Stipulation and Order Non Clets Restraining OrderCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 3, 2021ATTACHMENT CV-5058 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (NAME AND ADDRESS) TELEPHONE NUMBER. FOR COURT USE ONLY ATTORNEY FOR (Name): SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA I L ESTREET ADDRESS? 191 North First Street MAILING ADDRESS: 191 North First Street CITY AND ZIP CODE: San Jose, California 95113 MAY 1 1 2021 BRANCH NAME: Downtown Courthouse PETITIONER: Liezl Javier Custodio ResPONDENT: Christina Gonzalez OTHER PARTY: ‘1 STIPULATION AND ORDER CASE NUMBER: 21CH009843 E MOdificafim DEPARTMENT: 4 1. D Not based on a hearing E Today’s Hearing (date) 5/1 1/2021 2. Judge: Johnson 3. PartiesIAttomeys: E Petitioner present in court D Petitioner's attorney present: Respondent present in court D Respondent's attorney present: D Other party present in court D Other party's attorney present: Do not use ‘his form for Civil Harassment Restraining Order after Hearing. Those orders must be made on form CH-1 30. In addition, do not use this form for Continuance and Reissuance. Those orders must be made on form CH-116. 4. The parties agree that the Court will make orders about the following items: Other orders: E See Attachment D Not Applicable Attorney's fees and costs: U See Attachment D Not Applicable Petitioner Respondent (/CE CV-5058 REV 02/10/12 STIPULATION AND ORDER Page1of2 Case Name: Case Number: Liezl Javier Custodio vs Christina Gonzolez 21CH009843 ATTACHMENT A 1. The people named above, and whose initials are at the bottom of this page, agree that there is no reason for either of them to have any contact with each other. 2. Both parties agree to have no contact with each other, including face to face, email, text. other electronic means, or through another person. 3. Both parties agree to not post negative or other comments about each other on public media. 4. Both parties agree to stay away from each other, and each other’s homes, and to take reasonable measures to avoid coming in contact with each other. 5. If the parties meet accidentally or publicly, they agree to keep a respectful distance from each other and have no physical or verbal contact. Parties agree that they will treat each other with civility, as if they were strangers. 6. While understanding that they cannot control the behavior of others, the parties agree to encourage friends and relatives to follow the spirit of this agreement. 7. This agreement expires on 5/1 1/2023 . Once this agreement expires, the parties expect the agreed-to good behavior to continue into the future. 8. The parties agree that the provisions stated above include the parties families. ATTACHMENT A (consisting of 1 pages) Petitioner Initials Respondent Initials Case Name: Case Number: Liezl Javier Custodio vs Christina Gonzolez 21 CH009843 ATTACHMENT TO STIPULATION AND ORDER ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The parties acknowledge that: 1. 10. They are voluntarily entering into this Stipulation and Order which will be presented to the Court for the Judge's signature. They have read and understood this Stipulation and Order and every provision therein. This Stipulation and Order represents the exact terms of their agreement. As a result of the agreement contained in this Stipulation and Order, neither party acknowledges past liability or fault. This Stipulation and Order is the parties’ agreed commitment to future behavior as stated. The temporary restraining order expires when this Order is signed by the Judge and is replaced by this Stipulation and Order, which is a contractual agreement and not a California Law Enforcement Telecommunication System (CLETS) Restraining Order. Petitioner understands that while s/he retains rights to law enforcement protections, s/he cannot enforce the provisions of this Stipulation and Order by calling law enforcement. Parties understand that proven violations of this Stipulation and Order may be considered contempt of court and subject him/her to civil and criminal penalties (fines/jail) time. Parties have the right to ask the Court today for time to consult their own private attorney about this Stipulation and Order and understand the Court has discretion as to whether or not to grant a continuance for this purpose. This agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which will be deemed to be an original, but all of which, taken together, will constitute one and the same agreement. THE FOREGOING IsAGRQ To En DATE: 0 5 ’ // ’ 2 I SIGNATURE: Jam Petitioi DATE: 6-: l l‘a I SIGNATURE' DATE: / «mu \B SIGNATURE: ATTACHMENT CV-5058 PETITIONER: Liezl Javier Custodio CASE NUMBER; RESPONDENT: Christina Gonzalez 21CH009843 We have read this entire Stipulation and Order. including all Attachments. We understand it fully and ask that the Court make our stipulation the Court’s orders. We give up the right to all further notice of this order. Date; 5/11/2021 Kim Petifionér Date: D 77 nfif rPetitione Date: 5/11/2021 Resband’eht/ K) Date: D AttorneyforRespondent Date: D Otherparty: v 77,_w ____ -_ 7h Date: D Attorney for Other party._ Interpreter Witness Declaration D Interpreter: The D Petitioner D Respondent D Other party is unable to read or understand this Stipulation and Order and its attachments because: a. D his/her primary language is (specify): b. D other (specify): I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that l have, to the best of my ability read or translated for the D Petitioner D Respondent D Other party this Stipulation and Order including all attachments. He or she said they understood this Stipulation and Order and its attachments before signing them. Date Interpreter’s printed name Interpreter’s signature ORDER The Court approves the terms stipulated and agreed to by the parties in this document and makes them court orders. Date: 2 [/2 Z ’y . ‘1'" " Ju ICI Icer of the Superior Court COMMISSlONER ERIK S. JOHNSON Petitioner é; E Respondent CV-5058 REV 02/10/12 STIPULATION AND ORDER Page 2 0f 2