Declaration In SupportCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 28, 2021ATTACHMENT CV-5014 NAME AND ADDRESS 0F pARTY 0R Anomsv FOR pARrY TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR COURT USE ONLY Harris Lee Winns (408) 836'8563 1320 Foxdale Loop #202 San Jose, CA. 95122 ATTORNEY FOR (Name; I L ESUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA STREET ADDRESS: 191 North First Street. San Jose. CA 951 13 MAILING ADDRESS: 191 North First Street JAN 2 8 2021 CITY AND ZIP CODE: San José. CA 951 13 BRANCH NAME: Downtown Courthouse Person/Entity Seeking Protection: Harris L. Winns Person From Whom Protection is Sought: Sinue Torres DECLARATION IN SUPPORT 0F ex PARTE APPLICATION FOR CASE ”‘Eafpc H 00 9 8 3 25"” CIVIL RESTRAINING ORDERS l, the undersigned, declare: 1. I am (choose one): E attorney for Person or Entity Seeking Protection D self-represented Person or Entity Seeking Protection D other (explain): 2. The opposing party is represented by an attorney: D Yes D No (If you checked “yes", fill in the attorney’s name, address. and telephone number. If you checked “no", fill in the other party’s name address, and telephone number. Party/Attorney name: 6‘ N0e TOYm Address/Telephone number: 3. OTHER CASES: Have the parties to this case been involved in litigation with each other in another Civil. Family, Probate Juvenile. or Criminal Court Case? D Yes M No If “yes", case(s) number(s): 4. NOTICE a. I HAVE given notice to the opposing party andlor their attorney by the following method: D Personal delivery D Overnight Carrier D First Class Mail D Other: Date: Time: | have received confirmation that the other party has received my papers as follows: (describe) b. I HAVE NOT given notice of the request for orders because (Check all that apply. You must explain below): D This is an application for Civil Harassment Prevention Act. Elder Abuse. Private Postsecondary School Violence. Transitional Housing Misconduct, or Workplace Violence Act restraining orders and: D Great or irreparable injury will result before the matter can be heard on notice. D It is impossible to give notice. D The other party agrees to the orders requested. M Other: The request for the restraining order is in the initial stages. c. Explanation: D A hearing between the parties is already set | am asking that this motion be heard at the same time. D l am unable to serve the other party in the time required by law. D I fear for my physical safety (and that of others, if applicable). M Other: The request for the restrainirm order is in the initial stages. I declare under penalty of perjury that the forgoing is true and correct. 1.27.2021 Harris Lee Winns k“ 8‘ ‘QM Date Print Name Declarant's Signature CV50“ REV 09/13” DECLARATION IN SUPPORT 0F EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR Page 1 0'2 CIVIL RESTRAINING ORDERS