Notice Hearing TRO Civil HarassmentCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 29, 2021(I Notice of Court Hearing Clerk stamps date here when form ls filed. Filed ' _ January 29, 2021® Person Seeklng Protectlon Clerk 0f the Court a. YourF 11 Name: Superior Court of CA t Q'P-C mad“) a Z County of Santa Clara Your Lawyer (nyou have onefor this case): 21 CH009834 NamczmnledflState BarNo.:__ By' msorum Firm NamezfiemBflpLesented Fill in court name and street address: b. Your Address (Ifyou have a lawyer, give your lawyer’s information. Superior Court of California, County of Ifyou d0 not have a lawyer and want r0 keep your home address Santa Clara private, you may giva a difierem mailing address instead. You do not Street: 191 N. First 5L, San Jose, CA 95113 Imve t0 give telephone, fax, 0r e-mail.) Mg“: 191 N. First 8L, San Jose, CA 9511a Addms: (l a \ Vcwc} lamb o\( Clwl DIVISIon City: .Y'b 00 "I \W'l\@ State: 2mm Telephone. Fax Cour: fills in case number when farm is fired: Case Number: E-Mail Address @ Person From Whom Protection ls Sought 21 CH fl [a g 8 5 zg FuuName: AnArH-m V. ‘Lucexb The court will complete the rest of Ihisfonn. © Notice of Hearing A court hearing is scheduled on the request for restraining orders against the person in @: Dcpt.:J- Room:-mmmm-mma__ D I S . C H _ C. .l . Name and address of court if different from above: Date: 3‘2g-Zl Time;q-DLW m Date ® Temporary Restraining Orders (Any orders granted are onform CH-IIO, served will! this notice.) a. Temporary Restraining Orders for personal conduct and stay-away orders as requested in form CH-IOO, Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders, are (Check only one box below): (1) D A11 GRANTED until Lhe court hearing. (2) D A11 DENIED until the court hearing. (Specify reasonsfor denial in b, below.) (3) m Partly GRANTED and partly DENIED until the court hearing. (Spectfl reasonsfor denial in b, below.) fa‘éfléii'uifigfiizaolli‘éfnigag‘égwggif‘g” Notice of Court Hearing CH-109, Page 1 ota Eggfmaggfoofc m” ' (Civil Harassment Prevention) C‘EB'I 53.5.91”?! Ca§e Number: rm b. Reasons for denial of some or all of those pcrsoaal conduct and stay-away orders as requested in form CH-IOO, Requesrfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders, arc: (Elia “fig? id v (1) D The facts as stated in form CH-IOO do not sufficiently show acts of violence, threats of violence, or a course of conduct Lhat seriously alarmed. annoyed, 0r harassed Lhe person in®and caused substantial emotional distress. (2) m Other (specify): D As set forth on Allachmcnttlb. Requested relief granted except as to the petitioner's girlfriend because she is not a family member OF member OT the pe-UIIOnerS UOUSQHOIG. IT me petmoners glrllrlend WISHES IO 888K relllef 0n her own behalf she may do so Independently on an Immedlate baSIs. ® Confidential Information Regarding Minor a. D A Request t0 Keep Minor's Information Confidential (form CH~160) was made and GRANTED. (Seefarm CH-I65, Order on Request 10 Keep Miner's Information Confidential, sewed with rhfsform.) b. If the request was granted, the information described in itcmO00m the order (form CH- 165) must bc kept CONFIDENTIAL. The disclosure or misuse 0f [he information ls punishable as contempt 0f court, with a fine 0f up to $1000 or possible sanctions. ® Service'of Documents by The Person in ® AL least m fiveD_ days before the hearing, someone age 18 0r older-not you or anyone t0 be protectcd-must personally give (serve) a court's file-stampcd copy of this fonn CH- 109 to thé person in® along with a cepy of all the forms indicated below: a. CH-IOO, Requesrfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders (filc-slamped) b. ECH-I 10, Temporary Restraining Order (filc-slampcd) IF GRANTED c. CH-120, Response r0 Requesrfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders (blank form) d. CH-l’lO-INFO, How Can 1 Respond Io a Requcsrfor Civil Harassmen: Restraining Orders? c. CH-250, ProofofSewice ofResponse by Mail (blank form) ’ f. D CH-l'lO. Notice 0f Order Protecting Information ofMinor and CH-lfiS, Order on Request (0 Keep Minor's Infonnation Confidential (file--s[amped) IF GRANTED g mothempecijy): mnjmfldmmm M CH-BOD Proof of Firearms Turned In or Sold; Local Foffflth%Sast nd Ammunition1 U292021 fl Dale: ’ Judicial Ofliccr Rev Januaryt, 2019 Notice of Court Hearing CH-109, Page 2 eta EEO; Esgng-gl (Civil Harassment Prevention) '9 Casse‘N'umber- a F I 2 'HnfiQQ2&a l .-. u To the Person ino : - The court cannot make Lhc restraining orders after the court hearing unless the person in®has been personally given (Served) a copy of your request and any temporary orders. T0 show that the person in®has been served, the person who served [he forms must fill out a proof 0f service form. Form CH-ZOO. Proof ofPersonal Service, may be used. - For information about service, read form CH-ZOO-INFO, What Is “Proof ofPersonal Service"? - If you arc unable to serve the person in ®in Lime, you may ask for more time t0 serve the documents. Use form CH-I 15, Request t0 Continue Court Hearing and to Reissue Temporary Restraining Order. To the Person ine: - If you want t0 respond to the request for orders in writing, file form CH-I’ZO, Response t0 Requesrfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders, and have someone age 18 0r oldcr-not you 0r anyone t0 be protectcd-mail it t0 the person in G). o The person who mailed the form must fill out a proof of sefvice form. Form CH-250, ProofofService ofResponse by Mail, may be used. File the completed form with Lhc court before the hearing and bring a copy with you to the court hearing. - Whether or not you respond in writhing, go to the hearing if you want the judge to hear from you before making an order. You may [ell the judge why you agree or disagree with the orders requested. - You may bring witnesses and other evidence. - AL the hearing, thcjudge may make restrainirig orders against. you that could last up to five years and may order you t0 tum in to law enforcement, or sell t0 or store with :1 licensed gun dealer, any firearms that you own or possess. Request for Accommodations . Assistive listening systems, computer-assisted real-time captioning, 0r sign language interpreter services arc available if you ask at least five days before thc hcan'ng. Contact the clerk's office or g0 to{fonns for Requesrfor Accommodations by Persons with Disabilities and Response (form M0410). (Civ. Code; § 54.8.) (Clerk willfill our this part.) - Clerk's Certificate - I certify [hat [his Notice 0f Court Hearing is a true and correct copy of 1hr: original 0n file in the court. Clerk‘s Ceru'ficate [seal] Date: Clerk, by , Deputy an. January 1. 2019 - . CEB. Essential Notice of Court Hearing cmogl pages“ mm Emmy (Civil Harassment Prevention)