Declaration In SupportCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 29, 2021Ammaron rams; Plainfifi, The John Stewart Company ' SUPBIIORCOURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA SWEEFADDRESS: 191 Noah WstSueeLSmJoquA 95113 'Personmewmm Prams Sought‘ Brian Allen MUNG-ADDRESS: 191 North Fast Street J CITY‘ANDZIPOODE SmJase, CA 95113 BRANCH MAME- DowntmnMme Clerk of V V a 'perior Court ol CA PemonlBflySedn‘ng Pmtedipn fizeJohn Stewart Company BY. 29 2021 the Court 04> County ol Santa Cfara "% DEPUTY ATI'ACHMENT CV-5014'mmmmonAmmmm; TEBIHONE nmaat merqumv Courfiwy D. Leihrock SBN 249565 (831) 600-8405 The Law-Offica-ufflenjanfin J'Leihmdt 340 $0qu Ave. Suim .205 Santa-sz CA95m l. the undersigned. declare: 1. Lam (choose one): E aunmey for Person or EfifitheeldngPrbtecfio’h- D self-repmented Person or Enfity SeekingPrntécfion D other (explain): DECLARAHON m SUPPORT 0F BLPARTEAPPuCAmN'FOR 0‘55"”“33‘ DEW- - masMRESTRAINJNGO {M nun“ hp m; F L .05 m a U U ‘1’ D 9 2. The'oppo'sing party ls represented by an attorney": I] Yes 'miNo ’ (lf you d'swke'd “yes”; fill in the annr‘ne‘y’s‘name, address, and telephone number. tfyou waded 'no". fill 'rn the other party’s rame a'ddras,- and teiephone number. Partyl'Attorney name Brian Allen Addressfl'elephonenumber. 1144‘ South Second'Street, unit214, San JosefCA 95112 3. OTHER CASES: Have' th'e’ partia tothis mse been involvedrinilifigafiun with-each mherm another Civil, Family. Probate Juvenile. orCriminalCourt Case? E Yes D No If “yes“. case(sj;humber(5): 2901374707 4. NOTICE a, I HAVE given uoficem theppposing party andhr flwiratturney byflae foll'owing method? D Persohal delivery D OvanightCam‘er D First Cla's Mafl Domes Date: ' Time: l I‘m‘ve‘teceived ounfirmafion that the ether party has received my papets asfcllows: '(daaibe) b. IIHAVE NUT given notice ofth'efrequat for mums becausezcneck anzuuat apply. Ygu must explain bglow): E This- is anapplimfion for Civil Hamment Prevenfion Ad, Elder A‘bme; Private Pcsm‘econdaryismboivwlenbe; Transitional Housing Mismndud, or Workplaqe \fialence AdWining orders- anct D Great or irrepamble 'rnjizry will result before me matter an be heaj'd on notice. U It is impossible tn g'ivenofice. D The other party agree to theorders requwted. ~ Other: Petitioner fears retaliatiunagainst itsemployee. c; Explanation: y D A hearing between me parties is already set} am asking that- 1his-mofionbe heardatflwesame‘fime. D lam unable to,serve. memher party In‘the time required by law. D {fear for my'physimJ-mfety (and mat of others, if appnwble)» E Other, Petitioner feats for the safety of'its employee. I dedate unda’ penalty of perjury thatthe forgoing ,is true and mired.- Ilw I 30 2! Courtney D. Leibrock WWW Date Print Nana Dedamfifsfijhreign BY FAX CV50” REVWW‘E DECLARATION 1N SUPPORT OFa PARTE APPLICATION FDR CIVIL RESTRAINING ORDERS‘ Page1a‘f2 ATTACHMENT CV-5014 'INSIRUCTIONS - Pleaserrefer to Santa Clara County Local Civil Rules for more information. This form is notfor use in reshaining order applications filed- atvFamily Court. This form is required in Santa Clara County; if~you~are asking the Judge to make immediate orders without the other party being present for a hearing. These orders are called ex pan‘e orders. This form must be. compieted in any case where ex part6 orders are requested. if you~have given noticetome other side of your case, you must state the form of notice given. Notice means providing the other side ofthe case, either the attorney or a self-represented party. with copies of any papers that you want the Jucme .to reviewandf any orders that you are requesting. If you havenot givennotice, you must explain why-you- have‘nqt givén notice. There are some circumstances when nofice may be waived, such as cases involving allegations 'of domestic violence Where the safety of a party or a child might be at n‘sk if notice is given. lt is up to thé Judge in your case to detennine whether notice will be required vor-no't SECTION #1 ’ State whefller you are the Petifioner or the Respondent"In the wse. Once a case is filed the parties keep the same sbtus in the case You do not change from the Respondent to the Pefifioner by fiiing- a new motion: in the case- lfyou do not have an attorney, you a_re considered self-represented. SECTION #2 If me other party is reprasented by an attorney. y‘ou must provide the Court with the attorney’s name and . address. If the other pady is not represented by ah attomey,. you must provide the Court with the other party’s address SECHON #3 Itis very imporbntto- li'st'all other casm in which you and 'the- other party have been involved-w'rth the courts.’ This wouId-:include otherFamily Law,'Prubate, Juvenile, Reshaining Order, Child Support; Civil, or Crimina} matters. If'you do not have the case number. please put unknown and Ii'st the county and the year ofthe ‘ filing, if possible. SECTION #4A Unless notice is excused by the Court, you must provide notice of this. motion to the other party . 'befo're you deliver a copy to the Court When you give Such notice, specify how you did it (by. courier or personally, fo'r example) and at what time and date. Also", please expiajn how you know that the other side received copia of your papers and what response youwere given. SECTIONMB If you did not give notice of this application, explain why infilis section. Check as many boxes as apply..¥ou may also write out any furtherexplanafion of‘y‘our reasonsfor‘ not giving‘nofice. Afterthis form is completed, afiach ‘it‘to‘ yaurrestraining order'appliwfion and submit them as follows: or lf Civil Harassment, Workplace 'Wolenoe; Private Postsecondary Schooi 'Wolenca,. or Transitional" . Housing Misconduct to the .Civil Division Clerk's Office at 191 North Flrst Sheet, San Jose', CA 951 13 o - If Elder or Dependant Aduit Abuse; to the Famiiy DMsion Clerk‘s Office atZD‘l North Fast Street, Sa‘n Jose, CA 95113 1 c'v-s'm‘4 REV'OSMBHB DECLARATION IN SUPPORT 0F Ex PARTE APPLICATIONFOR 939?? “’2 ‘ CIVIL RESTRAINING ORDERS