Notice Hearing TRO Civil HarassmentCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 3, 2021CH-1 09 Notice of Court Hearing C’mmm‘dmm"WWWMN Filed G) Person Seeking Protection February 4, 2021 a. Your Full Name: Clerk Of the Court Lnezl Jamar Custoduo Superior Court of CA Your] mm um... 1m.» ,W rm um W, County of Santa Clara Name Slalc Bar No.1 21 CH009843 Firm Name: BY: knguyen b. Your Address I'lfyou have a lawyer. give y(mr [myx‘er's infarmurinn‘ ljtx‘wm do rm! have (‘1 lawyg’r. and mull! .10 keep yuurfmmu mlflrusx Fm m com name Md w", Mam“. private. _y uu may give u different mulling mldre,» zmmul )uu cl!) nu! Superior Conn of cmhmhv County of hare m give telephone. fin. or e-muil ) Santa Clara Address: 1460 Mt Whitney Dnve Santa Clara Superior Coun City: San Jose Slate: CA /.|p: 95127 191 Norm First Street Telephone: 408-386-6411 l-‘ux: San Jose, CA 951 13 E-Mail Address: Court fills m case number when form is filed. Case Num or- ® Person From Whom Protection ls Sought 1 c H 00 98 a 3 Full Name: Chnsuna Gonzaiez The cnurl will L'umplcfe Ilw res! qflhis farm. ® Notice of Hearing A court hearing ls scheduled on the request for restraining orders against the person in®z Name and address ofcoun ifdiffcrcm from above: Santa Clara Supenor Coun Dim“ 2 3 2021 Time:1m 191 Norm Firstsueet Dem: Room: San Jose, CA 951 1 3 ® Temporary Restraining Orders (Any unlvrs grunml ure nnjOrm ('H-l 10. served with Ihis notice) a. Temporary Restraining Orders for personal conduct and stay-away orders m requested in fonn CH-IOO. Request for Civil Ilarasxmcm Restraining ()rdurx. arc (check only «mu bm- below).- (l) E All GRANTED until lhc court hearing. (2) D All DENIED unlil the court hearing. (Specifi‘ reuxonsjbr denial in b. below.) (3) D Partly GRANTED and partly DENIED until lhc court hearing. {Specifi- rcusons/br denial in b, below.) m.tde-mmtcagov - . ‘ f 3,,m‘ m “MN” Notice of Court Hearing CH 109. Page 1 o 3 comm...W s 5m (Clvll Harassment Prevention) -)Why DOJ Generated by Gmde and Fule Case Number: ZICHOO9843 b. Reasons for denial of some or all oi‘lhnsc personal conduct and stay-auay orders as rcqucstcd in form Cl 1-100. Reques! for Civil Harassment Reslruining Orders. arc: (l) D The facts as stated in form CH-IOO d0 not sufficiently show acts ot‘violcncc. threats of violence. or a course ofconducl that seriously alan‘ncd. annoyed. 0r harassed thc person in® and caused substantial emotional distress. (3) D Other (speci/j'js D As set forth on Attachment 4b. ® Confidential Information Regarding Minor a. D A chucxt Iu Keep Minor '3 qufimnutinn Corgfidenliul ( form CH-160) was made and GRANTED. (Seeform (.‘Il-165. Order on Request to Keep Minor's Infomlmion Confidential. served with Ihisfurm) b. lf the request was granted, the information described in item® on the order (form CH-165) must be kept CONFIDENTIAL The disclosure or misuse of the information is punishable as a sanction. with a fine of up lo $1,000 or other court pcnalitics. ® Service of Documents for the Person in (D At least E five D days before lhc hearing. someone age l8 or oldcr-not you or anyone to be protected-must personally give (scrvc) a court's filc-stampcd copy ofthis form CH- l09 lo the person in along with a copy of all the forms indicated below: N. CH- 100. Requeslfnr Civil Harusmwnl Restraining ()rdcrs (filc-stampcd) . m CH-l IO. Temporary Restraining ()rdcr (file-stampcd) IF GRANTED CH- 1 20. Response m Requesrfnr ( ‘iw'l Ilw'asxmem Rc.s‘lruining Orders (blank form) . CH-IZO-INFO. [low Can I Respondm u Requesljnr ( 'ivil lluruxxmen! Restraining Orders? . CH-ZSO. I’roofofService ofReslmn.\-c h}: Mail (blank form) D CH-l'lo. Notice afOrder Promoting Infnrmulion q; Minor and Cl l- l 65, Order (m Request Io Keep Minor 's Injbrmuliun Confidential (filc-stampcd) IF GRANTED , g Other (specify). CV-5014 Declaration m Support of Ex Pane Applicatxon for CIVII Restraining Orders CH-800: Proof of Firearms Turned In_ Sold, or $8958 “2°21 0906 AM FM-1047 How to Safely Tum In Furea and Ammunition Date: 2-4-2021 ’ V 01 AL5% (QA Mc’égnl Judicial Officer Carol Overton mnapc’ 00 “" 5mm“ m Notice of Court Hearing cmos. page zon (Civil Harassment Prevention) -9 Case Number: To the Person an: ' The court cannm make thc restraining ordcrs ut‘lcr Ihc cnun hearing unlcss thc person in ®has bccn personally given (served) a copy ofwur request and any temporary orders. To slum that thc person in®has bccn scned. the person who scn'cd Ihc forms must fill out a proof of service form. Form (Tl [-200, Pronfanersonal Service. may be used. 0 l-‘or information about service, read form Cli-2!)0-lNI-’O. ”'qu Is “I’roq/‘QfPersonal Service "5’ . lfyou are unable to serve the person in®in time. you may ask for more time to serve the documents. Use form CH-l 15, Request (a Continue ( 'uur! lluuring um! m Ruinuc Temporary Restraining Order. To the Person ine : . lfyou want to respond to the request for orders in nriting. file form Cl {-1 20. Response m Requestfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders. and have someone age 18 or older r not you or anyone to be protected-mail i1 to lhc person in G. . Thc person who mailed the form must fill out a prool‘ofsen'icc form. Form CH-ZSO, PmofnfService ofResponse by Mail, may be uscd. File thc completed form with thc court before lhc hearing and bring a copy with you to thc court hearing. . Whether or not )ou respond in writing, go Io Ihc hearing ifyou “ant Ihcjudge to hear from you before making an order. You may tell the judge why you agree or disagree with Ihc orders requested. 0 You may bring witnesses and other evidence. ' Al the hearing. thc judge may make restraining orders against you lhal could last up Io five years and may order you to turn in 10 la“ enforcement. or sell lo or store with u licensed gun dealer. any firearms that you own or possess. Request for Accommodations Assistivc listening 5} stems, computer‘assislcd rcul-timc captioning. or sign language interpreter services arc ax ailabie ifyou ask a1 least five days before lhc hearing. Contact the clerk‘s office or go to nu u murls.cagovforms for Ruquux! jbr AcmmmquIiuns by Persons with Disabilities and Response (form MC-4IO). (Civ. Code. § 54.8.) (Clerk u'illfill out (his purl.) -Clerk's Certificate- I certify thal this Notice afCourt Hearing is a true and correct copy of the original on file in the court. Clerk 's Certificate [seal] Dale: Clerk. by ' Dcpu‘.‘ a" 5.9mm. 232:: Notice of Court Hearing CH-109. Pageaon (Civll Harassment Prevention)