requested in Fonn Cl l-IOO. chlu-slfor (‘ivil Iluruxxlm'm Restraining ()nlc'rs. arc (check only (me (var below): (l) m AH GRANTED until lhc court hearing. (2) D All DENIED unlil lhc court hearing. (Slu'lfi' rcmansfor denial in h. below.) (3) D Partly GRANTED and partly DENIED umil the coun hearing (Spccifv rcawn.\-fi;r denial in h. bclmr.) mg”..;$:""” Notice of Court Hearing cn-1os, page 1 on Owl d CMHm. 5 527 6 w om (Clvll Harassment Prevention) -) Cu. Mumbu: 21CH009845 b. Rmons fat denial ofsome or all of [hose personal conduct and slay-away orders ls requested in Form CH-IOO. Requalfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders. are: (l) U The facts as stated in Form CH-IOO do not sufficiently show Icts of violence, Ihmts of violence. or I course of conduct lhal seriously alarmed. annoyed. or harassed the person in G) and caused substantial emotional distms. (2) D Other (:pecifl): D As sci forth on Attachment 4b. ® Service of Docunenm by The Person in (D At lung five D days before the hearing. someone age l8 or older-not you or anyone Io be protectcd-musl personally give (serve) a court filc~smmpcd copy of this Form CH-l09. to the person in along with a copy of all the forms indicated below: Notice ofCourt Hearing, CH- I 00. Requeslfor Civil Harassmenl Restraining Order: (file-stamped) . m CH-I 00. Tempwwy Restraining Order (fiIe-sumped) 1F GRANTED . CH- l 20. Response Io Requeslfar Civil Harmsmenl Restraining Orders (blank form) 00’.- Q. CH- l 20-INFO. How Can I Respond Io a Requeslfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders? . CH-ZSO. ProofofService ofRexponse by Mail (blank form) m omempeclfy):MA one: 24-2021 ? (@401 Cautfm Judicial Ofliccr Carol Overton To tho Person inO: ° The coun unnol make the restraining orders after the coun hearing unless (he person in ®has been personally given (served) I copy ofyour request and any temporary orders. To show that the petson in®lm been served. lhe pemn who served lhc forms must fill out a proof of service form. Form CH-200. Proofochrmnal Service. may be used. - For informuion about service. read Form CH-200-INFO, What Is "I’roofafl’erxonal Service"? . Ifyoum unable Io serve the person in®in time. you may ask for more lime to serve the documents. Use Fonn CH-l l5. Rogues! lo Conlinuc Court Hearing and lo Reissue Temporary Restraining Order. 750 w""m Notice of Court Hearing OH-m. Pm 2 d : (CM! Harassment Pmunflon) -) §°'""mHoo 98 :45 To the Person inO: . lfyou “am l0 respond l0 lhc request for orders in \sriting. filc Form (‘l l- l 20. Res;x2n.w lo chumlflw (‘iviI Ilaravsmcm Rvslruining ()rdcrx. and huvc someone ngc IX 0r uIdcr---nol ynu or anyone to be prolcclcd-mail i1 to lhc person in @. . Thc person who mailed the form musl fill out .1 proof of service form. Fomx Cl {~250. l’mqquScrvic-c Qch-s/mnw by Mail. may bc used. File lhc completed form \\ ilh the court before lhc hearing and bring a copy with you lo lhc coun hearing. . thlhct or not you respond in wriling. go lo lhc hearing il'you mull lhc judge Io hear from you before making an order. You may Icll lhcjudgc why you agree or disagrcc wilh Ilnc orders requested. ° You may bring witnesses and other evidence. ' Al the hearing. lhc judge may make restraining orders againsl you thzu could last up lo five years and may order you lo tum in lo law enforcement. or sell Io or slorc with a licensed gun dealer. any firearms that you own or possess. Request for Accommodations Assistivc liSIening systems. cnmpulcr-ussislcd rcal-limc caplioning. or sign language interpreter services arc availzlblc il’wu ask m least I‘m: days before lhc hearing. Conlnci lhc Clerk's omcc 0r go lo n'lrn'.cnurl.\' L'\t’/i»'m,\' for Ruquexlfor :lc‘cmnmoduli!»m by I’L'I'.\'un.\' with Disabilities and Rcs/mnu- (Form MC~4 l0). (Civ. Code. § 54.8.) (Clerk u'illfi/l um (his purl.) -Clerk's Certificate- l ccnify lhat lhis Nullcu ofC‘ourI Hearing is n lruc and corrucl cop) uflhe original on file in lhc court. ('Ierk 's ('erlijiculc [soul] Dale: Clerk. by . Dcpuly "MMm" Notice of Court Hearing CH-109. Poc- 3 o! 3 (Clvll Harassment Prevention)